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I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist — Chapter 190

“You have a very sharp intuition, Yukinoshita.”

“No, this is just the usual style of Sobu High School, letting the top student in the grade set an example for everyone.”

“That’s a pity. If it weren’t for me, it should be you who went up this time, right?”

He frowned.

“It doesn’t matter. There is no essential difference between you and me… I mean, I won’t have any negative feelings towards those who beat me with real strength.”

Yukinoshita Yukino paused and explained.

“There is no difference.”

He felt sad.

The opening ceremony began, and the students sat on the benches one by one, looking at the high platform in front of them.

“Next, please invite Hikigaya, who ranked first in the national mock exam held last month, to come on stage to give a speech.”

As the voice came from the microphone, Hikigaya Hachiman left his seat and slowly walked up to the high platform under the focus of many eyes.

“It’s the senior!”

Kari Nayuta, who was yawning and felt a little bored, instantly cheered up and listened carefully.


“I almost forgot that this guy is the top student in the grade.”

Senjumura Masaru and Goko Ruri also looked up.

When they heard this name, in addition to the second and third years who were shocked, the first-year freshmen who had just entered the school also talked about someone’s romantic affairs.

Most of them were not disdainful, but envious, because the other party’s performance in all aspects was really excellent!

The first-year class C was located, and the lucky duo happened to be in the same class.

“Ah, it was the person who performed singing at the cultural festival before. It turned out that the rumored senior Hikigaya was him? It’s really surprising.”

Aragaki Ayase looked surprised.

“Rumors are inaccurate. You still have to contact them in person to know what it is like.”

Kousaka Kirino quickly replied.

“That’s right, but Kirino, would you actually protect a stranger?”

Aragaki Ayase looked suspicious.


Kousaka Kirino suddenly looked embarrassed, and thought in her heart at the same time.

There should be no need to hide it. Anyway, Ayase’s attitude has been revealed. It’s time to tell her some secret information. Otherwise, it will be troublesome to do anything later.

Not far from the two of them.

“You are so outstanding, Onii-chan. I, your younger sister, feel inferior.”

Komachi looked at her brother who was giving a speech, and looked quite moved.

The graduation ceremony ended and everyone returned to the classroom.

“Well, there is still some time left, let’s rearrange the seats.”

The head teacher looked at his watch and said to the students below.

This time, the lottery method was used again, and the students’ seats were disrupted again.

Then, he drew his original position this time.

“It seems that I don’t need to change with others this time.”

In the second grade, he actually drew a front row seat, but he still felt that the old seat with a view was better, so he raised his hand and asked, and someone immediately changed with him.

It is said that the other party is a little nearsighted and wants to sit in the front row.

“Yukinoshita, can I ask what seat you got… Ah, it’s near the front. I’m a little nearsighted. Can you change seats with me?”

Just as Yukinoshita Yukino was looking at her lottery number in deep thought, a female classmate she didn’t know came over.


“Yukinoshita is really gentle, thank you!”

The two exchanged lottery numbers.

When Yukinoshita Yukino saw the exchanged numbers and the words “Come on” on them, she was surprised, and a look of understanding flashed in her eyes.

These guys really like to meddle in other people’s business…

“It seems that our positions have not changed this year, Yukinoshita.”

Hikigaya Hachiman was bored when he heard the sound next to him with his right fist on his cheek and turned his head to look.


Yukinoshita Yukino nodded, and didn’t say much else.

Light novel club.

Just when everyone sat down for a while.

The door was suddenly pushed open.

“Dangdangdangdang…Dang! Komachi makes a shining appearance!”

Dressing in the uniform of Sobu High School, Komachi, who was refreshed, posed handsomely for everyone.

“Although I’ve changed into a high school uniform, my mind obviously won’t change significantly.”

Hikigaya Hachiman complained in his heart.

“The Sobu High School uniform suits you very well, Komachi.”

Kaori Nayuta was still so enthusiastic and rushed over.

“Thank you, Nayuta-sister.”

Komachi gave her a bear hug, which made her satisfied.

“Komachi, can you give me one too?”

Chishou Muramasagi’s eyes moved.

“Ah, I know, Muramasagi-sister.”

Komachi didn’t hesitate at all and gave Muramasagi a hug, which made the latter enjoy it very much.

“Hehe, you’re so old and still so childish.”

Gokou Ruri looked at her with contempt.

“Is Sister Ruri jealous? Let’s hug Sister Ruri too.”

Komachi’s eyes turned, and she came to Ruri’s side again, and also reached out to hug her.


Gokou Ruri didn’t know how to put her hands for a while, and her eyes became more erratic.

“I don’t need it. I’ll get killed.”

Makishima Saori noticed the current situation and raised her hand to refuse.

“Ahem, cough, is there one missing?”

Rubbing his chin with his fingers, Hikigaya Hachiman said pointedly.

“Of course, there is Onii-chan who Komachi needs to thank the most.”

Komachi flicked her index finger, winked playfully, and then hugged his chest forcefully.


The girl took two steps back, and then took a serious look at the light novel club scene for the first time.

Is this where I’ve been waiting for?

“Welcome to join, Komachi, you will also be a member of the light novel club from now on.”

Hikigaya Hachiman stretched out his hand in an inviting gesture, his smile as bright as the sun in full bloom.


Komachi also extended his hand.

263 When avid readers and fans cross the threshold

A few days after school starts.

“The football club is recruiting new members! The ace of our club is Hayama-senpai. As long as you join, you can increase your chances of contact with Hayama-senpai…!”

“The painting department is recruiting people. If we can’t maintain more than five people within the stipulated time, we will abolish the department, so I beg you all!”

“The light music department is also very short of people… Please help!”

“Does this new student have any thoughts on joining the club?”

This is the vacant space next to the teaching building. It has been occupied by the recruitment offices of major clubs. This is an event that happens every year.

“Kirino, why did you bring me here? You probably want to join the club, right? But didn’t you say you weren’t interested in these things before?”

Aragaki Ayase followed suit with the girl in front.

Kirino Kosaka, who was walking in front, frowned slightly.

Of course she came here because she wanted to see how the light novel department was doing, but what she didn’t expect was that the light novel department had no plans to recruit people.

‘So the only option is to visit? Let’s go find someone later and ask for directions. ’

She thought to herself.

“Ayase, I don’t plan to join the club. After all, it will waste a lot of my time playing games and reading novels and comics. But… Ayase, come here with me. Next, I want to tell you a secret, but You must promise me not to tell anyone else!”

Aragaki Ayase was pulled into a corner by Kosaka Kirino.

“I promise you, Kirino.”

Her eyes were serious.

“Actually, Hikigaya-senpai and I have known each other for a long time. It was at an online gathering, and then…”

Kosaka Kirino told her some of his experiences.

This is not considered hiding a secret, because no one can tell anyone anything, so Ayase Aragaki will not be angry about it, not to mention that her attention is completely focused on Kirino’s revelation at this time.

“Hikigaya-senpai is Tsukoshiki-sensei, the author of Stone Gate? And Koji-sensei, the author of the Seasons series? And even though I haven’t read it, Senju-sensei is equally famous…”

Aragaki Ayase’s face was filled with wonder.

It can be said that her admiration for the two teachers is almost as much as that of her best friends.

Therefore, she said excitedly: “Then what are you waiting for! Let’s go visit as soon as possible!”

“Okay, okay.”

This enthusiasm made even Kosaka Kirino stunned.

“Dong dong.”

There was a knock on the door.

“Please come in.”

Hikigaya Hachiman raised his head and said.

The door opened, and a familiar figure appeared in front of him.

To be honest, he wasn’t surprised, and he even felt it was a little slow.

After all, the reason why Kosaka Kirino came to Sobu High was for them.

“The eyesore is finally here.”


I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist

I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist

Status: Completed Author:


What would you do if you had the chance to do it again?
After experiencing a failed life, he was reincarnated into a new world and became Hikigaya Hachiman. He chose the path that he thought was the easiest.
"You might as well become a light novelist."
However, the nature of being a mediocre person is not so easy to change.
Life is full of different paths, sometimes you are happy and sometimes you are sad.


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