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I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist — Chapter 202

As for Yukinoshita, who had a similar experience, she adopted a different attitude. This was of course due to other considerations.

“Of course, Teacher Yuezi, please call me by my name.”

Rumi Tsurumi could clearly feel their good intentions, and coupled with the superposition of favorability from various factors, he smiled innocently.

“I particularly like reading the novels of these two teachers, so I really want to meet them and talk to you about things related to the novels. But what I didn’t expect is that Yukino-san and Yui-san actually gave me such a surprise. It’s really Very good…..”

Tsurumi Rumi untied her restraints in front of other peers, showed her lively side as a child, and said with her hands clasped together.

“I am lucky to have such lovely fans as Liu Mei.”

Ke’er Nayuta looked gentle and said with a smile.

“Senior must have thought so too.”


Seeing Nayuta taking such initiative, Hikigaya Hachiman temporarily handed over the control of discourse to her.

Later, Rumi Tsurumi chatted with Nayuta Kana about the content related to “Silver Season”, and some realistic metaphors were also answered one by one.

“Rumi-chan actually knows so much.”

Miss Tuanzi looked surprised.

She is still silly at this age!

“Of course growth comes at a cost.”

Yukinoshita Yukino pursed her thin lips and whispered to herself in her heart.

At the same time, she is also taking this opportunity to examine herself.

The three people gathered here seemed to be on different world lines.

If I had been saved by Hikigaya back then, what kind of path would I have taken now…?

The girl couldn’t help but think so.

Questions from 280 little fans

“Thank you, Teacher Ke’er. You really solved a lot of my problems. It’s great to be able to chat with you.”

Rumi Tsurumi suddenly stood up, and then bowed respectfully to express his gratitude.

Although she has learned something about some of the hidden things in “Silver Season”, due to the limitations of her age and experience, many aspects are still at the stage of vague understanding. This time, after answering her own questions and comparing her own experience, She feels she has gained a lot.

“Instead of thanking me, why not thank your seniors.”

But Nayuta smiled indifferently, pointed his right hand to the side and said, “If it weren’t for senior, I wouldn’t be able to stand here to help you answer some of the doubts in your heart, and I might even still be wandering in the abyss.”

Her courage comes from a source. Compared to others, she is actually not that strong and confident.

It is precisely because her heart has been warmed by another heart that she can pass on this warmth to others.

Hikigaya Hachiman felt that he didn’t do that much, he just helped the girl guide her in the right direction, but denying this would hurt the girl, so he simply acquiesced to this.

“Thank you, Hachiman… hyung.”

Tsurumi Rumi thought about it for a moment and shyly added one more word.

This reflects subjective closeness.

Why is there such a favorable impression?

Of course, it was brought about by “Silver Season”. In that story, when the corresponding character Hikigaya Hachiman appeared, it was so touching. It completely described Nayuta’s inner throbbing at that time, which also made Readers add a layer of filter to him and really regard him as a saint-like existence.

For example, he had seen a post on the website before, called——

“Which light novel author do you like best and please explain in detail.” 』

Many people commented that their favorite author is ‘The moon is so beautiful’.

The reason is similar to: Although his writing is very disturbing, he must be a gentle person at heart. Maybe it is not obvious in the work, but he helps Teacher Keer, teaches newcomers, and repays Teacher Eri Kashiwagi These things can be deeply reflected.

There are many people below who agree, even some well-known ‘little black men’ on the website.

At that time, when Hikigaya Hachiman was browsing the post, he was dumbfounded and secretly entertained himself.

He originally thought that his reputation had reached the point where everyone wanted to beat him up, but he didn’t expect that everyone could still see through the true nature of his soul!

“There’s no need to thank me. Yui told me about things related to you before, but I declined at the time. The person who really helped you was Yukinoshita and yourself.”

Here, he couldn’t accept this gratitude with peace of mind.

Who knows, Yukinoshita Yukino suddenly added something.

“Strictly speaking, I was inspired by “Silver Season” and decided to work so hard to help a little girl I don’t know. So the source of all this is still you, Hikigaya.”

There was a knowing smile on her lips.

“Sister Yukino is right.”

Tsurumi Rumi was stunned for a moment and didn’t know how to answer, but now he got the reason and immediately felt relieved.

“Yeah, Xiaoqi has always been a very caring person! I still remember that on the first day I entered Sobu High School, I received help from Xiaoqi… Xiaoqi will behave like this, but it’s actually that. ..What’s the word? Oh, by the way, it’s ‘tsundere’!”

Yuigahama Yui tapped her forehead, finally her eyes lit up and she pointed with her finger.

“You guys.”

Hikigaya Hachiman sighed softly, and swallowed some words in his mouth while everyone was looking at him closely.

There is no other way. If someone insists on showing kindness, then you have no choice but to accept it.

“This is the advantage and disadvantage of senior. It would be great if senior could only be gentle to me.”

But Nayuta looked to one side, her cheeks bulging.

Hikigaya Hachiman ignored these words.

Yukinoshita and Yuigahama listened thoughtfully.

“Brother Hachiman, I still want to talk to you about Stone Gate, is that okay?”

Rumi Tsurumi glanced at his watch, wanting to cherish this opportunity, and raised his head with pleading eyes.

“You can talk as long as you want.”

He immediately expressed generously.

After chatting for a while.

“Brother Hachiman, regarding the character of Kurisu Makise, did you write it based on Yukino-san? It feels like the style is somewhat similar.”

Tsurumi asked Rumi generously about his doubts without so many scruples.


Yukinoshita Yukino’s expression changed and she spoke first.

“Yes, yes, that’s how it feels!”

The little girl raised her finger and said.

Yukinoshita’s expression was stunned.


Yuigahama Yui snickered secretly.

But Nayuta’s brows furrowed and she looked at his expression intently.

“Someone has asked this question before, and my answer at the time was ‘no’. After all, I hadn’t even met Yukinoshita when Shitoshimon was written.”

Hikigaya Hachiman glanced at Nayuta out of the corner of his eye, then opened his hands and said, “However, the subsequent character characterization of the assistant does refer to Yukinoshita. This is normal for the author, right? Interpersonal communication and other things are also possible. Used to draw materials.”

Compared to the previous answer, he added one more sentence.

“So that’s it. It seems that my intuition is right.”

Tsurumi Rumi nodded with satisfaction.

The expressions of the other three girls are wonderful in their own way.

This is a bad sign.

But Nayuta’s eyes flickered.

The sky outside the window gradually darkened.

“Before I leave, I would also like to ask two teachers to sign their names for me.”

Tsurumi Rumi took out two light novels from the shoulder bag she was carrying, stretched out her hands and handed them over with an oil-based pen.

“no problem.”

After taking over, Hikigaya Hachiman carefully signed his pen name on the book cover of Steins;Gate.

But Nayuta adopted the same attitude and signed his pen name on another book, “Silver Season”.

“Well, it’s been a long time since I bothered you, Hachiman-nii, so it’s time for me to say goodbye…”

After closing the zipper of the backpack, Rumi Tsurumi looked satisfied. When he was about to leave, he remembered something and looked at the other two sisters.

“I’m really troubling you today, Hikigaya.”

Yukinoshita Yukino said.

“No, I don’t find it troublesome.”

He dismissed the claim.

If you don’t want to, you will ask it from the beginning.

“I see.”

Yukinoshita Yukino did not continue to be awkward with him, nodded and said, “Then we will say goodbye. I wish you a good summer vacation.”

“Xiao Qi, and Honda school girl, bye~”

The last thing he saw was Miss Tuanzi waving goodbye lively in front of the gate.

281 The offensive and defensive dynamics are different.

“Senior, your attitude is a bit ambiguous.”

A pair of skillful hands pressed on his shoulders, and the girl stood on tiptoes and whispered in his ear. The long silver hair had already touched his cheek, causing an itch.

“Where is the ambiguity? How did you see it? You are still too sensitive, Yuta.”

Hikigaya Hachiman pressed his neck slightly and squeezed his cheek to the side.

“Really? That may be the case, but I can clearly see that the relationship between senior and Yukinoshita is getting better and better, and Yukinoshita is also like this, her attitude has softened a lot, maybe she already likes her Senior.”

But Nayuta was not to be outdone, even if his face was squeezed out of shape.

“Really? I don’t believe it.”

He denied it.

To be honest, he is really unsure of Yukinoshita’s thoughts now. Mere good feelings cannot be used as evidence of ‘like’, especially for friends, and he is trying hard not to think about this aspect, so as not to contaminate more love debt.

Even if you don’t think about others, you still have to think about your own body, right?

“Mr. Crab, you actually do such an intimate act behind our backs!”

Senjumura Sei suddenly appeared in front of him, and walked over quickly without any explanation, pulling Nayuta away and interrupting the conversation.

“Haha~ Has it been solved yet? How does it feel to be admired by a child?”

Yamada Fairy didn’t pay attention to the two of them, but came to him with brisk steps, her little hands behind her back, and raised her head to ask.

“It’s very good. Unfortunately, you probably won’t be able to experience this feeling.”

He expressed enjoyment.

“Hmph! It’s just because the subject matter of this lady’s writing is quite special. Otherwise, with my ability, it would be impossible for her to have fans of all ages!”

Yamada Fairy snorted.

“If you can really do it, then I would like to call you the strongest, fully qualified to assume the position of savior of light novels…”

He changed his tone and said, “But can you really do it?”


I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist

I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist

Status: Completed Author:


What would you do if you had the chance to do it again?
After experiencing a failed life, he was reincarnated into a new world and became Hikigaya Hachiman. He chose the path that he thought was the easiest.
"You might as well become a light novelist."
However, the nature of being a mediocre person is not so easy to change.
Life is full of different paths, sometimes you are happy and sometimes you are sad.


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