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I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist — Chapter 264

Yukinoshita Yukino came to her senses, her cherry-like lips opened slightly, turned her head and said.

Being able to ask this question meant that she was shaken.

No, it should be that she has never been as confident as she appears.

It was also the first time that Yuigahama Yui felt the confusion and anxiety in Xiaoxue’s heart, and there was a sense of joy and guilt in her heart.

The reality of feelings is really too twisted.

“Of course! Koyuki is so beautiful, has such a good temperament, and is very good. It’s hard for even a small business not to be tempted! Although Nayu and the others also have advantages, I believe that Koyuki will be able to win the final victory!”

Miss Tuanzi put her hands on each other’s shoulders and said with a smile.

Although she cheered them on, Yukinoshita Yukino had her own opinions and actually saw everyone’s strengths and weaknesses.

It’s hard for others to see it, but Miss Fairy’s lead is the most obvious. After all, they are already addressed as ‘fiancé’!

Therefore, the conversation just now put a lot of psychological pressure on her.

It once made her feel like something was actually possible.

However, the pride in her heart strengthened her will, but a certain thought seemed to become a psychological shadow, lingering.

at the same time.

Another adjacent window.

Qian Shou Cun Zheng sat beside the bed, clenched his hands, lowered his head slightly, and frowned deeply.

“That guy from Asia probably wants to… but how is that possible? How could she be willing to do it? I don’t believe it! But, that guy can write that kind of novel! Although the novel is not It doesn’t represent a real idea, but it’s very possible.”

In the process of constant self-argument, she gradually recognized the truth. Although she had doubted it before, she only felt that her idea was too ridiculous. After all, this was reality, not a harem novel written by that guy.

But after seeing the news, Yaren’s pretentious behavior made her completely confirmed. Then here comes a new question…

“What’s going on with Nayuta, who has been getting closer and closer to demi-humans recently?”

Qian Jucunzheng asked himself and realized this more important performance.

In her opinion, it is impossible for a character like Nayuta to be so philanthropic. He is willing to give Hachiman to others and only thinks about the winner taking all.

Suddenly, her pupils shrank and she bit her lips.

She ignored a very important person.

What if that person actually proposed this idea…

So, what should I do next?

An unprecedented feeling of powerlessness came over me.

“So that’s it, you’re so cunning… Hachiman, you are too wishful thinking, you are really a scumbag, why didn’t I see it back then? How dare you imagine such a thing, and keep doing it? What on earth is this? When did it start?”

Lying on the bed, Wu Geng Liuli’s black hair was spread out, her wine-red eyes were looking at the ceiling, and she was talking to herself.

There was a slightly mocking smile on the girl’s lips, and she suddenly felt relieved.

These questions are actually not important. What is important is that Miss Goblin has expressed her attitude, and Hachiman also supports it by default.

Therefore, the possibility of one person monopolizing it has become impossible, so there are only two choices before them.

Either accept it or leave alone.

“So, my choice is…?”

Just at this time.

The Yamada Fairy also came to Kana Yuta’s room and had a private meeting with him.

“Nayuta, did you see Murasaki’s expression at that time… Hahaha, it really made me laugh to death.”

“Miss Goblin, you are acting like a villain. You didn’t laugh at me like this before, right?”

Looking at the laughing elf lady, Nayuta looked disgusted and narrowed her eyes.

“Who told you two guys to sit on my head and dominate me all day long? I rarely find a chance to vent my anger. Doesn’t this make me happy?”

Fairy Yamada puffed out his chest with a confident look on his face.

“Oh, I’m too lazy to argue with you.”

Ke’er Nayuta snorted softly, then changed the subject and said, “After what happened just now, although they didn’t say it directly, with their IQ, no matter how slow they are, they will definitely be able to analyze the current situation, so next everyone It’s a bright card… The one who has the biggest headache right now should be senior.”

There is a clear deviation between implementation and plan here.

“This was just an accident, not my intention.”

Yamada Yao’s expression changed, and he stretched out his right palm, trying to shirk responsibility.

“Who cares whether it is intentional or not, I don’t care anyway, leave these words to seniors.”

But Nayuta showed a nonchalant attitude.

For her, it is a good thing to be exposed earlier. It is the best result for those people to give up. In this way, she can also share more love.

But, are those people really willing to give up?

The girl was very doubtful.

Come to think of it, at least I have to struggle a little!

367You are such a person, you really only think about yourself.

“This is going to be really troublesome.”

After Hikigaya Hachiman came to his senses, he also felt very troubled.

Not only are the girls smart, but they are not that slow. In the situation just now, even Miss Tuanzi felt something strange, let alone other people.

They will definitely want to understand that such an attitude is not actually Miss Goblin’s willful action, but that he is strategizing behind the scenes.

In this case, the contradiction becomes much more acute.

Before, he was hiding behind his back, and he could rely on the goblin to help him pull him. Once there is a buffer, everyone can slowly accept it.

Now it is no longer possible.

“So, what choice will everyone make?”

Now he can only believe that everyone will make the only choice.

However, before that, there should be some fierce competition.

Outside the window, dark clouds were overthrown, and heavy rain was already pouring down.

The people in the room seemed to be infected by such depressing weather, and they were depressed and stayed in the room for several hours in a blink of an eye.

During this period, only Komachi and Sagiri stayed in the living room watching TV. As a result, the signal was not good after a while, so they had to play cassette games again.

In this resort, Miss Goblin is very well prepared.

I don’t know when, the heavy rain outside the window has subsided, and the dark clouds have gradually dispersed.

“Who will cook dinner today?”

Hikigaya Hachiman began to discuss this very important issue with the girls who were still in the living room.

“Same as last time, how about everyone preparing meals for the day? Senior.”

But Nayuta raised his green fingers and suggested.

“That’s it, but it’s best to add a critical review session to let everyone supervise the improvement of skills!”

Yamada Fairy had a wicked smile on his face.

“I think you want others to praise you.”

He could see Miss Goblin’s true thoughts at a glance.

Although everyone’s cooking skills have improved, in this link, the advantage of Miss Goblin still exists.

“Do we want it too? Onii-chan.”

“I don’t know how to cook. Sorry…I messed up the cooking class.”

Komachi and Sagiri turned their heads, both looking worried.

“Of course you are not needed.”

He raised his hand and added by the way, “And Miss Yui, don’t let her join in.”

Sagiri and Komachi don’t know why.

“Is it that scary?”

The Yamada Fairy looked at his solemn expression and couldn’t help but ask.

“It’s not that scary! Let me tell you, when that person was making chocolate, she wanted to add some other things for no reason. Fortunately, Yukinoshita-senpai stopped her.”

Nayuta answered the question on his behalf.

“Nayu, were you secretly saying bad things about me just now?”

Suddenly, there was a sound of footsteps. Yuigahama Yui came out of the corridor and trotted into the living room. She was muttering and clenching her hands in front of her chest, as if she was going to accuse her.

“It’s nothing, I’m just stating the facts. Yui, your cooking skills are just very poor. Remember when you…”

Hikigaya Hachiman took over the conversation.

“Well, that was just an accident. Now I am different from before! I have learned a lot from Xiaoxue! If you don’t believe me, I will cook it for you!”

Miss Tuanzi suddenly turned red with anxiety.

“Then forget it.”

He and Nayuta both shook their heads violently.


Yuigahama Yui stamped her foot.

“I will prepare dinner today.”

Yukinoshita Yukino, who was following next to her, ignored Miss Dango’s aggrieved gesture and took a step forward.

“Okay, I have no objection.”

He and the girls all made similar expressions.

“But I would like to ask you for help, Hachiman, can you? There are some dishes that I am not very mature at yet, and I need your guidance.”

Yukinoshita Yukino took advantage of the situation and said.

Yamada Fairy and Ke’er Nayuta pursed their lips and pretended not to hear.

She noticed the expressions of the two girls, and was even more sure of her guess.

“Okay, then I’ll help you.”

Hikigaya Hachiman also understood their thoughts, so he nodded and agreed.

After the two of them walked to the kitchen.

“Hmph, it seems like she won’t give up until she gets hurt.”

Yamada Fairy snorted softly.


But Nayuta just sighed.

She didn’t think Yukinoshita could succeed and do things she couldn’t do.

Unless Yukinoshita can travel back in time and conquer his predecessors with an irresistible force, the result will be the same.

In the kitchen, the range hood is running.

The two people have already discussed how to divide the labor and start processing the ingredients.

Until there is a gap to stop.


I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist

I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist

Status: Completed Author:


What would you do if you had the chance to do it again?
After experiencing a failed life, he was reincarnated into a new world and became Hikigaya Hachiman. He chose the path that he thought was the easiest.
"You might as well become a light novelist."
However, the nature of being a mediocre person is not so easy to change.
Life is full of different paths, sometimes you are happy and sometimes you are sad.


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