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I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist — Chapter 238

The goblin was left alone and disheveled in the wind.

Hikigaya Hachiman looked back at the elf, then shook his head.

All I can say is, Fairy, you still don’t understand Sagiri.

I don’t think you can really replace my position in Sagiri’s heart!

You know, Sagiri made such a promise to him back then.

Arriving on the second floor, Hikigaya Hachiman pushed open the door and entered.

Sagiri followed and walked in. At a glance, the layout inside was very clean and tidy, with a bed, wardrobe, bookshelf and then a desk.

“This is Brother Hachiman’s bedroom. This is where Brother Hachiman usually writes and chats with me.”

Looking at the layout of the room, Sagiri looked very familiar even though she had never been here before.

“Yeah, otherwise if it was downstairs, I would have to spoil it for everyone.”

he replied.

“Miss Goblin and the others must have been coming too often.”

Sagiri made a small complaint.

After a short while, they went downstairs. Under the goblin’s repeated urging, they came to the goblin’s villa. After walking around, they finally stopped in the piano room.

Because of the arrival of the destined person, Fairy Yamada was in the mood to perform today. She played freely on the piano with her hands, and the sweet sound flowed quietly, filling her heart.

Hikigaya Hachiman and Sagiri closed their eyes and slowly felt this peaceful and comfortable mood.

The song is over.

“Hey, Yaren, you are very leisurely today.”

But then Nayuta’s voice sounded.

They looked in the direction of the sound.

Outside the window, with their backs to the sun, two beauties with very different styles are looking inside.

“Hey, you are back.”

Yamada Fairy glanced at them indifferently at first, and then continued, “Today is the day when my favorite teacher Eromanga moves here. I don’t want you to disturb my mood, so I won’t talk to you today. Quarrel!”


But Nayuta raised his eyebrows, as if he was thinking about it.

“Isn’t Hachiman your favorite? You’re such a free-spirited guy.”

Qianshou Village Zheng immediately launched an attack.

This was a malicious quibble, as if the other party would fall off the edge of a cliff if he was not careful in his answer.

“What, Hachiman wouldn’t be jealous because of this kind of thing, right? You’re right, Hachiman.”

Yamada Fairy chuckled and looked at him.

His expression was condensed and he remained silent.

“real or fake?”

Yamada Fairy’s heart trembled.

If you are really jealous of yourself, you will be happy because explaining your portion is really important, but what if you actually hate what she said?

At this time, several other girls were also confused.

Is he really jealous of the goblin?

330 The Ending Day of Stone Gate Animation

Hikigaya Hachiman suddenly realized that something was not right in the atmosphere.

Originally, he just planned to use this to tease the fairies, but it seemed that the girls had too many things on their minds.

Every move of the person you like seems to be full of meaning.

He stopped in time and said: “It doesn’t matter, how could I be jealous because of Sagiri? To me, Sagiri is like my sister. Moreover, Sagiri obviously likes me more. The one who is jealous should be the goblin.” yes.”

This sentence seemed a bit ambiguous, but it also made everyone temporarily relieved.

“Just wait and see, after a long period of close contact, Sagiri will understand my charm, and then I will be the white moonlight in Sagiri’s heart!”

Yamada Fairy’s eyes moved, and he continued to speak according to his usual behavior pattern.

“Better save it, Miss Goblin, your status in my heart will never be as good as Brother Hachiman.”

Sagiri suddenly changed her expression and responded ruthlessly.

“Haha, after all, senior is Sagiri’s ‘first love’, but the fairy is just a passerby who came in force.”

But Nayuta started taunting.

“Asian people, you really have no self-awareness at all.”

Qianjumurazheng smiled and shook his head.

After encountering repeated blows, Miss Goblin fell into a dilemma.

“Okay, don’t target the goblin, let her continue to be innocent like this…廒…I’d like to tell you another thing first. Sagiri’s mother is planning to entertain us, so tonight we will Let’s go to Sagiri’s house for dinner.”

Hikigaya Hachiman raised his hand and said.

His joking remarks made everyone laugh, but also diverted attention.

The accident that happened just now was finally avoided.

At night.

They all came to Sagiri’s house and sat at the dining table to eat.

“Teacher Ke’er, and Teacher Qianju, I have read your works. To be honest, if I hadn’t learned some inside information from Sagiri, I would never have believed that such an excellent work came from In the hands of such a lovely and young girl.”

The first Eromanga teacher expressed his love for Nayuta and Murasaki on the spot, making the latter unable to help but feel shy.

“It’s okay. I just felt itchy after reading Hachiman’s novel, so I just wrote it casually. I just got lucky and succeeded.”

“If it weren’t for the seniors who led the way, I wouldn’t be where I am today, so it’s also the credit of the seniors.”

Being praised so bluntly by an adult was something that had never happened to Nayuta and Murasaki.

They all transferred this compliment to Hikigaya Hachiman.

“Ara, Hachiman-kun is so popular.”

The first-generation Eromanga teacher stroked his face and smiled meaningfully.

“There’s me too!”

Yamada Fairy couldn’t help but raise his hand to signal.

“Well, I have also read Miss Goblin’s works, and they are very to my liking.”

The first-generation Eromanga teacher turned around and gave high praise.


The Yamada Fairy was delighted.

This was the first time she received positive comments, and she was so moved that she almost cried!

“Of course, mommy likes erotic plots the most.”

Sagiri spoke abruptly and answered the question for her mother.

“You child, you are really…”

The first-generation Eromanga teacher waved his hand, a blush appearing on his face.

The girls instantly remembered the origin of the name ‘Eromanga-sensei’ that Sagiri once said, and it suddenly became clear to them. At the same time, their eyes became more wary.

This lady is really extraordinary!

Even dangerous!

After dinner.

“Let’s wait until you finish today’s Stone Gate before leaving, everyone.”

Sagiri left them behind.

“Speaking of which, today is the last episode of the Stone Gate animation! I almost forgot such an important thing!”

It was then that the girls suddenly remembered this matter.

Everyone sat down around the TV, and Sagiri picked up the remote control panel and changed the TV channel to one that played Stone Gate.

More than twenty minutes later.

The animation performance in this episode still gave everyone a great shock. The feeling of completely reflecting the scenes that I imagined when reading the novel into reality is really fascinating.

“It’s finished, another animation from senior’s work.”

“It always feels like there’s still more to come, but it’s clearly over.”

“Humph, why are you doing so well! It’s annoying just to watch!”

“It’s so beautiful, I want to watch it again… Ah, by the way, Hachiman-san, when will the Stone Gate Zero Line that you collaborated with Kashiwagi Eiri-sensei be animated? Judging from its popularity, it must be possible, right? ”

Sagiri thought of this and cast an expectant look.

“I don’t know, but I feel it will be in the near future, but even if it is animated, it will not be completed. At most, it will be 12 episodes per season.”

Hikigaya Hachiman shook his head and then analyzed it.

For capital, in order to make money, one must maintain popularity, so the gap period should not be too long. Otherwise, no matter how good the work is, the popularity will inevitably decline.

Nowadays, the Stone Gate animation has just been completed, and Zero Line also has enough content. As long as the comic magazine Ying Lili works for is not stupid, they will strike while the iron is hot.

Sure enough, just before he went home to sleep, he received a message from Yinglili.

Eiri: Hachiman, I just received a call, saying that A2P Co., Ltd. has taken the initiative to discuss cooperation, saying that it will produce content for the first season of Zero Line. You are the original author, so I want you to make the decision.

Strictly speaking, the author does not have the right to choose the animation company. After all, some animation companies are good, but you still have to be picky!

However, some people will indeed be taken seriously, and at least their opinions will be asked. As for the final decision, it depends on the magazine.

If it is produced well, it will most likely have a feedback effect on the original comic. If it is not good, it will only serve as a small publicity effect.

Now that A2P Co., Ltd. came to our door, it was a well-known production company in the industry, so Eiri was very excited.

Me: Then agree.

Hikigaya Hachiman gave the answer without hesitation.

The eldest lady of A2P Co., Ltd. is that Maki Aoi, she can’t cheat people, right?

The two of them talked happily about magical girls.

Even if it’s just to gain popularity, as long as this lady supervises it, the quality will definitely be maintained.

So, he made a quick judgment.

Regarding this matter, he then asked ‘Hina Aoi’.

Originally, he thought the other party had gone to bed and planned to get up in the morning to read the message, but he got a reply immediately.

Aoi Makina: Oh, I’m not sure about this. I’ll ask you tomorrow… By the way, do you have time to play Magical Girl Senki?

The game she was talking about is a magical girl battle game, which is considered a famous masterpiece among magical girl games.

However, Hikigaya Hachiman didn’t have the habit of staying up late to play games, so he recommended Miss Goblin to him.

331 Madoka is finally going to become a magical girl! ?

Although Miss Aoi looks lazy, she is very efficient.

When he got up the next day, he saw the message from the other party.

Hina Aoi: I have asked the person in charge about what you mentioned. He is very optimistic about this project, so he suggested this to the company. In addition, he is also a fan of yours, so the quality of the animation will be guaranteed. I will also go to Taiwan to check it out sometimes, so you don’t have to worry.

Me: Thank you, Miss Aoi.


I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist

I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist

Status: Completed Author:


What would you do if you had the chance to do it again?
After experiencing a failed life, he was reincarnated into a new world and became Hikigaya Hachiman. He chose the path that he thought was the easiest.
"You might as well become a light novelist."
However, the nature of being a mediocre person is not so easy to change.
Life is full of different paths, sometimes you are happy and sometimes you are sad.


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