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I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist — Chapter 259

359 Meet different lives from novels

“This kind of thing is not important at all. Don’t argue in such an inexplicable place.”

When the atmosphere became tense, Hikigaya Hachiman expressed his thoughts in a timely manner.

Good-looking skins are all the same, but interesting souls are unique.

Just be yourself, external evaluations don’t matter.

This is his consistent attitude towards life.

He has said so, and it is no longer good for the girls to dwell on this kind of thing.

After the hero agreed to help the heroine in the novel, the relationship between the two suddenly became more active, but there was nothing romantic, only content related to the novel.

“This guy definitely won’t be inexplicably flirtatious.”

This was deeply recognized by Miss Fairy.

When she and Hachiman first met, they were all talking about these aspects.

She could see how hard Hachiman worked and how much he valued novels. At that time, she became obsessed with Hachiman and even fell in love with him.

Because the type of heterosexual she likes is ‘people who work hard to create interesting novels’, and that’s really cool.

People always cherish what they lack.

However, what happened next made her a little unhappy. It was too unfair to have anyone step on her.

After a period of daily description and shaping.

The heroine in the novel has the same experience as Liuli. It can be said that except for some details, it is quite documentary so far.

This is also normal. Liuli’s memory is pretty good, but she can’t recall things from a few years ago exactly. In some aspects, she can only make up a rough impression, so there are more loopholes and the reading experience is reduced a lot.

Of course, it’s better than the previous one, but it’s better than the last one. Now Liuli’s normal performance is quite strong, and it will definitely have a sales volume of one million or more.

From being ignorant at the time to being familiar with it now, it can be seen that all the efforts she put in were valuable.

The plot is just like history. The heroine did not pass the final review of the Newcomer Award. Instead, under the suggestion of Teacher Yuese, she wrote fan fiction and sold it on comic.

During this period, Liuli fully displayed the awkwardness of her personality for the sake of that sense of reality, and even had a verbal conflict with Teacher Yue Shi over this.

This is actually not very pleasing.

However, such a real and imperfect feeling is more touching, and the character creation will also be impressive.

Wu Geng Liuli thinks so.

She didn’t want to write an industrial saccharine science fiction romance novel.

“Liu Li, your sacrifice is too big.”

After reading this, Hikigaya Hachiman couldn’t help but marvel at the girl’s sincerity.

Appropriate beautification may make readers have a better impression of the heroine, and also increase their favorability of Liuli as the creator.

“This kind of story is more interesting, isn’t it?”

Wu Geng Liuli just smiled faintly.

The calm look is somewhat similar to that of someone else.

“Miss Black Cat is so bold! Senior is so kind to you, but you still have a quarrel with him!”

But Nayuta fought for him.

“Some people just don’t know how high the sky is and how high it is… Although this is a character setting, it’s not good.”

Qianju Cunzheng pursed his lips, his eyes filled with thoughts.

“No wonder he was abandoned by Hachiman~ Hachiman still wants to be with me. A gentle person like me is the best candidate for Hachiman’s fiancée!”

Miss Goblin said proudly.

“Isn’t that your request, goblin? It’s just that there happened to be such an opportunity, and Hachiman agreed. Don’t think that I don’t know the details of this matter.”

Wu Geng Liuli glared at her fiercely.


The latter curled his lips, snorted softly, and turned his head.

The novel has reached the end of the first volume.

Here, Wu Geng Liuli left a suspense very cleverly.

A girl in disguise, covering herself up like a big star, came to her booth. After reading her novel twice, she gave her an “average” evaluation.

When the girl in disguise was about to leave, she became emotional when she saw the illustrations in the novel, her attitude became much friendlier, and she asked about the illustrations.

This concludes the first volume.

“Is it over? Is this girl an important person? Is the female supporting role here?”

Yamada Fairy asked in confusion.

Although she had not studied systematically, she understood all the key points in the novel through her ears and eyes.

At this time, the character usually portrayed is not a casual passerby.

“Can’t you see this? I really don’t know if you are heartless, have no memory, or have insufficient understanding… She must be the one who appears at this time.”

Kaer Nayuta held her forehead and sighed.

“She is Teacher Eri Kashiwagi, right? So this is the first time you met? It’s really destined.”

Qianshou Village Zheng Youyou said.

Her fate was entirely her own. If she hadn’t taken the initiative to meet Hachiman, perhaps no story would have happened, and she would have only been an unknown fan.

She was still envious of other people’s stories, almost to the point of going crazy with envy, and her suppressed mood began to surge again.

“What? It’s Teacher Kashiwagi Eri!”

Yamada Yao was startled and stood up.

Speaking of which, it seems that there is such a thing!

Although she couldn’t remember when she heard Hachiman talk about it, she still had this vague impression.

“What a stitch monster? Teacher Eri Kashiwagi has nothing to do with you, right? Do you want to gain popularity?”

She quickly sat down again, her eyes contemptuous.

“It’s just a fact. Isn’t it normal for me to use it as a reference? Compared to you, the goblin, I am too real. If I were a goblin, I would definitely beautify myself, and then ignore all other people, and only stay. You and Hachiman can have sex alone.”

Wu Geng Liuli looked joking, spread her hands and said.

“The person you are talking about is Murasaki. I am writing a harem novel, and I will not ignore other people. However, as an absolutely perfect super beautiful girl heroine, this is definitely what I should do.”

Yamada Fairy patted his chest as a matter of course.

Hikigaya Hachiman secretly observed Murasaki’s attitude and found that the latter was silent and had no change in his expression, so he had to withdraw his gaze.

Cun Zheng’s thoughts are still a bit difficult to fathom, but it seems that the next efforts are still indispensable.

Once the village levy is won, a general trend will be formed. The minority will obey the majority, and the next step will be much simpler.

However, according to his judgment, this level of village recruitment is the most difficult to pass…

Thank you 360 for giving me this opportunity to complete the animation of this great work!

Then, of course, the release of this novel caused a sensation on the Internet.

This is the first time for Wu Geng Liuli to have such a scenery. Although this is not entirely based on his own ability, there is no such thing as fairness in life, and it is normal to use it rationally.

“This is the first time I read Teacher Liuli’s novel, and I found it surprisingly good. I checked before and the reviews of Teacher Liuli’s previous novel were very average. Could it be that the old thief is starting a cram school?”

“Hehehe, I paid special attention to the time. It seems that Teacher Liuli and the old thief met earlier than others, right? Well, it seems to be only a little later than Teacher Yamada, but Teacher Yamada is just a netizen, and Teacher Liuli is a neighbor. !”

“So, history is about to be rewritten? No wonder other teachers expressed their love online, but Teacher Yuese looked ambiguous. Has it turned out that Teacher Yuese has already been in love? I announce that today Teacher Liuli shares Skyrocketing! All other teachers are down! Teacher Liuli is the best in the world!”

“Did Teacher Liuli really follow the real-life template? The old thief’s speaking style is similar to that of the live broadcast, so does Teacher Liuli also have the same venomous tongue and arrogance as in the novel? That’s really cute.”

“Wow, you are worthy of being a disciple of an old thief. He can achieve such a level. Especially the beginning of the story is really emotional. I have reason to believe that Teacher Liuli was completely involved in it.”

“Although it’s a little worse than Kasumi Shiko-sensei, this story is more attractive to me. It’s not a cliche plot. The romance is relatively restrained, and it’s not like those sweet industrial assembly line novels in the industry today. “

“To be honest, compared to Teacher Liuli’s daily life, I am more looking forward to the rise of the old thief and the relationship with all the teachers… Ahem, but this is Teacher Liuli’s novel after all. Other teachers come here Adding more drama would be a bit overwhelming.”

“By the way, didn’t you pay attention? The girl who appeared at the end of the volume couldn’t be Teacher Eri Kashiwagi, right? Oh, so that’s how we met? It’s so dramatic!”

“Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Are all teachers’ youth like this? Am I the only one studying hard? I don’t even have many friends.”

“+1 upstairs, me too.”

“Seeing everyone like this makes me mentally balanced. Sure enough, not everyone is a light novel protagonist like the old thief!”

After discussing the art of speech with others, Wu Geng Liuli took out her mobile phone with excitement, wanting to see what the readers’ evaluations were.

She spent far more energy and effort on this volume than on the previous novel.

Although the last work was her debut and was of great significance, Hachiman provided a lot of help and relieved her pressure a lot.

But this work was written entirely by herself, and she cared about it countless times more, because it carried her heart.

“Is that all these guys focus on?”

Wu Geng Liuli had a knowing smile on her face.

It is true that everyone’s focus is a little skewed, focusing on ridicule, but some people still praised her writing.

This already made her very satisfied, at least she didn’t disappoint everyone.

Then, she thought of something again, opened the social software, and found that the person sent a ‘blessing’ as usual, and the smile on her face became even brighter.

Kirino: My dear, your level has improved! I thought this novel was written by Teacher Keer!

Black Cat: Are you mocking me or praising me? Why don’t I feel right?

Kirino: Of course it’s a compliment. It’s rare for me to have the patience to read a novel you wrote. Although it has something to do with the story, I think you wrote it really well. The performance in this volume is already close to that of Kasumi Shiko-sensei. Yes. That should be considered a compliment to you, right?

This is true. Although Kasumi Shiko debuted later, due to the talent gap, Kasumi Shiko has caught up from behind, and her sales are catching up with Yamada Fairy. This is a point where she needs to face up to the gap.

Black Cat: I’m not as good as her, but that’s only now.

This is the girl’s last stubbornness.

Kirino: Hehehe.


Wu Geng Liuli snorted proudly and closed the chat box.

After her identity was exposed, she would inevitably have to compare herself with that guy Xia Shizi. Such a situation was to be expected. After all, fame and fortune are a double-edged sword that can bring benefits to herself and bring harm to herself. to hurt.

It’s noon on another hot day.

“I played too much with Miss Fairy yesterday…”

Hikigaya Hachiman yawned, looking drowsy.

Even though I was playing an ordinary game, not the kind of game I played with Nayuta, it would still be very tiring once I played it for a long time.

But there was something strange about him. Even though Miss Goblin’s day and night were reversed, he always felt very energetic when he saw her, and her appearance was still so cute. Could it be that beautiful girls can evolve the ability to resist staying up late?


The cell phone ringtone suddenly rang.

His eyes were certain, it was Aoi Makina.

“Miss Aoi, what’s the matter?”

He answered the phone and said.

“It’s not a big deal, I just want to ask you, has Hikigaya-kun decided on Madoka’s animation?”


I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist

I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist

Status: Completed Author:


What would you do if you had the chance to do it again?
After experiencing a failed life, he was reincarnated into a new world and became Hikigaya Hachiman. He chose the path that he thought was the easiest.
"You might as well become a light novelist."
However, the nature of being a mediocre person is not so easy to change.
Life is full of different paths, sometimes you are happy and sometimes you are sad.


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