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I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist — Chapter 32

“Thank you so much, senior, for giving me the meaning to continue my life.”

Suddenly, Ke’er Nayuta’s expression returned to normal, she looked up, her eyes full of hope.

“The meaning of life is never given by others, but found by oneself.”

Hikigaya Hachiman just shook his head.

“Then I’ve found the meaning.”

But Nayuta smiled slightly, without thinking, and at the same time, he was waiting for the next question.

Hikigaya Hachiman just remained silent and did not answer.

But Nayuta pouted and turned his head.

“Okay, I’m going back.”

Hikigaya Hachiman stood up.

But Nayuta wanted to reach out to hold her back, but found that she didn’t know what to say, so she stretched out her right hand again.

Watching the other person’s leaving figure disappear at the entrance of the street, she slowly stood up and walked in the opposite direction.

She did not go home for the time being, but walked aimlessly on the street.

Suddenly, her eyes stopped at a bookstore.

“By the way, senior is a light novelist. Are there any light novels written by senior in this book?”

But Nayuta’s eyes lit up and he walked into the bookstore.

She recalled the previous conversation and fixed her gaze on the stack of books at the door. There were the latest hot-selling products, among which “Summer Returns” was prominently listed.

Immediately, she reached out to grab it, but then she thought that she didn’t have much money on her and the alimony was limited, otherwise she wouldn’t have lost her mobile phone.

With great perseverance, Nayuta stretched out her right hand and walked out of the bookstore.

For now, she has to find a way to make money first.

Soon, Kanayuta thought of a good idea.

There was a campus essay competition recently. If she got ranked, she could get a high enough reward. She was actually confident in literature. Although her grades in school were not high, this was because she was very partial to literature. The results are all perfect!

It’s just that she has always been a bit introverted, and she didn’t dare to participate in such activities before, but this time she decided to bravely take this step.

After all, she has found the meaning of her future life.

“If the right opportunity comes up, just mention it to her.”

On the way home, Hikigaya Hachiman thought about the girl’s amazing talent.

In terms of writing, Nayuta Kana’s talent is not inferior to that of Sei Senjumura. If his intervention leads to the other party going astray and accomplishing nothing, then he will feel it is a pity.

In addition, in order to satisfy his curiosity, he also wanted to see what the light novel written by Kana Yuta would be like and what kind of insights it would bring to him.

Because he is also a reader who longs for good works!

That evening, the editor contacted him.

“You are really making a big fuss, Teacher Yueze. Besides, many people are saying that you are very handsome when you are so angry for your fans. Well, I think you are very handsome too. If I were the girl being protected, My child will probably fall in love with Teacher Yuese right away.”

Machida Enko said with a smile.

“Miss Yuanzi, please stop teasing me. In fact, this is just my self-satisfaction, not a hymn of courage. And to be honest, I didn’t expect it to be so big.”

Hikigaya Hachiman was said to be a little embarrassed.

“This also shows that this kind of thing has become commonplace… Well, forget it, let’s not discuss these, let’s talk about the consequences of this incident. You are a little too arbitrary.”

Machida Enzi stopped in time and changed the subject.

“There shouldn’t be any punishment, right?”

Hikigaya Hachiman is a little less confident.

“That’s not the case. Teacher YueSe, you didn’t name anyone. It’s not considered a cyberbullying. What’s more, this is something that will cause public outrage. But if you want to do something similar in the future, please inform me first. Teacher YueSe, you After all, he is a public figure, so he still needs to be more measured in his words. “

Eunko Machida elaborated.

“Well, I know, I was impulsive.”

He understands that this is the editor’s responsibility, so he is sincere.

“Okay, let’s say something nice!”

Machida Enko suddenly sounded cheerful.

“Although everyone pays more attention to social issues, and many people don’t know the cause, at least some people in the industry still paid attention to it, which can be regarded as a diversion. Sales increased by 50,000 in one go, and they didn’t even watch it. Towards the end, the first few volumes have been reprinted recently.”

“This is indeed good news.”

There was unconscious joy in his tone.

“However, Teacher Yueze, please don’t get into trouble because of this matter. The most important thing in writing a novel is the work itself.”

Finally, Machida Enzi gave a friendly reminder.

“Yes, I understand, Miss Yuanzi.”

Of course, Hikigaya Hachiman also understands that such promotion cannot be pursued actively, otherwise he will only become a clown and lose sight of everyone.

In today’s society, hot spots come and go quickly.

Just when most people have forgotten that he exists, as readers and fans, their emotions are high and their enthusiasm is even higher, because the fifth volume of “Summer Returns” they are looking forward to will be released tomorrow!

51Volume 5

In the morning, the Yamada Fairy slept until dawn. After eating a simple breakfast, he sat on the sofa and prepared to take out the game console.

Suddenly, she thought of something and looked at the calendar on her phone again.

“Yes, today is the day when the fifth volume of “Summer Returns” is on sale. If we don’t hurry up, it might be sold out.”

In her own home, she naturally made no secret of her love for this work.

Yamada Fairy hurriedly put on her Lolita costume, put on her white pantyhose, put her little feet into her leather shoes, and trotted out of her villa.

Some time passed, and when she came home from shopping for novels and came to the door, her eyes suddenly glanced.

Not far away, a red-haired girl with hanging eyes and a sinister look was standing there. She was slightly taller than her and had short twin tails.

“Hermi, why are you here?”

Yamada Yaoshen looked puzzled.

Elmy, whose real name is Amelia Elmeria, is her childhood sweetheart and the beautiful girl illustrator who drew illustrations for “The Dark Fairy of Explosion”. Because of her versatility and fast work speed, she is called the ‘universal’. Painter’.

“Emily, don’t you welcome me?”

Elmy had one hand on her hip and behaved like a boy.

“Of course I came to see you because you stayed at home all day and didn’t go out. I was afraid that you would become a fat nerd, so I wanted to take you out for a walk.”

Elmy got straight to the point.


Fairy Yamada glanced down at the light novel in his hand, hesitated and said, “Yes, yes, but you have to wait for me to finish reading the novel first.”

“I see. Did you go out early in the morning just to buy novels?”

Elmy’s eyes noticed her hands.

The two entered the living room.

“In my impression, Emily rarely seems to be interested in other people’s works, right? You prefer playing games to reading. So, this light novel is very interesting?”

Elmy asked curiously.

“Yeah, it’s okay, although it’s not as good as me.”

Yamada Fairy’s eyes stayed on the book cover, and she kept her last stubbornness in her mouth.


Elmy couldn’t help laughing when she heard this.

Seeing the other person’s impatient look, Almi also became interested in the novel called “Summer Returns”.

Although in her eyes, there are no boring books in the world, there are only ‘interesting books’ and ‘more interesting books’.

“Emily, where did you keep the first few volumes of this novel?”

“It’s on the bookshelf. Find it yourself.”

Arriving in the inner room, Elmy found the first volume of “Summer Returns” and sat directly on the edge of the bed to start reading.

The beginning of “Summer Returns” does not start slowly. It hits the reader’s heart with a fast pace and easily wins her favor.

Continuing to read on, the interesting setting soon made her addicted, and she had finished reading the first volume in a daze.

“The story is great! It’s so well written! No wonder Emily likes it so much…”

Elmy clapped her hands in praise and closed her eyes, still recalling that feeling.

“Speaking of which, who drew this illustration? It seems a little familiar… Hmm? Mr. Eromanga!? How could it be the name of the master?”

She opened it to the place where the illustration was signed, and her expression suddenly became dull.


A sudden scream came from outside the door, diverting her attention.

Just after answering the call, Fairy Yamada was completely immersed in the world of the novel, and what was waiting for her there was…

Through the ability of Shadow Tide, Shadow Mio was also freed from Hatae’s control, and part of the shadow’s information was told to everyone, allowing Onomizu Shinpei to better understand the current battle situation.

At this time, new questions arose.

What is the purpose of Bo Dao?


If it’s just for resurrection, there seems to be a lot that can’t be said.

They can only learn this information next through Dr. Diamond, who is in close contact with Shadow.

The narrative is slightly gentle, interspersed with part of the plot of the love route, and Shadow Mio’s straightforwardness and boldness filled the scene with a happy atmosphere.

“Can this guy also write about this kind of entanglement? It’s suspicious.”

When Yamada Fairy saw this scene, he let out a light sigh.

After some entanglement, Wangdai Shenping and others finally learned that Bo Dao’s true purpose was to take her chosen family members to their distant hometown after resurrection. At the same time, the true identity of the four-handed shadow also surfaced. , it turns out that the other party is Bo Dao’s guardian and the first child Bo Dao gave birth to – Diamond-shaped Paper Tarihiko.

Through various analyses, Onomidai Shinpei also determined the true identity of the other party in this era, the shrine’s palace minister—Ankiri Masato!

Things that happened in the past were unfolded before our eyes with the derivation and Dr. Diamond’s narration.

“It’s so disgusting. No wonder after living as a human for so long, Bo Dao copied his personality and memories and transplanted them into a clone…”

The Yamada Fairy showed an expression of disgust.

“Get rid of this guy quickly!”

Just as she was verbally urging her to turn the page down, the next plot took another 180-degree turn.

Although Wangdai Shenpei did not shoot the opponent directly, Shadow Tide still took action and easily killed the diamond-shaped paper hanging in front of him.

However, a wise man will make mistakes after all his considerations. After all, Shenping, an online lender, overlooked one point.

Although there are no other shadows around, there is another clone hiding.

The diamond-shaped paper Tarihiko appeared again from behind and successfully attacked Shadow Tide with a knife.

Accompanied by despair and regret, Wangdai Shenping was penetrated by a knife and stuck in a tree.

Reincarnation started again, but the girl beside him had disappeared without a trace.


At this moment, Wangdai Shenping paid a heavy price for his mistake and burst into tears.


I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist

I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist

Status: Completed Author:


What would you do if you had the chance to do it again?
After experiencing a failed life, he was reincarnated into a new world and became Hikigaya Hachiman. He chose the path that he thought was the easiest.
"You might as well become a light novelist."
However, the nature of being a mediocre person is not so easy to change.
Life is full of different paths, sometimes you are happy and sometimes you are sad.


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