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I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist — Chapter 54

After a few words of gossip, the brother and sister couldn’t let the driver wait too long, so they turned back to move the suitcase and the cardboard box containing the light novel comics into the villa.

After the task was completed, the two were a little thirsty, and Hikigaya Hachiman chose to go out and buy two cans of drinks.

Just when he was close to the villa after buying it and returning home, he suddenly heard a piano sound.

84 There is one more candidate for sister-in-law


Komachi took the drink, opened the pull ring, and after taking a sip, his expression was much more relaxed.

Hikigaya Hachiman also raised the can and took a sip of the drink.

“By the way, don’t you find it strange, Onii-chan?”

Komachi said meaningfully.

“Are you talking about this piano sound?”

He tilted his head and listened attentively.

The song was sometimes melodious and sometimes passionate, which made him very familiar.

“This song should be the OP of “Fantasy Demon Sword Legend.”

“Onii-chan, this is not what I want to know, but thank you for popularizing it.”

Komachi said with narrowed eyes.

“From the source of the sound, it should be Miss Yamada from next door who is playing.”

Hikigaya Hachiman pretended to concentrate on the direction of the music.

“Miss Yamada?”

Komachi muttered in surprise.

“Onii-chan, Miss Yamada you are talking about is not the one who had a video chat with you before?”

“Yes, that’s her.”

“Really? So this is the purpose of Onii-chan moving out. It seems that Komachi still misunderstood you.”

Komachi had an expression of “finally understanding everything”.

“You are the one who misunderstood now, okay? The reason is that Miss Yamada wanted to run away from home, and she happened to want to know some secrets from me, so she agreed to become a neighbor with me.”

He omitted some details, but still told the reason.

“I understand, I understand.”

Komachi smiled like a cunning fox.

“So, Miss Yamada is not only a light novel writer and a lady from a famous family, but also proficient in cooking, can play the piano, and looks as cute as a fairy in the fantasy world. She has excellent conditions.”

The younger sister seemed to be talking to herself.

“But she only graduated from elementary school, and her personality is also very bad.”

He sneered.

“Ah? Is Miss Yamada dumber than Komachi?”

Komachi was stunned.

After the two listened to a few songs quietly.

“Onii-chan, let’s go over and visit. We just moved in today, and we should formally inform the neighbors, right?”

For the purpose of investigation, Komachi took her brother’s wrist and walked outside.

Hikigaya Hachiman couldn’t refuse his sister at all, so he had to go with the flow.

Push open the iron gate and enter the small courtyard of the Yamada family.

Hikigaya Hachiman looked up at the direction where the piano sound came from, where the window was half-closed.

If he went over to take a look at this time, it might trigger a strange CG event.

But before he could think too much, his sister stepped forward and rang the doorbell.

“Ding Dong.”

In the piano room, the fairy girl was naked, her eyes were closed, her jade-like skin was exposed to the air, her long golden hair fell down her shoulders and neck, and she was playing the piano leisurely, her mind was detached.

丳 ”Hmm? Someone is coming? Is it that guy Hikigaya? He can’t be here to urge me to finish my manuscript, right?”

At this moment, she stopped her movements and had two guesses in her mind.

Yamada Fairy entered the living room, picked up the microphone of the landline on the wall, and connected it to the microphone at the door.

“Who is it? Hikigaya?”

“It’s Hikigaya, but it’s Hikigaya Komachi, Hikigaya Hachiman’s beloved sister.”

When Komachi heard her voice, her expression seemed to have discovered something interesting, and she leaned close to the microphone and said in a cute tone.

“Hikigaya’s sister?”

Yamada Fairy suddenly remembered the girl who appeared when she had a video chat with Hikigaya.

“Where’s your brother?”

She asked again.

“I’m here too.”

Hikigaya Hachiman had to speak out.

“Wait for me!”

Yamada Fairy said in a panic, and quickly picked up her discarded panties, underwear and lolita clothes on the ground. She didn’t even have time to put on her white silk stockings, and hurried to the door.

“Hey, Hikigaya, you finally moved in! And this, Hikigaya’s sister, Komachi, right?”

She remained calm, first examined him, and then looked at Komachi.

“Well, because Onii-chan just moved in, I brought him to visit the neighbors. Since it’s Miss Yamada, who is an acquaintance of Onii-chan, I’m relieved. I know Miss Yamada a little bit. I heard that she is a very good person. I hope Miss Yamada can take care of Onii-chan in the future.”

Komachi bowed slightly.

“Sister Komachi, you don’t have to be like this.”

Yamada Fairy was immediately shy, dancing with joy, not knowing what to do.

When faced with praise or thanks in person, Miss Yamada will behave completely differently from her usual personality.

“Komachi, your brother is not so useless that he needs help from Miss Yamada.”

Hikigaya Hachiman looked resentful.

“When we are out, we are all friends. We can help each other. It’s never a bad thing to be polite.”

Komachi can show her emotional intelligence that is different from ordinary people at such times.

It’s a pity that her academic performance is a bit poor, otherwise Komachi would be perfect.

Hikigaya Hachiman secretly complained in his heart.

“You see, Hikigaya, your sister is more discerning than you, and she can see how extraordinary this lady is! Thank me well. If you encounter trouble in the future, for the sake of my sister Komachi, I don’t mind making things difficult for you. Lend a helping hand.”

Yamada Fairy put his hands on his hips and said proudly from the corners of his eyes.


Hikigaya Hachiman responded with contempt, and with his pair of dead fish eyes, he achieved four times the restrained damage to Miss Yamada.

“What’s that look in your eyes! Are you looking down on me? Don’t forget, I taught you all your cooking skills!”

Yamada Fairy immediately broke the skill and said through gritted teeth.

“But hasn’t that kindness been repaid? It’s too late to talk about this now.”

He chuckled.

“Okay, Onii-chan, Miss Yamada, I’m ready to go back.”

Komachi suddenly interrupted the two of them.

“Hey, why don’t you stay and play for a while?”

“No, no need.”

The Yamada Fairy seemed happy and hospitable at this time, and it was all because of Komachi’s words that she quickly improved her favorability.

“Ms. Yamada, I suddenly remembered that I have something to talk to you about. However, I’d better talk to you when I get back after I send Komachi back.”

Hikigaya Hachiman and Komachi walked to the other side of the street, and he suddenly turned around.

“What the hell is going on!”

The Yamada Fairy wanted to ask, but received no response. She was so itchy that she couldn’t even concentrate when she went back to play the game.

This guy must have done it on purpose!

She gritted her teeth.

Based on his own experience, Hikigaya Hachiman took Komachi on the tram until he came to the tram stop near the Hikigaya family’s old house.

“Just send it here, Onii-chan, do you still have something to do with Miss Yamada?”

As soon as they left the tram stop, Komachi turned around and said.

“Oh well.”

Hikigaya Hachiman thought for a while, then turned and left.

On the spot, Komachi thought with his eyes.

“Ms. Yamada’s personality is completely different from what Onii-chan said.”

She can definitely be listed as one of the candidates for sister-in-law.

In this way, plus Sister Liuli, she has two candidates in her mind.

85 animation script meeting

After returning, Hikigaya Hachiman revisited Miss Yamada’s ‘Crystal Palace’.

Miss Yamada walked out of the kitchen next to her with a plate, took out two small bowls and placed them on the small table, picked up the kettle and poured mellow and rich coffee into the cups.

“Okay, it’s time for you to tell me what’s going on, right?”

Yamada Fairy sat down on the opposite seat and said in an urgent tone.

“Miss Yamada…”


He was about to speak when he was suddenly interrupted.

“what happened again?”

“By the way, we have known each other for such a long time. We should have changed our names long ago, right? Just call me goblin from now on.”

The girl flipped her hair and said matter-of-factly.


He gave it a try.

“Well, correspondingly, I will also call you Hachiman from now on.”

The girl immediately showed a friendly smile.

Immediately afterwards, the two got down to business.

“Goblin, I’m going to attend an animation script meeting tomorrow. Can you tell me what your experience is? You animated before me, so you should have been there once, right?”


I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist

I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist

Status: Completed Author:


What would you do if you had the chance to do it again?
After experiencing a failed life, he was reincarnated into a new world and became Hikigaya Hachiman. He chose the path that he thought was the easiest.
"You might as well become a light novelist."
However, the nature of being a mediocre person is not so easy to change.
Life is full of different paths, sometimes you are happy and sometimes you are sad.


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