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I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist — Chapter 5

Currently, the ability value of the individual nicknamed ‘Hikigaya Hachiman’ is far from reaching that level.

An original novel like “Re:Zero – Starting Life in Another World” is quite suitable, but he felt that some of the plots were too forced, and he didn’t like Natsuki Aung’s style too much.

After careful consideration, he decided to copy the work “Summer Returns”.

The plot of “Summer Returns” is roughly as follows:

In order to attend the funeral of his childhood sweetheart, Xiaofushio, the male protagonist Shinpei returned to his hometown “Rito Island” after two years. This is a small island with a permanent population of only 700 people. Fishing and tourism are the main occupations of its residents. Economic sources.

According to legend, a strange disease called “Shadow Disease” was once prevalent on the island. People who suffer from the disease will see exactly the same version of themselves and will be killed soon after, with their shadows replacing the prototypes to continue living.

Hot summer, closed town, weird disease, endless reincarnation, classic Japanese horror elements are all concentrated in “Summer Returns”, and based on this common setting, the story is extraordinary. The ordinary development refreshes people’s understanding of ‘reincarnation’ and once again demonstrates the charm of suspense stories.

This type of suspenseful and witty work is not only very suitable for his writing style, but its plot structure will not have any impact if it is described in the light novel genre.

After making the decision, Hikigaya Hachiman began to think about the animated version of “Summer Returns” that he had watched.

Thanks to the enhanced memory ability of people in two lifetimes, although it has not reached the level of photographic memory, it is still possible to vaguely recall the general plot of the story, but the specific content still has to be filled in by one’s own ability.

Otherwise, even a relatively good idea will become mediocre.

Whether it was the beginning of a novel or in order to participate in the Newcomer Award, he had to polish the content of the first volume, so he did almost nothing during the summer vacation and spent all day writing light novels in his room.

His abnormal behavior, not to mention his sister Komachi, even his son’s parents, who usually didn’t care much about him, thought it was abnormal and thought he was depressed.

In the end, he used a lollipop to ask Komachi to find a reason to fool the Hikigaya couple.

“It’s been a long time since I’ve logged into this website…”

Hikigaya Hachiman logged on to the Newcomer Award website again and took a look at the recent rankings. He found that the previous number one work was still stable, but many new faces appeared in the subsequent rankings.

Obviously, many new works with potential have appeared recently.

It is worth mentioning that the ranking data does not directly represent the final order of newcomer awards. In the end, it must be judged by the editors. Otherwise, the works submitted in the early stages will have too huge an advantage, resulting in truly outstanding works being ignored. .

After reading for a while and finding something interesting, he sent out the first volume of “Summer Returns” using the same account and using a string of English letters as his pen name.

He hasn’t decided on a formal pen name yet, and he plans to wait until he can make his debut before thinking about it.

“I hope this time I can get everyone’s approval.”

Hikigaya Hachiman rubbed his hands unconsciously and muttered to himself.

He was in a very uneasy mood, and his mood this time was much stronger than when he submitted the article before.

In the past, he could explain it by not knowing the heights of the world and not taking it seriously, but this time he was fully prepared. If that didn’t work…

Even if he was mentally prepared, he would probably be hit hard.

Well, seriously.

“If the worst happens, then I will lose my face and ask Komachi to give me a knee pillow to heal my brother’s broken heart.”

Looking at the blue sky outside the window, Hikigaya Hachiman thought this was a good idea and had a smile on his face.

On this day, Miss Yamada happened to talk to him.

Yamada Fairy: Hikigaya, my debut work “The Dark Fairy of Explosion” will be released today!

Me: By telling me this, Ms. Yamada is suggesting that I provide some help for your debut work? But I’m sorry, I’m just a poor person and don’t have much money left to buy a few more copies.


Yamada Fairy: Who are you looking down on! Who needs your meager help! I mean, since we have known each other for so long, I will give you a few books. Not only will you appreciate my works, but your friends will also be impressed by me and become my fans!

Me: Ms. Yamada, you are so confident! But since you are willing to give a gift, there seems to be no reason for me to refuse.

Yamada Fairy: Stop talking so much nonsense, give me the delivery address, and I will send it to you right away!

Me: OK, OK.

After hurriedly dealing with this matter, Hikigaya Hachiman thought that today’s conversation would end here, but Miss Yamada asked another question next.

Yamada Fairy: By the way, don’t you have anything to ask? For example, my debut experience, good ideas… As long as you beg me, Hikigaya, I still have a lot of empty ideas in my heart.

A hint that the girl is going crazy.

Me: Thank you, Ms. Yamada, for your kindness, but… I refuse! I am very confident in my new work, maybe you will hear the news about my debut soon!

Yamada Fairy:So confident?

Me: That’s how confident you are!

Yamada Fairy:Show me.jpg

9 When people say goodbye to March, they should look at each other with new eyes.

On an island in the south, there is a huge villa in the center of the island. In the small and cozy room, a girl walked in from the door, lying on the soft mattress, looking at the text on her phone called ‘ Message sent from Hikigaya’s account.

Yes, she is the Yamada fairy, the rebellious primary school student author.

The girl has pure white skin, long golden hair, blue eyes, and pointed and long ears. She is exactly the same as the fairy that appears in fantasy stories.

If you hadn’t seen it with your own eyes, you wouldn’t have been able to believe that the slightly provocative creative style came from such a blond lolita girl.

This is the place named ‘Fairy Island’ by Fairy Yamada, and it is one of her family’s assets.

Because of the summer vacation, the Yamada Fairy is on vacation here.

“If you are so confident, then let me see how much you have improved, Hikigaya.”

Yamada Fairy muttered, clicked on the website, and first saw the plot introduction of “Summer Returns”.

“The tide is dead.”

After receiving the obituary of his childhood sweetheart Kofunushio, Shinpei Amidai returned to his hometown of Hito Island in Wakayama City after two years of absence.

Shen Ping reunited with his relatives and friends, and the funeral went smoothly. However, his friend told him——

“Chao’s death is suspicious. It may have been homicide.”

The next day, a nearby family suddenly disappeared.

At the same time, Shen Ping heard an ominous rumor.

“If you see a ‘shadow’ that looks exactly like you, you will be killed. You will be killed by the shadow!” 』

Moreover, Shio’s sister Mio also said: “My sister saw a shadow three days before her death!”

On the summer island in the Kitan Strait, a science fiction suspense drama spanning time is about to begin.

“The introduction seems quite interesting? I just don’t know what the content is like.”

With his back against the upright pillow, Yamada Yao sat up lazily, tapped his finger on the phone screen, and started reading.

While Fairy Yamada was reading, Hikigaya Hachiman took the time to glance at the comment section of “Summer Returns”.

There are only three comments in total, even fewer than when I first submitted the article.

Maybe it’s because the title of the book isn’t attractive enough, or maybe it’s another worst-case scenario.

His eyelids twitched, his fingers trembled slightly, and he clicked to view.

I will always like Tsukamoto Yakumo: I was bored and flipped through a new book, but I didn’t expect to find such a treasure. One thing to say is that the author’s idea is quite good, and the writing is not bad, but the atmosphere created is still a bit lacking, but recently The submissions I saw for the Newcomer Award are pretty good! I hope the author can make his official debut, I’m optimistic about you!

Where is Doraemon: Wocao, after taking a look at the submission, it seems that this is the author’s second submission. In just over three months, the level has improved by such a rapid pace? Not to mention a few reversals, the feeling of hesitation and despair makes people feel goosebumps. Unfortunately, there are still some flaws in some aspects, especially in the creation of certain atmospheres. The writing is relatively dry and quite It was a drama, but after all, he was a newcomer, so it was excusable.

The little succubus in Succubus Village: Beautiful! This is a good work that I almost missed because of the title. Unfortunately, it only has one volume. I really want to know the plot development in the future. I hope the author can make a successful debut! In addition, the big sister’s final rescue was so cool!

The content submitted for the Newcomer Award of “Summer Returns” is almost the amount of plots from 1 to 4 episodes of the animation part in memory. The protagonist Shinpei Netai’s secret of immortal reincarnation is known by the enemy. When he is in a desperate situation, the appearance of Minami Hikaru brings a hint of danger. bright.

This plot from beginning to end, after many ups and downs, gradually reveals the truth of the shadow disease and the time reincarnation setting that comes from nowhere, is full of considerable attraction.

Hikigaya Hachiman spent several times more concentration than before, striving for perfection in some details, and the wording in many places was deleted and revised many times to reach the limit of his current ability.

What is reflected is the significant improvement in readers’ evaluations. Although there are still quite a few flaws, at least they are not fatal and some readers can ignore them until the end.

However, the attention of “Summer Returns” is now even lower than last time. Maybe the good reviews are just an example, and we need to wait until more people read it before there will be more real reviews.

“But regardless, it’s a good start.”

Hikigaya Hachiman’s eyes shone brightly, and he felt as if his chest had been given a shot of cardiotonic.

Next, he looked forward to Miss Yamada’s evaluation even more.

Compared with readers’ evaluations, Yamada Fairy, as a newly debuted writer, also has a keen sense of light novels that is different from ordinary people. Her views are more conducive to her ability to see the future situation clearly.

After a while, a beep sounds.

Yamada Fairy: Hikigaya, I have read your latest submission. To be honest, I am a little surprised that you are able to write such a work at your level. The writing, writing style and subject matter complement each other, although it is not as good as mine. It’s far away, but it’s already out of the ‘miscellaneous fish’ level.

Yamada Fairy: It only took three months compared to the first submission, right? With such great progress, you are still a genius, right? (laugh)

Me: Although I feel like Ms. Yamada is joking, I still have to say… Don’t bully young people into being poor! You should be treated with admiration after seeing each other for three days! I’m not doing nothing during this period. Ms. Yamada must have felt the crisis, right?

Yamada Fairy: Cut it! That’s all! You haven’t made your debut yet. Even if you make your debut, your style of work may not be a hot seller. What you write is still a bit too dull, even if you deliberately fit the subject matter.

Me: Thank you Ms. Yamada for your advice, I will keep it in mind.

Hikigaya Hachiman’s words are not entirely flattering, because what the Yamada fairy said is indeed a problem.

Even if it is a style of suspense and wit fighting, sometimes it still needs lyrical and other atmospheric descriptions. This kind of plot is still his weak point, so after that, he still has to study in these aspects for a while and try his best. First make up for your own weaknesses and create a better version of “Summer Again”.

But then he doesn’t have that much time at his disposal to practice in retreat or write, because the summer vacation is about to end!

Yamada Fairy: Okay, I won’t talk to you anymore, today’s limited time event is about to begin…

Yamada Fairy: By the way, after watching “The Dark Fairy of Explosion”, remember to tell me.

I understand.

Hikigaya Hachiman thought to himself: Just wait for my critical review!

10 Human beings’ joys and sorrows are not the same

“Onii-chan, Komachi reminds you that school is about to start.”

When he walked out of the room, Komachi, who was sitting on the sofa, suddenly turned his head and reminded him.

This sentence obviously means something else.

Hikigaya Hachiman said tactfully: “I know, don’t worry, Komachi, you don’t have to worry.”


Komachi looked stunned and noticed his expression.

“It seems that there is good news here, Onii-chan.”

“Well, I submitted a new light novel yesterday, and I feel pretty good about myself. There are also good signs in the comment section. Maybe I will have a chance this time.”

he replied.

“Really? Is Onii-chan about to debut?”

Komachi jumped directly in front of him, her eyes shining with joy.

“It’s too early to say this now. I can only say that there is hope.”

He waved his hand and skipped the topic.

It’s not a sure thing, it’s just based on my own feelings. It’s too unrealistic. It would be too embarrassing to be slapped in the face.

“Should be arriving soon?”

Hikigaya Hachiman glanced at his phone and estimated the time.

He came out of the room because the urgent delivery from Miss Yamada was about to be delivered to his door. Just the next second, the courier called again and said that he had arrived at the door.

He walked out the door and brought in the express box.

“Did Onii-chan buy anything online?”

Komachi leaned over curiously and looked down at the box in his hand.


I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist

I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist

Status: Completed Author:


What would you do if you had the chance to do it again?
After experiencing a failed life, he was reincarnated into a new world and became Hikigaya Hachiman. He chose the path that he thought was the easiest.
"You might as well become a light novelist."
However, the nature of being a mediocre person is not so easy to change.
Life is full of different paths, sometimes you are happy and sometimes you are sad.


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