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I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist — Chapter 198

Even if such a character has to be sacrificed, there is no need to be so anxious!

274 didn’t even mourn Tomoe Mami’s death for a moment…

“Asami-san died like this?”

“Dying so easily?”

It was over before Kosaka Kirino even reacted.

Is this consistent with the norm, or is it inappropriate?

In many works in the industry, there are obvious foreshadowings when senior characters are sacrificed, usually for the growth of the protagonist… But such a sudden death is still too unexpected!

Although Mami Tomoe was obviously distracted and careless, normally speaking, it wouldn’t cause any problems in a subject like a magical girl, and it might even be the result of ‘strengthening after untying the knot’.

But on the other hand, doesn’t this mean that the plot is new?

Although she wanted to use this statement to convince herself, but…

“Well, I can only say that he has a very demeanor like Mr. Moonlight.”

“Damn it, such a lovable character like Asami-san was sacrificed like this. What on earth was Hachiman thinking!”

Yinglili couldn’t help but cry out for injustice.

She likes Tomoe Mami’s character design very much, and she really wants a sister like this.

Is this just to harvest readers’ emotions?

That shouldn’t be the case!

“At least there is such an ingredient in it.”

Yinglili said with deep approval.

After being emotionally aroused, she resumed the reading.

At this time, another thought arises.

After such a fierce plot unfolds, it is the true world view of the story in front of us.

How magnificent will the river flowing beneath the surface be?

It arouses great curiosity.

Tomoe Asami died suddenly.

At this critical moment.

“You sign a contract with me now, Madoka and Sayaka.”

Kyubey immediately spoke.

Amidst the horrified expressions of the two girls, another voice sounded.

“There’s no need. I’m the one to deal with this guy.”

The figure leaped out and landed on the high platform. It was a familiar face to them.

Without even a moment mourning Tomoe Mami’s death, the one who immediately rushed to the battlefield was the mysterious magical girl… Akatsuki Homura!

In the ensuing battle, Xiao Meiyan showed unimaginable “super speed” to avoid all attacks one by one, and killed the snack witch with what looked like a bomb.

Seeing the fallen Seed of Lament, Madoka Shikama and Sayaka, who had escaped from danger, were instantly filled with sadness and burst into tears.

Beginning with a suspenseful beginning and ending with a shocking unfolding, the first volume of “Puella Magi Madoka Magica” ends here.

Difficult to stretch.

The expressions of all the girls who were reading in the living room at this moment were all the same.

“What the hell did I see?”

“This is…a magical girl, right?”

“Probably, right?”

“Is this senior’s interpretation of magical girls? It’s really unique.”

The four girls looked at each other and could see the helplessness in each other’s eyes.

“This is a magical girl. It’s just a little different. Don’t worry about the details.”

Hikigaya Hachiman said with a magnanimous expression.

“Only slightly different?”

The girls were speechless.

After calming down for a while.

“So, Hachiman, do you want to write a magical girl worldview that is more realistic and not too dreamy?”

Wu Geng Liuli made a reasonable guess.

The magical girls they know are all the kind that Zi Gongxiang has. Under normal circumstances, there will be no real sacrifices on the protagonist’s side from beginning to end. Even if someone dies, there will be no death scenes, and even props or magic will be used later. To resurrect them, there are also some types where even the villain will not die, but will be beaten away, changed for good or recovered, so this kind of plot presentation is subversive in all aspects.

Such a storyline is obviously too utopian. In reality, battles involve bloodshed, sacrifices, and failure if carelessness occurs, so she would ask this question.

“Is it realistic? Not really. It is still an imaginary story. I said that its core will not change, it is just expressed in a more profound form.”

㈨ ⑤ zero ① eight ○ nine ○ ㈨

He did not deny this statement, but he did not agree with it either.

“Anyway, the seniors have given us another super shocking scene. This may become an enduring topic in the industry and even in otaku culture. I think so.”

But Nayuta thought in his heart.

“This kind of plot development is indeed super interesting and unfolds in an unimaginable way. If the following story can bear the pressure, it will indeed become a famous scene.”

Qianju Cunzheng also nodded in agreement.

“Hmph, I don’t think it’s that easy. If Hachiman goes to ‘transform’ a magical girl so unscrupulously, he might be hung up and severely tortured by people in the circle.”

Yamada Fairy shook his green fingers and said.

Each type of subject matter usually corresponds to a specific group of readers, and the extremes among them are very rigid, adopting a critical attitude towards aspects they don’t want to see or disagree with, and have higher mental mysophobia than ordinary readers.

“They are self-righteous and have a lot of trouble in their small circles… There are indeed such people. I have seen a few of them in the otaku group. For example, Kirino always fights with fans of older sister works because she likes younger sister works.”

Goko Ruri nodded, and after thinking of something, she couldn’t help but sneer.

“It doesn’t matter. Even if they show up, there will naturally be people to help me argue with them. This is the confidence that readers give me.”

Hikigaya Hachiman had a confident smile on his face.

Do you know what a fan circle is!

“Hehe, it’s amazing to have so many fans.”

Yamada Fairy folded her hands and hummed.

“Sorry, it’s really amazing. People with few fans can’t feel this feeling.”

Kari Nayuta added a mouthful and blocked Fairy’s words.

There is no way. Among them, the fans with the lowest loyalty are probably Fairy’s fans.

Even Ruri, although there are few fans, the purity is higher.

“It’s not that Miss Fairy doesn’t work hard enough. If you can study as hard as I do, you won’t be like this now.”

Ruri Gokou, who has been working hard until now, feels that she is very qualified to say this.

“What…what? You, Ruri, are even belittling me! It’s not that I haven’t worked hard. I always finish my work before the deadline. I’m already dedicated enough.”

Yamada Fairy looked like she was hit hard, and then said very aggrievedly.

“If I have the talent of Miss Fairy… forget it, I won’t say it.”

Ruri Gokou shook her head.

“Finish your words!”

Yamada Fairy said anxiously.

“Then I’ll give Miss Fairy a piece of advice…”

Ruri Gokou’s expression was serious.

275 The heated discussion caused by Madoka

“Big, probably only Senior Hikigaya can come up with such a plot.”

Aragaki Ayase looked at her bestie who was lost in thought and tried to ease the atmosphere.

“Can this be called a magical girl? This is too outrageous! No one in the industry will admit it! There is no such reason at all!”

With a ‘crack’ sound, Kurusu Kanako bit the lollipop in her mouth with her teeth, and then chattered.

She has also watched magical girl animations such as Meruru, and has also played Meruru. She is somewhat unacceptable to such a change.

“What do you think? Kirino.”

She sought the other party’s support.


“What else can I say… I also think that Senior Hikigaya is a bit messy. Although I had expected it, I didn’t expect it to be so cruel. Senior Mami is so good that she can’t even survive one volume.”

Kousaka Kirino covered her forehead with a helpless look.

“This is not a magical girl at all! I wanted to say that, but I prefer to believe Senior Hikigaya and believe that he can interpret different magical girls with us. It’s always the same thing. No matter how good it is, it will be boring. Today’s industry should usher in changes!”

It’s not stubborn anymore! Teacher Tsukiro’s position in Kirino’s heart is too high!

Aragaki Ayase and Kurusu Kanako were shocked and thought at the same time.

At the same time, the phone vibrated, and a reminder sounded in the otaku group of Kirino Kousaka.

Tsundere assistant Christina: @Kirino, aren’t you a professional in magical girls? What do you think of the first volume of “Magical Girl Madoka Magica” by Teacher Tsukiro?

“Why ask? Of course it’s the best! I believe that Teacher Tsukiro will create a different magical girl world for us! !”

Kousaka Kirino thought about it and typed a reply.

Soon, many people responded in the group, either expressing support, or teasing her position, or expressing concerns about the prospects of Magical Girl Madoka Magica, and some extreme factions severely denounced her.

Immediately, the girl entered the state and started a fierce battle with that person in the group.

The world of magical girls needs change!

Obstacles should be eliminated! They are all heretics!

After the release of “Puella Magi Madoka Magica”, it instantly caused a sensation on the Internet.

Because the beheading plot in it was so subversive, it completely subverted the style of magical girls. In addition, the strange painting style also made people talk about it.

“Puff, I spat out a mouthful of blood. What is this old thief writing? How can this be called a magical girl? I’ll believe it if you say it’s a dark novel.”

“Well, senior Asami died happily, at least she wasn’t tortured… Well, what the hell am I talking about? Who can understand my mood now!”

“Death is not scary. I’ve seen it clearly. In the old thief’s works, death is a very common thing. For example, Shinpei and Mayuri have died many times… But the mood this time is completely different, which makes people want to complain. Is the senior’s death necessary? The old thief has been writing crazy, right? He always plays this kind of routine.”

“Don’t worry, Mr. Tsukiro is playing a big chess game. Don’t forget that the assistant in the Stone Gate died at the beginning, but didn’t he resurrect in the end? So don’t worry.”

“If someone else wrote this kind of plot, I would have started to criticize it a long time ago, but considering the old thief’s previous record, I can only say that it is completely expected. The old thief is telling you… Don’t think that I won’t dare to kill you because it’s a magical girl!”

“The old thief wrote it very well. In just one volume, he established the character of Ms. Mami. But this death is so clownish and humiliating. I really can’t stand it anymore!”

“Stop making trouble, stop making trouble, isn’t this interesting? If this kind of development is still the same as that of ordinary magical girls, it would be really meaningless.”

“Oh, you are still too young. Don’t you think Mr. Eromanga’s illustration style is very strange when it comes to the witch scene? This is already the old thief reminding you that he is going to cause trouble.”

“Don’t worry about whether it’s uncomfortable or not, just say whether this job is good or not. The discussion about a work like Magical Girl can actually reach such a high level. I can only say that you are indeed an old thief!”


I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist

I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist

Status: Completed Author:


What would you do if you had the chance to do it again?
After experiencing a failed life, he was reincarnated into a new world and became Hikigaya Hachiman. He chose the path that he thought was the easiest.
"You might as well become a light novelist."
However, the nature of being a mediocre person is not so easy to change.
Life is full of different paths, sometimes you are happy and sometimes you are sad.


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