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I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist — Chapter 226

So the question is, when will Madoka turn into a magical girl?

At least they can’t see this volume.

Because Xiaomei Yan appeared soon and opened a dozen holes in Kyubey with a pistol.

This scene is really satisfying.


Tall Dwarf Saka Kirino cheered directly.

This bitch should have been killed long ago!

It’s so disgusting!

However, it’s not that simple. Kyubey didn’t die so easily. To be more precise, it has endless clones. Later, Xiao Meiyan also revealed their identity with this ‘incubator’.

“Damn, what a waste of joy.”

Kosaka Kirino gritted his teeth.

Seeing her friend being surprised, Ayase Aragaki didn’t know what to say.

Worried about Sayaka’s condition, Madoka quickly went to search for her, but Sakura Kyoko found her first.

However, she still arrived too late, and the matter had reached an point of no return.

“The balance of hope and despair disappears to zero. You once said so. I can deeply understand this now. I did save many people, but I also accumulated corresponding resentment and jealousy in my heart, and hurt the most important thing. friend…..”

Sayaka said as she reached out and released the soul gem that had been completely stained black.

“Sayexiang, could you…”

Sakura Kyoko’s expression changed drastically.

“If you pray for someone’s happiness, you have to curse others in equal measure. This is the structure of us magical girls.”

Sayaka was talking to herself, then suddenly turned her head, tears streaming down her eyes.

“I’m such an idiot.”

As tears fell on the soul gem, her form changed drastically.

“Is this really the case!?”

Almost at the same time, the two people who saw this screamed in disbelief.

A growing woman is called a girl, and a girl who will eventually become a ‘witch’ is a ‘magical girl’.

This concept redefines magical girls.

Although it was a bit strange, but thinking of the previous foreshadowing, they suddenly understood it all.

Is this the reason why Akatsuki Homura tried her best to prevent Madoka from becoming a magical girl?

But isn’t the name of this work called Puella Magi Madoka Magica?

Could it be said that this fate is inevitable?

So, is “Puella Magi Madoka Magica” really going to be Tsukoshiro-sensei’s first work with a tragic ending?

Looking at the scene of Sayaka crying in the illustration, many sensitive young readers felt their hearts were broken.

Because of this alternative interpretation, their childhood memories were severely stabbed.

However, although it hurt, they were not children after all. They had watched Yue Shi’s first two works, and with their increased tolerance, they still endured and continued watching.

They believe that everyone will have a bright future, even though the eyes are already dark…

Afterwards, Madoka, who only saw Sayaka’s body, learned this shocking fact from Akatsuki Homura’s mouth, the true secret of the Soul Stone, and the inevitable fate.

Therefore, Xiao Yuan’s state of mind was autistic for a while.

Kyubey visited again and explained all this, euphemistically saying that ‘everything is to extend the life of the universe’.

They invented the technology to convert the emotions of intelligent life forms into energy, and then set their sights on the most efficient phase transfer of hope and despair among girls in the second sexual phase…

“Ms. Asami is dead, that’s what happened to Sayaka.”

“It’s too much, it’s too much.”

“We were just deceived, weren’t we?”

“I can’t follow what you’re saying, and I can’t agree with it at all.”

“Since you think so, you are indeed our enemy.”

After hearing Kyubey’s nonsense, the kind-hearted Madoka couldn’t bear it anymore and made the most severe accusation.

Afterwards, Kyubey left another sentence——

“Madoka, one day you will become the best magical girl, and then the most evil witch. At that time, we should have access to an unprecedented amount of energy. If you want to die for this universe, you can always come to me.” 』

“Ho ho ho ho…”

Hearing this laughter, Aragaki Ayase raised her head and witnessed the true expression on Miyu’s face.

This is not a happy smile, but an angry smile.

Yes, Kosaka Kirino laughed angrily at this statement.

Before, Kyubey’s character had already made her very annoying, but after seeing this, she could make a further judgment.

This piece of shit is already the character she hates the most, and she wants to punch it to pieces!

314 “Sacrifice for love” also “martyrdom”

“No, I can’t bear it anymore!”

Kosaka Kirino took out her mobile phone and quickly placed an order online.

“Kirino, what are you doing?”

Noticing her behavior, Aragaki Ayase looked confused.

“I’m buying Kyubey doll peripherals.”

She said with cold eyes.

“No way? Kirino, do you want to collect it?”

Aragaki Ayase was very surprised.

“If collecting its body counts…”

The smile on Kosaka Kirino’s face was bright and dazzling.

Instead, it made the girl in front of him shudder.

“Kirino, it’s not me, nor Sayaka…but you who turned black.”

Aragaki Ayase made a small complaint in her heart.

Sakura Kyoko wanted to regain Sayaka’s consciousness, but Kyubey gave her an ambiguous answer.

Although she knows there is no hope, she will still work hard for it.

The reason is simple, because the two people who seem to be opposites are actually very similar, and what she wants to save is actually the same person she once was.

For this reason, she found Madoka, hoping that this ‘Sayaka’s best friend’ could help her.

“Perhaps if you cut the witch in half, what comes out is not the Seed of Lament, but Sayaka’s Soul Gem rolling out. In the end, love and courage triumph. Isn’t that the story?”

Such words, given such a worldview, seem a bit naive.

But the readers who saw this didn’t think they were “idiots”, but felt inexplicably moved.

This feels like a real magical girl.

“It’s a pity, Kyoko, you’re in the wrong world. If it were the world view of other magical girls, it would be characters who fight side by side with the protagonist after abandoning their dislike, such as Meruru or something.”

Kosaka Kirino sighed inwardly.

On the way, Sakura Kyoko gave Madoka some enlightenment, and then entered the witch barrier with her.

However, the mermaid witch who appeared in front of them was not affected at all, no matter how Madoka called.

Such a restrained fight quickly turned the tide of the battle.

At this moment, Sakura Kyoko couldn’t help but think of the scene when they first met, and kept mumbling to herself.

However, no ‘miracle’ happened in front of me.

“Please, God, after experiencing this kind of life, at least let me have a happy dream.”

The girl was on her deathbed, and it was at this time that she made up her mind.

Entrusting Madoka to Akatsuki Homura who arrived, Sakura Antoiko chose to face it alone.

“Don’t worry, Sayaka, it’s lonely being alone, right?”

“Okay, I’m with you, Sayaka.”

Kneeling on the ground, Sakura Kyoko made a praying gesture and said softly.

She kissed the soul gem gently, and then threw it out. With a “click”, the gem shattered, and a violent explosion swept everything around her.

If Sayaka’s transformation into a witch in the previous plot was heartbreaking and sad, then besides the sadness at this moment, she is even more moved by Sakura Kyoko’s ‘sacrifice for her love’.

The two people who were similar in the beginning did not deal with each other, and finally disappeared from this world together. This sense of fate is also very sad.

“Aww, Kyoko, it’s so sad…”

Instantly, her nose felt sour, and Kosaka Kirino couldn’t help but cry.

“Don’t you hate Kyoko? So does Sayaka.”

Aragaki Ayase also rubbed the red corners of her eyes and tilted her head.

“That was that time, and I like it now! Damn Teacher Yueji, why do you write like this! Why do you write so touchingly! Is there really such a feeling in the world? Or is it just to make money? tears?”

The girl cried and said.

“Now, if it were Kirino, then I would be like Kyoko.”

Aragaki Ayase thought for a while and affirmed.


Kosaka Kirino’s cheeks turned red.

Isn’t this a confession?

“No, no, although I like Ayase very much, it is only between friends, not that kind of…”

She waved quickly.

“That’s not what I meant.”

Aragaki Ayase’s face also turned red.

The slightly embarrassing misunderstanding diluted the emotions caused by the reading just now.

Kosaka Kirino thought of another thing at this time.

“Sorry, Ayase, I have to communicate with everyone in the group.”

She quickly took out her phone.

“This is really a shocking ending. Didn’t you expect that Teacher Yuese would actually play this trick? But isn’t this emotional sublimation a bit obvious?”

Aoi Makina was moved at first, and then laughed.

Among the Merulus she wrote, there are many female characters who have a good relationship with Merulu, and they can even take a bath together, but there is no reason for this at all.

But think about it, the style that is almost like a dark fairy tale and the style that is directed by her son are still targeting a lot of different people.

“It’s really too early for children to watch magical girls like this. Well…it’s more suitable for adults like me.”


I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist

I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist

Status: Completed Author:


What would you do if you had the chance to do it again?
After experiencing a failed life, he was reincarnated into a new world and became Hikigaya Hachiman. He chose the path that he thought was the easiest.
"You might as well become a light novelist."
However, the nature of being a mediocre person is not so easy to change.
Life is full of different paths, sometimes you are happy and sometimes you are sad.


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