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I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist — Chapter 246

“You…hum! I won’t argue with you about this kind of thing!”

Although Yamada Fairy is still not angry about this, she has long been detached from the core of the problem.

At this moment, the black screen of the live broadcast room suddenly lit up, attracting their attention.

“Hey, Xiao Qi is dressed like this!? It’s so special. If you didn’t know Xiao Qi, you would have mistaken him for someone else. He is so classy! He is just like a celebrity.”

Yuigahama Yui, who was also watching the live broadcast at this time, exclaimed.

“Wearing a mask makes me a little unfamiliar, but this pair of glasses really makes up for the shortcomings of my eyes, and my temperament suddenly rises…Huh? It seems to be the pair of glasses we saw that day. “

Yukinoshita Yukino nodded in agreement and suddenly thought of it.

The girls can get the beauty, and the audience in the live broadcast room can also get it, so the style of the barrage immediately changed after the broadcast started.

“Where is this handsome celebrity? He’s not really an old thief, is he?”

“You’re rich, talented, pretty, and have a girl, so don’t disgust me.”

“I don’t believe it! The old thief must not be so handsome! It must be the mask effect!”

“It starts with talent and is loyal to appearance. I am completely defeated, woo woo.”

“I declare that from now on I will be Teacher YueSe’s single pusher! Teacher YueSe is mine and no one can take it away!”

“Teacher Ke’er, Teacher Qianshou, I’m sorry, I can’t go back.”

When Hikigaya Hachiman saw these compliments and even disgusting barrages, his expression was a little tense.

Fortunately, now that he is wearing a mask, his micro-expressions are not so easy to detect.

“Is it necessary to be so exaggerated? Sorry, I am actually not confident at all about my appearance.”

he joked.

This sounded like Versailles to the viewers in the live broadcast room, but it was indeed the case.

He has never been treated favorably because of his appearance since he was a child.

He is able to reach his current status entirely because of his amazing talent and insignificant time-traveling situation.

Forced real face.jpg.

Then, the barrage sent out a variety of ridiculing words and eye-rolling expressions.

“Okay, I know I’m handsome, which hurts everyone’s self-confidence. In order not to make everyone feel inferior, let’s change the topic to business… I’ll connect to Teacher Eromanga first, As an illustrator who has been with me since my debut, I believe you are already familiar with this name, but in fact there are still many things you don’t know about Mr. Eromanga. Let us give you some answers this time. Bar.”

Hikigaya Hachiman smiled and sent a video invitation to Sagiri.

Of course, Mr. Eromanga appeared in front of the audience without showing his face, but wore a mask.

However, the mask used was not the mask he had seen a few years ago, but a two-dimensional fox mask with a close-fitting look, which looked very different.

“Dudulu~ Good evening everyone, I am Mr. Yuekose’s official illustrator, Mr. Eromanga!”

Sagiri used Mayuri’s speaking style and greeted the audience in a playful and cute way.

They had only heard the voice before, but now they could still see the long silver-white hair. Now they were even more convinced that Teacher Eromanga was also a beautiful girl.

“Such a sweet voice, I love it.”

“I’ve fallen in love with Teacher Eromanga, I’m sorry for the other teachers.”

“Wow! You are really young!”

“By the way, how old were the old thief and Eromanga-sensei when they debuted? Are they so young and promising?”

“I always feel that it’s really weird for such a cute girl to have such a name. Isn’t this also a contrast to cuteness?”

“Long live Teacher Eromanga! She and the old thief are a perfect match!”

Seeing how popular Teacher Eromanga was all of a sudden, Nayuta Kana and Sei Senjumura who were watching the live broadcast suddenly smelled something different.

Only then did they remember that as they grew older, Sagiri became more and more juicy and mature enough to be eaten…

Could it be that the biggest threat is actually around us! ?

342 made everyone laugh

In terms of favorability, Sagiri has plenty of time to accumulate, in terms of the help she provides, she is unique as an illustrator, and she is super cute in appearance…

Although Hachiman has always treated Sagiri as his younger sister before, maybe when will things change?

Like and love, longing and love, sometimes they are just one step away!

But Nayuta and Sei Senjumura suddenly realized the seriousness of the problem, and their eyes became a little more fearful.

Sagiri is still unclear about the changes in the girls’ attitudes. She is now fully focused on this live broadcast.

“Hey, thank you for your compliments. In order to thank you all, let me reveal a little secret to you first! Do you want to know the origin of my creative name “Eromanga Teacher”~”

She waited for a while for the barrage to pass before continuing.

“It’s really not because I’m sexy! In fact, its origin is from Eromanga Island in the Pacific island country of Vanuatu. It has nothing to do with erotic comics… Okay, okay, actually, I inherited this name from my mother I came down, so to be precise, I am actually the second generation of Eromanga-sensei…”

“Huh? Do you want me to talk about mom? Mom is very beautiful and nice, but there is no chance for you. Just stop it! Speaking of mom, although she is not very famous, she is actually a person who can draw super powerful paintings. If it weren’t for her , I definitely can’t keep up with Teacher Yue Se’s steps. I have always admired her and am still learning from her.”

Faced with the girl’s heartfelt speech, the audience also felt her seriousness and expressed their admiration for the first-generation Eromanga teacher.

“It’s true, Auntie works very hard.”

Hikigaya Hachiman couldn’t help but sigh.

“??????”, “Already met your parents?”, “Plus one share”, “Teacher Eromanga is my first love” and similar barrages soon came in droves.

He ignored this and continued to talk to himself: “Okay, after listening to Teacher Erromanga’s little secret, are you more curious about the story between Teacher Erromanga and me? ? Let me share a little bit about some of the little problems that Teacher Eromanga and I encountered during the writing process.”

Of course, he needed to get used to it during his initial cooperation with Sagiri, and there were many interesting stories in it.

Although everyone is interested in these hidden things, they are not the most interesting content. After listening to it, the audience quickly began to urge and ask some ridiculous questions.

“Teacher Yuezi, which girl do you think is the most beautiful?”

“What do you think of Mr. Yamada?”

“If you can only choose between Teacher Ke’er and Teacher Qianshou, which one will you choose?”

“I want to confess to Teacher Yuezi, can I accept it now?”

“Why are they all asking about my relationships? No one wants to talk about novels? After all, I’m still a light novelist.”

Hikigaya Hachiman couldn’t help but complain.

Vaguely, he seemed to hear a silver bell-like laughter coming from the living room.

As you can imagine, the audience in the live broadcast room at this moment was probably also amused by this sentence.

Although the content of the novel will be very attractive, the gossip in reality is also very attractive, otherwise there would be no paparazzi who are always trying to dig up information about celebrities.

“Okay, okay, since everyone is not interested, then Sagiri and I will talk to you about some things you want to know, but we will only answer the questions we want to answer. We will not pay attention to anything that is too outrageous.”

In desperation, he compromised.

After the three chapters of the agreement, the barrage became much more harmonious. It no longer asked those too awkward questions, but some more practical questions.

He answered a few selectively.

“What happened to Yuta? In fact, you can basically make up a summary of the cause and effect on the Internet, so I won’t go into details here… huh? Was I just motivated by sex? It’s so contemptuous! At that time, I I can’t see the positive side at all, it’s just a simple sense of justice.”

He looked righteous and awe-inspiring.

“As for Mura Zheng, the first time I met her was under the arrangement of the editorial department. She seemed very cold and arrogant, but she was actually a good child with a cold face and a warm heart. When I learned that she wrote novels just for me, Of course I was very surprised at the time. After all, Cun Zheng was already ranked number one in sales at that time! By the way, let me tell you a little interesting story. Cun Zheng wrote me a lot of fan letters. The tone is actually quite cute, and it completely satisfies my sense of vanity as a human being.”

When he said this, Qianju Cunzheng, who was watching the live broadcast, suddenly laughed happily.

This was the first time she heard herself from Hachiman’s perspective, and it was such a comment.

“Humph, it’s mainly because the matter between me and senior is already widely known, and there’s no need to mention it again.”

But Nayuta was a little angry, so she had no choice but to comfort herself like this.

“Teacher Eri Kashiwagi? Of course she is super cute, and she is a famous lady, but our relationship is very pure. She helped me at the time, and I also wanted to help her. The first time we met was actually at the Comic Exhibition Go…Although we are separated from each other, we have always been in contact, but the things we talked about were all related to novels. Recently, it was the zero line of Shitoumen. If you don’t know, you can follow up, Kashiwagi Teacher Yingli’s painting style is very beautiful.”

He placed an ad by the way.

“Welcome to Steins;Gate 0!” Don’t worry, it’s Teacher Yue’s original work! And I really like Teacher Yueshi~』

“If Teacher Yueshi is not married after I fulfill my dream, then I will pursue him!” 』

The iD account of Eri Kashiwagi made some noise at the right time, and even posted a semi-joking remark.

It caused a stir in the barrage.

“Teacher Yamada? The time I got to know her goes back to when I first started submitting articles. To be honest, the result of my first submission was a disastrous failure, which shocked me deeply. So after learning from the pain, I decided to find like-minded people. Friends can improve each other. At that time, I chose Miss Fairy. She asked me in the first game if I was her fan. I answered no, which made Miss Fairy very angry, and then I criticized her randomly. How can only weak people stick together? ‘, ‘Playing chess with a bad chess player will get worse and worse’, which immediately silenced me… Fortunately, Miss Goblin is a tsundere, and she decided to generously give me this opportunity. “

He said with a smile.

Suddenly, he thought of something, broke out in a cold sweat, his eyes flickered, and he immediately added something.

“Ah, by the way, Miss Goblin was still a primary school student at that time. She was very powerful, wasn’t she? She could write such a work.”

343 Wonderful revelations…!

However, it was obviously a little late for him to make amends. The audience in the live broadcast room had automatically constructed an image of “incompetent and arrogant” from what he just said.

“Hahaha, it turns out that Mr. Yamada is a noob, and he is worthless compared to Mr. Yueshi.”

“This is a boomerang. I really want to know what Mr. Yamada’s face looked like when he learned that the sales volume of the old thief exceeded hers. It must be interesting.”

“I know an old saying… Thirty years to the east of the river and thirty years to the west of the river. Don’t bully young people into poverty!”

“It was so funny that Teacher Yamada was slapped hard in the face. What should I do if I suddenly feel so good?”

“You have the nerve to be so arrogant in a vulgar work like Yamada Fairy’s?”

“The good news is that Mr. Yamada became a light novelist when he was an elementary school student. The bad news is that his writing skills are still at the level of an elementary school student.”

“Teacher Yamada is such a bitch…she’s actually quite cute, isn’t she?”

“I’m afraid you may have misunderstood what the old thief meant when he said this!”

Everyone’s reaction to this sentence was very negative, obviously because Mr. Yamada’s original reputation was so bad, which left a fixed impression on everyone.

“Damn it, these guys must have never seen my new work! I’m at least at a high school level now!”

Seeing this, the Yamada Fairy roared with great grievance.

These words caused strange looks from the two girls next to him.

Are you satisfied with this? No!

However, Senjumura Sei and Kani Nayuta are too lazy to tease each other in this regard.

Humiliation is strong enough.

“It’s all your fault, Hachiman, for exposing such a secret! Be careful that I expose your scandal!”

Yamada Fairy folded his arms and muttered.

“is that true?”

The two women looked serious.

“Of course it’s fake!”

She snorted.

“Don’t think I don’t know what you are thinking!”

The two girls sighed inwardly.

Although it is a pity for them that it will affect Hachiman’s reputation, it is also their best opportunity. When Hachiman is notorious, they will unswervingly extend an olive branch and directly increase their favorability. They can also win over the biggest demon, the goblin. If the enemy is kicked out, it is simply a win!

in the room.


I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist

I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist

Status: Completed Author:


What would you do if you had the chance to do it again?
After experiencing a failed life, he was reincarnated into a new world and became Hikigaya Hachiman. He chose the path that he thought was the easiest.
"You might as well become a light novelist."
However, the nature of being a mediocre person is not so easy to change.
Life is full of different paths, sometimes you are happy and sometimes you are sad.


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