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I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist — Chapter 200

However, his expression remained calm on the surface.

If there were only two of them, he could handle it for the time being, let alone two girls whose combat power was five in his mind.

277 You are a big liar who plays with readers’ emotions!

“There’s no point in pretending to be stupid, senior! From now on, senior will be the sinner who deceived my feelings! You must make amends to me!”

Yi Caiyu was fierce and pointed his index finger at the ‘criminal suspect’.

“Yes, yes, Xiaoqi is a big liar who plays with readers’ emotions! Xiaoqi, do you know? When Xiaoxue and I were reading a novel together the day before yesterday, we were so scared that we screamed! It was clear that everything was fine before, but all of a sudden That’s what happened! As an author, don’t you feel any guilt towards your fans?”

Yuigahama Yui clenched her hands into fists and leaned on her chest, puffing out her cheeks like a squirrel losing her temper.

“Then you should go find ‘Moonlight Is So Beautiful’, not me, Hikigaya Hachiman.”

Hikigaya Hachiman repeated his old tricks.

His shamelessness made everyone have different expressions.

“Senior, you are actually doing this? How old are you?”

There was a hint of teasing in the corner of Yi Colorful Yu’s mouth.

“This year is seventeen.”

His honest answer left the girl speechless.

You might as well tell others your anger!

“Xiao Qi, I won’t argue with you about this matter! I just want to ask if Miss Asami is really dead.”

Miss Tuanzi’s eyes were full of expectation.

“He’s dead, not a single body left.”

Cold words came from his mouth.

This caused the indoor temperature of 30 degrees to suddenly drop to freezing point.

“how come?”

Miss Tuanzi was greatly shocked, and her expression showed a trace of sadness.

Her body trembled, and she suddenly clasped her hands together and prayed, “I’m sorry, Miss Mami, you were so unlucky that you were ruthlessly abandoned by Xiaoqi. May you rest in peace in heaven.”


He looked embarrassed.

One glance: I’ve seen too much exposure to otaku culture.

If it were the previous dumplings, it would definitely not have this style of painting.

Still, it’s nice that Ms. Dango has become more interesting.

“Senior sisters, are you all watching? Seeing this inhumane demon mercilessly destroying the world?”

Iroha turned to seek help from others.

“I’m sorry Isshiki, I will always stand firmly on your senior’s side.”

“I think this story is interesting, don’t you think?”

“Although I have such a wish, I am not interested in just talking about it.”

“I’m just watching the show. Please continue to perform.”

The girls expressed their helplessness.


Yi Colorful Yu pouted, very dissatisfied.

I am the Student Council President, don’t any of you give me this face?

How can it be repaired?

A proud look appeared on the corner of Hikigaya Hachiman’s mouth.

They are all mine, how dare you fight with me?

“Rather than this, let’s discuss where to go during the summer vacation, right?”

He changed the subject. “

“Let me join in!

Ishiroyu’s eyes lit up and he hurriedly found a free seat to sit down, looking impatient.

Although she volunteered, it was obvious that no one in the club wanted her to participate. Several people looked at each other and nodded.

“Let me go! You are blaspheming the student council president, and you will be punished! Damn it…”

Yi Colorful Yu was restrained by three people and then carried out, still issuing warnings.

But no one paid attention to her and closed the door directly after sending her out.

“It’s simply wanton, hum! One day, I will let you crawl under my power!”

Ichiroha rubbed his wrist and said through gritted teeth.

“Iroha-chan, I’m going back first.”

Yuigahama Yui had already taken the initiative to come to the corridor and waved to her.

“No, I have to find a way.”

Watching the other party leave, Ishiroyu’s eyes flashed with something.

Inside the club classroom.

“Let’s go to my house. You haven’t experienced all the countryside style, Hachiman. We can do more interesting things.”

Qianju Cunzheng, who gradually grew long hair, said softly.

“It feels good to be relaxed and contented.”

Hikigaya Hachiman thought about it and agreed.

“Have you already been there once last year? This year it’s your turn to go to Fairy Forest! It’s equally leisurely. You can sunbathe, soak in hot springs, and see fireflies at night. This is a real resort. !”

The voice of Yamada Fairy quickly came from the video.

“In my opinion, let me do the planning. I have already been to the two places you mentioned. There is nothing surprising.”

But Nayuta opened his mouth by belittling, in order to seize the initiative of the topic.

“Can’t you just stay at home? Why go so far?”

Liuli actually showed a Buddhist attitude.

This may be because she wants everyone to get together more and talk about novels, right?

Everyone argued for a long time, but no one was sure of the result.

Holding the back of his head with both hands, Hikigaya Hachiman leaned back lazily on the sofa, quietly listening to everyone’s thoughts, and then yawned.

The last day of the semester.

With long, black hair like a waterfall, and a decent student uniform, the elegant Snow Maiden still has the same stunningly beautiful appearance. She walked in from the back door calmly and gracefully carrying a shoulder bag.


Hikigaya Hachiman greeted the other party out of habit.

“Well, good morning, Hikigaya.”

Yukinoshita Yukino nodded slightly and smiled in response.

The girl’s attitude finally softened.

Thinking about it this way, Madoka still has a lot of potential.

“Ah, by the way, Hikigaya, Yui seemed to have told you about Rumi before, right?”

Yukinoshita Yukino’s red lips slightly opened.

“Well, why are you talking about this suddenly?”

He expressed doubts.

Shouldn’t you give yourself a helping hand now?

He previously refused Dango’s invitation because he felt Yukinoshita could solve it on his own. If not, he would not refuse to help knowing the other person’s experience.

“Actually, I have always helped Liu Mei with advice on how to get along with other people and make independent judgments…”

If Yukinoshita had said this before, he would have laughed.

However, Yukinoshita’s handling of interpersonal relationships now has no major problems, and is actually worthy of praise.

“The result was beyond my expectation. Liu Mei’s relationship with other people is not good or bad. She can be enthusiastic but very unsociable. The reason is that she feels that her peers are too naive.”

The index finger of a clenched fist lightly touched his chin, Yukinoshita Yukino’s eyes were filled with thoughts.

“This is not a bad result.”

Hikigaya Hachiman said ‘hmm’.

Rather than being physically and mentally injured due to cold violence, it is better to let the girl transcend this level and have an independent and self-reliant personality, neither vulgar nor out of touch with the group.

Even if you don’t find a close friend for a while, you will meet one one day.

At some point, he thought he was in that stage.

“So, you brought this up because…?”

He could tell that this was just foreshadowing.

278 Hikigaya suddenly got good looks

“The reason is that one day Yui and Rumi came to my house to play, and Rumi accidentally saw the bookshelf I placed in the living room. At that time, Rumi said to me, ‘How can someone like Yukino-san actually read light novels?’ In this case.”

Speaking of this, Yukinoshita Yukino had an interesting smile on her face.

This kind of atmosphere that seemed to be about sharing homely things made Hikigaya Hachiman silent for a moment, listening to the girl’s story quietly, as if he was also brought into the scene at that time.

“About light novels, many people have some misunderstandings. This is not surprising. After all, there are many people in the world who make judgments without knowing the whole picture. So I expressed my thoughts to Rumei, and it turned out that Rumei was After listening to it, I suddenly became interested in light novels… The first light novel that Rumi read at that time was “Silver Season” by Honda Junior, and she soon burst into tears. “

Yukinoshita Yukino’s expression became emotional again.

Hikigaya Hachiman, who knew the other person’s experience, was not surprised by this.

The only regret I feel is that I didn’t get to see the scene when Yukinoshita read “Silver Season”. Maybe she would cry because of the deep sense of immersion, right?

No, no, Yukinoshita shouldn’t be so sensitive at that time.

But it’s not impossible.

Damn it, my interest was suddenly piqued, I really want to know!

“Hikigaya, are you listening to me?”

Yukinoshita Yukino noticed that the person sitting next to her was in a somewhat careless state.


Waking up from his dazed state, he raised his hand to signal.

Yukinoshita Yukino nodded, and then continued.

“After that, Rumi asked me to recommend light novels to Yui. Of course, there weren’t many works that I could think of, and I didn’t think the works of Meizono-senpai and others were suitable, so I recommended your Stone Gate to Rumi, and the result was that she especially liked it. She told me that her favorite was the working warrior.”

Regarding this, Hikigaya Hachiman was not surprised at all.

If the plot setting of “Silver Season” will make people with similar experiences feel more immersed, then the working warriors of Shitongmen are more like an achievable ideal.

A child who has fallen into despair and escaped from a difficult situation will naturally aspire to be a person in charge.

“So what you want to say is that I have another fan? And it’s such a small lolita?”


I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist

I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist

Status: Completed Author:


What would you do if you had the chance to do it again?
After experiencing a failed life, he was reincarnated into a new world and became Hikigaya Hachiman. He chose the path that he thought was the easiest.
"You might as well become a light novelist."
However, the nature of being a mediocre person is not so easy to change.
Life is full of different paths, sometimes you are happy and sometimes you are sad.


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