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I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist — Chapter 33

Turn to this last page.

“Ah!! Why is this happening! Hikigaya, you deserve to die!”

Yamada Fairy slapped his thigh angrily and roared through gritted teeth.

“What’s wrong? Emily.”

Elmy ran out of the bedroom in panic.

“It’s okay, it has nothing to do with you… But you have to wait a little longer to finish going out. I have to torture someone now.”

The Yamada Fairy was breathing heavily, which was a sign of uncontrollable anger.

“who is it.”

Elmy looked confused.

“Hikigaya…is the author of Summer Reappearance.”

She answered while taking out her phone.

“Miss Yamada?”

Within a few seconds, Hikigaya Hachiman answered the video call.

“Hikigaya, what on earth are you doing! Is Shadow Ushio really dead?”

“Do you want to know so much? Please tell me.”

“How can it be repaired! You guys actually want to take advantage of me…!”

Hikigaya Hachiman looked at the Yamada Fairy with a helpless expression.

Seeing the two people laughing and cursing, Almi, who was standing aside, opened her mouth slightly with an incredible expression, and her heart was stirred up.

Why is this happening? When exactly…

It was obviously me who came first!

52 My love will never be lost, my eyes will be ruined!

“I’m going to wipe it, did Teacher Yuezi actually write that! You return my shadow tide!”

Yinglili was almost furious, and her twin ponytails almost stood up.

She never expected that the end of this volume would end at this point, with such a depressing plot.

And this time is different from the previous reincarnation. Everyone can be resurrected after death, but this time it is different. When the online loan Shenping came back, the shadow tide disappeared directly!

Shadow Tide has been her favorite character in recent times, because his childhood sweetheart’s attributes are so to her liking, and the character’s charm is not bad either.

That’s why she, who has read all kinds of works, is allowed to do this.

“No, I must have overlooked something! Teacher Yueze can never arrange for the death of Shadow Tide. After all, she is the protagonist’s strongest combat power. Without her, it would be impossible to win, even if it requires a heroic sacrifice. , then it has to be a finale!”

Although Yinglili was not that smart, she still felt something based on her intuition from many years of reading, and she immediately changed her mind.

But no matter what, the effect presented by this volume has made her, an old book fan, break her guard. I believe that other people will also find it difficult to accept it.

“There must have been a storm on the Internet right now!”

Because this volume hurt her, it gave her the idea of ​​gloating.

In fact, just as Ying Lili guessed, readers and fans of “Summer Returns” have already rioted, whether in the book review area or in the chat group.

After all, the person who died was not an insignificant supporting character, but the heroine whom everyone recognized and was almost their favorite!

At this time, don’t think about the author’s ideas. If the plot requires fake death, everyone needs to vent. If it is real death, the author must be strengthened to change his mind.

Generally speaking, this kind of unpleasant plot and strong protests from fans are enough to make the author change his mind, except for the little dragon girl in his past life memory.

“Wow, why is Shio dead? Teacher Yueshi, what are you thinking about? Are you trying to force Shinpei to be smart? Are you insisting on writing a sad plot?”

“I have always liked Teacher Yuezi and want to give you a gift. Can you send me a private message with your address? Thank you.”

“Hesitation will lead to defeat. The protagonist’s character has killed him. Otherwise, Shadow Tide would not have been killed.”

“What are you talking about? It’s not a question of hesitation at all! This is obviously the enemy taking advantage of the information gap between the two sides. It is right to be cautious. On the contrary, the shadow tide did not hold back and was calculated.”

“If I had a little more time to think, maybe Shenping would consider this aspect.”

“I also think that the Shadow Tide was manipulated by emotions, which led to this result… But I still feel uncomfortable with Teacher Yueze’s design like this. Please tell me, will the Shadow Tide come back? Hey, please!”

“It seems that there are still many cloud readers. Can’t you see many details? I think you should learn to overlook Shen Ping and calm down before talking. In addition, I believe that Teacher Yuezi will not let Shadow Chao die like this. “

“Actually, if you think about it carefully, this wave is quite unsolvable. Regardless of whether Shen Ping can drive away, the shadow tide will come out to scan, and then because the shadow radar is attacked, this game is doomed to fail from the beginning. In the final analysis, it is due to insufficient intelligence. Of course, everyone is more concerned about the life and death of the shadow tide, and it seems meaningless for me to say this.”

“Zhichui achieves immortality by reproducing offspring with Bo Tao. If you think about it carefully, you must have given birth to more than one child, or even more.”

“My Chao! It hurts! It hurts so much! I will never lose my love, and my eyes will be ruined! If Chao is really dead, then I will definitely destroy your paradise! Moonlight old thief!”

“What kind of chuunibyou are you upstairs? It’s not that bad. Believe me, Chao will definitely not die like this.”

“Teacher Yue Se, do you want to be given the title of ‘Old Thief’?”

“Damn it, it’s really unreasonable to write it like this, especially because it describes the trend that I like to death!”

Although some people helped to speak up, the trend of public opinion was still one-sided.

This is normal. Not to mention those ordinary readers, even Miss Yamada and Sagiri came to check his story, but he only gave a vague answer, which probably meant that the plot needed it and the future plot development would not be possible. Will change due to public opinion.

“Hikigaya, your reputation seems to be very bad now. Are you really not sure about public relations? Will it affect your grades?”

The next day, Wu Geng Liuli came to visit and asked about this matter.

“There is no need. If you insist on spoiling it at this time, the impact will be worse. Everyone is just emotional for the moment. When I give you a hint when the new volume is previewed, everyone’s expectations will be even higher… This is Ms. Yuanzi, That’s what the editor lady told me.”

Hikigaya Hachiman gave an answer that could be spoken.

He himself didn’t care about this kind of problem, but this was the operational idea brought up by Miss Yuanzi, so he simply agreed.


Wu Geng Liuli groaned, rolled his eyes, and thought for a moment.

“That being said, that’s true. It would be too uncomfortable if the plot were to stop here and not read on, so everyone will be more enthusiastic in the future.”

The reference point is naturally herself. After reading this volume, she might go crazy if she can’t read the next volume.

Of course, this is also risky behavior. If the storyline still does not satisfy the readers, it will be an avalanche of scenarios.

“Well, I definitely don’t need to worry about this kind of problem. After all, this guy is now a light novelist who is many times better than me.”

At five o’clock, Liuli opened and closed her eyes and took a peek at someone.

What she was more concerned about now was when she could publish a novel, so she began to change the topic to writing.

“Hikigaya, what do you think I should strengthen now?”

“I think your writing skills are already adequate, but you just lack enough experience… If you read more, writing will become much easier subtly.”

Hikigaya Hachiman actually has another advantage, that is, he has been in the house long enough, and with enough experience, he can see a wider field of vision, and he can also put forward more original opinions.

The two of them continued to delve into creation regardless of what was going on outside the window.

Just when he was as steady as a rock, someone couldn’t sit still.

Sagiri couldn’t help but post about this on her blog.

53Hobbies and work

Sagiri continued the title of her previous blog and named it – “The Third Thing About Moonlight Teacher is Scary”.

“I know that everyone is in a bad mood right now. As I said before, Teacher Yuezhi is a very scary person, but he is also a gentle person. Although Shio’s death is a bit unexpected, there is no problem in the plot design. I drew it before When I was illustrating, I was worried about everyone’s reaction, and it turned out to be true. But don’t worry, Teacher Yuese will give you a plot that everyone is satisfied with. Otherwise, I will be the first to lead the charge! Hey hey, let’s see what Mr. Yue Se will do when the time comes! 』

“Although I know that Teacher Eromanga is definitely on Teacher Yuese’s side, I am satisfied that Teacher Eromanga can set such an example.”

“Please, Teacher Eromanga, you are our hope! Also, by the way, when will the new illustration peripherals be available! I want it!”

“As a reminder, when will the teacher hold a live broadcast to chat with everyone? Isn’t this popular now?”

“Before clicking in, I thought the teacher was going to clean up the old thief Yue Xi. After clicking in, I immediately felt comfortable. Let’s unite and defeat the old thief Yue Xi! My Chao can’t just die inexplicably.”

“Damn, Teacher Yuese doesn’t have any public relations at all, so she still has to rely on others to speak out. Is this determined?”

“I heard that Ms. Moonlight is still a middle school student, is that true? Mr. Eromanga, please tell me!”

“It’s true that the situation is a bit bad, but that’s all I can say, Teacher Yueze, I tried my best.”

Sagiri looked at the comment section of her blog and said with shame.

At this time, this matter has become a big topic on some novel websites.

Compared with the readers in the book review area, the users here are older and have seen strong winds and rains, so they are not so emotional. Some people even post specifically for analysis.

“Is Shadow Tide Dead or Alive?” Where should the plot develop next? 》

“First of all, let me make a conclusion. That is that Shadow Tide should really be dead this time, but it does not mean that she will not be resurrected next. If you have read the whole book, you will know that there are actually some reservations about Shadow Tide’s resurrection. Foreshadowing, don’t forget where this shadow tide came from. 』

“Leave a name on the post!”

“The author’s analysis is very good. He even noticed such details. Your view is higher than Shen Ping’s!”

“It’s true. It seems that Teacher Yuezi did it on purpose to increase the popularity, right? Whether it can be confirmed will depend on the sixth volume. No, just the preview should make it clear.”

“Yes, the next volume will definitely revive the Shadow Tide. Otherwise, unless the deus ex machina descends, this battle will end in failure.”

“What a pity. It would be great if everyone could be like the original poster. The current discussion environment is so bad. It would definitely not be like this before.”

“Back in the day, many of the works in the past would probably be severely criticized now. I had no choice but to adapt to the current environment.”

After this kind of speech and rational posts increased slightly, and everyone’s emotions quickly subsided, public opinion changed slightly.

Everyone turned their attention to the preview of the sixth volume. Will the plot develop as everyone expected?

After some time, Hikigaya Hachiman and Sagiri started illustration work on the sixth volume.

“Sagiri, your painting skills are getting better and better.”

Although he has never studied painting, he gradually developed his own understanding of the quality of painting after being exposed to it for a long time.

He found that Sagiri had something remarkable about him, whether it was the sophistication or speed of his painting.


Sagiri let out a few weird laughs, feeling happy because of his praise.

However, the girl had become accustomed to not using a voice changer when talking to him, which made such a weird smile sound even more adorable.

“Thank you for the teacher’s praise, because seeing how hard the teacher works, I naturally have to work hard to improve myself as an illustrator… The teacher is a good role model for me.”

Sagiri said sincerely.

There was a girlish shyness in her tone, which made people feel comfortable.

“It’s really a good thing to be able to make progress together.”

he expressed.

“By the way, Sagiri, have there been any special changes in your life recently?”

Hikigaya Hachiman pretended to be casual.

After the previous few conversations, Sagiri stopped thinking too much and just treated it as talking to her close brother.

“It’s nothing. I haven’t been bullied in the class. Don’t worry about the teacher. But I don’t have any friends. I just feel like I can’t talk to them.”

Because of the previous incident, Sagiri thought this was what he wanted to ask.

“Is it.”

Hikigaya Hachiman’s eyes flickered.

Next, I made some insinuations about Sagiri’s family relationships, and only learned that her parents were divorced and she still remained a single mother.

“Is there a butterfly effect?”

If that’s the case, maybe he doesn’t have to worry.


I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist

I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist

Status: Completed Author:


What would you do if you had the chance to do it again?
After experiencing a failed life, he was reincarnated into a new world and became Hikigaya Hachiman. He chose the path that he thought was the easiest.
"You might as well become a light novelist."
However, the nature of being a mediocre person is not so easy to change.
Life is full of different paths, sometimes you are happy and sometimes you are sad.


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