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I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist — Chapter 191

Gokou Ruri slowly put down the novel in her hand and raised her eyebrows.

Others focused their attention on another girl they had never seen before.

“Long time no see, everyone!”

Kousaka Kirino first waved and greeted, then pointed at her bestie and introduced, “This is my good friend Aragaki Ayase. This time I brought her here to meet you all.”

“Hello everyone, I’m Aragaki Ayase… I’ve heard about you all from Kirino. In fact, I’m a loyal reader of Teacher Ke’er’s Seasonal Series, and I also like Teacher Tsukiro’s Stone Gate very much, so I’m very happy to meet you all.”

Aragaki Ayase took the opportunity to speak, a little nervously.

It can be seen that the girl has been successfully transformed.

Hikigaya Hachiman smiled secretly in his heart.

“You’re Aragaki-kun, right? Actually, Kirino has been talking to us about you in the community. She was struggling with whether to tell you about this because she didn’t want to lose a precious friend like you. Fortunately, Kirino got what she wanted in the end.”

When he spoke, he directly hit the other party’s soft spot.

“Kirino, you’ve been working so hard for me behind the scenes?”

Aragaki Ayase’s eyes showed a touch of emotion.

“Uh, it’s just so-so.”

Kousaka Kirino shyly avoided her eyes.

The air was filled with the smell of orange.

After they came to their senses, everyone in the light novel club introduced themselves to Aragaki Ayase.

“Teacher Ke’er, Teacher Tsukiro, I have an unwelcome request. I hope you two teachers can give me an autograph!”

After getting to know each other, Aragaki Ayase couldn’t wait to express her thoughts as a fan.

“Of course.”

Hikigaya Hachiman said happily.

“Since the senior has agreed, I will agree too.”

Kara Nayuta noticed his attitude and said immediately.

“Ayase, you are so cunning! You actually took advantage of this opportunity…”

Kousaka Kirino said with envy.

“Eh? Didn’t Kirino ask for it before? Why do you still say I am cunning, and you have been hiding such important news from me? Obviously, you are the cunning one, Kirino!”

Aragaki Ayase’s cheeks puffed up.

“You didn’t ask me, why should I tell you.”

“But didn’t Kirino pretend to do something else before?”

“You actually brought up the past!”

They suddenly quarreled over this matter.

Everyone smiled.

The friendship boat really overturned!

However, this was not a real quarrel, just a little bit of excitement.

When Hikigaya Hachiman and Karina Nayuta brought the two books signed by the author, Aragaki Ayase’s eyes were immediately attracted.

“Thank you, Mr. Tsukiro and Mr. Karina!”

She held the two books in her arms and said with love.

“Well, but let’s change the name when we are in school.” Hikigaya Hachiman nodded. “Okay, Hikigaya-senpai.” Suddenly, his sight shifted. Everyone was confused and followed his sight. It turned out that two girls were looking around the door, and seemed to be curious about the movement inside. “Komachi, and Yuigahama, stop eavesdropping and come in.” He waved his hand. “Hehehe.” The two girls almost had the same silly and embarrassed smile on their faces. “Because I heard a lot of noise next to me, I came with Komachi to take a look…” Yuigahama Yui tapped her index fingers and explained softly. “I originally wanted to ask Sister Yukinoshita to come and take a look, but Sister Yukinoshita said she didn’t want to join in the fun…” Komachi added. Hikigaya Hachiman ignored it. When I said this, Komachi, why are you looking at me? This sentence is totally unnecessary! It’s over. It’s okay that my sister’s IQ is not enough, but now even her EQ needs to be recharged! The eyes of others were inexplicably locked on him, and they seemed to be wary.


Komachi covered her mouth, and then abruptly changed the topic to Kirino and Ayase.

“Who are these two…?”

“Hey, that, we are…”

264 Discussion on the new work

“Then we’ll take our leave first.”

After meeting Komachi, Kousaka Kirino and Aragaki Ayase didn’t stay long, and soon said goodbye.

“Komachi, I’ll go back first.”

At this time, Yuigahama Yui used the skill of reading the air, and saw that it was not suitable to stay here for a long time, and hurriedly waved goodbye to everyone.

“Komachi, what did you do in the service club for so long? Is it so fun there?”

Kari Nayuta’s eyes narrowed, and then turned into a friendly smile.

However, Komachi felt a little cold at the moment, and couldn’t help but cross her arms, smiling awkwardly, “Well, I was just curious about what the Service Club was doing. I wanted to leave early, but I met the student council president of Sobu High School, who seemed to be Isshiki, right? When she heard that I was your sister, she asked me to stay…”

“Komachi, you’d better not make friends with Isshiki. She has bad intentions towards you, senior.”

Kaori Nayuta stretched out his hands and pressed her shoulders, saying seriously.

This statement was recognized by others.

“oh oh.”

Komachi was stunned and said.

Then she murmured in her heart: Strictly speaking, it’s not just Isshiki-senpai who plots evil against Onii-chan, right?

Of course, she is not that stupid. She understands that there must be another reason why the other party is rejected by everyone in the light novel club, because she also feels that it is not natural to get along with senior Isshiki.

a week later.

“Onii-chan, your light novel club’s club activities are just reading books every day, right?”

Komachi leaned her head on his shoulder with a dejected look.

This scene made the girls secretly envious, but it was a pity that none of them had the qualifications to make such an intimate gesture in person.

In fact, it’s not that they don’t get approval, but that they are easily attacked by groups. Today’s Shura field is unknowingly filled with Bo Yun’s weird atmosphere, which makes them cautious in attacking.

This is also the environment created by Miss Goblin through her hard work, which will be beneficial to the two people’s strategy plan.

“You said it’s a light novel club. Of course the club’s activities are mainly based on light novels. What? Are you bored, Komachi? If you are bored, you can quit. I will not restrict your freedom in life.”

Hikigaya Hachiman spoke in a casual tone.


Komachi sat up straight and snorted.

“If you’re really bored, you can play games online with the fairies.”

He raised his eyes and suggested.

“Does anyone want to play a game with you?”

As if the keyword had been retrieved, the Yamada fairy who was lying in bed and playing games in the video immediately turned over and came closer to the screen with a delicate and cute face.

“That’s fine.”

Komachi pursed her lips.

Although it was different from the club life she imagined, there was nothing she could do about it. She could only bear it. Who let her choose?

My younger sister has a more lively personality and likes to be active rather than quiet.

Hikigaya Hachiman saw this, so he told his sister that their club was all about doing whatever you wanted, and there were no hard and fast rules that required you to participate in club activities every day. You could come as you wanted.

“I understand, Onii-chan.”

Komachi, who was concerned, thanked him.

As a result, although Komachi became a member of the group, the frequency of coming over suddenly dropped to the bottom.

The girls were quite concerned about Komachi, so they asked this question.

After getting the answer from him, everyone expressed their understanding.

Unlike Komachi, who is lively and active, everyone in the light novel club is actually a bit withdrawn, but they are united because they like the same things.

Just because they can enjoy reading light novels does not mean that others can.

One month later.

The atmosphere of the community, which used to be as dull as water in a well, has become vaguely irritable.

Because everyone cares about a very important thing.

When will the new game after Stone Gate be released?

Before that, you should have a ready idea, right?

“If you have anything you want to say, don’t hold it back. If possible, I will answer you.”

Feeling everyone’s gaze, Hikigaya Hachiman sighed and looked up at everyone.

This kind of situation has not happened before. For example, in the new volume of Na Duo You and Cun Zheng’s works, other people are also very interested, and they will also curiously come over to ask.

As for the works of Goblin and Liuli, they usually don’t cause other reactions. This is indeed because the works are not attractive enough, so they can only let them work hard on their own. If they pretend to care at this time, they will be humiliated.

As for the works that attract the most attention, there is no doubt about it.

In addition to the excellent works themselves, what is more important is the strong intentions of others.

“Hachiman, do you have any ideas for your new work?”

“Cun Zheng, don’t rush it so much. Seniors also need time to brew… But if seniors have any ideas, you can try to share them with us. Maybe we can provide some help.”

“Ahem, although I don’t want to admit it, one of the issues that everyone is most concerned about recently is your new work, Hachiman, and I am no exception, so can you share the progress?”

“Hmph, I would like to know if your inspiration will run out.”

“Hikigaya-senpai, can you satisfy the curiosity of my fan?”

As soon as he said these words, everyone reacted at the same time.

“Since everyone is so curious, I’ll tell you a little bit about my thoughts.”


I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist

I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist

Status: Completed Author:


What would you do if you had the chance to do it again?
After experiencing a failed life, he was reincarnated into a new world and became Hikigaya Hachiman. He chose the path that he thought was the easiest.
"You might as well become a light novelist."
However, the nature of being a mediocre person is not so easy to change.
Life is full of different paths, sometimes you are happy and sometimes you are sad.


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