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I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist — Chapter 25

If he was really that good, he wouldn’t need to create doujinshis and just make his debut as a light novelist or manga artist.

“And this, as you said, I tried to copy the works of Eri Kashiwagi, and I feel that my technique has improved a lot. This style of painting is indeed much better than the pointy chin I had before.”

Wu Geng Liuli took out a few more pages of drawing paper, on which were the illustrations he drew.

I don’t know how good-looking she is, she’s definitely not as talented as Sagiri, but I can see that after hard practice, she’s at least as cute as the original character.

“Well, fan fiction with illustrations already has a comparative advantage over ordinary fan fiction. The quality of the underlying text is beyond the point of being inferior. I feel there is still hope of selling a few hundred copies.”

Hikigaya Hachiman pondered.

“Hundreds of copies?”

Wu Geng Liuli had a questioning expression, not having a specific idea about this number.

“Maybe it could sell more if it was famous, but that’s it for now.”

He had already made an optimistic estimate.

“Anyway, let’s make preparations first. Apply for a stall first, and then there is the issue of printing. Have you considered it?”

Hikigaya Hachiman changed the subject.

“Can I ask first, how much does it cost to print a copy?”

Wu Geng Liuli seemed a little worried when talking about this issue because she was short of money.

“It seems like 150 yen per book? I’m not sure. For the specific cost, I’d better ask Ms. Machida to contact the printing house for you.”

He wasn’t sure.

“In this case, it will cost 15,000 yen to print a hundred copies? How about a few hundred copies…”

Wu Geng Liuli’s expression became uncertain.

She does have some money saved. It’s good to think that the printed doujinshi can be sold, but if it can’t be sold, it will be a loss!

It was almost an all-or-nothing decision.

“Don’t worry, I can lend it to you.”

Hikigaya Hachiman noticed the girl’s embarrassment and took the initiative.


Wu Geng Liuli was still a little hesitant.

“Don’t worry about getting me into trouble. Don’t forget that I have officially debuted as a light novelist. This amount of money is nothing to me. If you sell enough doujinshi, you can pay it back quickly.” I, why not do it?”

He was able to give generously to his friends.

“I see.”

ⅢYi Er Ba Yi Si is also his uncle

Wu Geng Liuli agreed and lowered his head slightly to hide his expression.

‘I owe more and more of this favor. ’

She sighed in her heart.

Afterwards, Hikigaya Hachiman called the editor.

“Miss Yuanzi, can I ask you a favor?”

“Oh? You actually need my help? Teacher Yuezi, tell me.”

Machida Enzi was curious.

“Actually, I would like to ask you to contact the printing house to print a fan novel…”

“Haha? Mr. Yueze, do you still have time to do side jobs if you update so fast? With the current sales volume of “Summer Returns”, if it is affected, it will be a result that outweighs the gain.”

“No, I’m asking for a friend.”


“Is it important?”

“Oh~ It’s a girl. In this case, I must help. Tell me how many copies you want to print.”

Machida Enko’s tone became naughty.

“Let’s temporarily order 500 copies.”

Hikigaya Hachiman said calmly as if he didn’t hear her teasing intention at all.

“Okay, I’ll contact Teacher Yuezi later. Goodbye.”


40 doujinshi for sale

The cold wind in winter cannot dampen the enthusiasm of enthusiasts.

As the tram got closer to the station, the crowd became more and more crowded, causing the temperature in the carriage to rise a lot.

Indeed, Comic Market is the world’s largest doujinshi sales fair, so it is expected that the traffic will be like this.

Hikigaya Hachiman and Goseng Ruri stayed in a corner. His body blocked the outside, but it also caused the distance between the two to be somewhat close.

“Hikigaya, is this your first time attending a doujinshi sales event?”

Wu Geng Liuli looked at the face so close and turned to look out the window to divert her attention.

“That’s right. I’ve occasionally wanted to come over and have a look before, but… I’ve never had such an opportunity.”

Hikigaya Hachiman’s eyes flickered.

“Indeed, it would be too sad for a person to come to a place like this alone.”

Wu Geng Liuli thought about this aspect, and her understanding was slightly different from his.

A few minutes later, the tram arrived.

Tokyo Big Sight, the venue for Comic Market, is different from the past. There are more people wearing cosplay costumes on the streets visible to the naked eye, and there are also cars of various characters in the parking spaces next to it.

“Is this Comic Con?”

Wu Geng Liuli’s eyes were frequently attracted.

Hikigaya Hachiman is also observing whether this unique world is as interesting as imagined.

“These people are like ants gathering together. In this case, when can we go in?”

Wu Geng Liuli stopped and looked at the long queue in front of her, feeling a sense of despair.

“Don’t worry, we can take another path.”

Hikigaya Hachiman reminded.

“is that so?”

Wu Geng Liuli’s eyes lit up.

Holding the certificate, Hikigaya Hachiman followed Gogeng Ruri through another guarded road and entered the venue directly.

Soon, they asked the staff to find their stall.

There were already many stalls around, so they arrived relatively late.

Several boxes have been placed under the long table, and they contain printed copies of the novels written by Gogeng Ruri. Machida Enko arranged for someone to deliver them in advance. There are two hundred volumes in total, and not all of them are because the comic exhibition lasted three days.

The goal set by Hikigaya Hachiman was to sell 500 copies within three days.

In fact, this is not that simple, because an unknown author can only rely on the traffic of readers who are interested in this kind of fan fiction, and then reduce it to the number of people who are interested in Wu Geng Liuli’s creation. Not much left.

“Anyway, let’s get started.”

The two placed a part of the novel on the table, then sat on the chairs and began to wait for the official exhibition and the influx of people.

Within a few minutes, the sale officially started. People came in groups, looking for the doujinshi they were interested in, and then flipped through some to decide whether they had the desire to buy.

It has to be said that Hikigaya Hachiman’s strategy is correct.

He asked Wu Geng Liuli to choose the most popular animation works recently. After writing the slogan on the billboard, people came to visit him very quickly. It was much better than the nearby stalls that no one cared about.

This is why on a certain website, everyone is rushing to write about the original Bengzhou fans. Not only do fans come in quickly, but the upper limit is also high. How can you not be tempted?

“Excuse me, can I see the content?”

The person who came was an ordinary-looking young man who looked a little frail.


Wu Geng Liuli’s tone was a little cold, and she had no idea that customers were God.

Although the stall owner looked gloomy, this could not stop the young man from wanting to read. He picked up a light novel on the top and started reading it.

“Ah, the writing is in line with my expectations!”

The young man murmured to himself.

“Are you planning to read them all?”

Wu Geng Liuli said coldly again.

“Ah, sorry, how much does it cost?”

The young man was startled, came to his senses, and took out the money in his pocket.

“Chenghui, 500 yen.”

This time it was Hikigaya Hachiman who spoke, and he couldn’t stand it anymore.

After the young man paid and left, he turned his head.

“How can you do business like this? I’m afraid you’ll scare everyone away.”

“I can’t help it. This is how I behave. Do you have any objections?”

Wu Geng Liuli’s tone softened a little, but she still spoke in a rush.

Hikigaya Hachiman had forgotten that this guy was shy and gloomy. He didn’t like to talk and only talked a lot in his own field.

The two of them weren’t actually very happy when they got along at the beginning. It was all because of Komachi’s lubricating effect. It wasn’t until the two of them became friends that things really improved.

Of course, from time to time, he will still be attacked by vicious tongues.

But now it has calmed down.

“no comment.”

He curled his lips and spread his hands.

Next, people came one after another.

Seeing that Gogeng Ruri looked like he could release black magic at any time, Hikigaya Hachiman had no choice but to play his role as a stall owner and talk to the customers.

As the traffic increases, a positive feedback trend forms, and more interested people arrive.

There are all kinds of people coming and going, and he will find it troublesome to deal with them.

He finally understood why those big guys would pay people to sell them on their behalf. Apart from not wanting to reveal their identity, it was also very tiring.

Of course, those who let beautiful cosplayers sell them are more for popularity.

“Hikigaya, are you tired? Do you want some water?”

Wu Geng Liuli looked on, a little embarrassed, and felt that she needed to do something.

“My mouth is indeed dry. Buy me a bottle of mineral water.”

Hikigaya Hachiman felt his mouth was dry and nodded.

“Thanks for your hard work.”

After a while, Wu Geng Liuli bought mineral water and handed it over.

“Gulu gulu…”

He drank a third of it in one gulp.

“Next time, I won’t help you.”

Then, he waved his hands and said.


I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist

I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist

Status: Completed Author:


What would you do if you had the chance to do it again?
After experiencing a failed life, he was reincarnated into a new world and became Hikigaya Hachiman. He chose the path that he thought was the easiest.
"You might as well become a light novelist."
However, the nature of being a mediocre person is not so easy to change.
Life is full of different paths, sometimes you are happy and sometimes you are sad.


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