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I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist — Chapter 229

Although Hikigaya Hachiman was surprised, he still accepted it.

“Humph, if I wait for you to come back from school, wouldn’t I be the last one? But now I am the first, and I am still far ahead!”

Yamada Fairy smiled proudly.

“When did you prepare this?”

Qian Shou Cun Zheng’s expression darkened and he asked.

“There’s no need to ask. It was just yesterday afternoon. You were all in school, and I naturally have plenty of time.”

Yamada Fairy replied with a smile.

“Damn it, you were the first to do it, demi-human.”

Qian Shou Cun Zheng clenched his fists unwillingly.

But Nayuta also pursed her lips and said angrily: “How can this happen? You are cheating! Everyone should be together!”

“Eh? Together, right? You think so because you lost, right? If you can win, you won’t worry about other people.”

Yamada Fairy winked and mocked the other party.

“It was obviously Miss Goblin who was the first to break the balance! For example, on that school trip!”

This made Nayuta very dissatisfied.

“I won’t take the blame for this! It’s obviously Nayuta and you rely on Hachiman every day.”

“You can all do this!”

The two began to accuse each other.

Qian Shou Cun Zheng suddenly felt that he was still too kind.

Sure enough, you have to do whatever it takes to steal a man!

“I’m gonna start now.”

Hikigaya Hachiman no longer cared about such quarrels, but planned to fill his stomach first.

He doesn’t need to stop him every time.

The majesty of the family head must be used at the right time, otherwise it will have little effect.

318 Confession

“Bye, see you in the afternoon.”

On the second floor, Hikigaya Hachiman waved goodbye to the girls with a smile, and then continued to go upstairs.

When he entered the classroom, he found that today’s classmates seemed unusually restless.

Because this day is Valentine’s Day, and it is also the last Valentine’s Day in high school life.

Generally speaking, this day and the day of graduation are the peak periods for confession. After such a long period of getting along, boys and girls in adolescence will naturally develop corresponding feelings.

Even their international class, which has only five boys, cannot avoid it.

After all, through clubs and other means, girls in the international version can also come into contact with boys in other classes, and it is not surprising that they develop a liking for them.

“Hey, Hikigaya-san, please give me a reference! It should be easy for you to deal with this kind of problem, right? If you agree, I can invite you to be a senior executive in my company!”

After class, a boy he knew well came over and asked him to make up his mind on how to confess his love so that girls would be more accepting of it.

‘Don’t call me such a scumbag, okay? ’

Hikigaya Hachiman complained in his mind, but was unable to refute.

Because this matter is true or not, he does have that thought in it, and he is even bolder than other people say.

“Do you still want to confess your love at this time? Tennoji, today is mainly a day for men to receive gifts, right?”

“Hey, was this originally said? I don’t know…but it doesn’t matter. It’s all a matter of time anyway. I’m begging you! If you succeed, you can let me call you ‘big brother’!”

Tennoji gritted his teeth and said.

“Well… If you want to confess your love successfully, the first thing you need to confirm is whether the girl you like has a crush on you. For example, if the other party only treats you as an ordinary friend, then there is no chance.”

Hikigaya Hachiman groaned.

“She must have a crush on me! She said that I am like her little brother that she likes very much.”

Tennoji clenched his hands into fists and said excitedly.


There was a laugh next to him.

“Who’s snickering!?”

Tennoji immediately looked back with a cold expression on his face.

I almost forgot, Yukinoshita-san is Hikigaya-san’s deskmate…

“Hello, Yukinoshita-san.”

Under the ice and snow force field, he gave in decisively.

“Yukoshita-san, what do you think? As the head of the service department who is willing to help others.”

Hikigaya Hachiman spoke to ease his embarrassment.

Tennoji cast a grateful look.

“Our service department has indeed accepted this kind of thing many times, but almost none of it has been successful… Are you sure you want to listen?”

Yukinoshita Yukino said seriously.

However, asking them to accomplish such a thing is a sign of lack of confidence, and it is normal for the probability of failure to be high.

She added in her mind.

“Listen! It’s good to have more opinions and reference.”

Tennoji showed determination in his eyes.

“In fact, the other party treats you as a ‘younger brother’. It is very likely that he really does not treat you as a ‘person who can be a love partner.’ What you have to do first is to confirm this. If that is really the case. , you have to first let the other person realize that you can be their love partner, and it’s up to you whether you want to confess to him or not.”

Yukinoshita Yukino said slowly.

“I understand, thank you Yukinoshita and Hikigaya-san for your guidance.”

Tennoji nodded heavily, turned around and thanked him again, then returned to his seat and began to formulate his own plan.

“You really know how to trouble people by taking matters into your own hands, Hikigaya-kun.”

Yukinoshita Yukino’s eyes fell on him again.

“It’s obvious that you are laughing at others, I just gave you a chance to make up for it, you should thank me.”

He spoke righteously and strictly.

“Oh, you are really good at finding excuses. You just don’t want to cause trouble.”

Yukinoshita-san said with a charming smile.

“If you say yes, then it is.”

He didn’t bother to argue.

The time came to noon.

“Yukoshita-san, please accept it.”

“um. Thank you.”

Holding his chin with one hand, Hikigaya Hachiman’s eyes fell to the side.

“Yukoshita-san is very popular this year. This should be the tenth girl in the class to give you chocolate.”

He witnessed the process and did not miss it.

“Just so-so. After all, I’m so cute, so it’s normal for me to be loved by everyone.”

Yukinoshita Yukino looked sideways.

“Are you kidding me?”

The corner of his mouth twitched.

Even if you are really cute, there is no need to emphasize it every time!

“On the other hand, Hikigaya, it seems like you haven’t received any chocolates this year, right? I remember you got them last year and the year before… It seems that the top student in our grade is no longer popular after his true face is exposed. ”

The girl’s smile was full of teasing.

Yukinoshita was very aggressive today. It has been one of the best days in the past few years.

Hikigaya Hachiman had a thought and was about to fight back when he suddenly saw another girl walking over and stopped.

“Yukoshita-san, please accept this!”

The girl’s face was blushing, she leaned forward and handed over the gift box containing chocolates with both hands.

Just when Yukinoshita Yukino was about to tie the knot out of politeness, she heard the other party continue to say: “This is the birth chocolate I gave you!”

She was silent for a moment and then immediately took her hand back.


Hikigaya Hachiman couldn’t hold it back for a moment and burst out laughing.

“Sorry, I can’t accept this.”

Yukinoshita Yukino glared at him quickly, and then rejected him.

She was still confused before, but now she fully understands the concept of ‘lily’, so she reacts quickly.

“Well…it was within my expectations. After all, I am so inconspicuous compared to people like Yukinoshita-san. Such forbidden love cannot tolerate the secular world, so I just wanted to express my feelings. “

There were tears in the girl’s eyes, and then she placed the chocolate on his table.

“I know that Hikigaya-san and Yukinoshita-san are more suitable. They are a match made in heaven, so I will use it to bless you.”

After saying that, the girl burst into tears.

This time, it was Hikigaya Hachiman who was silent.

The excitement was with the rest of the class.


The cheers continued.

The bell rang for the end of get out of class.

“get out of class is over.”

With the teacher’s voice, the students also packed their things and prepared to leave.

“Hikigaya-san, wait, you forgot to take something.”

Just as Hikigaya Hachiman picked up his schoolbag and walked out of the classroom, he felt the corner of his clothes was suddenly pulled.

319 Yukinoshita declares war on everyone…!

“What’s wrong.”

He stopped and turned to look.

At the same time, other people who were packing up and preparing to leave, as well as those who had already walked out the door, looked back with excited expressions.

Obviously something good is about to happen!

Everyone has been looking forward to this day!

“Although no other girl in the class will give you chocolates this year, please accept my share.”

Yukinoshita Yukino stood up, with her back to the window, holding a delicately wrapped chocolate gift box in her hand, and handed it over with both hands.

She was smiling and blushing shyly, which was mesmerizing.


I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist

I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist

Status: Completed Author:


What would you do if you had the chance to do it again?
After experiencing a failed life, he was reincarnated into a new world and became Hikigaya Hachiman. He chose the path that he thought was the easiest.
"You might as well become a light novelist."
However, the nature of being a mediocre person is not so easy to change.
Life is full of different paths, sometimes you are happy and sometimes you are sad.


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