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I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist — Chapter 62

There is no need to think about what kind of content Nayuta would be if it were mixed with personal goods.

A bright moon is already hanging in the sky.

“Nayuta, there’s no need to give it away anymore.”

When they got downstairs, Hikigaya Hachiman stopped the girl from continuing to send her off.

“Well, I understand, senior…bye.”

Kaer Nayuta raised his right hand and waved it happily.


He responded in equal measure.

Under the moon, a man walked against the moonlight.

The girl watched the other person go away, her smile still undiminished.

95 I am not someone who can be surpassed easily!

After returning, during the remaining few days of the holiday, Hikigaya Hachiman concentrated on writing because he had nothing else to do.

The progress of the first volume of “Steins;Gate” is constantly improving, and it is indeed much faster than when I was in school.

Maybe it will be completed faster than what you are overdue.

On the last day, Miss Goblin invited him to her home again.

The two people lived only a few meters apart, so he certainly didn’t think about the need to waste time.

Arrive at the center of the Fairy Temple, where Fairy Yamada works.

“Hehe, did you see, Hachiman, the first volume of my new work “Cat Girl’s Odyssey” was summoned from the devil world by me using the manuscript summoning technique!”

Yamada Fairy proudly took out a stack of light novels that she had printed and placed them in front of his eyes as if to show off.

“Do you think I’m a fool? You must have stayed up late at night to write it.”

Hikigaya Hachiman scoffed.

“No! I was the one who summoned him. If you don’t believe it, you can check my laptop!”

A hint of guilt flashed in Yamada Fairy’s eyes, and then turned into confidence.

“Who cares about you?”

He said perfunctorily.

“Is this what you asked me to come over?”

“What do you mean this kind of thing? Didn’t I prove it? How seriously did you misunderstand me before, Hachiman? Now, you have to have a completely new understanding of me.”

Yamada Fairy’s face came closer and he pressed his chest and said.

“Yeah, Miss Fairy is so diligent!”

He sounded smiling.

“You guys really make people angry sometimes!”

The goblin lady bared her teeth, then snorted and sat down next to her.

“As for the newcomer you are optimistic about, she has already made her debut. I saw her work yesterday.”

“Did the topic change so suddenly?”

He looked surprised, then thought about it and quickly came up with the answer.

After all, he only knew a few light novelists in the industry.

“Are you talking about Kasumi Shiko? Do you care about it? Could it be that you feel threatened by her?”

This sentence has obvious teasing meaning.

“How is that possible! She’s just a newcomer. I’ve used the Divine Eye skill to observe her works, but she’s just a little better than Wu Geng Liuli. She’s still far from being able to match me.”

Yamada Fairy couldn’t help but retorted.

“Really, I always feel that you have a strong sexual lust and an inner lust.”

His eyes squinted, as if penetrating the girl’s heart.

Kasumi Shiko’s talent is definitely much stronger than Wu’s. This is a fact, and she has been on the right path ahead of time through his guidance. However, it is still unknown whether she can compare with the goblin.

Judging from the level of writing, it is completely explosive, but the main points of the light novel are not just these.

“You’re kidding, who do you think I am? I’m a Yamada fairy. It’s okay to lose to monsters like Nayuta Kani and Sei Senjumura. Even if I lose to you, I can barely accept it, but just a random person. There is no such thing as something that can surpass me.”

Yamada Fairy put on that unruly expression again.

After hearing this, Hikigaya Hachiman couldn’t help but look strange.

This time, he actually brought himself with him?

Does this mean Miss Fairy has given up?

But obviously, if he asked such words, he would definitely get denial from the girl.

I had been stimulated enough just now, but now I am too lazy to stimulate.

After leaving the goblin’s house, he did not go home directly, but went to a nearby light novel bookstore to buy a copy of the first volume of “Love Metronome”.

In his mind, Kasumi Shiko will definitely grow up as a rising star. There are many remarkable things in her works, and she can definitely be included in his collection.

“It seems she did take my advice into consideration.”

After finishing reading, Hikigaya Hachiman slowly closed the book.

Previously, the main theme of “Metronome of Love” was dreamy love, one-to-one pure love, which is similar to his pen name “The Moon is So Beautiful”, but this latest version has clearly made a difference. The changes, first of all, are the addition of a female protagonist, a party atmosphere, and a change in style to “White Album 2”.

He thinks that Kasumi Shiko is wise in choosing to believe his evaluation. The second dimension is inherently full of fantasy, and everyone wants to be a part of it and get more people to like it. Even if there is a main line of pure love, there must be jealous characters appearing. .

Otherwise, the fun will be lacking a lot.

“It’s already very good. You can write a light novel focusing on love that interests me. Teacher Kasumi Shiko, I look forward to your future performance.”

Hikigaya Hachiman put the light novel on the bookshelf and muttered to himself expectantly.

the holiday is over.

He returned to school again, and the atmosphere in the classroom was no different from before the holiday.

There was a difference between the ordinary life and the relatively ‘successful’ high school life he wanted.

If this continues, it seems that there will be no difference compared to the previous life.

But if he was asked to take the initiative to contact something, he had no special intention, so he had to maintain this state and look forward to possible changes in the future.

After eating lunch at noon.

Yukinoshita’s classmate sitting next to her took out a novel to read as usual, immersing herself in the literary world like no other.

He seemed a little bored. After thinking for a while, he took out his mobile phone and recalled the progress of writing the first volume of “Steins;Gate”.

Since I can’t find anything I want to do, I will focus on the creation of light novels.

This is his first time using a mobile phone to code. Compared with computers, he is a little uncomfortable and the speed is a bit slow.

However, it was not the update speed required for the online serialized novels in his previous life, so he did not need to worry. As long as his typing speed could keep up with his thinking, it was enough.

From Monday to Wednesday, this process is almost always repeated.

On Thursday, as usual, he was gradually immersed in typing on his mobile phone.

Yukinoshita’s classmate sitting next to him raised his head and glanced at him. His beautiful brows furrowed slightly, as if he was wondering about something.

‘Is he chatting with someone else? It’s been going on for several days, but it doesn’t look like…it’s really weird. ’

Yukinoshita Yukino couldn’t help but feel a little curious in her heart.

The girl has a straightforward personality, and compared to other people she has little contact with, the classmate sitting next to her is already the person she talks to the most. Although the cause is just a small misunderstanding, it does not hinder her inner feelings. This produces some fluctuations.

“Hikigaya-san, what are you doing?”

Yukinoshita Yukino felt like she breathed a long sigh of relief when she asked this question.

This emotion is really inexplicable.


Hikigaya Hachiman stopped what he was doing and looked over with a surprised expression.

96 I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist

Although the two of them were seated next to each other and school had started for more than a month, this was their second conversation.

Not only did the first conversation end on bad terms, it can only be said that it was not that pleasant.

Hikigaya Hachiman turned around and thought for a moment. He seemed to have subjectively identified Yukinoshita-san as a person, which was why the girl asked that question at that time.

However, the final resolution of the misunderstanding also showed that neither of them cared too much about this issue.

Although I have different feelings of loneliness in my heart, there are indeed some similarities. This is probably the reason why I was so arrogant at that time.

After this period of getting used to it, his mind cooled down again.

“I’m typing.”

He thought for a moment.


A question mark seemed to appear above Yukinoshita Yukino’s head.

“I can see you typing.”

She pointed to her bright, clear eyes.

“Hikigaya-san is a really strange person. He always says something unexpected.”

Yukinoshita Yukino added another sentence.

“To each other, isn’t Yukinoshita-san a strange person too?”

Hikigaya Hachiman couldn’t help laughing.

“Am I weird?”

The girl tilted her head, her eyes flickering, seemingly unable to understand.

“Isn’t it strange that someone is isolated from the entire class?”

“From this point of view, it cannot be used as a basis for ‘weirdness’. Everyone has a different personality, and naturally there will be people who are not sociable. In addition, being isolated is not necessarily a problem of the isolated person. Sometimes it is too If you are too good, you will be ostracized by others… The reference point is myself.”

There was a smile on the corner of Yukinoshita Yukino’s mouth, which was inexplicably sad.

“The better people are, the harder it is for them to survive. Don’t you think this is a strange thing?”

“On this point, I agree with your point of view.”

At this moment, Hikigaya Hachiman was thinking of Nayuta, and he couldn’t help but agree with some of the girl’s thoughts.

nobody is perfect.

There are many people who are weak, ugly, and easily exclude others because of jealousy.

Therefore, his judgmental question just now was slightly biased.

“So, Hikigaya-san, you haven’t answered my previous question.”

Yukinoshita Yukino’s expression has returned to normal.

“I’m writing a novel. To be precise, it should be a light novel. As you can see, I am actually a light novelist.”

Considering that Yukinoshita is not the kind of person with a big mouth, he did not hide it.

One doubt was solved, and a new one was ushered in.

“What’s the difference between light novels and novels?”

Yukinoshita Yukino exclaimed softly.


I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist

I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist

Status: Completed Author:


What would you do if you had the chance to do it again?
After experiencing a failed life, he was reincarnated into a new world and became Hikigaya Hachiman. He chose the path that he thought was the easiest.
"You might as well become a light novelist."
However, the nature of being a mediocre person is not so easy to change.
Life is full of different paths, sometimes you are happy and sometimes you are sad.


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