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I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist — Chapter 207

Chiba has also been inevitably affected by global warming.

The outside of the house is like a sauna, and the inside can only rely on air conditioning to survive.

However, you will always get tired of staying at home for too long.

Although everyone didn’t want to go out during the day because it was too hot, at night, everyone finally became interested.

It just so happens that this day is the day of the fireworks display.

Yui: Xiaoqi, do you want to watch today’s fireworks display together?

Hikigaya Hachiman looked at this message and was about to reply, but he soon saw the next one.

“Ah, this is not a date invitation. I’m just asking if everyone can come together. After all, the Light Novel Club and the Service Club are considered a ‘Justice Alliance’!” 』

“Is this related? Why didn’t I know?”

Hikigaya Hachiman probably understood that the girl wanted to get closer through such a chuuni speech, but it really didn’t match and lacked the energy.

He temporarily turned off his phone and then sent a message to the group.

This received a quick response from everyone.

“This is an annual repertoire that you really can’t miss!”

Miss Goblin was still the most enthusiastic, and the others also agreed.

After making the decision, he gave Miss Tuanzi a positive answer.

“Great, then let’s gather here at xxx!” Then everyone will go to the market first, and then watch the fireworks together…”

As dusk approached in the afternoon, relevant members of the light novel club first gathered at his home.

But this time it was more like a reunion, so Wu Geng Ruri also brought her two younger sisters, Hinata and Tsuki.

“Brother Hachiman, long time no see!”

Facing the crowd, the two little girls didn’t show any timidity at all. They took the initiative to say hello to him and seemed to be helping their sister stand up.

But Nayuta, Senjumura Sei and Yamada Fairy didn’t take it seriously.

“Long time no see. You two have grown a lot.”

Hikigaya Hachiman stretched out his hand to compare the heights of the two little girls.

This should be due to improved economic conditions.

“Because I ate too much and gained weight.”

Wu Geng Liuli said abruptly.

“Ha ha……”

This caused everyone to laugh and made the two sisters a little embarrassed.

“Onii-chan, Komachi has grown taller too.”

Komachi interrupted.

“Not only that, it’s even cuter.”

He reacted immediately and praised his sister.

“Thank you, Onii-chan.”

Komachi was very impressed and replied happily.

287 “Don’t do anything to my man…!”

“There’s still half an hour, do you want to leave early?”

Hikigaya Hachiman raised his head and glanced at the wall clock, then turned to ask everyone.

“Senior, please wait for us.”

Nayuta exchanged glances with the others, then headed towards the goblin’s house.

“Even Liuli went? Could it be…”

He looked confused.

Only the three sisters who were still there were staring at her with big eyes.

“Everyone wants to give Onii-chan a surprise.”

Komachi guessed what he wanted to ask, raised his finger, smiled slightly, and showed off his mighty little tiger teeth.

A few minutes later.

When the girls appeared in front of him again, they had changed their appearance.

It turned out that the girls had all changed into yukata.

The so-called yukata originally referred to the clothes worn after taking a bath. Later, it evolved and was worn when participating in certain activities, such as fireworks displays. In addition to being cheaper than a kimono, it is also much cooler.

From the appearance, there is no difference between a kimono and a yukata, but one can usually be worn all year round, while the other is a lightweight style for summer.

It is said that girls will not put on underwear after putting on a yukata, but in reality, it depends on the individual’s acceptance.

In fact, this is not the first time he has seen such beautiful scenery.

Two years ago, he, Goblin, Nayuta, and Komachi went to watch the fireworks display, and he also saw them wearing yukatas.

As for Murazheng wearing a kimono on weekdays, he has become accustomed to it.

And Ruri also wore a kimono when she was at home.

Therefore, he was not that surprised in his heart, but the important thing at this time was actually the attitude.

“It’s so beautiful. The yukatas you chose fit you perfectly!”

he praised.

The expression is so real.

It’s just that his acting skills failed to deceive the girls.

“Hachiman, you should act happier for me!”

“Senior, you should be serious even if you are perfunctory, okay?”

Yamada Fairy and Kana Yuta both muttered.

Wu Geng Liuli didn’t speak, but her eyes were a little more sinister.

“Hachiman, I’m very happy.”

Only Senjumura Zheng said something different.

He briefly explained the reason, and everyone expressed their understanding.

“Okay, it’s time to go!”

Yamada Fairy, wearing wooden clogs, trotted in front of everyone, then raised his hand to urge.

“Hello, senior! Good evening~ Have you missed me lately?”

When they arrived at the gathering place, a girl with short orange hair wearing a white and white yukata trotted over very lively, her clogs making a “ta-da-da” sound when she stepped on the ground.

But her enthusiasm was quickly extinguished.

“Why are you here? I didn’t hear about it.”

Ke’er Nayuta stepped in front of the crowd like a duck, stretched out his hands to intercept, his eyes were full of disgust.

“Why can’t I be here? Honda, have you banned my right to participate in the fireworks display?”

Ishiroyu spread his hands, his expression full of ridicule.

At this pass, Yukinoshita Yukino and Yuigahama Yui also walked over.

“Iroha, why are you running so fast? These shoes are very inconvenient.”

Yuigahama Yui caught up and stretched out her hand to signal.

The yukata on her body is relatively bright, with five or six colors, which is more in line with her personal attributes.

The last Yukinoshita Yukino walked over unhurriedly. Her purple yukata with various flowers showed a classic and elegant look. Her long hair like a waterfall was tied up behind her back, and she still had two long sideburns on her face. It feels like a Ji-fa style, but the bangs are not so smooth.

Her outfit is more like that of a famous lady in ancient times. It can be said that it is quite suitable and quite stunning.

“Good evening, Hikigaya, and…”

Yukinoshita Yukino greeted him, the corners of her lips slightly curved, and the smile that greeted him was like a budding flower.

“Good evening, Yukinoshita.”

After half a second of sluggishness in his mind, Hikigaya Hachiman reacted.

It’s so dangerous! This girl!

The second young lady of the Yukinoshita family is indeed qualified to say, “It’s my fault for being so cute.”

He was shocked that he was only now realizing this about himself.

“Get out of my way!”

“You are the one who should get out!”

But Nayuta and Ishiroyu were fighting next to each other, and it was hard to tell them apart for a moment.

Yuigahama Yui saw that her attempts to dissuade her were in vain. After catching a glimpse of Koyuki saying hello to the others, Yuigahama Yui also ran over and said hello to everyone else.

“Is there no one taking care of it over there? The people in the service department should think of a way.”

Hikigaya Hachiman looked at the two girls who were already panting from the quarrel and joked.

“We are not in charge of everything, not to mention that one is from your club, and the other is our nominal student council president… They are all juniors who admire you, so I still let you be the peacemaker. role.”

Yukinoshita Yukino put one hand around her waist, gently twitched her chin with the other, smiled playfully, and kicked the ball back.

“All right.”

He sighed and walked over there.

There were no workers, so I had to do it myself.

After all, apart from him, only Komachi has such power. It would be nice if others don’t add fuel to the fire.

However, he usually does not take the initiative to order his sister.


When his figure arrived, Nayuta and Ishiroha immediately became honest.

“It’s time to go, otherwise, you can stay here and continue to quarrel.”

That’s all he said.

The two women looked at each other and temporarily reconciled.

“Senior, let’s go!”

But Nayuta immediately grabbed his arm and pushed him forward.

“I also want!”

Yi Caiyu’s eyes were fixed on the position on the other side, and he reached out to grab it unwilling to be outdone.


However, her hand was opened the next moment.

“Don’t do anything to my man.”

Qianju Cunzheng glared at her very domineeringly, making her feel as if she had fallen into an ice cellar.

You know, Murasaki still has some yandere attributes, and as a super light novelist, when trying to figure out the attributes of some characters, he will try to describe them on his behalf. At a glance just now, he seemed to be a veteran who has experienced many battles. The killing intent released by the warrior.



I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist

I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist

Status: Completed Author:


What would you do if you had the chance to do it again?
After experiencing a failed life, he was reincarnated into a new world and became Hikigaya Hachiman. He chose the path that he thought was the easiest.
"You might as well become a light novelist."
However, the nature of being a mediocre person is not so easy to change.
Life is full of different paths, sometimes you are happy and sometimes you are sad.


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