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I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist — Chapter 262

Just when he was about to confirm.

“Wait, isn’t this right? There shouldn’t be more than just us who can vote!”

Yamada Fairy stamped her feet, interrupting the judgment.

“Even if you want them to help, it’s impossible.”

Chijumura Zheng’s eyes fell on Yuigahama and Yukinoshita.

These two people are obviously independent and incompatible with them, and it’s not so easy to be won over.

“They don’t matter. I’m talking about Sagiri, Kuroneko, and Komachi. You won’t leave them behind, right?”

Yamada Fairy first waved her hand, then asked with a wink.

“That makes sense.”

Hikigaya Hachiman nodded and said, “Okay, I’ll ask for their opinions.”

A few minutes later, Sagiri rushed over from home, still dressed in pajamas.

After a while, Gokou Ruri and Komachi also arrived at the scene one by one.

“Then, let’s continue to vote. The first one is Miss Fairy’s Fairy Forest…”

Hikigaya Hachiman looked around and found that the number of people raising their hands suddenly increased, and there were as many as four people.

“Well, I should be able to vote, right?”

Yuigahama Yui raised her hand timidly, her neck tightened.


He nodded and gave this right.

“I am very interested in Miss Fairy’s Fairy Forest.”

Miss Tuanzi wanted to experience the feeling of luxury.

In this regard, Yukinoshita Yukino did not express her opinion, because she knew that she was the most disadvantaged in this hand, so she let it go.

“Miss Tuanzi, you are very good! Supporting me is the most important thing in the world!”

Yamada Fairy nodded in approval.

“Don’t call me Miss Tuanzi, it’s too embarrassing…”

Yuigahama Yui muttered softly.

“I’m sorry, teachers. When I was chatting with Brother Hachiman on video, I felt that it was a pity not to accept Miss Fairy’s invitation, so this time…”

Sagiri also raised her hand decisively and apologized to the other girls.

“I didn’t go last time either, because I had to play with my friends and rejected Onii-chan’s invitation. This time I finally have time, so Komachi also wants to experience the sunshine and beach~”

Komachi gave a similar reason. “Hahaha, this lady will definitely win!” Seeing this, Yamada Fairy opened the champagne directly, put her hands on her hips, and said proudly.

Senjumura Masaru and Yukinoshita Yukino frowned, but they could do nothing about it.

It’s meaningless to say harsh words at this time.

After all, they can see how much support their proposal can get.

Except for Komachi, who is like a group pet, it is estimated that no one can vote for Miss Fairy, who is like a happy fruit.

There is no surprise. After the vote, everyone decided to go to the Fairy Forest for vacation this year.

Before that,

Hikigaya Hachiman also picked up the phone and talked to the fairy’s brother whom he hadn’t seen for a long time.

“Emily has already told me about this matter, and asked me to make more preparations…”

“Thank you for your hard work.”

“It’s not hard. Compared to this, aren’t there more girls living together this time?”

Questioning from the eldest brother-in-law!

He is my sister’s fiancé, and you still dare to be ambiguous?


He was embarrassed.

364 A harem anecdote from reality

In fact, I plan to open a harem, and the fairy has agreed. At present, he is a strong candidate for the position of honor.

Such words can’t be said at all!

Sure enough, it is too difficult to open a harem. In addition to the strategy for the person himself, the other party’s family cannot be ignored.

The disputes caused by the family will only be more exaggerated. For example, he finds it difficult to deal with the fairy’s mother.

For now, it is better to conceal it as much as possible. When the rice is cooked, it can only be acquiesced.

After all, the subject is still on the girls, and their will is the most important.

Except for Nayuta, who was alone, the fairy girls were all gentle on the outside but strong on the inside, and would not succumb to external pressure.

“Forget it, let’s just leave it at that. This is Emily and you, so I won’t meddle in it.”

Who knew that when he was brainstorming, Yamada Chris added another sentence.

I haven’t finished writing it yet?

Hikigaya Hachiman said “hmm” in response.

He knew Chris’s concern for his brother-in-law and his sister, but he was too embarrassed to show it because he was arrogant, unlike him who was a sister control.

Thinking of this question.

Hikigaya Hachiman consulted with the fairy girl again after hanging up the phone.

After all, the two of them had not discussed this issue in depth.

A full moon hung in the sky, and the Milky Way formed by the stars, the moonlight was just right tonight.

On the balcony of almost the same height, each stood at the two ends of the guardrail.

“Hehe, my brother said such a thing.”

Holding her smiling face with both hands, the girl’s bright smile under the moonlight was like an elf, hopelessly cute.

“Yeah, I was stunned at the time, and I was thinking hard about how to answer. But before I could answer, Chris gave up on his own. It seems that your brother cares about you a lot.” Hikigaya Hachiman teased.

“My brother really cares about me. I’ve always known that. He bears a lot of pressure from my mother, but… maybe it’s because of the age gap, so we often can’t talk together, unlike you and Komachi.”

Speaking of this, Yamada Fairy was also a little melancholy.

Everyone has their own troubles and family environment.

For example, Hikigaya Hachiman himself has always lacked something.

After chatting for a while, the two of them admired the beautiful moonlight for a while, talking and laughing as the end of the day.

Two days later.

Everyone was ready, changed into cool summer clothes, and took a plane to a city near the sea.

Ten minutes later, they arrived at the beach, where a yacht of the Granger family had been waiting for a long time.


The housekeeper, who was wearing a tuxedo and looked more than 30 years old, bowed slightly politely.

“We are ready as you told us.”

Old things Lingyi Lingjiu Longstable

She whispered in the fairy’s ear.

“I understand. Thank you for your hard work. After sending us to the ‘Fairy Forest’, you can have a good vacation.”

Yamada Fairy nodded with satisfaction.

On the other side.

“There is a housekeeper! I thought that only existed in novels!”

Yuigahama Yui was amazed.

Next, they took a yacht all the way to the ‘Fairy Island’, and Miss Tuanzi was even more shocked.

Can such a large island be bought? Is this the happiness of rich people? She could never imagine it before!

“Is this the Fairy Island? If I had known earlier, I would have accepted Onii-chan’s invitation last time!”

“Wow, seeing it in real life is completely different from what others say.”

Komachi and Sagiri were equally surprised.

“Right! I’ve said it before, it’s best for everyone to come to my place, and others don’t have such an experience~”

Yamada Fairy spread her hands and smiled with narrowed eyes.

This statement is irrefutable.

No one in the family here can compare with hers, and it can even be said that they are far behind.

Because of the number of people, when we arrived at the port on the island, we could see that two luxury cars were prepared this time. Miss Fairy was very thoughtful.

When we arrived at the villa on the island again, it was obviously changed.

First of all, there were some festive decorations, like celebrating a festival, which made people confused.

“Fairy, have you prepared anything on the island?”

Hikigaya Hachiman asked on behalf of everyone.

“Actually, it’s nothing. I just prepared some fireworks to hold a fireworks festival on the island. By the way… cough cough cough, the rest is a surprise.”

Halfway through, Yamada Fairy coughed twice and smiled mysteriously.

Even he didn’t know this information.

“Since it’s a surprise, it’s normal to keep it secret.”

He nodded, and no one else asked.

There are many rooms in the villa, which were originally enough, but because of the placement of some sundries, there are two less than the number of people.



Before Ker Nayuta finished speaking, he raised his hand.

“I haven’t finished yet!”

The girl pouted in grievance.

“Everyone knows what you want to say, save your trouble.”

Senjumura smiled sarcastically.

The others also smiled.

After all, it was not the first time, and Nayuta’s style of doing things had been completely analyzed by them.

“Then, let’s prepare for the training camp.”

Hikigaya Hachiman looked at the girls.

“Well, I’ll go with Xiaoxue!”


I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist

I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist

Status: Completed Author:


What would you do if you had the chance to do it again?
After experiencing a failed life, he was reincarnated into a new world and became Hikigaya Hachiman. He chose the path that he thought was the easiest.
"You might as well become a light novelist."
However, the nature of being a mediocre person is not so easy to change.
Life is full of different paths, sometimes you are happy and sometimes you are sad.


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