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I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist — Chapter 252

He endured this complaint and went downstairs to clean up the traces.

“Senior, do you need my help?”

When he was about to finish cleaning, the girl walked down slowly while holding on to the wall.

“No need, you should lie down and rest.”

He turned around and refused.

“Ding dong.”

Suddenly, the doorbell rang.

The expressions of the two men changed drastically.

who is it?


This voice is Cun Zheng!

Not a goblin!

The two realized it immediately.

“Senior, I’m going back to the bedroom.”

But Nayuta reacted quickly and walked upstairs.

At this time, pretending to be sick is the most appropriate response.

Hikigaya Hachiman quickly cleaned the surrounding area and sniffed to make sure that no smell remained before opening the door.

“Hachiman, it turns out you heard me.”

At this time, Qian Shou Cun Zheng had already taken out his mobile phone and was about to make a call. When he saw the door opening, he put the mobile phone back.

“Well, I’m sorry to keep you waiting. I was still sleeping just now, so my response was a little slow.”

He made a random excuse.

But when I said the words, I felt a little regretful. I always felt that it was superfluous and trying to cover up the obvious.

Fortunately, this is only from his perspective.

“It’s really a waste of effort to take care of that guy. You must have been tired yesterday, Hachiman. Really, it would cause trouble for others.”

Qianjumura Zheng didn’t think much about it, he just complained about Nayuta and let him breathe a sigh of relief.


Qian Shou Cun Zheng looked puzzled.


He quickly got over it.

“Are you here to care about Nayuta?”

“Of course not. I’m just worried about you, Hachiman. Maybe that guy took advantage of his illness to show off his hospitality and pretend to be pitiful to gain your favor.”

Senjumura Sei denied it.

But what she didn’t expect was that Nayuta played more directly and more deeply.

“Your worries are unnecessary.”

He laughed as if he heard something funny.

Because this question is obviously too redundant.

At this time, he noticed that the girl’s expression was a little hesitant.

“It’s rare to come here, so you’d better go up and see her.”


With the steps down, Cun Zheng was not so stubborn and went upstairs.

The bedroom was very clean. After all, it was not the main battlefield yesterday.

So Kanayuta just lay on the bed again and waited quietly.

With a ‘click’ sound, Qian Shou Cunzheng twisted the handle and pushed the door open.

Because she wasn’t sure whether Nayuta was still sleeping, she didn’t give any advance notice.

350You smell like her!

But Nayuta didn’t pretend to be asleep, because pretending to be asleep would easily reveal flaws and arouse unnecessary suspicion.

“Cun Zheng, why are you here? Are you concerned about me? It’s okay. I feel much better now.”

So when Cun Zheng entered the room, she spoke directly.

“I care about you? I’m overthinking it. I just think that you lying in bed all the time are a complete waste of Hachiman’s time and energy. For this reason, you are unforgivable.”

Qian Shou Cun Zheng suddenly raised his brows and clenched his fists.

Faced with such an accusation, Kani Nayuta was surprised to find that she had no idea of ​​being angry at the moment. She only felt that Cun Zheng cared about her, and she only felt that Cun Zheng’s attitude was very cute.

It turns out that you can see the world this way.

She was surprised to find this out.

“Hmph, do you need to worry about it? It’s not like I want to be cured immediately, and I don’t want to trouble senior!”

She found herself wanting to answer in a more playful tone, but settled on a more normal attitude.

“That’s good.”

Qian Shou Cun Zheng nodded expressionlessly, turned and left.

After a while, Hikigaya Hachiman walked in again after seeing off the village leader.

Kanayuta made an OK gesture, and the latter nodded.

At about ten o’clock, the Yamada fairy also came over.

“Why isn’t that guy better yet? It’s just a cold, and he’s still lying in bed.”

She stepped into the entrance hall and opened her mouth with a strange expression.

“Everyone’s physique is different, so it’s normal to lie down for a while… Why are you here free, goblin?”

Hikigaya Hachiman answered casually.

“Boring, come and take a look.”

Yamada Fairy came all the way to sit next to him, and suddenly her expression changed.

“do not move!”

Just when Hikigaya Hachiman was confused, he heard the girl speak loudly again.

“Why do you smell like Nayuta?”

Holding the collar, the girl sniffed his body with a hint of suspicion in her eyes.

You are a fairy, not a dog!

Hikigaya Hachiman’s heart was shaken and he broke into a cold sweat.

“Why don’t you talk? This smell is the shower gel used by Nayuta, right? Did you take a shower at her house?”

Miss Goblin asked next.

“Yes, yes.”

He nodded slightly.

There is still room for redemption!

“Why are you taking a shower at her house? There’s no change of clothes here, right?”

The suspicion in the girl’s eyes was even worse.


Just when he was stuck, the sound of footsteps coming downstairs suddenly came.

“Hmph, why don’t you just ask me directly, Miss Goblin.”

Gradually coming to the front, Ke’er Nayuta looked very proud.

“Yesterday, I had a great night with you! Senior made me so happy, ah, it’s so great. Being able to do your favorite thing with the person you like the most, Miss Fairy must have never experienced it before, right? ”

She whispered into the goblin’s ear.

A naked provocation.

But Nayuta wanted to use the opportunity gained this time to vent all the grievances he had suffered before.

“You guy!”

The goblin lady’s face turned red instantly, first from embarrassment, and then even more from anger.

“You actually stole a man behind my back! Hachiman is my fiancé! I was obviously the one who came here first! Why are you like this! Ah… If I had known better, I wouldn’t have let Hachiman take care of you! Also! Hachiman, your first time should be mine!”

Seeing the goblin lady stomping her feet in anger, Hikigaya Hachiman couldn’t laugh for the first time. Instead, he felt extremely embarrassed and embarrassed.

After all, Miss Goblin is the most important person in his paradise plan. It is really shameful for him to leave her behind.

“This is not senior’s fault. If you want to blame it, blame me! I was the one who seduced senior.”

Nayuta patted her chest and said seriously, “Last night, I took off my clothes while senior was sleeping, and then…”

“Ah, no! Stop, stop, stop! I don’t want to hear you tell me the details!”

The Yamada fairy covered her ears and shook her head.

This is just adding salt to her wounds!

Then Miss Goblin fell down on the sofa.

At this time, he didn’t know what to say to comfort the other person.

After all, the order of first come, first served cannot be changed.

“Admit it, Miss Goblin, I am the number one woman among seniors, you will always have to queue behind me.”

But Nayuta was still stimulating the goblin.


The Yamada Fairy suddenly stopped moving, and only then did he notice something.

“Nayuta, you already know about my and Hachiman’s plan?”

“Yes, that’s why I did that, so that senior wouldn’t mind it… I don’t want to leave senior with regrets just to satisfy myself.”

But the love shown in Nayuta’s words was so pure.

Even Miss Fairy has to recognize this kind of love.

“That’s fine. It’s just a first-come, first-served basis. It’s just a layer of film. It’s nothing special. From now on, you will be bigger and you will be smaller. Nayuta, remember this. You must obey my orders from now on!”

After she regained her breath, her eyes focused in another direction.


But Nayuta smiled instantly.

“Miss Goblin, you’ve already said that it’s just a matter of first come, first served, so why can you be the ‘big one’? Chastity is the most important thing for girls, so I should be the winner.”

The focus of the dispute between the two sides has come to the situation of who is older and who is younger.

In short, this crisis has been passed.

Fortunately, it’s Miss Goblin. Although the mountain is not big, her mind is really broader than anyone else.

After arguing with red faces and panting, neither side could convince the other.

But in fact, what they say about this issue does not count. What matters is what the loved one thinks.

At this moment, the two girls also realized this and looked at each other.


I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist

I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist

Status: Completed Author:


What would you do if you had the chance to do it again?
After experiencing a failed life, he was reincarnated into a new world and became Hikigaya Hachiman. He chose the path that he thought was the easiest.
"You might as well become a light novelist."
However, the nature of being a mediocre person is not so easy to change.
Life is full of different paths, sometimes you are happy and sometimes you are sad.


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