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I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist — Chapter 30

The boy bent down and begged solemnly.

“let me consider it.”

The girl answered hesitantly.

The end result seemed unsatisfactory.

After reading it, Hikigaya Hachiman turned around and left, silently writing down what he saw today.

Using reality as a reference object, I feel that it may be used as a reference when describing. This is his current mentality when observing the world.

The days and months fly by, and in a blink of an eye, the end of the second grade is here.

On the last day, before leaving, Hikigaya Hachiman glanced at the people in the classroom.

He doesn’t know who else is in the same class as him in the third grade.

So far, none of these classmates has left a deep impression on him, which is really a pity.

Oh, I still have some impressions of a certain talkative female monitor.

So if you are in third grade, at least don’t let her appear in front of you, because her emotional intelligence in speaking is really amazing.

There is almost two weeks of spring break before junior year begins.

This made him more available than usual.

Wu Geng Liuli also took this opportunity to ask him about submitting again.

“My goal this time is just to focus on Fusukawa Bunko.”

she spoke.

“Why? Didn’t you submit a lot of articles before?”

he asked.

“It’s better to focus on it, and if the article is not good, the result will be the same on other platforms.”

Wu Geng Liu Li is eloquent.

In fact, there are differences, but the mainstream library can indeed accommodate everything. Knowing this, he did not act as a bully.

“Have you chosen a theme this time? This year’s Newcomer Award will start soon, right?”

Hikigaya Hachiman asked next.

“Don’t worry, there are several reviews, and the focus is the final review. This time I want to polish the work in hand.”

Wu Geng Liuli’s eyes were determined, and her hands were clenched unconsciously.

“Really? Then I will wish you success in advance.”

Hikigaya Hachiman said slowly.

“Don’t worry, Hikigaya, even that Yamada fairy who graduated from elementary school can debut. I don’t believe that I must be worse than her!”

In his ear, the girl’s sudden words made his expression almost tense.

Miss Yamada is so pathetic, her reputation as a primary school graduate has completely spread.

But this is normal. After all, someone with such high sales but such poor writing skills is indeed the only one in the industry. If it is popular, people will naturally ridicule it. This is inevitable.

For this reason, Ms. Yamada started a scolding war with others under her Twitter, which further reduced her reputation.

“Not really. Although Ms. Yamada’s writing is poor, her writing ideas are very clear and she has amazing intuition. Even with the help of an illustrator of the same level, it would be difficult to copy her success.”

Although he was hurting his friend, he still felt the need to say something fair at this time.

After hearing what he said, Wu Geng Liuli slowly turned her face sideways, looked at him for a while, and then uttered a sentence.

“Is she an acquaintance of yours?”

“That’s right, we often talk about books together.”

“Oh, that’s it. No wonder you said good things about her.”

“Let’s talk about books. Do you need me to give you some advice on your submission?”


Before the start of school, Hikigaya Hachiman took advantage of the spare time to complete the fifth volume of “Summer Returns”.

B-level skills can make up for lack of talent through hard work, and the effect is that hard work can make up for lack of talent.

This is the secondary skill set by Ms. Yamada for him. Although it is said to be from the radio system, it also shows that he does have some potential.

He was a little nonchalant before, thinking it was just a joke. After all, isn’t it normal for hard work to make up for failure?

Most people can improve themselves through hard work, so how can they be considered B-level skills?

But now, he believed in the judgment of Yamada Fairy’s ‘divine eye’ skill.

During this period of time, his progress has indeed been rapid, which cannot be compared with ordinary people. This is verified by readers and practitioners.

He is becoming more and more proficient in writing and his writing power is getting stronger and stronger. Part of this is because he was originally obsessed with this kind of culture, but more of it is due to his own talent.

Although his character level is not directly at full level, if he improves quickly enough, he may be able to reach the ceiling of the industry in the future!

But when he thought that Senjumura Sei was at least a 5A panel in Miss Yamada’s evaluation system, he fell silent again.

“Hey, is there a system? Awaken it for me! Deep Blue adds more! I don’t want to work hard anymore!”

Hikigaya Hachiman closed his eyes and suddenly said loudly.

“Weird Onii-chan, isn’t he infected by Sister Liuli?”

Komachi walked by and looked at his brother amusing himself, not knowing why.

Later, when she visited her, she told her about it.

“I didn’t infect him! I’m not a zombie or a vampire… This is obviously different from my abilities! As a human being, there will always be times when you are in a bad mood, just ignore him.”

Wu Geng Liuli immediately showed annoyance.


Komachi’s voice drawled, and the smile on his face became fuller.

48 A spring rain

Third grade, first day of school.

After Hikigaya Hachiman had breakfast, he went to school as usual.

The school is halfway up the mountain, and you need to go through the uphill boardwalk. The green belts on both sides of the road are planted with cherry trees. These few days every year are when the cherry blossoms are in full bloom.

Pieces of cherry blossom petals fall from the trees at a speed of five centimeters per second, and unknowingly cover the ground.

If the spring breeze blows at this time, it will become a curtain of spring scenery, which makes people want to stop and watch.

He couldn’t help but stretch out his right hand and let a few cherry blossoms fall into his hand. He sniffed it curiously. It was a very light fragrance.

He casually lifted it and let the petals slip through his fingers, and he continued to move forward.

Hikigaya Hachiman entered the classroom, found a seat by the window and walked down. After everyone arrived, he glanced again and found that no one was there, and he was relieved.

Finally, he can spend a stable year.

After attending the opening ceremony, when he came back, two boys still greeted him, because the three of them were in the same class for three years, which made people feel a bit of fate, and then they chattered for a long time.


“I have an impression.”

“I know.”

Hikigaya Hachiman straightened his attitude slightly.

Until the bell rang.

His junior year life began in a dull atmosphere.

One day two weeks later.

“Hikigaya, we are on duty today, don’t be lazy.”

Not long after he sat down, a pretty girl ran over and reminded him.


He looked up at the name of the student on duty on the blackboard, and stood up after confirming.

In the afternoon, because the student on duty was also responsible for cleaning the classroom, Hikigaya Hachiman did not go home directly today and stayed.

After waiting for almost all the classmates to leave the classroom, he and the girl on duty started to act.

However, just when the two had just cleaned for a while, the sky outside the window suddenly changed drastically, with lightning and thunder, and a group of dark clouds had covered the sky.

“It’s going to rain, Hikigaya classmate, let’s hurry up.”

The girl glanced out the window, then turned around and urged.

“Yeah, I know.”

He also quickened his movements.

After roughly cleaning, the two hurriedly left the classroom.

But just as he walked out of the school.

“Da Da Da…”

It finally started to rain, drop by drop, and the sound became more and more urgent.

Obviously, the rain would not be too light.

Hikigaya Hachiman judged this and turned to run to the other side, because there was a convenience store not far away with umbrellas placed at the door.

“Ding Dong.”

A few minutes later, Hikigaya Hachiman walked out of the convenience store, holding an umbrella in his hand, and looked calm.

“Huh? There seems to be someone over there?”

Just as he was walking through the mini park, he glanced at it inadvertently and found a person squatting under the slide in the rain.

“Could it be a scene of a child running away from home?”

He muttered and walked forward.

After a few seconds, he walked back.


Hikigaya Hachiman sighed.

Although it was troublesome, he would feel bad if he just left it alone.

Although he was not a righteous partner, he still had a certain sense of justice.

“Patta, patta…”

This was the sound of rain hitting an umbrella.

When Hikigaya Hachiman came closer, he found that the person squatting on the ground had long silver hair. If it weren’t for the funny scene in the blue sea, it should be a girl.

He also had some impression of the uniform on the other person, which seemed to be the short skirt of the school uniform of a nearby middle school.

In other words, his previous guess was wrong.

It was not until he walked two meters away from the other person that the other person reacted and slowly raised his head.

It was a cute face with a beauty like a holy angel, but at this moment, this face seemed lifeless, like a mechanical creation, and the blue eyes revealed a kind of sad and desperate emotion.

He had seen this kind of eyes before.

When he fell into the dark side of life and was completely disappointed with the world, the self in the mirror was in this state.


I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist

I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist

Status: Completed Author:


What would you do if you had the chance to do it again?
After experiencing a failed life, he was reincarnated into a new world and became Hikigaya Hachiman. He chose the path that he thought was the easiest.
"You might as well become a light novelist."
However, the nature of being a mediocre person is not so easy to change.
Life is full of different paths, sometimes you are happy and sometimes you are sad.


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