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I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist — Chapter 245

Faced with Yukino’s enthusiastic offensive, Hikigaya Hachiman was not used to it at the beginning, but gradually got used to it.

The girl’s initiative and cuteness were like a melting iceberg, turning into an avalanche and rolling towards him. It was really hard not to be moved.

“A playboy, a scumbag, and the protagonist of a light novel!”

The Yamada Fairy looked at the change in his expression at a certain moment and complained in his heart.

But she didn’t bother to make trouble, because she felt that playing games with Yukinoshita was quite fun, and by the way, she could also take the opportunity to observe Hachiman’s condition.

Who told her to write a light novel about a harem from another world?

This is also an opportunity for her to reference.

“Behave yourself.”

Miss Goblin pointed it out directly.


Hikigaya Hachiman had a question mark at this moment.

“Why, am I also the protagonist in your novel?”

In this way, the protagonists of Nayuta, Ruri and Murasaki’s new works more or less refer to his character settings.

Hikigaya Universe belongs to it.

“Yes, that’s right. Readers think what I wrote is untrue. It’s too simple for the male protagonist to conquer everyone. I just want to use your ideas to replace it…”

“Can I say no?”


340 What a sinful man

Although it is a bit strange to be asked by a fairy, as the author Hikigaya Hachiman can understand it.

If the goblin can successfully create according to her own vision, it will indeed be beneficial to her own creation. It is equivalent to an upgrade. From a mindless harem flow to a work with human characters, it will be more attractive.

Otherwise, what if the quality of Goblin’s second work has obviously improved compared to the debut, but the sales volume has not been as improved as it should be?

Or it’s because there is still a ceiling to what she wrote. There are really too many substitutes for brainless harem novels.

As the first week of school comes to an end, the girls’ anxiety is suddenly and effectively relieved.

Now the time of the two college students was finally synchronized with theirs, and they no longer had to worry about being attacked.

However, during this period, they saw the goblin’s performance and couldn’t help but discuss it.

“That guy from Asia is too passive. He just plays games all day long and becomes more and more lazy.”

“Haha, this guy is completely exacerbating everyone’s mental friction. She actually indulges Yukinoshita so much. Should I say that she is confident or arrogant?”

“I’m really unhappy. I always feel like that demi-human guy has another agenda… Even if he has some agenda, there’s no need to deliberately create an enemy for yourself. I really don’t understand that guy. Is it a consensus that we all work together to target the latecomers?”

After a conversation, both of them looked thoughtful.

In the afternoon.

The weather is slightly warm and the sun is just right.

Hikigaya Hachiman planned to take a nap, but an unexpected phone call interrupted his peaceful time.

“Hey, Miss Yuanzi, is there something important? I just lay down to take a nap.”

“I’m really sorry, Teacher Yueze, for disturbing your rest. Let’s do this. I’ll treat you to afternoon tea. You’ll feel energetic in an instant.”

“Forget it then. If I learn ‘teleportation’, I will definitely fly to Tokyo immediately. I have to ask you to invite me.”

“Hehehe, Teacher Yuese, you really know how to joke… Let’s get down to business. Actually, we want to ask you to organize an event. Don’t you never hold book signings? Readers always feel too far away from the teacher. , so they hope you can do a few live broadcasts to get closer.”

“That’s it, I know.”

At this time, Hikigaya Hachiman suddenly remembered something, that is, he had not read fan letters for a long time, and the only interactions he had with readers were in a few interviews.

Although it is not entirely my own work, my attitude is indeed too perfunctory.

It happened that he had graduated and had much more time, so he agreed.

“Very good!”

Machida Eonko was delighted at first, and then asked, “Teacher Tsukiyoshi, are you ready to show your face? Or should you continue to keep a low profile.”

The publicity effects of the two are quite different.

“I still don’t show my face. My hatred level is a bit high now and I’m scared.”

He pretended to say with a trembling voice.

Although the emotion is fake, it is indeed something that has to be considered.

“Indeed, in the novel, teachers are a being that people love and hate, but in terms of romance, they are a being that makes people envy, envy, and hate. No matter which aspect makes people worry about the teacher’s personal safety.”

Machida Enzi is even more convinced of this.

What a sinful man!

Soon, the news that the famous light novelist “Moonlight Is So Beautiful” was going to be broadcast live online spread like wildfire on the Internet, attracting the attention of many people.

Generally speaking, when novelists do this kind of thing, people are actually not very interested. After all, most people just read novels and don’t like the author much.

But the name ‘Moonlight is So Beautiful’ is different. It can be said that he is the most famous figure in the industry today. In addition to his impressive works, the gossip stories surrounding him are even more legendary. He gets along well with Nayuta’s teacher and Senjumura Teacher Zheng has an affair with her, and even Teacher Yueze is the reason why they write.

Therefore, everyone is very interested in this author who is usually called “Old Thief”. He never shows up, which adds to his mystery.

“Is this old thief actually going to live broadcast? And it’s still three hours long! I have to watch it now.”

“Hehe, I finally have a chance to chat with the old thief this time. I had no chance to interact in the official live broadcast room before. They were all people with money abilities, so I couldn’t get them.”

“Damn! You still don’t show your face. How long does this old thief plan to carry out hunger marketing? Let me see!”

“Don’t think about it, the old thief must be very handsome, otherwise how could he be so fascinated by Mr. Yamada and the others? As for talent, I don’t believe it!”

“Is it just the old thief who is broadcasting alone? Are there any guest appearances? Or, other teachers suddenly appear from the live broadcast room to give everyone a surprise?”

“Hurry up, hurry up, it’s a rare chance to catch the old thief. I have a lot of questions to ask!”

“Teacher Ke’er is the best in the world! Don’t let anyone else get involved!

Where is the Qianshou Party? Get them all out! “

Everyone was chatting and suddenly got into the rhythm of party struggle again and had a great time.

The first person affected by this incident was not anyone else, but Sagiri.

“Teacher Eromanga, do you want to live broadcast with the old thief?”

“Teacher Eromanga, the time has come to prove yourself! Be brave!”

“What’s going on? As the original work, the old thief can be unclear to others, but the teacher, as an illustrator, can’t be unclear, right?”

Under her Twitter, many people are encouraging her to co-star.

Novelist and illustrator are inseparable.

Sagiri also agreed with this statement, so she took the time to visit Brother Hachiman.

She sat on the sofa in a familiar manner, looking slightly sideways, her silky silver-white hair hanging down, looking up at the rather delicate face.

“Brother Hachiman, should I also join the live broadcast with you? Fans say that I must appear as an illustrator.”

“Indeed, my success has a lot to do with your efforts, Sagiri.”

Hikigaya Hachiman must have admitted this.

If you are unlucky and assigned a bad illustrator, his or her path may be much more difficult.

Illustrations are just an appearance for light novels. An interesting soul is certainly important, but so is the first impression.

“It was Hachiman-nii who wrote it well, and of course thanks to the help of Sister Eiriri.”

Sagiri immediately smiled shyly, not wanting to take credit.

“Well…then let’s decide. When the time comes, we will live broadcast with Sagiri. Then I can also let you draw and add some content to the live broadcast.”

He nodded and said.

“I will be well prepared!”

Sagiri took a very serious attitude.

341Fancy compliments from the audience

“I’m going back to my room to start the live broadcast, what about you?”

Half an hour after finishing dinner, Hikigaya Hachiman stood up to return to the room and asked about the others.

“Live broadcast with seniors!”

Keer Nayuta raised her hands happily and said.

“turn down.”

He waved.

Qianju Cunzheng wanted to say the same thing, but the result would definitely not change, so she didn’t open her mouth.

“In that case, let’s watch the live broadcast together and supervise each other so as not to cause trouble to Hachiman.”

Yamada Fairy suggested.

But Nayuta and Sei Senjumura looked at each other and nodded in agreement.

“Then it’s up to you.”

He said he didn’t care about it, left the girls alone, and walked to his room.

Sitting on the chair, Hikigaya Hachiman opened the computer in front of him.

He has never had anything like his own live broadcast, but after all, he is someone who has experienced big storms. This kind of thing is just a small case, and he is not nervous at all.

However, before the broadcast, he still made some small preparations.

Although it means not showing your face, it doesn’t mean that you don’t turn on the camera, but you are just pretending.

In the drawer, there were several glasses cases, which contained glasses without prescription. After the goblin gave him glasses for reference, the girls also bought glasses for him as gifts, and took pictures one by one as a souvenir.

He picked up the pair of glasses given by the goblin and put them on himself, and also put on the black dust mask he had prepared.

In this way, no one can recognize it except those who are very familiar with it.

Hikigaya Hachiman opened the website and logged in with his account.

He had completed the debugging of the live broadcast room a few days ago and was clear about the process, so the broadcast started very quickly.

At this time, the black screen live broadcast room was not deserted at all, but was very lively.

The momentum in the past few days has attracted all interested people to this live broadcast room.

At this time, netizens were not talking about novels, but engaging in party disputes.

This hot topic will probably continue to be hot for a long time before the dust settles.

Fans are fighting power, and Nayuta and Murasei’s voices can be said to be the strongest.

In the living room, the computer has been installed in the live broadcast room.

“As expected, everyone still thinks that senior and I are the best match.”

But Nayuta smiled very happily and was very proud.

“It should be me.”

Qian Shou Cun patted his chest and leaned forward.

“Falling is not about who has more fans, and their opinions are not important.”

Yamada Fairy curled his lips and disapproved.

“The person who said this must have very few fans.”

“I’m sorry, Yaren, I hit your pain point again, I apologize to you.”

Then she got the push back.


I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist

I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist

Status: Completed Author:


What would you do if you had the chance to do it again?
After experiencing a failed life, he was reincarnated into a new world and became Hikigaya Hachiman. He chose the path that he thought was the easiest.
"You might as well become a light novelist."
However, the nature of being a mediocre person is not so easy to change.
Life is full of different paths, sometimes you are happy and sometimes you are sad.


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