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I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist — Chapter 218

The pupils in his eyes shrank.

The background paintings of these three curtains are actually…

In “Summer Returns”, Shinpei and Ushio look at each other affectionately under the fireworks.

In Steins;Gate, Rintaro Okabe reaches out to the sky and grabs the world.

The famous abstract scene of the headless senior in “Puella Magi Madoka Magica”.

What the hell, the two-dimensional concentration is full!

In his previous life, he might have complained like this.

But if we put it now…

This was clearly created intentionally for him.

At Sobu High, the only person who has this power and knows his identity is the student council president Ishiroha, whom everyone likes.

“How about it, Hikigaya-senpai, are you surprised? I specifically persuaded the chiefs to do this kind of design.”

At some point, someone came to him and whispered in his ear.

“well enough.”

Hikigaya Hachiman nodded first, then raised his eyebrows and said, “Are you sure this won’t trouble everyone too much? Even if you are the student council president…”

He suddenly felt that he had said this sentence many times, so he simply omitted it this time.

“No trouble, no trouble, let me tell you, senior, when I made the request, they were very happy. Everyone felt that it should be more personalized and special, and some people directly told their origins. Well, it seems that senpai actually has a lot of fans in Sobu High School.”

Yi Colorful Feather shook her green fingers, then winked playfully.


He had no doubts about this statement.

No one knows the charm of these works better than myself.

after a while.

The students and teachers set up the venue and instantly felt the atmosphere.

At this time, the students who had finished their work also looked up and noticed the large curtain hanging in the teaching building.

For a moment, the expressions were different.

Although two-dimensional culture is very common here, it is relatively unpopular in schools, especially in schools like Sobu High School. There is a high probability that people will be laughed at, so many people will hide their hobbies in this area.

For example, the second-level Immortal Zai Muzao’s concentration made him feel out of place in the class, and no one wanted to come into contact with him.

Of course, this is also because he looks like a weirdo. If he had an acting style like Hayama Hayato, he might be able to attract like-minded people to interact with him.

“That’s Shinpei and Ushio, right? It’s such a nostalgic scene.”

“Huh? Isn’t this serious? There are indeed people who have the same hobby in the school. Sure enough, they draw it openly. Is there really no problem?”

“It’s actually a famous scene of senior sister. The novel has only been released for two sentences… Could it be that the artist who painted it is also an old fan of Teacher Yue Shi?”

Just when everyone was excited, the student council president, who was the initiator, stood on the established ranking platform and delivered a speech.

“Hello, everyone, this year’s sports festival has been held as scheduled! I believe that after a long period of preparation, everyone is confident that they can achieve excellent results in this grand event, right?”


“I feel relieved to see that everyone is so confident. In addition, in addition to the previous rewards, this sports festival also has a special reward. I wonder which lucky person will get it?”


“Hehe, it all depends on everyone’s abilities…I, Ichiroha, the student council president, look forward to your performance!”

The atmosphere is more exciting and lively.

Hikigaya Hachiman felt emotional for a moment as he listened to Isiroha’s words.

At this time, I have to admit that the little devil has grown up and is really getting better and better.

“Turbans are being distributed. Everyone from the red team is coming over here.”

Suddenly someone shouted.

When Hikigaya Hachiman came to the side to receive the headscarf, he looked up and saw his classmates walking towards him. He could clearly see the words “I’m no longer afraid” on her headscarf, and his heart suddenly trembled.

Is this year’s theme slogan also a fancy one?

Naturally, he didn’t know about it if he didn’t participate, but if he had participated, he wouldn’t have the surprise at this moment… It should be regarded as a surprise, right?

He examined the senior sister’s lines again, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

Not surprisingly, when he saw the other two teams, the lines on the headscarves were ‘Everything is Steins;Gate’s choice’ and ‘Angry and unwillingness can only be turned into strength by overlooking’.

How should I put it, for a sports festival, it feels pretty good…?

303 The bonds that connect each other, the hearts that keep getting closer

The first game is an individual 100-meter race.

This time, Hayama, who had high hopes from everyone, successfully won the first place.

The reason, of course, is that he didn’t participate.

The second competition was a long-distance running competition. The result was that the members of the track and field department of the white team won first place. Professionals are indeed professionals.

In this way, after the first few individual matches, it was the team match.

The first was the tug-of-war, which he did not participate in either.

Just as he was blending into the crowd to cheer, someone suddenly came to him.

“Hikigaya, what are you doing here?”

A voice sounded from behind.

“Captain Yukinoshita, what do you want from me? I’m just admiring the heroic fighting spirit of the members.”

Turning his head, Hikigaya Hachiman said with a playful smile.

At this moment, he was muttering in his heart: Have you found all of this?

“You obviously want to be lazy, right?”

Yukinoshita Yukino folded her hands, her eyes were penetrating, and she looked like she had him in her hands.

“I won’t talk to you any more. The next relay race is limited to one man and three women. After thinking about it, I think you are more suitable and have better tacit understanding. So for the victory of our red team, please go all out, Hikigaya…”

Yukinoshita Yukino said with a serious look.

“Well… I will cheer for you!”

Then she shyly made a fist-clenching gesture of encouragement, full of girlish feeling.

Did she learn this from Miss Tuanzi?

Too cute!

Hikigaya couldn’t stand it in his heart.

“Senior, where did you go just now? I couldn’t find you for a long time.”

“If it wasn’t for Senior Yukinoshita telling us, I would have thought someone had gone home to sleep.”

After changing into sportswear, Hikigaya Hachiman came to the preparation area and was interrogated by Nayuta and Ruri.

Compared with the questions of the two of them, Senjumura Masaru’s performance was even more lethal.

“Did you suddenly get inspiration and want to write a novel?”

She raised her head, her eyes full of expectation.

“Uh, sorry, I’m sorry to disappoint you, I just want to be lazy.”

He touched the back of his head and said awkwardly.

“Pa pa.”

The sound of applause came from the side, attracting everyone’s attention.

“Okay, save your words for later, let’s win the game first.”

The black and straight beauty with armbands on her arms appeared again, taking on the responsibility of being the leader and adjusting the mood of the team.

“The rules of the game are very simple, everyone should know it very well, but in order to avoid accidents, I will explain it first. The game is a 4×400-meter relay race. The first runner’s full run and the first bend of the second runner are run in separate lanes. The second runner must run to the lane-grabbing line before he can freely grab the lane…”

She explained it very carefully.

Just as Yukinoshita expected, although they had all seen the game, they didn’t know the specific rules.

In order to win the game, everyone took an attitude and listened carefully.

“By the way, don’t you think it’s strange? Shouldn’t such an event be trained in advance? How can you just find someone to participate?” After listening, Hikigaya Hachiman suddenly came to his senses and felt that something was wrong. “Is Isshiki making a fuss again?” He made a reasonable guess. “Don’t you know? There will be some special events in the sports festival next year. This year’s relay race was proposed by Isshiki and was approved. But don’t worry, just like you, the members of other groups didn’t know in advance, and even found out yesterday, so the competition is fair.” Yukinoshita Yukino said slowly. “That guy is really good at messing around!” 韆寻:韮痦駖蚁勼鯪桕霛糾

Karinayuta stomped her feet with dissatisfaction. “Although it’s a bit ridiculous, as long as it’s fair, everyone can still recognize this competition.” Yukinoshita Yukino wanted to comfort her. But she still misunderstood. “If you had told me in advance, wouldn’t you have had time to be affectionate with your seniors?” said Karina Nayuta. “Yeah.” Senju Muramasagi nodded seriously. This is what made them angry. Yukinoshita Yukino held her forehead with a helpless expression. Even though they had known each other for quite some time, sometimes she still couldn’t adapt to the thinking of these girls. The game was about to begin. The four-person team had already arrived at the venue. The order from the starting point to the end point was Ruri, Muramasagi, Nayuta, and finally him. After they discussed, they thought that this position was the most important, so they gave it to the boy who was the most trusted and the fastest. The blue team chose the same strategy as them, and the white team may have considered the morale factor and let the boy take the first baton, striving to take the lead. “Come on! Come on! Come on, red team!” “Blue team, come on, you are the best!” “The white team is the strongest!” Inside and outside the track, everyone’s shouting continued, but inside the track, most of the people who received the cheers were nervous. After all, those who had competed in the individual competition before could not participate again, and the rest of the people were basically forced to come, so they would naturally feel uncomfortable.

“Isshiki, after this competition, your position as student council president should be impeached, right?”

Hikigaya Hachiman noticed the expressions of the contestants from other teams and smiled secretly.

On the other hand, everyone on their side had a determined look in their eyes. Although they might not be better than the people from other teams in terms of running speed, they were more than one level ahead in terms of psychological quality.

The starter held the signal gun, pointed it at the sky, and pulled the trigger.


I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist

I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist

Status: Completed Author:


What would you do if you had the chance to do it again?
After experiencing a failed life, he was reincarnated into a new world and became Hikigaya Hachiman. He chose the path that he thought was the easiest.
"You might as well become a light novelist."
However, the nature of being a mediocre person is not so easy to change.
Life is full of different paths, sometimes you are happy and sometimes you are sad.


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