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I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist — Chapter 236

“I’m here to announce that the dance begins!”

After seeing them come out, Ichiroha started her hosting work.

In his senior year of high school, Hikigaya Hachiman only knew a few people, and even fewer came to the dance.

Of course, he accepted the invitation from both of them.

Later, during the dance, Yukinoshita Yukino discovered something. The dancing skills she and her sister had specially practiced paled in comparison.

“Why are you so skilled!?”

She couldn’t help but say.

327 The end and a new beginning

The reason is still clear to Yukinoshita Yukino. This is just a joke to tease the other party.

As she once said, just like Yui would use “Dudulu” as a catchphrase, she could not help but say lines from the works she had watched at some point.

There is an inexplicable sense of pleasure in this.

Hikigaya Hachiman could see this, but at this time he deliberately showed his true nature as a prodigal.

“Because I have a lot of people to practice with.”

These two sentences are a bit shameless.

Yukinoshita Yukino’s expression was hard to maintain.

Is it really okay to like this guy? Am I also a superficial woman?

No, this guy is not very good-looking, right?

So what do I like about this guy?

The girl was stunned for a moment. She took a step slower and failed to follow his movements. As a result, she almost fell down.

Fortunately, Hikigaya Hachiman used his superbly trained skills to save the opponent in time, and even took the girl’s shoulders and turned them gracefully in a circle, making a finishing move.

One high and one low, the two sides looked at each other.

As if she could feel the clear beating of her heartbeat, Yukinoshita Yukino’s eyes were in a trance for a moment.

“Pa bang bang…”

Suddenly, the surrounding third-year students stopped their movements and applauded and praised the two people’s wonderful performance.

Of course, the girls who saw this scene were so angry that they wanted to rush over immediately.

“Hey, Yukino-chan, don’t suddenly fall into a daze while dancing.”

While he reminded the girl, he put a little force on his hand on the girl’s waist, allowing the two of them to stand up straight again.

“Uh, um, sorry to bother you again.”

Yukinoshita Yukino lowered her head slightly and said embarrassedly.

Seeing her pitiful tone and expression, Hikigaya Hachiman couldn’t say much.

The dance lasted about an hour.

“When can we do it? Isshiki.”

“Are you drawing cakes?”

“I can’t bear it anymore.”

After Hikigaya Hachiman, Yukino, and Miss Dango danced for a while, the girls could no longer hold back.

“Okay, okay, you can take action, I will ask someone to handle the rest.”

With the permission of the student council president Ichiroha, they immediately left their seats and headed to the center of the venue.

“Senior Yukinoshita, it’s time to end this! We have been tolerant enough.”

Yukinoshita looked surprised when Nayuta joined in, but this time she didn’t force herself, but gave up her position gracefully.

You still have to be content as a human being.

And judging from the current situation, she also needs to win the favor of the girls so that she can act in the future. If she contradicts everyone, she will be ostracized.

Even if you become love-minded, it doesn’t mean you will really be stupid.

“Thank you.”

Ke’er Nayuta nodded with satisfaction, then stretched out her slender and skillful hands to senior and said, “Senior, let’s dance together!”

Seeing this situation, Senjumura Zheng and Wu Geng Liuli, who were a little slower, had to line up next to them.

Because they had such a dance at Christmas time, they didn’t seem anxious.

Yukinoshita Yukino who stepped aside looked at the dancing duo, but thought of the question just now.

Why does she like Hachiman, and when did she like Hachiman?

Although there seemed to be no need for a reason to like someone, at this moment she suddenly wanted to pursue him.

Before, she ignored this problem because she didn’t understand it yet.

If she thinks about it now, she can probably understand it.

When she first realized that the story of “Silver Season” actually refers to Honda-senpai and Hachiman, she actually had a seed in her heart.

It must have been at that time that she brought herself into it, hoping that she could be saved like Honda’s schoolmate. It was also at that time that she re-examined the relationship between her and Hachiman, and then they got along well. It has a natural effect.

Now, she no longer imagined herself being involved in it.

After all, it is someone else’s story, not her own… Her future and happiness should be grasped by herself.

At this moment, Yukinoshita Yukino finally realized the truth.

“Xiaoxue, what are you thinking about? Are you jealous?”

Yuigahama Yui, who came back from dancing with her friends, found Yukino in a daze, so she leaned close to her face and asked.

“If that’s the case, let’s grab it! Love is war! Even if you use Dongma’s methods, you won’t hesitate!”

Since he was not a combatant, she let him go immediately.

“That one is not needed yet…but it can be used as an alternative.”

Yukinoshita Yukino hesitated for a moment, then blushed.

“Oh…ho! Real or fake?”

This sentence shocked Tuanzi for a whole year.

“Of course it’s false! Unless Hachiman’s song “Nana Love” was written for me, otherwise, that absurd idea is meaningless.”

Yukinoshita Yukino’s eyes instantly turned serious.

“I’m just saying…”

Yuigahama Yui breathed a sigh of relief.

“Then, while there is still time, Yui, let’s dance for a while.”

The person in front of me suddenly made an invitation.

“Hey, is that okay?”

“Why not? Or are you planning to refuse?”

“Of course not. How could I refuse Xiaoxue’s invitation?”

Miss Tuanzi quickly nodded in agreement.

Soon, there was another scene in the dance.

Qian Shou Cun Zheng and Wu Geng Liuli noticed this side and turned to look at each other again without saying anything.

After a few seconds.

“Want to give it a try? It’s boring to be idle anyway.”

“Okay, how about whoever dances best will be second?”


Go home in the evening.

Hikigaya Hachiman dragged his tired body to sleep, and when he got up in the morning, he still followed the same time as usual.

When he was about to put on his school uniform and tie…

“It’s over.”

Facing himself in the mirror, he grinned lightly and lay down on the bed again.

“Dong dong dong…”

Until there was a knock on the door.

“Senior, are you still sleeping in?”

But Nayuta’s voice came from outside the door.

It’s not that the girl didn’t want to break in and enter the senior’s bed directly, it was just because the bedroom door was locked.

They had discussed it, and since they had to get up in the morning to cook, they both wanted a key to the entrance door.

However, in order to prevent night attacks, only the bedroom door must be locked.

This was not his idea, but the unanimous decision of the girls.

We also take great pains to prevent others from stealing it.

However, this kind of patience will not last forever…

He had a premonition that his life was about to usher in a new chapter.

328Sagiri’s important decision

“Brother Hachiman, congratulations on your graduation!”

“Congratulations on your graduation too, Sagiri.”

In the room, Hikigaya Hachiman started chatting with Sagiri as usual, and then the current scene appeared.

Although they are in different grades, they have graduated from the same school, so they can do the video on a morning that is not a weekend.

“Brother Hachiman, how did you feel when you graduated? I almost cried, no, I really cried! It feels like time flies by so fast, and it ends before I can become friends with many people. Suddenly It’s such a pity.”

Looking back at that time, Sagiri’s expression was very regretful.

At the beginning, the girl’s personality was relatively introverted, she was afraid of strangers, and did not want to come into contact with other people. However, under the influence of class president Megumi Kamino and Brother Hachiman, she gradually became active and made many friends, but she did not have too many friends. Many memories related to it.

“Life is like this. It divides and rejoins. There are many scenery along the way, but you can’t always stay in the same place… So, pick up your mood and start again. I believe there will be more scenery waiting for you in the future. ”

Hikigaya Hachiman smiled and said slowly.

“It sounds like Hachiman-nii has a lot of feelings.”

Sagiri listened thoughtfully.

“Okay, young man, don’t be sentimental all day long, let’s get to work! The goblin will come over later, and if she is delayed, she might lose her temper again.”

“Hahaha…. Then let Miss Goblin be angry.”

“Sagiri, you have become evil.”

“Really? It must be Hachiman-nii’s illusion.”

“Ah…! Hachiman-nii, this can’t be the end!”

Sagiri exclaimed when she saw the end of this volume.

Although Madoka saved the world and all the magical girls in the end, this ending was obviously not a truly satisfactory one. For example, Sayaka was not resurrected, and no one knew about Madoka’s existence except for Akatsuki Homura. This feeling of emptiness makes people feel a little empty.


I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist

I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist

Status: Completed Author:


What would you do if you had the chance to do it again?
After experiencing a failed life, he was reincarnated into a new world and became Hikigaya Hachiman. He chose the path that he thought was the easiest.
"You might as well become a light novelist."
However, the nature of being a mediocre person is not so easy to change.
Life is full of different paths, sometimes you are happy and sometimes you are sad.


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