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I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist — Chapter 24

he asked on second thought.


Yamada Fairy categorically denied it, bowed her body forward, her kawaii face suddenly occupied the entire screen, and said with an excited voice.

“I just want to ask, who is your illustrator, Mr. Eromanga? The rice she drew is so cute, with a hint of sex in the cuteness, which really suits my taste! “

Under Sagiri’s transformation, other characters each have different styles. Only characters like Hatae, who look like a lolita, are actually Sagiri’s best at painting. They instantly gave the Yamada Fairy soul a throbbing feeling. Thousands of years.

“Why are you asking about this?”

Hikigaya Hachiman’s eyes were alert.

Could it be said that the pull of fate cannot be avoided?

“Why are you so nervous? I just want to get to know you.”

Yamada Fairy muttered.

At this moment, Hikigaya Hachiman became expressionless.

“Okay, okay, I just think that Mr. Eromanga’s painting style seems to be more suitable for me. If we can combine our swords and step on the Qianju Village, conquering the world is just around the corner!”

Yamada Fairy kept talking, clenching pink fists in his hands and looking excited.

“Don’t you guys already have a teacher named Hermi? In terms of painting skills, Teacher Hermi is above Teacher Erromanga. So you still covet my teacher Erromanga?”

Hikigaya Hachiman said angrily.

After all, Sagiri is still too young, and Elmy is the eldest disciple of the first Eromanga teacher, Sagiri’s senior sister, so she can’t compare to normal.

“What do you call it? It’s just a job! Can Teacher Eromanga’s future with you be the same as with this lady? If Teacher Eromanga knew, he would definitely choose me. This is a more powerful light novelist!”

Fairy Yamada patted his chest and said confidently.

“As for Elmy, she is indeed very powerful, but she is not really a good match for me.”

“Okay, okay, I know you are great, but Teacher Eromanga has cooperated very well with me and will continue to cooperate in the future, so just give up!”

Hikigaya Hachiman interrupted his speech with a wave of his hand, looking equally confident.

“You are killing Eromanga-sensei’s potential! Hikigaya, you understand, right?”

Yamada Fairy’s expression suddenly changed.

Hikigaya Hachiman was startled when he heard this, and then said with a smile: “It is possible, but it is also an unknown thing. For the sake of friends, this is fine. As long as Ms. Yamada, you have the ability to persuade Teacher Eromanga to come down.” I won’t stop you from cooperating with us, but accordingly, I won’t provide you with any help, so you can’t get Mr. Eromanga’s contact information from me!”

“Don’t worry, when that time comes, I will also convince Almi to work with you, so that you won’t suffer a loss and the quality of your novel illustrations will not be affected.”

Yamada Fairy seemed to have confirmed the result and arranged a way out for him in advance.

Across the screen, the two people looked at each other at this moment, sparks seemed to be flying out of their eyes, and they smiled at the same time.

“Hum hum……”


38Unexpected sales increase

“Hey, Miss Yuanzi, did I hear you correctly?”

A week later, when Hikigaya Hachiman called the editor to inquire about sales, he was a little surprised when he heard the number reported by the other party, and even thought he heard it wrong.

Because the specific sales growth in the first week was much higher than he expected, and has now reached the level of 30,000 in the first week.

Logically speaking, even if he performed well in this volume, he would not be able to see such immediate results.

“We are also a little surprised. Although we have increased our publicity efforts because of your excellent performance, Teacher Yueze, it is indeed too exaggerated to be so much higher at once, so we did some research and found out that maybe it is because Your work was recommended by a painter named Eri Kashiwagi.”

Then, Machida Enko made a very likely guess.

“Ah? Teacher Eri Kashiwagi?”

Hikigaya Hachiman made a surprised sound.

“The other person is a comic book artist who has become famous in the past two years. He draws comics like that. It seems that the quality of his fans is quite high, which is why he has such appeal.”

Machida Enzi thought he didn’t know who the other party was or who the artist of the book was, so he simply explained.

Of course it’s not that Hikigaya Hachiman doesn’t know what a book artist is, he just heard the name accidentally.

Although there may be many people in this world that he may know, he will not deliberately understand them. He may only check them when the copied works involve reality.

After hanging up the phone, Hikigaya Hachiman went directly to search the other party’s Twitter account, found the message promoting the book, and confirmed the fact.

Although this was a spontaneous act by the other party, it is indeed worthy of gratitude.

If the other party is willing to accept it, he can wait until he has the opportunity to repay the favor. If he is not willing or does not see it, then forget it.

With this in mind, Hikigaya Hachiman sent a private message to the other party to identify himself and leave his contact information.

Just three days later, Hikigaya Hachiman suddenly received a friend request when he logged into the chat software.

The name is Eri Kashiwagi, and it seems that he has been added to the account used for work.

After clicking through, the other party’s first message first expressed questions about his identity.

“Are you really Moonlight-sensei?” What evidence do you have to prove it? 』

Hikigaya Hachiman then remembered that his account did not use official authentication, which led to the other party’s doubts, but now it was too late to ask the editor to authenticate the blog and Twitter, so he changed his mind and The original manuscript of an illustration was sent.

Me: This is the character design that Mr. Erromanga left for me. It has not been disclosed yet. As a painter, you should be able to tell that it was painted by Mr. Erromanga, right? If that doesn’t work, then I can only send out my contract.

Eri Kashiwagi: Is it really Teacher Tsukiyoshi?

Apparently, Yinglili has confirmed this.

Eri Kashiwagi: Teacher’s “Summer Returns” is very beautifully written! Among the works produced in recent years, they are considered very capable! And the manifestation of that creative desire is also respectable.

This means that he can write well and write faster.

Hikigaya Hachiman also felt very happy hearing her praise.

Although it is a copied work, it is no exaggeration to say that this summer reappearance novel version is estimated to have 50% of his credit…

Oh no, it must be at least 30%, right?

Me: Thank you, Mr. Eri Kashiwagi, for liking my work, but I should also thank you for your recommendation some time ago, which has significantly increased the sales of my works.

The market for comics is much larger than that of light novels. Although Eri Kashiwagi is only a book artist, he may not have sold fewer books than him during this period, which is why the recommendation has such a good effect.

Eri Kashiwagi: It’s nothing. I just expressed my love for the teacher’s works. There is no need to thank me or anything. As for favors, let alone mention them.

I really?

Eri Kashiwagi: Really.

Me: So be it.

The conversation with Eiriri was somewhat beyond Hikigaya Hachiman’s expectations.

I originally thought that the other party’s speaking style would be similar to that of Ms. Yamada, but in fact the difference is very big. This is probably because the two of them are strangers to each other, they use text to talk, and Erili puts herself in the position of a book lover.

Ying Lili chatted with him for a while about “Summer Returns”, but she only touched on it briefly to avoid hearing spoilers and losing a sense of surprise when reading the subsequent plot.

“I hope Teacher Yuelu can achieve great results again in the future!” 』

Finally, Yinglili sent another blessing and ended the conversation.

Seeing that there was one more person in the friend list, Hikigaya Hachiman glanced at him without any other expression, exited the chat software, and went to rest.

After a few days, painting work resumed.

“Teacher Tsukoshi, have you heard? Teacher Eri Kashiwagi is also reading the novel you wrote!”

During the break in painting, Sagiri suddenly chatted.

“Do you also know Teacher Kashiwagi Eri?”

Hikigaya Hachiman’s face suddenly darkened and he said, “Listen to me, Sagiri, it is not good to indulge in those things at this age. Even if you understand something, don’t go into it.”

“Well, Teacher Yuezi, don’t get me wrong!”

Sagiri’s face under the mask had turned red.

“I only have a little understanding of that aspect. The reason I pay attention to Eri Kashiwagi is not that I am interested in those works. I just think that her paintings are very good and can be used as a reference for learning.”

As if aware of the ambiguity in her words, Sagiri immediately added: “I’m talking about the kind of otaku-style painting that can be sent out directly.”

“I know.”

Hikigaya Hachiman knew that Sagiri was thin-skinned and easily shy, so as to prevent her brain from shutting down and affecting her work, he did not continue to tease her.

“By the way, why can Teacher YueSe question me? Teacher YueSe is obviously not much older than me.”

Sagiri thought about it, but she could only express doubts in her heart.

39 Second disease

Some time before dinner, Hikigaya Hachiman walked out of the bedroom, and Komachi pulled him to the sofa and whispered.

“Oops, Onii-chan, I just communicated with Hinata for a while, and she said that during this period, she often heard Ruri-san talking to herself alone, and she also said some inexplicable words. Could it be because she was under too much pressure? Is it causing mental problems? If so, we should solve this problem as soon as possible.”

As an insider, my sister naturally knows how much pressure Wu Geng Liuli has put on herself, which is why she is so worried.

“Really? Do you know what Wu Geng is talking to himself?”

Hikigaya Hachiman asked calmly and calmly.

“Well, when I think about it, it seems like “the power after awakening is indeed powerful, but now this mental attack can’t do anything to me”, “the era of my king’s arrival is coming”, “hum hum hum, the magic power is continuing “Come up”…like this.”

As he spoke, Komachi put on a show.

“Onii-chan, Ruri-san, is she suffering from some kind of hysteria?”


Seeing his sister’s worried look, Hikigaya Hachiman couldn’t help but laugh.

“Onii-chan, what’s so funny? Why are you gloating at this moment!”

An angry symbol seemed to appear on Komachi’s forehead.

“I was laughing at you idiot.”

His expression returned to normal, and then he explained, “This is actually a state called chuunibyou.”

“Chuunibyou? What kind of disease is this?”

Komachi looked confused.

“It is said that it is a photogenic and cute disease that is easy to suffer from in the second grade of junior high school when puberty begins. It is the mixture of the forming self-awareness and the naivety of daydreaming, which makes people do all kinds of weird things. What he did… was that a person who only read shounen comics and magazines yesterday suddenly read original English books about chess. He didn’t understand what the bitter taste of coffee was good about, but he insisted on drinking black coffee, believing that he had some special power. , addicted to all kinds of strange powers and chaos.”

He tried to change his voice and said with a distant look.

“It’s too complicated. And won’t Sister Liuli be in her second year of junior high school next year?”

Komachi shook his head.

“To put it simply, Wu Geng means that I occasionally substitute myself into some anime characters. It is not a big problem. As for the second grade of junior high school, it is just a false reference. It is possible to suffer from sensitive periods such as adolescence. At the time, I also… “

When Hikigaya Hachiman said this, he suddenly stopped.

Because if you continue talking, you will unconsciously think of the past that is difficult to look back on!

“Is Onii-chan also suffering from chuunibyou?”

Komachi thought about it, and it seemed that there were a few times when his brother said very strange words that he couldn’t understand.

“It’s just a little bit. Anyway, you don’t have to worry.”

He omitted it.

December 5th.

The story of Wu Geng Liuli, which had been polished many times, was put before his eyes again.

After many times of guidance and self-reflection from him, it finally became more attractive than ordinary fan fiction.

This is also normal. The quality of the doujinshis sold at comic exhibition stalls varies greatly. Many people enter the show enthusiastically to try it, and then never try it again after one time. Therefore, it does not take too much to reach the level of works that can be sold. high.


I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist

I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist

Status: Completed Author:


What would you do if you had the chance to do it again?
After experiencing a failed life, he was reincarnated into a new world and became Hikigaya Hachiman. He chose the path that he thought was the easiest.
"You might as well become a light novelist."
However, the nature of being a mediocre person is not so easy to change.
Life is full of different paths, sometimes you are happy and sometimes you are sad.


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