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I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist — Chapter 67

Rintaro Okabe and his childhood sweetheart Mayuri Shiina attended a time machine seminar held by Dr. Nakahachi. He questioned the doctor’s theory.

As a result, he was pulled out before he finished speaking.

“Who are you!?”

He expressed confusion.

“Did you just want to say something to me?”

In front of me, a red-haired beauty asked.

Soon, Rintaro Okabe recognized the beauty in front of him as Makise Kurisu, a talented girl who had published papers in authoritative magazines!

The dialogue between the two parties ended in vain.

At this time, Rintaro Okabe suddenly received a message that made the screen of his mobile phone blur.

“Is this how it unfolds from the beginning?”

Yinglili’s eyes were awkward, and her head was completely confused.

“Don’t worry, there will definitely be an explanation later.”

She comforted herself in her heart.

After all, she had experienced the baptism of “Summer Returns”. Regarding this development, she had already guessed that this might be the impact of the time loop. She could only understand it when she linked it to the context.

Because she is a loyal fan, she has the patience to look forward to it.

Most readers also had the same idea, except for some newcomers who were confused and a little impatient, but considering that they bought everything, they still settled down and read for the time being.

The story that follows is the unfolding of high energy.

Okabe Rintaro was attracted by a scream and came to a room, only to see Makise Kurisu lying in a pool of blood. Looking at the heavy bleeding, he probably wouldn’t survive…

When he came to the street, he remembered this incident and relayed the news to his friends on his mobile phone.

At the moment when the news was sent, the world changed inexplicably.

Okabe Rintaro was surprised to find that the memory in his mind was completely inconsistent with what Mayuri and Tongzi said.

Readers who have been baptized by “Summer Returns” have a more appropriate guess at this time – this is another parallel world!

Sure enough, Rintaro Okabe confirmed through communication with Tongzi that the text message he sent at that time was sent to the past.

At this time, the elevator door opened, and what appeared in front of him was Makise Kurisu, who was still intact.

The appearance of this scene creates an atmosphere that is so shocking to readers that they can’t help but stand on their heads.

Okabe Rintaro also had such emotions, so he stepped forward to check Makise Kurisu’s body in disbelief.

“It seems that the plot here is the same as before? So does the time jump change this much?”

Yinglili was still a little confused.

“No! The future has changed!”

She soon changed her mind.

Because the next plot is obviously different from the beginning. Okabe Rintaro was first scolded by Makise Kurisu, then went to the shrine to meet Shiina Mayuri and Urushihara Ruka, and when he returned, he met a man named Amanin. Suzuha’s working girl.

In order to solve the doubts in his heart, he thought of John Tito, whom he had met online, and wanted to get answers from it.

What is brought out here is the setting of this story about the parallel world. More serious readers will pay careful attention to this point, because it will help them understand the story.

After all, “Summer Returns” is only the previous work. If the time theory of the previous work is used to substitute it into this, it is likely to cause a lot of misunderstandings.

Yi Wu Zuo Yi Scar Ling Jiu Moxibustion

At that time, if you chat with book friends, you will look unprofessional, and you may even be regarded as a fake fan.

Later, Okabe Rintaro also met Kiryu Moeku, an OL girl who took pictures on the street, chatted with Yutong in the maid cafe, and conducted time experiments using a telephone and microwave oven.

The experiment appears to have been successful.

The newly arrived Makise Kurisu naturally became interested in this experiment.

“Who would want to eat a perverted banana?”

After the slightly erotic conversation, the three of them became serious.

Mayuri Shiina, who returned later, quickly established a good relationship with Kurisu Makise.

The three began to study the occurrence of such phenomena and successfully tested the authenticity of the time machine.

Unfortunately, this is just an accident and there is no real way to use it.

The only possibility is to rely on the talented girl Makise Kurisu.

But the genius girl seemed to be frightened and ran away.

Halfway through, a girl named Awanone Suzuha appeared at the right time and gave instructions to the confused Okabe Rintaro.

The key to time travel is small black holes. SERN, which has been doing this research, announced that small black holes cannot be realized. In order to understand the truth, Okabe Rintaro used the amazing hacker power of his friend Tongzi to sneak into SERN’s system and then obtained a Cruel results.

SERN conducted experiments and…


Okabe Rintaro was shocked.


Yinglili, who was reading, couldn’t help but feel a little creeped out when she saw the result of the volume. She took a breath.

Although I still don’t understand enough about many parts, the part of the story I pieced together in my mind and the emotions conveyed between the lines are shocking enough.

I don’t know how powerful it is, but it can be said to be just right at this time.

In terms of the story itself, without future decryption, it is not very attractive. It is not as impactful as the first volume of the previous work “Summer Returns”, but the difference is that the level of the creator is different.

“Teacher Moonlight, that’s great!”

Stars lit up in Yinglili’s eyes.

103 The dragon and snake rise, and the industry prospers!

“Senior is getting better and better!”

In the bright room, Kanayuta closed the book, closed her eyes and thought about it, then said sadly.

“In order to become a girl worthy of my seniors, I have to work harder!”

The girl clenched her fists, then took off all her clothes, revealing her flawless body with skin as smooth as gelatin, ready for work.

She realized in her heart that she had decided to control the time for self-indulgence and use more time to write light novels and study.

“In order to be able to go to school with my seniors in the future!”

“To eat senior’s bananas!”

“come on!”


After reading, Wu Geng Liuli took a deep breath.

“It feels like the gap between us is getting further and further away. Compared with these talented guys, we are really humiliating ourselves.”

“Really, one monster after another, this unfair world, I really want to tear it apart…”

At this moment, she seemed to be wrapped in deep resentment.

“Sister Liuli, it’s so scary! Isn’t it a curse?”

Hinata carefully observed her sister’s actions through the crack in the door, and couldn’t help but think with horror.

After a while, Wu Geng Liuli calmed down.

“If you can’t compete with these monsters, you can’t lose to that kind of guy, right?”

Her eyes narrowed slightly, revealing a dangerous aura.

The girl was reminded of the previous scene where she was bullied by the Fairy Law, which made her feel very humiliated.

She couldn’t see what was good about that kind of people’s novels.

It’s just flattering readers, with the help of a good illustrator!

One day, she will have to treat others with their own medicine.

“It’s so, so, so good… I want more, more.”

In front of the desk, Kasumigaoka Shiyu murmured to herself, a slightly sickly smile appeared on her bright face, and her shapely legs were shaking under the desk.

“As expected of Teacher Yuezi, a person who can be regarded as my target.”

She could see that in the years between new works, Teacher Yue Se did not stand still, but found a way to move forward, and Teacher Yue Se did it.

If Teacher Yueze stagnated and could be easily surpassed by others, she would feel disappointed.

Only in this way can she feel more pressure and move forward at a faster speed.

What really good people never worry about is not the strength of their opponents, but that their opponents are not strong enough!

“Why are you getting more and more powerful! Your skills must have evolved!”

On the sofa, Miss Goblin, who claimed to be not a fan, turned around and ran to his home as a guest after reading the novel.

Also, before we could only chat online because it was inconvenient, but now that we are neighbors, we naturally come directly to our door.

“Miss Goblin, please don’t substitute the settings of your novel about another world into reality. I don’t have a system or anything. It’s all just because of my hard work.”

Hikigaya Hachiman said with a sneer.

“Really, it turns out it’s my fault!”

Yamada Yao looked proud.

“I think Nayuta is more helpful to me. Fairy, your value as a communication partner has long been gone.”

He curled his lips and said.

Communicating with fairies is just a habit now.


Yamada Fairy’s expression changed drastically, and he held his chest in great hurt.

To be able to tell the truth so simply! ?

“Even if it’s Kerananayuta, her fighting power is not as high as mine right now!”

Yamada Fairy bit his lower lip.

This is the girl’s last stubbornness.

“Well…if it’s sales, it probably won’t be long.”

He groaned.


Yamada Fairy just said two words to this.

Regarding her favorite sales topic, she has naturally always paid attention to the sales of well-known works in the industry, so she did not feel surprised or shocked by this sentence because she had gradually become numb.

Hikigaya Hachiman saw that the elf lady was quiet, so he took out his mobile phone and prepared to read the comments from readers and fans.

“The protagonist of Chuunibyou looks so ashamed, as if he has seen his past self. It seems that the teacher is also a person of this kind, right? Otherwise, it would be difficult to write such a suitable flavor.”

“The teacher’s new work is a little less impactful than the opening chapter of the front seat, but the atmosphere of this opening chapter is also very attractive, especially the part when Makise Kurisu died and came back to life. It was inexplicably shocking, but watching It’s true that I don’t quite understand.”

“Wow, this kind of subject matter is really interesting, but I can’t turn my head around. I can only understand it through the analysis of experts in the future.”


I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist

I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist

Status: Completed Author:


What would you do if you had the chance to do it again?
After experiencing a failed life, he was reincarnated into a new world and became Hikigaya Hachiman. He chose the path that he thought was the easiest.
"You might as well become a light novelist."
However, the nature of being a mediocre person is not so easy to change.
Life is full of different paths, sometimes you are happy and sometimes you are sad.


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