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I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist — Chapter 263

Yuigahama Yui raised her hand without hesitation.

Yukinoshita Yukino nodded in agreement.

“Then, Komachi and Sagiri will go together.”

Komachi looked at Sagiri.

“Okay! Thank you for your advice, Komachi.”

Sagiri waved happily.

After putting away their belongings, everyone returned to the living room.

“Everyone, let’s go to the beach together!”

Yamada Fairy waved to everyone excitedly.

Just when everyone was about to move, a rumbling sound suddenly sounded in the sky.

I don’t know when, the sky was already covered with dark clouds, and it looked like a storm was coming.


Yamada Fairy turned to the door and looked at the sky with a frustrated look.

Miss Fairy’s enthusiasm was instantly extinguished.

Everyone looked at each other, their eyes were also blank.

They were on vacation on the island, not to go to jail!

But they didn’t have the courage to go to the beach in such weather.

“Let’s watch TV for a while.” Seeing that everyone’s morale dropped, Yuigahama Yui wanted to ease the atmosphere and turned on the TV with the remote control. At this moment, the TV was broadcasting an incredible news from Hokkaido. “A man actually has four wives and two girlfriends…” Ah? People of my generation? Hikigaya Hachiman’s body instantly tensed up, and respect arose in his heart. At this moment, the girls who were still lost cheered up at the same time, and their eyes were locked on the TV. 365 I think it’s the best thing for everyone to be together, isn’t it? The protagonist in the news is a super gigolo, and he also plans to make everyone’s last name the same by repeatedly getting married and divorced. After the interview, everyone knows that he wanted to sleep with everyone at first, but they all rested their heads on their arms, which would make them very tired, so in the end they slept in separate rooms, sleeping here today and there tomorrow, and even caused quarrels… Hikigaya Hachiman was also watching carefully at this time. This can also be regarded as learning excellent experience, maybe it can be used in the future. “There are actually people who have harems in real life?”

Yuigahama Yui was simply stunned.

If Xiaoqi had a harem, could she be Xiaoxue’s maidservant…?

A spring in her heart began to stir.

‘No, no, no! How could I think like that…’

She shook her head and was about to change the channel when she noticed that others were watching the news intently, but she had to stop.

A few minutes later, the show ended.

There was a moment of silence at the scene. This incident really shocked everyone.

Although there are often news reports about a certain rich and powerful group keeping many women, this relatively harmonious harem group is the first time they have seen it. The male and female protagonists in the news also said some meaningful words.

“How is it possible? Love can only be possessed by one person alone. If it is shared with others, this love is no longer pure. For the rest of your life, there will be no regrets.”

Chishoumura Zheng was the first to express his feelings after watching the show. He held the hem of his skirt tightly with both hands and said with gritted teeth.

On this road, no matter if it will destroy friendship, or be hated by someone, or even if her actions will cause the destruction of the world, she will not look at it again, and will carry out her ambitions and achieve her goals.

This is her behavioral policy.

“Loving someone should be two-way, there may be differences in levels, but there is only one real thing, so the others are just fake things, so… I agree with you.”

Yukinoshita Yukino is also temporarily unable to accept this kind of thing, and she wants to love wholeheartedly.

The love given to others is too perfunctory.

“Hehe, if you must think so, then the winner is only me, Hachiman likes me the most, you have no chance! Face the reality for this lady!”

Yamada Fairy jumped out in time, blocking in front of the TV, pointing at everyone with a haughty look.

First explain your own advantages, then attack others, but this time it is not to compete for favor, but to let everyone face the reality so that they can accept the proposal of “harem”.

This is actually a threat, so that everyone learns to compromise.

Human nature is to always like to reconcile and compromise. For example, if you say that this room is too dark and you need to open a window here, everyone will definitely not allow it, but if you advocate removing the roof, they will come to reconcile and be willing to open the window.

As long as everyone recognizes the reality and tolerates them in the end, there must be a chance. This is how Nayuta changed her mind.

“Don’t worry, Miss Fairy, you are just a fiancée, and the engagement ceremony hasn’t even started yet! How dare you say you have won? I believe that the senior will definitely be unable to extricate himself from my love!”

In order not to reveal her true thoughts, Ker Nayuta also said in a complementary way.

In fact, she was also cooperating to make others realize the gap with Miss Fairy.

“If everyone can be together, that’s enough, and it doesn’t have to be nominal possession. ”

Sagiri wanted to express her own views, but she didn’t dare, so she kept it in her heart.

In fact, she had been corrupted by the fairy long ago.

Only Gokura Ruri didn’t intend to express any opinions on this, but hid her little thoughts in her heart.

After everyone argued for a while.

“I think it’s the best thing for everyone to be together, isn’t it?”

Komachi suddenly said loudly.

My sister’s bold statement suddenly took over the situation.

If Komachi hadn’t spoken, he would have been retorted immediately.

However, since it is my sister, there is nothing I can do.

“If you lose, you have to quit and leave. It would be too painful! It would be too uncomfortable! Komachi doesn’t want to break up with any of you…”

My sister seems to be sincere and considerate of everyone.

Nest grass.

Hikigaya Hachiman felt confused at this moment, and he rarely cursed in his heart.

Komachi, what’s going on? Are you thinking about your brother so much? Or have you seen through it all?

He has never discussed this matter with his sister, so this is her own idea.

Sincerity is the last resort!

The girls were speechless for a moment.

They are confident that they will win in the end, but they also understand how difficult this Shura Path is to overcome.

“Yes, but…”

He stopped talking about the Qianshou Village Campaign.

“Sister Murazheng, are you really confident that Onii-chan will like you to the fullest extent? You know, my Onii-chan is a big radish~”

Komachi smiled and insulted his brother.

Just lose it!

He didn’t express any opinions this time and let it play out.

What my sister is doing is actually completely beneficial to me.

It is difficult for him to reveal the cruel and true side, so he can only let others do it for him. It is difficult for the characters of the fairy and Nayuta to make such words profound, but his sister’s words have to be taken seriously.

Qianshou Cunzheng looked embarrassed and had nothing to say for a moment.

Everyone else’s expressions were also different.

Only the Yamada Fairies and Kani Nayuta looked like they couldn’t hold back and were about to burst into laughter.

They also didn’t expect that Komachi would make such a decisive blow.

They are so detached from things that they don’t have to worry about it, but others are bound to suffer.

“I don’t feel well, I’m going back to my room first.”

Qianju Cunzheng randomly found an excuse to leave.

“I originally planned to go to the beach, so I haven’t had time to clean up the room… I’ll go back and clean up the room first.”

The same goes for Yukinoshita Yukino.

“Xiaoxue, I want to help!”

Yuigahama Yui left shortly after.

“Everyone has left, so let me go too.”

Wu Geng Liuli also spoke.

This unexpected meeting ended on bad terms, and everyone left the scene with their own ideas.

Komachi turned to look at Sagiri.


Looking at each other, the two smiled at each other.

For some reason, Sagiri felt guilty.

By the way, is this news true?

Confused, she turned around and picked up her phone, searched for the news, and found that it was indeed true.

But one thing made her dumbfounded.

Because in the comment section of this news, in addition to envy and jealousy, there are also obviously comments from some readers of Brother Hachiman.

366 started playing directly! ! !

“Fuck, what’s so good about this guy? Such people have so many wives, but I can’t marry him? I’m not envious at all, really.”

“Is this reality? Am I dreaming? I’m so sore!”

“Wow, @the moonlight is so beautiful, Teacher Yuese, come and see! I have provided you with a good idea, now you don’t have to worry about who to choose! Long live the harem party!”

“I I won’t be sad anymore.”

“What are you talking about? Why are we talking about Teacher Yuezi? But what you said seems to be okay.”

“Why are you all thinking about the old thief? I don’t understand. Don’t you consider the mood of other teachers? This is just a special case. Teachers all have self and soul. They can really share this with others. Feelings?”

When the good guys shared this news with the relevant people, the people at the center of the topic were also caught in self-examination.


Yuigahama Yui opened the door and walked in, carefully closing the door behind her.

Suddenly she raised her head and noticed that the beauty with green silk hair was looking out the window at the sky full of dark clouds. Her eyes were looking out and she didn’t know where she was going.

“Xiaoxue, what are you thinking about?”

When she said this, Yuigahama Yui felt a little guilty, because it felt like she was asking questions knowingly.

But she still asked, because deep down in her heart she actually hoped for something, something that was originally impossible to achieve.

“Yui, do you think it’s possible for me to be with Hachiman?”


I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist

I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist

Status: Completed Author:


What would you do if you had the chance to do it again?
After experiencing a failed life, he was reincarnated into a new world and became Hikigaya Hachiman. He chose the path that he thought was the easiest.
"You might as well become a light novelist."
However, the nature of being a mediocre person is not so easy to change.
Life is full of different paths, sometimes you are happy and sometimes you are sad.


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