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I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist — Chapter 213

Kosaka Kirino put her chin on one hand and answered with a grimace.

It is precisely because of the love that is poured into the characters that they become empathetic.

“There’s nothing you can do about it. After all, this is the worldview established by Hikigaya-senpai. If you are really unhappy, you can go to the senior to complain. Maybe you can make him look up to you.”

Aragaki Ayase shook his head and sighed.

“I will not embarrass myself. A plot that I like may not necessarily be a suitable plot. Excellent creators will not sway their ideas just because others do what they want. What’s more, I don’t have that face!”

Spreading his hands, Kosaka Kirino spoke clearly.

“That’s it, the so-called creators are a bunch of stubborn guys.”

At some point, Kanako Kurusu joined the conversation between them.

“Kanako, you seem to be very enlightened?”

Kosaka Kirino looked confused.

“Didn’t I tell you? In fact, my sister is a cartoonist. She once used the pen name ‘Tsukimi Riganmai’.”

The words that Kurusu Kanako blurted out shocked them both.

“Is there such a thing?”

“Tsukimi Riganmai, I’ve heard this name before, it seems to be the author of “Maschera”! Is Kanako’s sister such a powerful person?”

“well enough.”

Kanako Kurusu raised her hand, put it lightly on her mouth, and said with a proud expression.

“By the way, my sister is also very interested in Madoka recently, and she even invited me to go to the bookstore with her tomorrow.”

She suddenly remembered.

“let’s go together!”

Kosaka Kirino looked solemn and said immediately.

“Hey, I haven’t promised my sister yet…”

Kanako Kurusu’s expression froze.

And then the next day.

Kosaka Kirino and Aragaki Ayase met the cartoonist sister mentioned by Kanako.

The other party’s appearance surprised them. He was the same size as Kanako, but slightly more mature.

But these are not important.

“Kursu-nee! Hello.”

“I heard Kanako say that you are Kanako’s good friends, right?”

After the two parties briefly introduced themselves, they quickly became familiar with each other thanks to Kanako’s relationship.

On the way to the bookstore.

Kosaka Kirino asked the other party what he thought of Madoka.

Compared to laymen like myself, the other person’s views as a cartoonist may be more insightful.

“Ask me what do you think? Just look at it that way. Although some voices in the industry say that they should boycott this form of creation, for creators, they should create more interesting and groundbreaking content. Guys who have always been complacent will be eliminated by the times. “

A dazzling smile appeared on Kurusukata’s face, which was very charming.

“Completely different from Kanako, she is indeed a professional manga artist!”

Kosaka Kirino couldn’t help but sigh.

Aragaki Ayase also nodded.

Is this a mature woman?

“What, Kirino, Ayase, you turned your elbows outward!”

Kanako Kurusu stamped her foot angrily.


I came to live on the other side and laughed several times.

The atmosphere of chatting suddenly became lively.

After buying the second volume of Madoka from the bookstore.

They decided to go to a coffee shop to read.

“Kursu-sister, do you want to come with me?”

This is a rare opportunity, and Kirino Kosaka wants to chat with the cartoonist again.

“Well, I’ll go find trouble with that Aoi guy then.”

Kurusubata thought to himself and agreed.

On the other side, Kina Aoi, who was being remembered by Kurusu Kanata, also just came back from the bookstore.

“I got up so early today because of this light novel. Don’t let me down, Teacher Yuezi.”

Sitting at the desk, she yawned and started reading.

Originally, because she stayed up late for a long time, she had not been very energetic in the morning, but unexpectedly, she became more and more energetic, as if she had drank a big bowl of coffee.

“Looking back, at that time I had no idea what it meant to pray for a miracle and the price to pay for it. 』

The beginning of the second volume immediately caught everyone’s attention.

Who said this?

And it seems to be a tragic prophecy. To be more precise, it is a passage from a future perspective.

Immediately afterwards, the story with Miki Sayaka enters.

It turns out that the question Sayaka was asking Miss Asami before corresponded to this.

Kamijo Kyousuke is Sayaka’s childhood sweetheart. He was injured in an accident and could no longer play the violin. This was really disappointing for a genius who loved music.

This is also very torturous for the helpless girl who is watching from the side.

Therefore, it is already clear that Sayaka wants to make a wish to help Kamijou Kyousuke recover his right hand so that he can play the violin again.

“Does that mean Sayaka is the one who will suffer the next tragedy?”

Kosaka Kirino looked sad and muttered to himself.

This direct in-your-face reminder makes readers aware of this situation.

Could it be that the judgment that Miss Asami made before was referring to this?

The story then begins from Madoka’s perspective.

After all, he is the protagonist in name only, so he has to be given perspective and lens.

The death of Mami-sister seems like a dream. No one around her knows anything, whether it is a witch or Mami-sister, but the painful memory in the midnight dream tells Madoka that this is a real horror event.

Fighting is really deadly!

Being a magical girl is not an easy job.

This is the most real side of Kaname Madoka and Sayaka.

This broke Kaname Madoka’s original desire to become a magical girl, and she even couldn’t let go of Mami-sister’s death.

Of course, the timely appearance of Homura Akemi at this time helped Kaname Madoka dispel some of her pain.

Regarding the connection between Kaname Madoka and Homura Akemi, readers can guess from the beginning to now that the two girls have a deep relationship.

So many readers began to support this pair.

Supporting yuri CP is basically not seen in the first two works of Tsukiro Madoka, but it seems very normal in “Magical Girl Madoka”. After all, the protagonist and the supporting actress are both girls, and there is no way to support other CPs.

296 Miracles and magic exist

“The doctor told me personally that it cannot be cured with the current medical level. My hand will not move anymore. It cannot be cured without magic and miracles.”

“It exists! Miracles and magic exist!”

Looking at her childhood sweetheart who had already given up on herself, Sayaka Miki said firmly, and then cast her eyes out the window, where Kyubey was standing…

Just then, Kaname Madoka was in trouble.

Her friend Hitomi and many others were controlled, just like a biochemical crisis or a zombie siege.

At the critical moment, Sayaka, who turned into a magical girl, appeared on the scene and saved Kaname Madoka.

Although she appeared handsome, readers were a little depressed.

Is the protagonist of this novel definitely Kaname Madoka?

The name of this work is “Magical Girl Madoka Magica”, you should turn into a magical girl for me!

In any case, everyone’s attention was focused on the sudden appearance of Homura Akemi, and it seemed that from her attitude, Sayaka’s future ending could be seen.

This time, all the flags from all sides were raised.

So the happier Sayaka is in the following plot, the more indescribable depression it makes people feel.

Under the setting sun.

Kamijo Kyousuke used his recovered arm to play the violin again, and a beautiful tune rose slowly.

“Ms. Asami.”

“My wish has come true.”

“How could I regret it?”

“I am so happy now.”

Sayaka, who was intoxicated by it, couldn’t help but think so.

For readers, the feeling of such words is probably similar to the biblical speech of Asami.

After that.

Kaname Madoka met with Homura Akemi again and learned some of her thoughts.

“Once you become a magical girl, there is no hope of redemption. The contract is to give up everything else in exchange for the only hope.”

Seeing Homura Akemi say this, Kousaka Kirino was shocked.

Is there something wrong with being a magical girl?

It is very strange that the soul gem needs to be cleansed in sorrow… No, many things are strange!

This magical girl is no longer the magical girl in the girl’s cognition.

So not letting Madoka become a magical girl is actually protecting her.

Now, she finally figured out Homura Akemi’s purpose.

Homura Akemi must have come to protect Madoka!

Madoka’s ending after she turned into a magical girl must be very bad!

“Hehehe, I guessed it right this time!”

The girl thought smugly.

Worried about her best friend’s safety, Kaname Madoka planned to go out with Sayaka to witness the other party subduing the familiar.

At this moment, another magical girl, Sakura Kyoko, appeared in front of them with a spear in her hand. She seemed to be fundamentally different from them and had cruel means.

Fortunately, it was the appearance of Homura Akemi that stopped the battle.

However, the dispute between the magical girls was inevitable.

Especially for Sayaka and Sakura Kyoko, a pair of seemingly opposite magical girls.


I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist

I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist

Status: Completed Author:


What would you do if you had the chance to do it again?
After experiencing a failed life, he was reincarnated into a new world and became Hikigaya Hachiman. He chose the path that he thought was the easiest.
"You might as well become a light novelist."
However, the nature of being a mediocre person is not so easy to change.
Life is full of different paths, sometimes you are happy and sometimes you are sad.


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