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I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist — Chapter 208

Isshiki Iroha shook her hands, then reached out to wipe the cold sweat from her forehead.

Competing with these people, does she really have a chance?

After finishing the little character in her heart, Senjumura Masaru showed a little girl’s attitude in front of her beloved.

“Hachiman, let’s buy an apple candy later. We can eat it together, one bite each, until it’s finished…”

This feeling does not require skillful substitution, just show the real mood at the moment.

288 Those who pay will always get unexpected rewards

Of course, the people behind also saw this picture.

“It’s shameless to say such words in person.”

Yamada Fairy snorted and turned around to chase after him.


Gokou Ruri heard that the meaning was not “anger”, but a kind of “joke”.

This made her a little confused.

According to the fairy’s personality, she should be furious and emphasize her identity as a “fiancée”.

“Does that big sister like Hachiman too? Then you have to work harder, sister. Hachiman is so popular, if you don’t take the initiative, you won’t be able to get him!” The second sister Hinata stood on tiptoe and whispered in her sister’s ear. “That’s right.” The third sister Tama followed. “You two, it seems that you have watched too many TV dramas. This kind of problem is not something you can help me with.” Gokou Ruri’s expression changed, and she reached out to mess up the hair of her two sisters. A stone stirs up a thousand waves. Others were also affected by this sentence. “Is this a declaration of sovereignty? Xiaohua turns out to be such a strong personality?” Yuigahama Yui crossed her fingers and said in disbelief. In her eyes, the usual Muramasagi only seems to be calm and calm, and he will easily lose his temper when talking to Nayuta. “This is not surprising. People who create literature and art, especially those who are true geniuses, always have some special places.” Yukinoshita Yukino said indifferently. However, although the surface is calm, the girl’s heart has been stirred up by the words just now. This feeling of wanting to overflow from the inside out… She could understand it, but she didn’t quite understand it.

Her left hand unconsciously pressed on her chest, gradually tightening.

Hikigaya Hachiman walked in front, and the two guardians on his left and right made him very conspicuous.

The scene of two beautiful girls competing for a man was indeed very topical.

He was a little embarrassed by the envious and jealous eyes.

However, neither Nayuta nor Murasaki was going to let go, as if to prove something.

“You two are almost done, it’s time to let go. Hachiman is here to watch the fireworks display, not to be a prisoner.”

Yamada Fairy watched from the side for a while, and then came over to clear the scene slowly.

This is obviously watching a show!

But no matter what, Miss Fairy gave a step down, which can be regarded as a role.

Ker Nayuta and Senju Murasaki noticed the expression of the person in control, looked at each other, and chose to let go at the same time.

“Finally I can move around properly.” Hikigaya Hachiman shook his shoulders left and right to make the blood flow smoothly. “Senior.” Isshiki Iroha pouted and came to him. “What’s wrong?” He asked. “What’s wrong… This is the first sentence I said to you today! I am so touched that you finally found me… If you want to take me to watch the fireworks secretly and find a suitable opportunity to confess, I might nod and agree immediately!” Isshiki Iroha wiped her tears and raised her head with tears in her eyes, putting on the pitiful expression that she had rehearsed in her mind countless times. “Why should I go to such a long way to do such a troublesome thing?” His words directly held back the rest of the girl’s words. “Hehe.” Karina Yuta smiled secretly. Don’t you really think of yourself as a role? There is no room for anyone to interfere among us! “Self-righteous guy.” Senjumura Masaya gave a cold comment. “Hachiman, buy me a cotton candy. I forgot to bring my money bag.”

Yamada Fairy grabbed his hand and went to the other side.


Just when the two were about to chase, a crowd of people suddenly appeared in front of them, stopping their steps.

“Eh? Didn’t you catch up?”

After walking for a while, Yamada Fairy suddenly stopped and Brick saw him.

“There are too many people, and we got separated.”

Hikigaya Hachiman’s eyes fixed, and then he understood.

In summer activities, everyone is very enthusiastic about activities such as fireworks festivals, so that there are often crowds of people. Even as long as you turn around, your friends will be carried away by the crowd and don’t know where they are.

“What should I do? No one brought their mobile phones.”

Miss Fairy’s expression suddenly became nervous.

“It’s okay, we will gather at the old place when the time comes. Let’s go shopping first.”

Hikigaya Hachiman knew what she was worried about, so he turned to comfort her.

“Well, let’s go catch the goldfish, Hachiman.”

Sure enough, after hearing this, the girl immediately forgot about the others.

Does anyone think that they are really familiar with each other? No way, right?

When it’s time to eat alone, you still have to eat alone!

As a result, before she could be happy for too long, they met another pair at the goldfish fishing stall.

“Come on! Come on! Come on Xiaoxue!”

Yuigahama Yui stood behind her, cheering for the girl squatting in front of her to fish for goldfish.

“Yui, could you please stop? I’m a little nervous.”

A look of embarrassment appeared on Yukinoshita Yukino’s face.


Miss Dango’s voice weakened.

“We will definitely succeed this time!”

Yukinoshita took a deep breath, held the handle of the small net, slowly sank it into the water, and then slowly approached a small goldfish that swam in front of her.

Suddenly, she raised her wrist, and the small net wrapped the goldfish as she wished.

Then just as she was lifting it up, the goldfish began to struggle violently, easily tearing through the fishing net and re-entering the small pool.


A look of annoyance appeared on the girl’s face, and her unwilling pout was also very cute.

“Miss, do you want to do it again? Maybe you can succeed next time.”

The stall owner said with a smile.

“How can it be like this? This net is too thin, just like paper. How can we catch the goldfish?”

Yuigahama Yui pointed at the stall owner with an aggrieved look.

“Of course this is normal. If I let you catch the fish casually, would I still make money?”

The stall owner responded calmly to such accusations, and skillfully took out another set of small nets and said: “As long as you pay more, you can use them to catch goldfish, and you can keep one net and one net!” Add money!”


Yukinoshita Yukino and Yuigahama Yui still don’t understand that this is a trap.

“Let’s go, Xiaoxue.”

“Hmph, boss, I’ll challenge you!”

Just as they were about to leave, another voice intervened, causing the stall owner’s indifferent expression to instantly turn to flattering.

“It’s Goblin and Xiaoqi.”

Yuigahama Yui turned around and looked with joy in her eyes.

Yukinoshita Yukino also stood up and looked at him.

Seeing the two girls, Hikigaya Hachiman also nodded to them.

Next, it’s time for Miss Fairy’s solo performance.

“This time, I will definitely succeed in the challenge!”

She squatted down by the pool with a small net and said to herself confidently.

289This is the taste of love

This is not the first time Yamada Fairy has played the game of catching goldfish.

I still remember that when we watched the fireworks together the year before last, she tried it once, but ended up losing a lot of money. She didn’t even catch a goldfish. Even the stall owner at the time was embarrassed to say that he would give one to her.

Of course, she refused.

Just like happiness needs to be grasped by her own hands, she also needs to fish up a goldfish with the hands of others.

Holding a small net, the girl’s eyes hunted for the target. Until a little goldfish swam to her side.

The decision is yours!

The Yamada Fairy had quick eyes and quick hands, and he netted the goldfish almost in one go.

Then, the net cracked and the goldfish fell into the water again…

The stall owner breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this.

I thought he was some kind of master, but it turns out he was just pretending!

“What a pity, it was just a little bit close.”

Yuigahama Yui felt regretful.

Yukinoshita Yukino witnessed the opponent’s method and fell into thinking.

“Damn it, it failed again! Do it again!”


I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist

I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist

Status: Completed Author:


What would you do if you had the chance to do it again?
After experiencing a failed life, he was reincarnated into a new world and became Hikigaya Hachiman. He chose the path that he thought was the easiest.
"You might as well become a light novelist."
However, the nature of being a mediocre person is not so easy to change.
Life is full of different paths, sometimes you are happy and sometimes you are sad.


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