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I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist — Chapter 21

Wu Geng Liuli grabbed her breast with her right hand, an unprecedented serious expression appeared on her face, and said solemnly.

This matter could change her life, so she couldn’t help but not take it seriously, so the girl who had never been frank was much more sincere this time.

From the words, Hikigaya Hachiman also felt the girl’s firm attitude. Even he himself was not immune to the infection and wanted to cheer and help the other party.

“Well, I will guide you well and be very strict. Just be prepared.”

His eyes narrowed slightly, suddenly giving off a dangerous aura.


Wu Geng Liuli moved forward indomitably, her gaze was like a torch, without any fear.

Afterwards, Hikigaya Hachiman planned the creation of Gogeng Ruri according to the agreement between the two, and handed over to the other party the summary he made after learning.

How far it can be achieved depends on the other party’s understanding.

Planning begins!

Every few days, Wu Geng Liuli would come to visit him and ask him to solve some problems.

Hikigaya Hachiman gave guidance when he was working hard to create, revisited the basics, and occasionally came up with some new insights, which he used in the creation of the third volume.

Just as the summer vacation was coming to an end, Wu Geng Liuli completed the new structure of the 30,000-word opening chapter of the new work.

33 doujinshi

Wu Geng Liuli sat aside, staring directly at his expression with a pair of bright eyes, trying to deduce his inner feelings from it.

It’s just that Hikigaya Hachiman’s expression remained unchanged, making it difficult for her to speculate.

So nervous.

It felt like being questioned for the first time in class. Wu Geng Liuli’s right hand unconsciously came close to her heart.

It didn’t take too long to read the thirty thousand words. After a few minutes, Hikigaya Hachiman closed his notebook and closed his eyes tightly as if he was thinking about something.

“How, how’s it going?”

Wu Geng Liuli’s voice paused, her emotions already flowing to the surface.

“What should I say?”

Hikigaya Hachiman slowly opened his eyes and sighed.

“It can be described in one sentence, that is, rotten wood cannot be carved!”

It was not a venomous remark in retaliation for the girl’s previous attitude, but the truth.

At the beginning of the 30,000 words written by Wu Geng Liuli, she only corrected relatively simple problems, such as too many starting words, but other aspects have not been fundamentally changed, which shows that her comprehension ability is quite limited. .

If the writing style of ordinary middle school students does not have the talent to be superior to others, then it is just one word… Send it!

“Am I such a loser!”

As if he had received a huge blow, Wu Geng Liuli’s eyes suddenly looked as if they were dead.

There is definitely no problem with the judgment of a officially debuted light novelist.

This is a death sentence!

Seeing her performance, Hikigaya Hachiman rolled his eyes and thought of a way.

“Actually, Wu Geng, your gaming talent is very good. If you become a professional gamer, you may have a bright future. In addition, you can also live broadcast games in the future, which has a bright future.”

“A game is just a game. It would be different if it became a profession. As for the live broadcast of the game, it is too vague, and it is impossible for me to flatter those consumer pigs I have never met!”

It sounded like a very constructive suggestion, but Wu Geng Liuli came to her senses and rejected it.

“This is giving me a headache.”

Hikigaya Hachiman held his forehead.

“Hikigaya, I will come again, no matter how many times, I must make you recognize me!”

After a long moment of silence, Wu Geng Liuli suddenly said with firm eyes.

She didn’t want to miss this opportunity.

“I see.”

Hikigaya Hachiman knew how strong her determination was and couldn’t refuse.

“But, your original intention is to make money, right? I have another suggestion here that you can consider.”

A thought flashed through his mind.

“That’s right.”

Wu Geng Liuli hummed.

“Doujinshi, do you know?”

he continued.

“I’m not sure, I just saw such wording in novels.”

Wu Geng Liuli shook his head.

The so-called doujinshi are actually works published by famous individuals or groups. They are not available in ordinary bookstores. They can only be sold at doujinshi specialty stores or commissioned bookstores and comic exhibitions. The price of doujinshi is relatively high. Usually a comic book with dozens of pages sells for between 300 and 500 yen. Fan novels are cheaper. They are published in small quantities and are usually not reprinted.

Doujinshi are also divided into ‘original doujinshi’ and ‘adapted doujinshi’. Original doujinshi refers to story characters, content, plots, etc., which are all created by oneself. In theory, their self-created content is relatively high. of.

As for “adapted doujinshi”, some people also call it “interpreted doujinshi”, which means recreating or adapting other existing stories, including changing the storyline, replacing some characters, and even merging several stories.

“You want me to sell doujinshi at comic conventions?”

Wu Geng Liuli heard the hidden meaning.

“Yes, compared to official publishing, the creation of doujinshi is obviously much simpler and freer, and the scale can be very large. If you adapt doujinshi, you will also get a basic popularity value. The only disadvantage that is not a disadvantage is that it is difficult to achieve success. Fame, but because you don’t need to share it, you don’t need to sell too much to get a good amount of money.”

Hikigaya Hachiman nodded and analyzed the pros and cons.

After listening to his introduction, Wu Geng Liuli was immediately moved.

The official debut of light novels seems to be far away, and creating doujinshi is like a junior version. It can not only accumulate experience, but also get a certain amount of income in advance.

“Okay, I’ll give it a try.”

She gave her own answer.

“That’s sound judgment.”

Hikigaya Hachiman looked satisfied.

So, under his suggestion, Wu Geng Liuli changed her goal and prepared to create doujinshi and sell them at this year’s Winter Comic Expo.

School starts again.

This summer vacation, Hikigaya Hachiman spent the same time as last year’s summer vacation. He was still busy creating better light novels and had almost no free time.

Sometimes he feels very tired, but when he thinks that if his life goes on wasted, even if he copies other works, he will not be able to write the flavor of the story itself, he feels it is a pity, so he becomes more devoted.

Analyzing other people’s works and analyzing his own weaknesses, he has been thinking about such issues while writing.

Habitually, even on the first day of school, I would still sit in my seat deep in thought.

To others, this may seem like a sullen look.

Because someone spoke to him.

It is undeniable that human beings themselves are also diverse. There are loners like the great teacher, and naturally there are talkative guys.

For example, Kaori Orimoto, the monitor of this class, is such a character. It seems that because of her responsibilities, she wants to handle the interpersonal relationships in the class well.

So Hikigaya Hachiman, the ‘problem child’, became a thorn in her side.

“Hikigaya-san, did you have fun during the summer vacation?”

This was Orimoto Kaori’s first sentence.

“What do you think?”

Hikigaya Hachiman slowly raised his head, his face expressionless, and his dead fish eyes almost scared the opponent away.

“Ah, it is completely expected that Hikigaya-san seems to have no friends, so he must not be popular, right? So he can only stay at home and do nothing.”

Orimoto Kaori straightened her expression and said with a smile.

Hikigaya Hachiman no longer wanted to complain.

This guy’s emotional intelligence is so low when he talks, so it’s only because the great teacher at that time was so bleak that he would take the bait!

“Congratulations, you guessed it correctly.”

He spread his hands and said with an even colder expression.

Orimoto Kaori was confused by this move.

“Well, Hikigaya-san, why don’t you communicate more with everyone? It would be too pitiful to be alone all the time.”

After leaving these words, she ran away quickly.

“Is this kindness or mercy?”

Hikigaya Hachiman’s eyebrows wrinkled, then relaxed.

It doesn’t matter anyway.

34 elements that everyone likes

Three weeks later, the third volume of “Summer Again” was completed.

It took a total of two months, mainly because of the summer vacation, which gave him plenty of time.

After that, the publication time will be announced and publicity will be warmed up.

No matter how good a work is, it still needs publicity, especially for a work like “Summer Again” with a small audience, it is very necessary to expand its fan base to create a collective fan effect.

Hikigaya Hachiman first sent the manuscript to Ms. Machida.

“Not bad. It’s been a few days faster than last time. There has been no decline in quality and there has even been a slight improvement. It’s really rare.”

Machida Enzi gave a satisfactory answer after reading it.

“If I were to have writers as hard-working and worry-free as Teacher Yueze, then I feel that my job would be much easier.”

The editor lady also sighed like this.

“There will be.”

Hikigaya Hachiman greeted politely.

“I’ll contact the publisher to finalize the time. You go to Mr. Eromanga to discuss the illustrations.”

After Machida Enko hung up the phone, Hikigaya Hachiman followed the instructions and clicked on Sagiri’s profile picture to communicate. After asking about her availability, the two started a video invitation.

“Good afternoon, Teacher Yuezi.”

“Good afternoon, Sagiri.”

Sagiri still wears the covering mask, so that she can be more comfortable and increase the effectiveness of her work.

For this reason, Sagiri also specifically apologized for this matter before.

Of course he said it didn’t matter.

Although the kawaii face can make people feel happy, work is still important at the moment.

As usual, Hikigaya Hachiman sent the last paragraph of the third volume to the other party.

For the sake of work efficiency, after the cooperation deepened, they actually wrote and drew at the same time.

But this also brings about a problem, that is, Sagiri can only read part of it every time, and stops immediately, and the complaints will only be stronger than other readers.

“Ah, why is it over? How will the next story develop? Teacher Yuezi, please, please write it as soon as possible!”

As a fan who has close contact with fans, Sagiri serves as the first person to push for manuscripts.

After the work is completed, the communication between the two people usually ends, and the next communication will have to wait until the first half of the next volume is completed.


I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist

I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist

Status: Completed Author:


What would you do if you had the chance to do it again?
After experiencing a failed life, he was reincarnated into a new world and became Hikigaya Hachiman. He chose the path that he thought was the easiest.
"You might as well become a light novelist."
However, the nature of being a mediocre person is not so easy to change.
Life is full of different paths, sometimes you are happy and sometimes you are sad.


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