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I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist — Chapter 255

“What are you talking about? Is everything okay here?”

Finally, Xiao Meiyan explained the reason for looking for her, because Sakura Kyoko’s performance was very different from the impression in her mind.

Facing Xiao Meiyan’s repeated questions, Sakura Kyoko gradually couldn’t answer.

“Sakura-san, can you go to Kazamino City with me now?”

She made the request.

Although Sakura Kyoko was surprised, she still agreed to this request.

“Is it coming?”

Readers who see this are already mentally prepared.

The good things before were all illusions, and the pain caused by crushing them is the main theme of the old thief!

They are all experienced people.

Then, Sakura Kyoko accompanied Akatsuki Homura to Kazamino City.

However, after many twists and turns, they were unable to break through the barrier. It was like encountering a ghost beating a wall, unable to reach Kazamino City.

Faced with this situation, Sakura Kyoko wanted to ask for everyone’s help, but was forcefully stopped by Xiaomi Homura to avoid unpredictable consequences.

“…It’s strange. It’s obviously the first time I’ve seen such a tough Xiao Meiyan, but I’m not surprised at all. It’s better to say that I think she looks more like you.”

Sakura Kyoko’s words already revealed something.

Say goodbye to each other.

“Am I the only one who remembers?”

Sure enough, at the next moment, Xiao Meiyan changed.

“Yes, I know how to do this. A closed dream space, a maze with no exit in order to lure and confuse prey. That’s right, this is… the enchantment of the witch!”

This sentence completely determines where the timeline of this story is.

It turns out that this is the timeline after Madoka became a god!

Most guesses are wrong.

Then, more questions arise, why did things become like this? Haven’t all the witches been eliminated?

Similarly, Homura Xiaomei, who returned to the person in everyone’s impression, was also puzzled by this.

“Witch, she is the bringer of disaster who spreads despair, and she is also the form of magical girls who are eventually cursed after falling into despair. I once reincarnated the same time countless times to fight against the cruel fate, and then, in the end, I ended up as a girl. Sacrifice cuts off the cruel chain of hope and despair…”

“However, we forgot… no, we were forced to forget. Someone deceived our memories and wanted to frame us in this false town of Mitakihara.”

The summary in just a few sentences reminds readers of the stories in the previous volumes and makes them feel emotional for a moment.

And some people, through the chain of these plots, have become convinced of a certain possibility.

“I think I know who this witch is…”

There was a hint of sadness in Yukinoshita Yukino’s eyes.

“Really? As expected of Yukinoshita-senpai.”

Kosaka Kirino has no doubt about him.

“Xiaoxue is so smart.”

Yuigahama Yui pouted.

Aragaki Ayase also had some guesses in her mind, but she didn’t say anything because she wasn’t too sure.

Others did not ask Yukinoshita for the answer. They wanted to get the ‘surprise’ themselves.

354 generation version generation god

First of all, the character that Xiao Meiyan is targeting is ‘Beibei’.

I made inquiries while drinking tea with Asami-san and Madoka.

“Without this child, I would definitely be dead.”

Tomoe Mami said.

“Sister Ba is a stronger and more resolute person.”

Xiao Meiyan thought for a while and said.

“Thank you, I did have reliable seniors as cosplayers for a while, but Shikume-san and Miki-san are now able to take on their own roles, and Sakura-san and Akomi-san have also become companions. Now I am surrounded by a group of reliable partners. I don’t have to work as hard as before.”

Tomoe Asami’s answer had a certain flavor.

This brings back bad memories for readers.

The shocking scene in the first volume happened under a similar situation. Could it be that some old villain is planning to recreate the famous scene?

Readers are a little scared.

And Tomoe Asami’s next few words are a bit FALG.

However, the routine is enough if you use it once, and it will get boring if you use it again, so the next plot is a battle plot that everyone did not expect.

Xiao Meiyan used her ability to take Beibei outside, preparing for an interrogation to find out the truth.

At this time, her memory kept coming back, and she remembered that Miss Asami was actually an unexpectedly fragile person.

However, just as she said, Tomoe Mami had a delicate heart and noticed something strange about her.

A yellow ribbon suddenly appeared, pulling Xiao Meiyan back.

“Have you ever…”

Putting one hand on the propped up building, Xiao Meiyan looked surprised.

More than this, Tomoe Mami wanted to know the cause and effect of the matter.

However, Homura Akatsuki couldn’t convince Tomoe Mami, so she had no choice but to decide the outcome through fighting.

This is also the method Xiao Meiyan has always used as a lone ranger.

“Don’t try to catch up, otherwise, you will have to fight me.”

However, Tomoe Asami was confident about this.

“Is Tomoe Mami raising a flag again? She was the first one to die before.”

Kanako Kurusu said in a mocking tone.

The words are rough and the reasoning is not rough.

Although in the previous plot, the evaluation of Tomoe Asami can actually be reflected in many aspects. For example, when Sayaka was chatting with Kyubey, she asked why she couldn’t be as strong as Asami, which illustrates the talent gap between the two parties.

Why don’t you lead Yiba and lead Jiuling⑨

In addition, Tomoe Mami still exists as Sakura Kyoko’s master, so there is no reason to be weak.

Everyone’s impression mainly stays on the day Tomoe Mami was beheaded, which was very unexpected and funny.

Therefore, the other girls did not react in particular after hearing this.

However, the result of the subsequent battle was obviously beyond their expectations.

After learning about Shizuo’s ability, he suddenly became much less threatening. Xiaomei Yan could only rely on the combat experience and weapons obtained during his own reincarnation to fight Tomoe Asami. However, there is a limit to the power that can be exerted in this way. of.

After all, although her abilities are very strong, Xiao Meiyan’s talent was completely visible in her first reincarnation.

“We are both anticipating each other’s moves, but can you beat me under the same conditions?”

“If you compete with perseverance, I won’t lose.”

The attitudes of both parties were high and low in their words.

After this world war between technology and magic, among the rapid breathing, the position of one high and one low has actually determined the winner.

Even if Akatsuki Homura played a trick, Tomoe Asami saw through it and was tied up with a ribbon.

“Are you so powerful? Asami Tomoe? I am X.”

Kanako Kurusu couldn’t help but uttered a curse word, and her face felt burning.

This slap in the face came too fast!

“It seems I was careless. I happened to be restrained in the previous battle with the Snack Witch.”

Yukinoshita Yukino came up with the answer.

Others agreed.

From now on, Miss Asami’s positioning of strength has instantly improved a lot.

Although in such works, it does not have much significance, but every kind of work has some serious combatants, which can be regarded as giving those people a name.

At this moment, the rescuer appeared!

It turned out to be Sayaka who had changed her outfit.

“Really, you actually dare to challenge Ms. Asami who is in excellent condition. Is it because of alcohol that you are too confident or too stupid?”

Here, Xiao Meiyan was even ridiculed.

Sayaka can be regarded as taking revenge for being looked down upon.

It didn’t matter. What shocked Xiao Meiyan was that Sayaka still retained her previous memories and knew that Beibei was the snack witch.

Regarding Xiao Meiyan’s impatience, Sayaka acted calmly, as if she was chatting about everyday things.

“The witch who controls the barrier, her purpose should be to maintain the status quo…”

Faced with the hint of these words, Xiao Meiyan had no patience to listen and was ready to use her own ability to leave.

However, the girl did not expect that Sayaka in front of her had undergone a radical change. She returned with a knife and inserted it into the gear of time.

Xiao Meiyan’s time stopping ability cannot be activated!

Xiao Meiyan’s expression was very astonished.

“You’re actually deflated again?”

Wu Geng Liuli couldn’t hold back when she saw this.

As a character that she loved very much, how could she be wronged like this?

This made her face to face and said: “Hachiman, you are deliberately weakening the character! Obviously Homura was so strong before!”

One generation of versions and one generation of gods.

For the sake of the plot, this kind of plot is understandable, but she still feels aggrieved.

She was teased by Tomoe Mami and Sayaka one after another. She really couldn’t bear it and had to fight against the injustice.

Before Hikigaya Hachiman could answer, someone naturally blocked the gun for him.

“Isn’t this normal? As described in the previous plot, the ability can only be activated when the gear is fully rotated. It is reasonable for this situation to occur.”

Qianju Cunzheng spoke directly.

“That’s right…I’m sorry, I was being unreasonable.”

Wu Geng Liuli sighed.

“Black Cat, you have completely stepped into the role.”

Ke’er Nayuta put his hands on his shoulders and said with a smile.

“Is it the attribute of Kuronagaru? Unfortunately, the image difference between Madoka and Hachiman is huge.”

Yamada Fairy also teased later.

But Miss Black Cat’s love probably doesn’t belong to Homura, “Hehe.”

Sagiri said as if watching a show.

This time, Liuli’s face was transformed into a red apple.

“Not weird, not weird.”

Hikigaya Hachiman waved his hand and said with a suppressed smile.


I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist

I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist

Status: Completed Author:


What would you do if you had the chance to do it again?
After experiencing a failed life, he was reincarnated into a new world and became Hikigaya Hachiman. He chose the path that he thought was the easiest.
"You might as well become a light novelist."
However, the nature of being a mediocre person is not so easy to change.
Life is full of different paths, sometimes you are happy and sometimes you are sad.


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