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I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist — Chapter 242

“What do you think about the story structure and foreshadowing of this volume of Hachiman? I will tell you my opinion first, and you will give me your opinion after listening.”

Unlike others, she really wants to improve her abilities through such opportunities.

“Everyone, I want to join too, can I?”

Sagiri couldn’t help but speak.


This matter was unanimously recognized by them.

From a career perspective, Sagiri may not have provided him with the greatest help, but she certainly put in the greatest effort, which can be said to be her best.

Therefore, he recognized this ‘sister’ very much.

Similarly, the girls also clearly understand this, and their attitude towards Sagiri is similar to that towards ‘Komachi’.

Unless Sagiri shows her threatening nature, they will treat her as their younger sister.

It was also at this time.

As one of the spokespersons for magical girls, Hina Aoi has also finished reading the fourth volume.

To be honest, the story content in this volume shocked her greatly.

She hadn’t experienced anything like this in a long time.

“Hikigaya-kun, I approve of you.”

Now, she can fully conclude that this ‘magical girl’ is not fundamentally different from the magical girl everyone imagined. The core is also love and hope, even if it appears a little distorted.

Whether it was Kyoko’s martyrdom in the previous volume or Akatsuki Homura’s persistence and changes in this volume, her heart beat faster. She fell in love with such a magical girl, but the thing that surprised her the most was about Madoka Madoka. ‘This role exists.

This should be the concrete performance of ‘truth, goodness and beauty’ in her imagination. Through the daily advancement bit by bit and the finishing touches in memories, she constructed a saint-like girl. It can be said that she has reversed the previous criticism in one fell swoop. change.

“The protagonist of “Puella Magi Madoka Magica” must be her!”

Aoi Maki was amazed at such a charming personality. Perhaps such a character could only be created with such a world view.

At this time, her heart was throbbing, and she couldn’t help but write now to write about the “magical girl” she wanted to interpret more.

At this point, even people like Hina Aoi have reversed their truest thoughts, so the shock and amazement of others at this moment is even more indescribable.

This time, even normally reticent readers couldn’t help but express their thoughts online.

“I declare that this is the best magical girl-related work I have ever seen, bar none!”

“I would like to apologize to Teacher YueSe. I thought that Teacher YueSe would only write some dark and cruel sadistic plots to attract people’s attention. But now it seems that I was wrong. How can Teacher YueSe’s writing ideas be different? Is this what an ordinary person like me would expect? This story is really great!”

“Although it is a pity that Madoka disappeared in the end and Sayaka was not resurrected, but to be honest, I was very satisfied with the result, especially when Madoka stood in front of Kyubey and made a wish, I had goosebumps all over my body! I just I know! Only Madoka, and only Madoka, can change the world. I imagine everyone felt the same way as me when I read that.”

“This shouldn’t be the ending, right? Why do I feel like this volume is about to end? The ending of this story is not satisfactory after all, so the old thief will definitely give us a happy ending!”

“The old thief is great, no need to say more.”

“I feel sorry for Sayaka here. I’m really unwilling. I have paid so much for Kamijou, but in the end I can’t take a step forward because I became a magical girl. I still have to accuse the old thief! And Kyoko too… so touching Ah, whether it’s Xiaoyan’s feelings for Madoka, or the great love in Madoka’s heart.”

“The concept of a “magical girl” is completely different from what I thought before. It’s a relief to see a story like this.”

“Oh, this ending must be the cruelest to Homura, right? I don’t want it to end like this! Otherwise, why would it be reincarnated so many times? Of course it’s for Madoka!”

“This is the story of Madoka Magica.”

Readers have expressed high recognition for the content of this volume. If people were still hesitant in the first three volumes and found it difficult to tolerate certain plots, then this volume can completely change everyone’s views on the core of the work.

Everyone has completely forgotten the unpleasantness caused by the decapitation of the school girl, Sayaka’s transformation into a witch, the martyrdom of Sakura Kyoko, and the tortured Homura Akatsuki, and instead treated them with a more positive mood.

Because everyone was moved by Madoka, but ignored Xiaomi Homura’s feelings for a while…

This is also the foreshadowing of the next plot.

336 He changed the magical girl.

“He changed the magical girl!” 』

On a well-known home culture base website, a post became popular all of a sudden, and its popularity was far ahead of other posts.

There are many reasons why it became popular. One of them is the popularity caused by yesterday’s release. The second reason is that the poster is one of the administrators of the website and is also Madoka’s famous Kuroko who often says that the moonlight is so beautiful. Virtue does not deserve it, and “Madoka Magica” does not deserve to be called a magical girl. It once fought fiercely with fans of the work.

This is also normal. The more you like something, the easier it is to become stubborn and intolerant of others.

Some otakus are like this. Their obsession with niche hobbies can reach a level that no one else can imagine. If something outside of their preferences appears in their works, they will immediately criticize it, hysterically, and even publicize it everywhere.

It’s hard to imagine that a person’s hatred can reach that level.

However, such a similar person admitted his mistake today!

“I admit it, I regret it!” I apologize for my previous remarks! I was too narrow-minded, so I failed to fully understand the greatness of Teacher Yue Se! Before, I had always disliked Mr. Tsukoshi because he insulted the magical girl I liked. In my mind, the magical girl should be innocent, gentle, gorgeous and lovely, but Asami-san’s I was completely lost in the hatred of being decapitated. Fortunately, my best friend forced me to read the fourth volume of Madoka, which also made me realize my own shallowness. It turns out that magical girls are actually like this, with the same core. , but it can shine with such dazzling light, far beyond my imagination. This kind of charm has completely captured me. In other words, Teacher Moonlight has changed the magical girl! Changed my arrogant perception! Teacher Yue Se, the eternal god! 』

“Hahahaha, you made me laugh. Have you had your account hacked? Who could do that?”

“First I looked at the first floor, and then I looked at the person who posted it. I was sweating all of a sudden. What the hell?”

“Tsk tsk tsk, you finally understand the charm of the old thief, right? As a long-time reader, I have long known the urinary properties of the old thief. His favorite taste is definitely not something superficial. The current reversal can only be said to be reasonable.”

“Actually, I also disliked such magical girls at first. The main reason is that the magical girls we watched before were more sub-oriented and were mainly created for young lesbians. The story is simple, easy to understand and has educational significance. However, this work has a complicated story. The aspects such as sex and character depth will be stronger and more melancholy, so it will feel very awkward, but as long as you realize its true core, you will feel that everyone will be deeply moved by it, regardless of gender. “

“Why is it so funny? Hehehehe, but as long as you admit your mistakes, we will still be good friends.”

“Why don’t you give some peripherals to the netizens to make amends? It’s unreasonable for you to scold me like that before.”

“Even an old stubborn like you has been influenced by this. This shows that Mr. Moonlight’s writing of this volume is really good. I feel that this work is going to be better again. Maybe there will be many more magical girl-related works in the industry recently, such as the previous one After the popularity of the Shitoumen animation, there have been more time-themed works. Although there are very few high-quality works, there are also some good works. Thank you Teacher Yuese for bringing vitality to the industry! “

This post was also forwarded by Kosaka Kirino to the otaku girl group and otaku friend group.

In the otaku group, many of the guys who had argued with her before either disappeared or recognized Madoka as the orthodox magical girl, which made her very happy.

In the group of home friends, everyone also expressed congratulations and praises, hoping that Teacher Yuese would continue to work hard and create brilliance.

When Hikigaya Hachiman saw the message in the group, he just smiled and then sent a picture pretending to be cute.

Everyone’s behavior is completely reasonable. After all, countless people were deeply shocked in the previous life. From the plot point of view, this is really great.

As far as the novel itself is concerned, his writing ability has completely reached the top level in the industry through unremitting efforts and the sharing of experience between two exceptional geniuses. After all, the writing ability in the light novel world is not very high. Now He can be considered a veritable genius.

After the carnival of the past few days, seeing that the spring break was coming to an end, everyone stopped again.

This is of course because I am about to go to school.

But Nayuta didn’t care much about his studies. He even dropped out of school immediately in order to prevent the goblin from monopolizing his senior’s time.

However, the application was not approved.

“Senior, can you let me accompany you every day?”

The girl held his left hand with both hands and shook it back and forth, whispering coquettishly.

“Aren’t we together every day?”

Hikigaya Hachiman asked in return.

I didn’t agree, mainly because I was afraid that she would make a bad move.

If Nayuta did this, Imura Zheng’s affectionate and sexual character would definitely follow suit.

Then at that time, Murazei’s father, Umezono Rintaro, might come to him and say that he was the one who seduced him. For the Umezono family, the reputation of being a high school dropout is really bad.

After all, not every family is like a goblin family.

“I don’t want to! If you leave senior at home, isn’t it just sending a sheep into a tiger’s mouth? Miss Goblin might do something bad!”

But Nayuduo said in a cute voice.

“So I’m a sheep?”

Hikigaya Hachiman’s mouth twitched.

Jiu Wu Lingyi bullied Jiu Lingqi

“Ha! Don’t think of me as a guy like you!”

Holding his hands, Yamada Youshen said proudly, “I have been with Hachiman long before you came. You are just latecomers, so your statement is meaningless at all.”

“Before was before, and now is now. Yaren, can your thoughts before be the same as your thoughts now?”

Qianju Cunzheng narrowed his eyes, revealing some thoughts.

“There’s nothing to brag about. I’m Hachiman’s first neighbor.”

Wu Geng Liu Li Yun said lightly.

Scanning the expressions of the three people, Yamada Fairy’s eyes narrowed.

Okay, you guys actually banded together to force me to have a baby! He really went to great lengths to win!

But, hum… your strategy is already outdated for me!

“Okay, okay, I won’t do anything! It seems like…if you don’t believe it, you can ask Sagiri to supervise me.”

Fairy Yamada almost blurted out some of her innermost thoughts, but she changed the subject in time to reassure everyone.


The three women made eye contact for a moment and nodded with satisfaction.

At the same time, Hikigaya Hachiman silently observed this scene, choosing to smile and say nothing.

337 Time Assassin Yukinoshita

“Hey, there’s no need to go to such trouble.”

In the afternoon, Sagiri came over to play, and then heard about this incident from everyone’s mouths, and her expressions were a bit dumbfounded.

“Sagiri, just promise these guys, otherwise, it will be very troublesome.”

Hikigaya Hachiman said smoothly.

“Since Brother Hachiman has said so, I will agree to it.”

Sagiri thought about it for a moment and nodded in agreement.

“But, have you forgotten that although I graduated from middle school, I promised my mother that I would go to high school and I didn’t plan to drop out like the goblin.”

As soon as these words came out, the scene was silent for a moment, and the girls all looked at the goblin.

“Yama, it turns out you are trying to trick us!”

Qianju Cunzheng roared.

“Is this Miss Goblin’s plan? You almost fooled me.”

But Nayuta also said angrily with her hands on her hips.


The Yamada Fairy thought hard, with cold sweat breaking out on his forehead. Finally, he made a little move similar to the cuteness of a Lucky Cat, trying to get through and said, “I forgot~!”

“You bastard!”

But Nayuta and Sei Senjumura were so furious that they rushed over and threw the elf lady to the ground, ravaging her severely.

Of course, this matter could only come to nothing in the end, and everything could only rely on the consciousness of Miss Goblin.

Come Monday.

“Brother Hachiman, Miss Goblin, let’s go to school first.”

“Sagiri, bye.”

Saying goodbye in the morning, compared to the smile on Sagiri’s face, the eyes of Nayuta and Sei Senjumura were filled with resentment.

“Senior, goodbye.”

“Hachiman, see you later.”


I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist

I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist

Status: Completed Author:


What would you do if you had the chance to do it again?
After experiencing a failed life, he was reincarnated into a new world and became Hikigaya Hachiman. He chose the path that he thought was the easiest.
"You might as well become a light novelist."
However, the nature of being a mediocre person is not so easy to change.
Life is full of different paths, sometimes you are happy and sometimes you are sad.


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