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I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist — Chapter 225

Because the weather was very cold, Kousaka Kirino and Aragaki Ayase did not stop after buying the novel, but walked back.

The Kosaka family.

“Hello, aunt.”

Passing by the living room, Ayase Aragaki said hello to Miyu’s mother, and then followed Miyu’s footsteps upstairs.

They put down their backpacks, took out the novel, put their legs in the kotatsu, and after warming themselves up, they started reading.

312 Miracles are not free.

“You lied to us.”

Back home, Sayaka felt very depressed and asked angrily.

“I asked for your opinion on whether to become a magical girl…although I omitted explaining the truth.”

However, Kyubey’s next answer was even more disgusting.

“Why, why don’t you tell me!”

“Because you didn’t ask. If you don’t know, just continue not knowing. There won’t be any trouble.”

According to Kyubey’s words, the souls were extracted and turned into soul gems in order to protect them, to cut off the pain, and to facilitate fighting.

Under Kyubey’s words, the girl was still too immature.

And since it was a done deal, Sayaka had no choice but to accept it.

“It’s so disgusting. This Kyubey obviously didn’t say it on purpose! He said ‘I’m thinking about you’, which makes me laugh to death.”

After reading this, Kosaka Kirino’s disgust towards this wishing pet suddenly rose to an extremely high level.

She has experienced similar things. For example, a classmate once did something that made her very unhappy in the name of ‘I am doing it for you’, causing her to go crazy on the spot.

However, compared to her who can fight back, Sayaka and the others have no way out. The moment they become magical girls, they have already embarked on the road of no return.

What Mami-san said before, “Magical girls are not an easy job,” came true again.

“So is this why Akatsuki Homura keeps preventing Madoka from becoming a magical girl?”

Kosaka Kirino thought in her mind, but was not sure.

Because although the current problems are a bit disgusting, they are not completely unacceptable.

Don’t worry, read on!

The school rooftop.

This time, only Xiaomi Homura and Shikama Madoka were together.

“Why would Kyubey do such an outrageous thing?”

Shikama Madoka was very puzzled.

As an experienced person, Akatsuki Homura just said calmly: “Because that guy doesn’t think it’s too much. That kind of creature doesn’t apply to human values ​​​​…”

That it would turn into that situation is also the price of a miracle.

However, the price is not just that.

Xiaomi Homura quietly buried part of the truth in her heart to prevent Madoka from worrying even more.

the other side.

Sakura Kyoko suddenly found Sayaka who was living at home.

“Are you really regretting it? After being transformed into such a body, I think, forget it. After all, it is because you have such power that you can do whatever you want. There is nothing to regret.”

Compared to the other party, Sakura Kyoko has experienced more and is more open-minded, so she doesn’t care so much and instead enlightens the other party.

The urgent plot is that Sakura Kyoko brings Sayaka to her father’s church, and then talks about her own experience, a very sad story.

So will you regret it?

This plot arrangement clearly makes these two magical girls the control group.

“The ingenious plot arrangement is exactly what I expected. Sakura Kyoko’s appearance will not replace Tomoe Mami, but to interact with Sayaka. This is to throw Kyoko’s story out, not just to make everyone understand Kyoko. The more important thing is to leave a foreshadowing for the next intersection, right?”

When Aoi Makina saw this, she naturally understood the direction of the plot.

After all, in terms of story structure, it’s not that difficult to understand.

A good story itself only requires simple and sincere feelings, and does not require complicated story settings.

Of course, relatively speaking, the requirements for personal level will also increase accordingly.

“Miracles are not free. If you pray for hope, you will exude an equal amount of despair. Only in this way can the balance in the world be established.”

She couldn’t help but recite what Kyoko said, and the interest in her eyes became even more abundant.

So, the next plot should make Sayaka suffer the same pain as Sakura Kyoko, right?

Sakura Kyoko wanted to persuade Sayaka not to make the same mistakes she did and continue a lifestyle that made her regret even more, but Sayaka said she would never regret it.

This time the flag was set again.

Later, Sayaka encountered a problem. It turned out that her good friend Hitomi fell in love with her childhood sweetheart, and she came to discuss this with herself.

However, facing Hitomi’s openness and honesty, the girl seemed very confused, and even negative thoughts emerged in her mind.

Fortunately, Madoka showed up in time and let her have a good cry.

Originally, Madoka thought this would be fine.

But the next battle between Sayaka and the witch made Madoka change her mind.

“Don’t make trouble, I want to solve it alone.”

Sayaka first refused Sakura Kyoko’s help, then rushed forward ignoring the attack.

“It’s true.”

“As long as I am willing, the pain and so on… can be completely eliminated!”

Even after being beaten beyond recognition, Sayaka still violently attacked the witch, laughing unbridled and clearly showing a tendency to self-abuse, which was unbearable to witness.

“This is obviously starting to get darker…! It feels very similar to when Ayase loses her temper!”

After reading this paragraph, Kosaka Kirino took another look at the illustration with a look of dismay.

Although Ayase has a good temper, she can be very scary when angry.

She thinks so.

“Kirino, am I really terrible when I’m angry?”

Suddenly, a cold voice sounded in the room, and it felt like the heating had failed.

“Ah, did I say it?”

Kosaka Kirino covered her mouth in embarrassment.

“No, no, no, how could that be? I was just joking.”

She shook her head repeatedly.

Aragaki Ayase had a straight face, as if asking: Am I so easy to deceive?


I thought the situation was difficult to solve, but when Kosaka Kirino was sweating profusely with anxiety, Miyou put it down lightly.

“Kirino, let’s continue reading the novel.”


Kosaka Kirino was stunned.

Is Ayase not angry?

This surprised her.

It turns out that Ayase has also changed without her knowing it… This must be the credit of Teacher Tsukiyoshi!

She looked at the novel in her hand and nodded in agreement.

Different readers have different reading experiences.

at the same time.

In a high-end apartment.

“Xiaoxue, tell me, if Sayaka could express her feelings directly, would there be different changes?”

Yuigahama Yui had an inexplicable association when she saw this plot.


Yukinoshita Yukino was vaguely aware of the profound meaning of this question, and her eyes flashed.

“Based on the character setting and plot development, Sayaka would not do that. She has her own stubbornness.”

“Then, does Xiaoxue have it too?”

The sudden and urgent question caused the living room to fall into silence.

313 I wish I could blow Kyubey to pieces with one punch!

Faced with Sayaka fighting like that, Madoka Shikama couldn’t bear it and wanted to persuade her.

“If you fight like that, even if you win, it won’t be for Sayaka.”

“What do you mean for me?”

This sentence touched Sayaka’s sensitive nerve.

Because she had always convinced herself that ‘she wished to become a magical girl in order to help her childhood sweetheart and help other people’, and she had never expected anything in return.

Due to various reasons, Sayaka has even become more and more evil. She has become “a person” and has drawn a clear line with other people.

Regarding Madoka’s concern, she had already begun to give up on herself and chose to respond.

According to Kyubey, Madoka’s talent was very terrifying, which caused the negative emotions she had been guided to flood into her heart.

As a result, both parties broke up unhappy.

Afterwards, Sayaka felt upset.

The gradually blackening soul gem seems to be explaining something.

Next, Kyubey and Xiao Meiyan explained that the seriousness of the matter was by no means as simple as imagined.

“The soul gem will produce filth and emit an equal amount of curse… This description is really bad, isn’t it? Is it coming? Is Teacher Moonlight going to issue a knife?”

Kosaka Kirino couldn’t help but sweat dripping from his forehead when he read this.

The works of other magical girls may not matter, but according to the way Mami-san died before, Sayaka, whose flag is already full, will definitely become the next victim!

as expected.

Then seeing the reality of her childhood sweetheart and Hitomi talking and laughing, the darkness in Sayaka’s heart grew a little more.

At this time, when she was riding the tram, she heard some scum talking about women in a derogatory manner. This made the girl who was already on the verge of her limit unable to bear it anymore, and stepped forward with a fierce voice.

“It’s over, it’s over! It’s really going to end now!”

All readers here have the same idea.

“What kind of changes will happen if all the soul gems are dyed black? Xiaomi Homura, who is a time traveler, should know it, right? If we follow the creative idea, what kind of change will be more shocking?”

Magical girl expert Makina Aoi fell into deep thought. Suddenly her eyes lit up and she was startled.

“Could it be…?”

There is an interlude in the next plot.

After being accused by Sayaka, Madoka rekindles the idea of ​​becoming a magical girl.

From Kyubey’s mouth, everyone knew that Madoka’s potential ability was simply beyond imagination. It was impossible to exist in theory. As long as she unleashed her power, let alone a ‘miracle’, it would be possible to even distort the laws of the universe, and she might become omnipotent. god.

This is amazing.


I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist

I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist

Status: Completed Author:


What would you do if you had the chance to do it again?
After experiencing a failed life, he was reincarnated into a new world and became Hikigaya Hachiman. He chose the path that he thought was the easiest.
"You might as well become a light novelist."
However, the nature of being a mediocre person is not so easy to change.
Life is full of different paths, sometimes you are happy and sometimes you are sad.


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