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I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist — Chapter 29

“Quickly, run away…this place is already…different from the previous 22nd…”

Before he finished speaking, the four-handed shadow appeared, launched the final blow mercilessly, and said hello to everyone.

Such a leisurely attitude made the scene in front of him even more hellish.


When most readers read this, their hearts probably stopped a beat.

This ruthless result shocked not only Shenping, an online loaner, but also those outside the dimension.

“Is there such a thing? Why?”

Yinglili was so shocked that she didn’t even close her jaw.

Then Shadow Shiori, also known as Hatae, explained the reason.

In fact, this kind of commentary is not mainly for the protagonist group, but to explain to the readers.

It turns out that it was the mark that Bo Da left on the arm of Wang Dai Shen Ping, which allowed Bo Da to cycle through time and space through his remaining eye and follow him all the time.

This foreshadowing is recycled, which seems reasonable and makes readers suddenly enlightened.

This turning point turns the advantage of circulation into a disadvantage.

“So cunning… So what should we do next?”

Ying Lili frowned.

At the last moment, the cycle was forcibly started by relying on the growing strength of the shadow tide.

But this doesn’t mean it’s over, but the situation is getting worse.

Now that it has become a clear-cut situation, the level of combat effectiveness will also become the decisive factor in victory or defeat, and the threat of the four-handed shadow is still hanging on their throats.

At this time, an accident happened again, just like a previous reshaping. Because Nanfang Rihe died in front of him, he and Shadow Tide experienced each other’s memories.

The past of Minami Hizuru and Ryunosuke, and the love-hate entanglement with Hatami once again revealed more stories and secrets to readers, such as the reason why the eyes were separated, such as the reason why Ryunosuke’s data entered his sister’s body. …

“So the person before Bo Dao was like that? But the purpose of describing this plot was to whitewash Bo Dao and end up inciting Bo Dao to rebel? No, no, no, it shouldn’t be that simple, right?”

Yinglili had more questions about the plot here, but these questions can only be understood when the previous and previous plots echo each other, so she did not get too entangled, but focused on the subsequent story.

Returning from the cycle again, Bo Dao follows him like a shadow, confirming that the starting point of the protagonist’s cycle is moving backwards. In other words, if he continues to die, he will eventually reach the limit.

It was easier to kill and be captured alive. At this moment, the strategies of both sides began to switch again.

In order to enhance their combat power, the protagonist group relies on the memory sharing of the shadow tide to become people with combat power.

Just when they were confident and acted according to the plan, the online loan Shinpei died again because Nezu Ginjiro was killed and sniped.

“It’s really a hell difficulty, it’s too hard to beat.”

Seeing this, Yinglili couldn’t help but sigh.

It is so hard-won to achieve a real victory!

Of course, no matter how tortuous the process before victory is, how sweet the result will be after victory. The seventh cycle.

After the conspiracy failed to work, the two sides chose an upright team battle.

Everyone in the protagonist group made their own contribution to give this seemingly disparate battle a chance to win.

The gymnasium was the venue for the duel. Shinpei ignited the gasoline wrapped around the shadow, and finally gained the advantage.

Although there were further twists and turns, the final victory was achieved after all, and the shadows fled in confusion.

Next, Shadow Tide is also planning to use the ability to transform Shadow Mio. If successful, the offensive and defensive momentum of both sides will completely change!

Volume 4, end.

“Finally got the upper hand!”

Seeing this, Ying Lili finally let go of her tightness.

There have been many reincarnations in a row, and every time there was hope, they all met with ruthless results, but the ending of this volume made everyone feel happy.

Could it be that the end is coming?

After a few seconds, she rejected her judgment.

After experiencing many twists and turns, she has understood that the development of the story will never be that simple, and there will always be expectations.

When Yinglili thought of this, she immediately buried her head into the pillow, patted the bed with her hands, swayed her white feet up and down, and complained with dissatisfaction in her mouth.

“Damn it, I have to wait at least another three months!”

46 impressed

“What a wonderful plot design.”

Wu Geng Liuli slowly closed the book and spoke.

As the saying goes, outsiders see the excitement, and insiders see the door. Although she has not made a formal novel debut, at least she is walking on this path. Naturally, she has seen more details before making such an evaluation.

“Also, Hikigaya’s writing style is getting better and better with each volume. If I were to write such an excellent story, I would definitely not be able to grasp the plot rhythm and write the flavor. It seems that I have to learn something. There’s a lot more, both in terms of the creation of the story and the writing…”

The pride she felt from selling fan fiction was immediately shattered, and she regained the mentality of an apprentice and maintained an eager and serious attitude towards learning.

Wugeng Liuli also knows that the so-called writing style is not as simple as being able to use beautiful words. Appropriate language and descriptions that fit the plot make the writing smooth and allow readers to understand the story. This is the true meaning of writing, and it can even bring Unique writing style distinguishes one from others.

Therefore, if you want to improve your writing skills, you can’t improve it by reading more books or memorizing more words. It also requires your own understanding.

Only then did she feel lucky. If she hadn’t met a good neighbor, she might have spent a long time in vain and had to give up in the end.

“Enemies with brains are too scary. They were killed twice more. Now Shen Ping’s retreat has been narrowed again. Even if he gains a temporary advantage, it will still be difficult later. If it weren’t for the fact that Shen Ping is the protagonist, it would be difficult to replace him. Ordinary people would have used up all their opportunities by traveling through time, right?”

“You are wrong upstairs. If you are really a time traveler, you will definitely run away. Who is going to fight those monsters!”

“Now that the foreshadowing has been withdrawn, I know that there must be something wrong with being caught by Bo Dao. In addition, judging from the villain’s IQ, it shouldn’t be that easy to end. The advantage of the protagonist group is really not big enough.”

“It turns out that the eldest sister has a younger brother. When she showed off her power before, it was the younger brother who controlled the body… There were a lot of people who wanted to be bullied by the eldest sister. I can only say that it’s a bit weird, hehe.”

“Why do I feel that Bo Dao is not the culprit? Is it my misunderstanding?”

“Bo Dao should have separated good and evil. Is this the difference between the two eyes? I guess.”

“Suddenly the suspense turns to a passionate battle, but they are all so handsome! No one is holding back, they are comfortable, the next step is to add Shadow Mio to the team, now we will definitely win!”

“There is a person in the four-handed shadow, and my intuition tells me that this is a useful foreshadowing.”

“To be honest, I haven’t seen a novel like this in a long time. The protagonist and villain’s IQ is online, and the feeling of pressing forward step by step is really great.”

“Ryunosuke, so cute! So cute, so cute, so cute, so cute, oooooooooo…”

“Evolution actually has the ability to resist erosion. Doesn’t the Shadow Tide become a bug in the program? Indeed, it’s time to strengthen the protagonist group, otherwise it feels completely impossible to fight. If it weren’t for the Shadow Tide, it wouldn’t be possible this time. Successfully repelled those shadows, let alone killed them.”

“I like the strong and cute tide even more!”

“I finally won once. The first few volumes made me really feel sick to my stomach.”

“The protagonist group is growing really fast. This time, we can seriously injure Sishou and Bodao. We must succeed!! We can no longer tolerate failure!!!”

“Chao with short hair is still so cute. I’m looking forward to Teacher Yue’s next volume.”

Most readers are just laymen. They are more concerned about whether the story itself is interesting, and then join in the fun and express their own thoughts.

It would be better if there are colleagues who can discuss it with me at this time.

Therefore, whenever some popular works add new plots, you will see the comment area below in full swing.

As the number of die-hard fans of “Summer Returns” increases, this scene even spreads from the book review area, to some online communities, to novel forums, to chat groups…

Yes, to this day, with the sales volume of “Summer Returns” exceeding 250,000, fans will naturally form a fan group spontaneously and discuss topics related to the novel whenever they have time.

At present, although “Summer Returns” has not reached the standard of 500,000 sales of popular works, it has actually surpassed the popularity of ordinary popular works.

Hikigaya Hachiman was sitting on the sofa with his legs crossed, looking through everyone’s comments on his mobile phone, with a slight smile on his lips.

Komachi unknowingly leaned over and read the novel review out of curiosity.

“Everyone is really enthusiastic. There are so many people commenting every time. If Onii-chan goes to hold any autograph session, the venue will probably be full.”

Komachi estimated.

“I don’t want to show off, and I’m not a bishoujo author. Who cares who you are!”

He joked back.


Komachi laughed and said, “Everyone is very happy about this volume. We finally won, and we feel proud.”

“It’s time to improve your mood. Otherwise, if we continue, we might have to send razors in the mail.”

There is something in Hikigaya Hachiman’s words.

“Onii-chan, do you want the next volume?”

Komachi’s expression suddenly became solemn

“You said it before, so I won’t spoil it.”

He tilted his head and answered.

“But this is so uncomfortable! It arouses people’s curiosity!”

Komachi pouted.

The discussion about the novel has been lively for several days and has not ended yet.

Yamada Fairy also found a lame topic during the weekend cooking tutorial class and discussed its contents with him.

Miss Yamada’s ability to endure it for so long was beyond his expectation.

He also took advantage of this moment to mock the other party as a reciprocal sanction.

“Idiot Yamada, he can’t even understand such a simple plot logic. He just graduated from elementary school and is uneducated!”

“No! I just graduated from elementary school and feel that further study will not be of much help to my life. It’s not that I can’t continue learning! I am proficient in eight languages…”

“Not even after you graduated from elementary school. Everyone also said that you are an elementary school student in writing… I have said that I suggest that Miss Yamada put more effort in this area, otherwise, your cultural level will not be concealed at all.”


At this time, Ms. Yamada was embarrassed and found various reasons to change the topic, unable to refute this pain point.

Seeing Miss Yamada jumping around, Hikigaya Hachiman felt that the resentment he usually suffered was suddenly purified.

47 Miss Yamada’s reputation spreads far and wide

February 14th, Valentine’s Day.

Let’s call it a special day because it made an outstanding contribution to the sales of chocolates.

Hikigaya Hachiman basically doesn’t pay attention to this kind of festival, because it is an existence that has nothing to do with him, and the gift of chocolate was rarely heard of in his previous grade.

But it seems that due to adolescence, Valentine’s Day has suddenly become a popular holiday.

Therefore, some interesting incidents of giving away chocolates also happened in the class.

Of course, this has nothing to do with him. As a transparent person in the class, except for a certain female monitor whose specialty is being able to talk to anyone, it seems that no girl in the class will pay attention to him.

Therefore, Hikigaya Hachiman observed everyone’s confession of chocolates with amusement.

He had actually experienced this kind of young love before. When he was still young, he was manipulated by a more mature classmate girl, just like teasing a fool. This directly led to him never believing in love again in the future. Become a straight man of steel.

Living a new life, wanting to make up for regrets and not fail again, the unfinished high school, and the love that has never been truly understood, seem to be among them…

When he thought of this, his mentality also had some subtle changes.

But if he is now involved in a relationship, he still cannot open his heart, because as a light novelist, he is not mature enough, and falling in love will only be negatively affected.

After school, when he heard that he was confessing his love behind the teaching building, Hikigaya Hachiman also joined in the fun with the crowd booing nearby.

“Suzuki-san, I like you, please date me!”


I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist

I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist

Status: Completed Author:


What would you do if you had the chance to do it again?
After experiencing a failed life, he was reincarnated into a new world and became Hikigaya Hachiman. He chose the path that he thought was the easiest.
"You might as well become a light novelist."
However, the nature of being a mediocre person is not so easy to change.
Life is full of different paths, sometimes you are happy and sometimes you are sad.


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