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I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist — Chapter 257

“You guy…!”

Qianju Cunzheng was almost furious.

This was the only thing she couldn’t accept at all.

Compared to others, the stories between myself and Hachiman are indeed too few, and there is nothing memorable about them, just plain.

No one accepts such a love story!

‘Well…it will be fine if the magic is changed then. ’

Suddenly, she looked ecstatic and laughed out loud.

“What is this guy giggling about?”

But Nayuta and the Yamada Fairy both squinted and looked over.

A handful of old things

Sitting at the small table, a girl with long, straight black hair like a girl had a dull expression, as if she was in a daze.

Suddenly, a small hand waved in front of her eyes.

“Don’t make trouble.”

Wu Geng Liuli focused his eyes and glanced at his sister.

“What are Sister Liuli worried about? Are you anxious because you see me gradually catching up with you in height? I’m really sorry, because Sister Liuli has improved the food, I should be taller than Sister Liuli. “

My younger sister, Hinata, winked playfully.

At this time, as the elder sister, she looked at her sister seriously.

This is indeed quite worrying.

After all, when she goes out in the future, her lolita body will easily be treated as a younger sister.

However, isn’t this what she wanted?

“Humph, when your growth stops, it will be too late to cry again.”

Wu Geng Liuli chuckled.

“So, what Ruri is worried about is actually Brother Hachiman. Being surrounded by beautiful sisters every day, Brother Hachiman is really in trouble.”

Hinata said firmly.

“So Sister Liuli, you should be more proactive! Why don’t we move and sit next to Brother Hachiman, so that we can compete in the ring with our sisters!”

The younger sister clenched her hands into fists and persuaded with a serious expression.

“This can be considered.”

Wu Geng Liuli looked at it for a moment, but did not deny it.

“But that’s not what I’m worried about. It’s my novel.”

This new work is her true independent creation. She has not discussed the character design or plot with other people, and she did not even ask Hachiman to review the manuscript after she finished writing the first volume.

Therefore, she was very nervous and went back to when she first debuted.

But this time she was worried not about whether readers would accept it, but whether her sweetheart would accept it.

After all, I am just writing a novel, so it is inevitable that there will be some polishing and modifications. For example, when describing the psychological activities of men and women, it seems very subtle.

When writing the outline, she actually thought carefully about it and sorted out the whole process of getting to know Hachiman.

It was then that she noticed how much care she was receiving from Hachiman.

For example, when I was at a comic exhibition before, it was because of my personality and Hachiman’s stubbornness that I was warmed by Hachiman’s gentle and wind-like attitude.

Perhaps, the seeds of emotion in her heart sprouted earlier than she expected, but she was unwilling to admit it and ignored the feeling.

It wasn’t until Hachiman was separated from himself that he realized how much he missed those days.

Thinking in her mind, she covered her chest with one hand and a warm smile appeared on her face.

“Sister Liuli can actually show such an expression! Is this ‘Sichun’!”

Hinata noticed her sister’s expression and was shocked.

In the evening, when Liuli was getting ready to go to bed, she glanced at her phone and found a message from Kosaka Kirino.

Kirino: Hey, Black Cat, how realistic is your new work?

Black Cat: Ninety percent.

Kirino: I know I’m divorced, 90% false and 10% true, right?

Black Cat: Is this why you came to trouble me?

Kirino: I want to remind you not to make yourself self-defeating!

Kirino: Even though Tsukushiro-sensei doesn’t care about these creations, you will definitely be troubled when you see the unreasonable plots in them, right? For example, wouldn’t it be embarrassing if you set it to Teacher Yuese and fell in love with you at first sight?

“Who does this guy think I am? How could I do such a thing!”

Wu Geng Liuli’s face turned red.

She had indeed fantasized about this, but she did not lose her mind and write those unwarranted emotional processes into it.

In her opinion, the relationship between her and Hachiman should be a long-term relationship, the kind that grows over time.

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Later, Wu Geng Liuli severely refuted the other party during the chat.

Kirino: Forget it, I’m too lazy to argue with you. Anyway, when I get the novel, the truth will naturally be clear. Thank me by the way. This is the first time I’m interested in your novel!

Black Cat: Hehehe.

She scoffed.

This is clearly a mockery of her relying on Hachiman’s celebrity!

“Hmph, you will know when you see it. I am no longer what I used to be. During this period of time, the magic power in my body has been overflowing!”

After listening to the lecture for a long time, Wu Geng Liuli felt completely transformed, and all her confidence and ambition were reflected in her confident smile at this moment.

“Good night, world.”

She pressed the light switch, covered herself with the quilt, closed her eyes, and looked forward to tomorrow.

In the morning, the breeze was not yet overheated.

Hikigaya Hachiman noticed everyone’s strange expressions while eating breakfast.

He knows why.

After all, Liuli’s new work is a bit ‘out of the ordinary’.

Even Nayuta did not boldly write his character into the novel, which naturally attracted everyone’s attention.

In addition to wanting to know what Liuli writes about himself, I also want to know some of his detailed experiences that he has not revealed to the public, right?

After all, the story between him and Liuli should be considered the most interesting and the least known.

But the strange thing is that no one wanted to talk about it during the meal.

Have you forgotten?


“I am leaving.”

Just as Hikigaya Hachiman came to the entrance to change his shoes, the girls followed him like a shadow.

Sure enough, I still couldn’t bear the curiosity.

Indeed, even he could not restrain his curiosity and wanted to observe Liuli’s ‘girlish heart’ from another perspective.

“Are you coming too?”

he asked.


The girls all nodded.

He smiled.

This kind of scene did not exist before when the novels of Liuli and the Fairies were released.

If they don’t like it, they just don’t like it. They won’t have to finish reading each other’s novels just because their relationship has improved.

Of course, out of politeness, everyone else had finished reading the first volume of Goblin and Liuli’s novel.

Therefore, they can make as fair an evaluation as possible.

So, how will Liuli’s new work be evaluated this time?

“Will Miss Black Cat come today?”

On the way, Keer Nayuta suddenly asked.

“Come here and be publicly executed by you?”

Yamada Fairy curled his lips and said.

“Having the courage to face the abyss is a commendable courage. I think she will come back.”

Qianju Murazheng thought for a moment before giving the answer.

“I also believe so.”

Hikigaya Hachiman was the last to answer.

Today, Liuli’s heart has become extremely strong, not the kind of blind confidence, but the confidence accumulated after training.

Maybe Liuli can’t wait for everyone’s critical comments.

Because that will be the driving force that continues to spur her to become stronger.

Although there are differences in circumstances, Liuli’s heart must be somewhat similar to her own.

Arrive at the bookstore.

What is visible to the naked eye is the lively queue at the door.

“Hey, there are too many people today! Is Teacher Liuli so popular?”

“You must be a little ignorant. A big thing happened on the Internet a week ago! Teacher Yuese, you should know about it, right?”

“Of course I know this. I like several of his novels, especially Stone Gate… Is this related to Teacher Yuese? Is it because everyone thinks Teacher Liuli is cheating, so they came to see how the writing is going? Probably not Well, that’s also giving away sales!”

“You must not have watched the gossip this week. It is said that Teacher Yuese said something during the live broadcast…”

“Is there such a thing? I didn’t know! So, Teacher Liuli and Teacher Yueze still have that level of relationship.”

“Teacher Kasumi Shiko, who was treated coldly, and Teacher Liuli should be closer to the old thief, right?”

This situation proves the benefits of ‘marketing’ from the side.

To be honest, Liuli’s performance in the last otherworld novel was getting better and better, and sales were steadily increasing, but judging from the absolute sales volume, it is difficult for the new work to have such popularity.

Even when the preview of the new book came out, it was criticized for being just trying to gain popularity.

But after he said those words in the live broadcast room, everything changed.

The gossip about “The moon is so beautiful” has always been a hot topic in the industry. This time, the emergence of new stocks has instantly aroused everyone’s thoughts.

Let the storm come more violently!

at the same time.

Wu Geng Liuli had already appeared at the door of Hachiman’s house, took out the key, and opened the door.

“They should have gone out to buy novels, right?”

The girl sat on the sofa, took a deep breath, prepared herself mentally, and waited for the execution moment to arrive.



I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist

I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist

Status: Completed Author:


What would you do if you had the chance to do it again?
After experiencing a failed life, he was reincarnated into a new world and became Hikigaya Hachiman. He chose the path that he thought was the easiest.
"You might as well become a light novelist."
However, the nature of being a mediocre person is not so easy to change.
Life is full of different paths, sometimes you are happy and sometimes you are sad.


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