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I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist — Chapter 20


Then she started submitting articles, not only to the Newcomer Awards of Fusigawa Bunko, but also to the Newcomer Awards of the other two major libraries.

However, the results were somewhat unsatisfactory.

She was so confident in her writing that she failed to pass even the first selection.

Wu Geng Liuli collapsed on the bed after learning the result.

“Those pig novels are selling like hot cakes, why can’t I!”

“Those editors have really bad eyesight!”

“And those readers, what do you mean you can’t understand? If your understanding ability is low, then go back to school and start over again!”

She cursed a few words to vent her emotions.

In fact, she is not such a blaming person. She knows that the reason why she did not pass the selection is just because of her poor writing. There is no other explanation.

“Hinata, Zhuxi, good afternoon! Where is Ruri-san? I want to go out with her… I see, in the room? Huh? Ruri-san is angry? Was she yelling at you just now?”

The door was not closed tightly, allowing Wu Geng Liuli to slightly hear the conversation in the living room.

Just a few seconds later, Komachi walked in from the door.

“Sister Liuli, what happened? I heard Hinata say you seem very angry?”

“No, it’s nothing.”

Wu Geng Liuli stood up and concealed her emotions.

It’s so embarrassing that I couldn’t even pass the first audition when I wrote a novel. I can’t even talk about it.

“Sister Liuli, aren’t we friends? We should be more sincere!”

Komachi clasped his hands together and looked directly.


At the fifth watch, Liuli wanted to speak but stopped.

“If it’s something too private, forget it.”

Although Komachi wants to improve the other person’s twisted character, he doesn’t want to force others into trouble.

“Actually, it’s nothing. It’s just that… the novel submission was not successful.”

Wu Geng Liuli tilted her head slightly and said a little shyly.

“Eh? Novel submission?”

Komachi’s expression became strange.

“Is it weird?”

Wu Geng Liuli was surprised that the other party’s attitude was different from what she imagined.

“That’s not true.”

Komachi shook his head, and then pretended to smile mysteriously, “Komachi can’t help Sister Liuli with this matter, but I know someone who may be able to help Sister Liuli.”

“Who? Could it be your Onii-chan, right? He’s just a veteran at most, and he knows the trends in the industry, but he shouldn’t be able to help with writing, right?”

Wu Geng Liuli is not optimistic about this.

“What if Onii-chan is actually a light novelist who has officially debuted?”

A sly smile appeared on Komachi’s lips.


Wu Geng Liuli stayed where she was.

“You mean you want me to give you guidance on Wu Geng? So that she can also make her debut in light novels?”

During the meal, Hikigaya Hachiman was a little surprised to hear this request.

“Please, Asashi’s Onii-chan! This matter is really important to Ruri-san!”

Komachi took his arm and tearfully described Gogeng Ruri’s situation, which included a lot of processing.

“Don’t worry, I agreed.”

“Really? Thank you Onii-chan for agreeing to Komachi’s willful request.”

“My lovely sister has asked me to do this. How can I, as a brother, just sit back and ignore her? Besides, Wu Geng is also my friend, so if you can help, please help.”

“Hehehe, have you considered Ruri-san as a friend? In this case, Komachi can rest assured, and Onii-chan can refute when someone calls him ‘a guy without friends’.”

“Komachi, is this the image of my brother in your eyes?”

Hikigaya Hachiman used his right hand to ruffle his sister’s hair, expressing his dissatisfaction.

Regarding helping Wu Geng Liuli, he actually had no intention of refusing at all, because the other person’s situation was actually somewhat similar to his own at the time, and he felt that he felt the same way.

Of course, there is actually a difference. Although he was shameless and arrogant, in fact, his failure was ultimately due to being too arrogant. He started submitting manuscripts without careful study and wrote blindly.

It can be said that even if he wanted to be a copycat at that time, he couldn’t make any splash.

The real change lies in the pondering during that period, which gave him a sufficient understanding of the creation of light novels.

If he chooses not to copy, and uses his writing skills that are better than ordinary people, he is still more than 50% sure of debuting, but the upper limit may not be too high in the future.

He felt that he lacked a lot.

“Onii-chan, how can you help Sister Liuli? It won’t affect yourself, right?”

Afterwards, Komachi suddenly felt worried again.

“It won’t affect her. As for how to help, it depends on whether she has talent.”

Hikigaya Hachiman said slowly.

32 guidance

The next day, after nine o’clock.

Hikigaya Hachiman arrived at Gogen’s house under the leadership of his sister.

Although they have known each other for a while, this was the first time he visited Wu Geng’s house. The structure of the room was completely different from theirs. It was a more Japanese-style building, which matched the style of Wu Geng Liuli himself, who was probably the Wu Geng couple. Reasons to choose here.

“Eh? Sister Komachi, and…”

Ruri’s two younger sisters, Hinata and Tsumugi, were watching TV animation. When he appeared, the older third-year elementary school student, Hinata, suddenly showed a surprised expression.

If Komachi hadn’t appeared together, she would have thought that Sister Liuli had enlightened and brought her boyfriend home.

Yes, the girls here are so precocious and know a lot.

“Could this big brother be Komachi-nee’s Onii-chan?”

Hinata guessed.

“Well, I’m Hikigaya Hachiman, Komachi’s older brother.”

He nodded in response with a gentle smile.

“These are my two younger sisters, Hinata and Tsumugi.”

Wu Geng Liuli gave a brief introduction.

“Brother Hachiman, please give me more advice in the future!”

Hinata bowed and smiled very sweetly.

After saying hello, Wu Geng Liuli led the two of them into her room and took out a thick notebook from the drawer with her writings written on it.

“Did you write it entirely by hand?”

Hikigaya Hachiman asked with a look on his face.

“Well, after writing it by hand, I scanned it and then posted it online.”

Wu Geng Liuli tapped his forehead.

The reason was that she didn’t have a computer for typing at home, and she wasn’t used to typing on her mobile phone, so she used this stupid method.

“Then let me see how you write first.”

Hikigaya Hachiman took the notebook over, sat on a seat to the side and started reading.

Even if it was a quick reading, it would not be finished in two or three minutes, so Gogeng Ruri and Komachi walked aside to talk.

“Speaking of which, I still don’t know what Hikigaya’s debut game will be.”

Wu Geng Liuli was very curious.

“I don’t know if you’ve seen it, Sister Liuli, but its name is “Summer Returns”.”

Komachi replied.

“Are you talking about “Summer Returns”? Really? Hikigaya is this Tsukigoshi Mami-sensei?”

Wu Geng Liuli ran to the desk on the side, took the first volume of “Summer Reappearance” and exclaimed in an exclaimed tone.

Because in her opinion, “Summer Returns” is still a top-notch book among the borrowed books. The content in it is so profound in her memory that it is hard to imagine that this is a middle school student. A light novel that can be written.

“That’s right.”

Komachi confirmed again.

“I see.”

Wu Geng Liuli held the book in her arms, her eyes fell on someone, and she was so stunned that she didn’t know what she was thinking.

“What’s all written here? There are too many different nouns, right? It’s really suspicious, and there are many self-made worldviews. It’s too difficult to fit into it.”

Hikigaya Hachiman was reading Gogen Ruri’s novel, his brows already furrowed.

There are so many questions!

First of all, there is a large amount of setting information at the beginning, which completely hinders the reader’s interest in reading further. The most terrifying thing is that even if you have the patience to read through these settings, the overly complicated content and overly exaggerated descriptions will also make you He looked confused.

In terms of writing style, it is not exciting. It is better than others in the same grade, and can only be better than Miss Yamada who graduated from elementary school. Other than that, it is a mess, and it is much uglier than his first creation.

Hikigaya Hachiman resisted the desire to tear it into pieces, and after seeing the end, he breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

it is finally over!

“How about it?”

Wu Geng Liuli’s voice was a little trembling, and she clenched her right hand into her chest, which was a nervous gesture.

“Let me talk about the conclusion first. This is a completely self-satisfied novel, and there is almost no merit in it.”

Standing up, Hikigaya Hachiman spoke his mind without mercy.


Wu Geng Liuli had already received a blow and was mentally prepared, but such a naked expression still made her feel a little uncomfortable.

“But that doesn’t actually mean anything.”

Hikigaya Hachiman raised his finger and continued.

“As a newcomer, no matter how bad your first writing is, it is excusable, because most people in the industry are like this. It is very rare for people to become gods in one book, and most people have to go through it. It takes a period of struggle to write something that satisfies everyone, so you don’t have to take it too seriously.”

Obviously, this was a word of comfort, but Wu Geng Liuli found it quite useful, at least it made him feel a lot better.

After hearing what he said just now, Komachi almost couldn’t help but want to get involved, but when he heard this again, he immediately felt relieved.

Onii-chan still has some sense of proportion.

“If you really want to make a debut, then I hope you can re-create a work as I said…”

After thinking for a while, Hikigaya Hachiman gave a solution to the current dilemma.

During the previous period, he had worked hard on the basics of how to create light novels, and he had sufficient control over everything from word selection to sentence making to the rhythm of the novel.

Therefore, he wanted to use the same method to systematically transform Wu Geng Liuli, so that he could see the other party’s true ‘potential’.

“Please Hikigaya, teach me.”


I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist

I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist

Status: Completed Author:


What would you do if you had the chance to do it again?
After experiencing a failed life, he was reincarnated into a new world and became Hikigaya Hachiman. He chose the path that he thought was the easiest.
"You might as well become a light novelist."
However, the nature of being a mediocre person is not so easy to change.
Life is full of different paths, sometimes you are happy and sometimes you are sad.


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