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I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist — Chapter 40

“Suddenly…why are you so serious all of a sudden!”

His sincere gesture made the girl feel a little shy.

“Who cares about your favor?”

“Okay, then pretend I didn’t say anything.”

“I’ve accepted it.”


He couldn’t help but laugh.

“What, you guy, I just think you will feel guilty, which is not good.”

Ms. Yamada corrected her statement.

“By the way, did you recommend a new work called “Silver Season”? At this point in time, it should be submitted directly, right? Is it really good to get your attention and recommend it so strongly?”

Not wanting to continue this embarrassing topic, Fairy Yamada changed the subject.

“Did you see it?”

Hikigaya Hachiman said subconsciously first.

Then he had a playful expression on his face: “Of course she’s very pretty, probably better than you, Ms. Yamada… um, about ten times?”

“Ah! When did I become a unit of measurement?”

Yamada Fairy was angry at first, then spoke in an arrogant tone, pointing his finger at the phone screen.

“Listen carefully, Hikigaya, there is no one better than this lady in this world! In the future, I will also create the ultimate light novel and become the savior of the light novel industry!”

“Ms. Yamada, although your ideals are very full, the reality is very skinny…According to your statement that ‘sales are the author’s combat effectiveness’, there are still many people in the industry who are better than you, right?”

Hikigaya Hachiman’s tone was teasing.

“It’s just for a while, I will surpass them sooner or later! They are just my stepping stones!”

Yamada Fairy said with a determined expression.

I don’t know where this confidence comes from. Could it be that he has overconfidence?

Hikigaya Hachiman was confused in his heart, but he said verbally: “For example, Senjumura Sei? Are you sure you can compare with them?”

“Of course! Even Senjumura Sei… can’t do it, Hikigaya, is that what you mean!?”

Yamada Fairy reacted, his pupils shrank, and he was shocked.

“That’s what you think.”

He spread his hands and said.

63 I can’t stand it anymore

“How is that possible! Shouldn’t that kind of monster be rare to see in a hundred years? Why did another one pop up so quickly? You couldn’t be exaggerating on purpose, right?”

The petite face of the Yamada Fairy came close to the screen, and her questioning eyes were clear.

“Do I need to lie to you? Besides, Ms. Yamada, your true thoughts have been exposed.”

Hikigaya Hachiman raised his index finger and indicated with his eyes.


Yamada Fairy bit her lower lip subconsciously.

Although she didn’t care about it on the surface, after seeing such works, even she couldn’t help but marvel. It was an unimaginable realm.

This is what her Divine Eye skill sees.

“Let’s not talk about this anymore. You will know by yourself when the time comes to see the level of “Silver Season”.”

Hikigaya Hachiman didn’t want to irritate this guy anymore, so he ended the conversation.

As soon as the recommendation message came out, the effect was quickly achieved, and the words about the beautiful moonlight also triggered discussions.

“I just got off work yesterday and accidentally saw the promotional newspaper. Then I saw the recommendation message from Teacher Yue Se, and I couldn’t help but laugh.”

“My family, who knows what Teacher Yueze is talking about?”

“Is there something wrong? It’s normal for me to be a middle school student. It is said that the teacher is not very old.”

“Is it true? Teacher Yuezi didn’t hold a book signing or anything like that. How do you know?”

“Silly, there must be someone on the Immortal River side who knows about it. Even though there is a confidentiality contract, some non-critical information can still get out. It is said that Teacher Yueze is still a middle school student!”

“Isn’t it possible? Can a middle school student write such a best-selling work? Why is it impossible! Didn’t the Yamada Fairy make her debut as an elementary school student, and later became a best-selling author? But I just don’t read her works.”

“Why are you suddenly discussing the teacher’s age? It’s just a sentence. Don’t analyze it too much. Men will always be in the middle until they die.”

“Compared to this, let’s take a look at the teacher’s evaluation of this new work. It seems that he has high hopes for it. It should be a good work.”

“It seems that there is such a thing as I can’t see Death Sichuan’s propaganda, but it is a newcomer after all. No matter how good the beginning is, it will be able to continue in the future, so I will watch it when the time comes.”

The topic is still mainly “The moonlight is so beautiful”, but at least with his popularity, the work “Silver Season” has appeared in the eyes of many people.

Relying on the belief that “the moonlight is so beautiful”, some people will naturally be willing to buy it as soon as possible.

And so the propaganda continued.

Hikigaya Hachiman laughs at the hustle and bustle on the Internet indifferently.

Regarding his work, which is the final chapter of “Summer Returns”, which is the seventh volume, after taking a break to collect his thoughts, it is time for him to get started.

This time, he set aside four months for himself, not only because the content itself was more, but also mainly because he hoped to complete the final touches to the end to avoid an anticlimactic ending.

It seems that there is more time, but in fact he is under greater pressure. He must strive for another breakthrough during this period of time.

“Excellent stories maintain a high enough lower limit, and the drawing of the pen is the guarantee of the upper limit. 』

This is something Hikigaya Hachiman became even more determined after seeing the works of Sei Senjumura and Nayuta Kani one after another.

Just when he was immersed in himself and creating thoughtfully.

Kana Yuta’s “Silver Season” has also arrived on the day of release.

With the intense publicity during this period and the recommendation of this best-selling author, as expected, many people flocked to the bookstore to buy it on the first day.

Immediately after reading it, the popularity exploded, especially among young people.

As we all know, teenagers and girls of this age like some youthful pain literature that is decadent, moaning for nothing, depressed, and expresses sorrow for new words.

The main body of “Silver Season” is roughly equivalent to an advanced version of some youth pain literature, but there is no plot of pain for the sake of pain, but a natural expression that makes you feel the same.

That day, after reading it, Fairy Yamada came to him and complained crazily to him.

It wasn’t until she used the Divine Eye skill to observe that she confirmed that there was another monster in the world besides Qianju Cunzheng.

“That guy has at least two A-level skills, ‘Heart of Love’ and ‘Single-Heart’. The remaining skills cannot be analyzed yet.”

By the way, Ms. Yamada arranged her own secondary skills for Nayuta.

In addition, she also confirmed one thing.

“The author of “Silver Season” is a girl, right? And she is the girl you saved before.”

She stared.


Hikigaya Hachiman was not surprised and nodded.

After all, you can see the author’s state of mind by comparing the content of “Silver Season”, and if you understand the matter, you can easily analyze it.

“I see, I didn’t expect that I could find a treasure just by digging. Is this the so-called coincidence?”

Yamada Fairy sighed, and the two quickly ended the conversation.

Because Ms. Yamada is busy downloading the copy.

A week later, Kanayuta learned about the sales volume from Machida Enko.

Once again set a new record for a newcomer in the industry.

This is not surprising, even if the quality of the works is similar, compared to Senjumura Zheng’s rush at that time, Immortal River was fully prepared this time.

Kanayuta immediately told Hikigaya the news in order to share his happiness.

“Are you trying to provoke me on purpose? Do you know how much I sold when I debuted?”

Hikigaya Hachiman’s face darkened.

“Senior, I’m sorry…”

But Nayuta looked at a loss.

“All this is the credit of my seniors. Because of my seniors’ recommendations, “Silver Season” was able to sell so many copies!”

she said quickly.

“Haha… I’m just kidding you, I don’t care about this anymore.”

Hikigaya Hachiman suddenly laughed.

“Ah, senior, you are so evil!”

But Nayuta felt her body become relaxed, then she looked aggrieved and her cheeks bulged.

The two chatted for a while.

“Okay, it’s time for me to go back. Komachi is waiting for me to have lunch with him.”

Hikigaya Hachiman waved his hand and said goodbye to the girl.

“Well, goodbye, senior!”

Kanayuta also waved his hand.

The silver-haired girl looked steadily at the young man’s leaving figure, her eyes gradually becoming misty.

“Ah, senior, I can’t stand it anymore.”

As people gradually become more confident, some of the thoughts that were hidden in their minds will naturally emerge.

64 completion notice

“Teacher Moonlight, are you saying this volume is about to end?”

Before preparing for the illustration work, Sagiri learned the news from him, and her expression looked very surprised.

“Well, it’s time to end it, but the preparation for this volume needs to be more thorough. It will take about four months.”

Hikigaya Hachiman nodded.

‘In four months, I have been more diligent than most people in the industry! ’

Sagiri sighed inwardly.

“Although it is a pity, a good story should end when it is due.”

Her expression seemed to accept the result.

Because since joining the industry, her level of otaku has also been increasing rapidly, she has a better understanding of the industry, and she also knows that many originally good works have had negative reviews due to improper handling.

Rather than continuing the story just to make more money and make an originally great story bloated and unsustainable at the end of the season, it is better to end it with a bang at its peak, so that everyone can mention this memory in the future. When looking at the works in it, I can also think of the beauty I had when I was catching up on it.

After chatting about this matter, the two parties began to exchange the illustration content of the first third part.

After it was over, he still took a closer look at Sagiri’s family situation and found out that the first generation Eromanga teacher did not get a second marriage, and understood that this was the result of the butterfly effect.

After that, his original worries were completely relieved.

As time passed, a piece of news suddenly came through.

That is, the news that the seventh volume of “Summer Returns” is the final volume has been included in the promotional trailer. This incident caught readers off guard, but also felt that it was reasonable.

After all, both the pros and cons have exhausted their cards. At the last moment, most of the previous foreshadowings have been taken back. There is only so much information in the story. Unless you think of some short-term plots, otherwise, it should be the final duel. .

“Wow, is this the last volume? There are seven volumes in total, not too much and not too little. It is indeed the end of time.”

“The news suddenly came to me. It feels like time flies so fast. I was reading the first volume when it was released, as if it was not long ago.”


I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist

I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist

Status: Completed Author:


What would you do if you had the chance to do it again?
After experiencing a failed life, he was reincarnated into a new world and became Hikigaya Hachiman. He chose the path that he thought was the easiest.
"You might as well become a light novelist."
However, the nature of being a mediocre person is not so easy to change.
Life is full of different paths, sometimes you are happy and sometimes you are sad.


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