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I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist — Chapter 237

But the description of the story had a sense of ending, so she was a little confused.

“of course not.”

He denied.

“Huh, then I’m relieved.”

Sagiri breathed a sigh of relief.

However, she had some questions: “So, Brother Hachiman, how should we write the next plot? It’s a bit too difficult.”

“Spread your mind, imagine all the possibilities, and then you’ll be able to come up with the answer.”

Rubbing his chin with his fingers, Hikigaya Hachiman said with a mysterious expression.

In fact, it is indeed very simple, you only need to have ‘knowledge from another world’.

“Forget it, I still won’t listen! Really, I can’t help but be curious…”

Sagiri immediately regretted it, covered her ears, and shook her head.

After talking about work matters, he directly informed the goblin to go upstairs.

“Hey, Sagiri, long time no see. I feel like you are getting cuter and cuter.”

The Yamada fairy directly picked up the laptop and placed it on his bed, then lay on it and immediately began to get close to him.

Looking at the swaying white silk feet, you can see how happy the girl is.

Could it be said that Sagiri is the goblin’s favorite person?

Hikigaya Hachiman felt a slight sour taste in his mouth when he thought of this.

“Thank you, the leprechaun is still as cute as ever.”

Sagiri responded very generously.

“By the way, Sagiri, haven’t you graduated from middle school? Where will you study in high school? Come to Chiba. It will be more fun if we are together, and it will be much easier to discuss illustrations with me and Hachiman. ”

Yamada Fairy suddenly made a suggestion.


Sagiri looked shocked, she never expected it.

“Are you serious? Goblin, Sagiri and her aunt should be more familiar with each other if they live in Tokyo. It’s impossible for them to move casually.”

Hikigaya Hachiman felt that this proposal was still too idealistic.

“Huh? Hachiman, do you mean you don’t welcome Sagiri over? Sagiri, do you see that! Hachiman has finally shown his true face. I am the only one who will always support Eromanga-sensei!”

Yamada Fairy turned to glare at him, and then boasted to Sagiri in the video.

“Fairy, you’ve gone too far…!”

His expression became ferocious, and he rushed over, and then heard a scream.


After squeezing his buttocks with both hands, the Yamada fairy raised his head and looked blushing.

“Hachiman you!”

“You deserve it. It’s all your fault.”

He rubbed his fists and said proudly.

If I don’t teach you a lesson, I really don’t know who is the head of the family!


Suddenly, someone spoke and the two of them looked.

At this time, an excited and happy smile appeared on Sagiri’s face.

“Let me memorize this scene first!”

In the picture, the shyness and shock of the fairy-like girl when she was attacked are vividly displayed.


Sagiri is very satisfied with this painting and is ready to keep it.

At this time, the time has reached noon.

Sagiri went downstairs to eat. When she saw her mother, she suddenly remembered the fairy’s proposal before.

I have to say, she was still a little moved.

Compared to the unknown high school life, what she longs for is the environment where Hachiman and the others get along. Not only can they communicate with illustrations at close range, but they can also communicate with their favorite authors at all times. For a home girl, this is really It’s a temptation that’s hard to refuse.

“Mom, I am very hesitant to ask you for your reference…”

She finally spoke.

“If you have anything to say, just say it, we are mother and daughter.”

The first Eromanga teacher responded gently.

“Actually, just this morning, when I was chatting with Miss Goblin, she made a suggestion…”

Sagiri came clean.

The expression of the first-generation Eromanga teacher did not change at all, and he continued to speak softly: “So Sagiri, are you struggling with this kind of thing? I don’t think you need to worry about those problems. Mom, I have always fully supported you. It doesn’t matter to us whether we are in Tokyo or Chiba, after all, we are ‘freelance workers’… So, the important thing is whether you can adapt to it, Sagiri.”

“I see.”

Sagiri’s expression was like a stone falling from her heart.

In fact, when the question was asked, the answer had already come out, and her mother, the first generation Eromanga teacher, fully understood this and answered this way.

After that, she called her best friend first.

“Sorry, Xiaohui, I’m going to break my appointment. I can’t go to the same high school as you.”

“Eh? Why? Didn’t we agree!”

“Well…I plan to go to Chiba to attend high school.”

“What? Sagiri, are you going to be your ‘loving sister’!”

“No! I just want to be with everyone!”

“Oh, you just mean what you say!”

329 The confused girls

A week later, Sagiri and her mother were ready to move.

In fact, it doesn’t take much effort.

The first-generation Eromanga teacher was also an old homebody. She basically had no interpersonal relationships except work, so there was nothing worth worrying about.

As for Sagiri, after bidding farewell to Kamino Megumi, she had nothing to miss about Tokyo.

So the move went very quickly.

A few days ago, after discussing with Sagiri, the Yamada Fairy chose a small western-style building in a nearby street.

Today, the mother and daughter handed over the furniture and other things to the moving company and took the train to Chiba.

In front of the station.

Hikigaya Hachiman and the fairy are waiting slowly.

This matter was not hidden from the other girls, but because they were still in school, only he and the goblin had time to come and receive her.

After a while, a very eye-catching mother-daughter duo came out of the station.

“Hachiman-nii, Miss Goblin!”

When she saw him, sister Sagiri trotted over happily, quite lively.

“Sagiri! You are finally here! Our perfect combination can finally come together! The light novel world is about to usher in a historic moment!”

The Yamada Fairy was also very active. She intercepted Sagiri when she was halfway through and held the opponent’s small hand with both hands.


Even with Sagiri’s mind tempered by experience, she would still feel embarrassed by such words.

“Yeah, that’s great, Miss Fairy.”

However, out of politeness, she still catered to the other party symbolically.

The first Eromanga teacher couldn’t help but smile tenderly when he saw this scene.

After the goblin let go of his hand, Sagiri was able to greet him.

“Brother Hachiman, long time no see.”

It’s quite common on the internet, but in real life it’s been a long time.

Seeing the girl’s sunny smile, Hikigaya Hachiman was in a daze for a moment.

“You have grown up, Sagiri.”

It wasn’t very obvious in the previous video, but now that the two sides are facing each other, it is obvious that Sagiri’s height and development have lost her childishness. If his previous impression of Sagiri was that of an elementary school student, then Now it’s almost the same as Liuli and Goblin.

Well, that is, a high school student with a middle school body shape.

“Hey, Brother Hachiman, I’m not a child anymore!”

Sagiri smiled proudly, as if he was very happy because he realized this.

“Then let’s go help Sagiri and Auntie move first.”

He nodded and said to the first-generation Eromanga teacher.

After a day’s hard work, they finally helped Sagiri get everything done as it was getting closer to school time in the afternoon.

“We’ll live here after today!”

Sagiri looked at the newly renovated house in front of her, raised her right hand, and announced loudly.

“Great, I can see Sagiri every day from now on!”

Miss Goblin also raised her hand.

Sagiri’s expression suddenly became unspeakable.

“I didn’t come here specifically to have sex with Miss Goblin!”


After resting for a while, the first-generation Eromanga teacher clapped his hands and said with a smile: “I really thank you for moving today. Let me entertain you all tonight.”

“Then it’s up to you, auntie.”

Of course they nodded in agreement.

It was still some time before dark, so Sagiri followed them to the street where they lived.

Along the way, the goblin lady jumped up and down, looking even happier than the person involved.

Sagiri won’t complain about this.

“Is this Hachiman-nii’s current home?”

She raised her hand and looked at the two-story building in front of her, which was very strange because it was her first time here.

Miss Goblin curled her lips, pulled her and said: “Nothing strange, let’s go to my villa first! If you feel bored, Sagiri, you can stay with me. My bed is big and soft. “

What kind of talk about tigers and wolves?

“Brother Hachiman, let’s go to your home first.”

Sagiri put the goblin’s hand away, then took his hand and walked towards his house.


I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist

I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist

Status: Completed Author:


What would you do if you had the chance to do it again?
After experiencing a failed life, he was reincarnated into a new world and became Hikigaya Hachiman. He chose the path that he thought was the easiest.
"You might as well become a light novelist."
However, the nature of being a mediocre person is not so easy to change.
Life is full of different paths, sometimes you are happy and sometimes you are sad.


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