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I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist — Chapter 74

“Well, Master, what do you want to eat? Do you want omelette rice? You can write on it with ketchup.”

Because he had already had lunch, he declined this interesting proposal and chose to order a cup of coffee.

While waiting, there was a burst of excitement at the door.

A group of teenage girls came slowly.

The leader was as tall as a model, but he was dressed a little strangely, wearing round glasses, carrying a large backpack with posters on his back, and tucking the hem of a plaid long-sleeved shirt into his pants. He was completely like an otaku from the past era. dress up.

However, in today’s era, even for the same otaku culture enthusiasts, this concentration is a bit too high.

Her name is Saori Makishima, and she is the administrator of the otaku community.

After her, there is Wu Geng Liuli, and…


Suddenly, Hikigaya Hachiman’s expression was stunned.

Because someone who surprised him appeared in the crowd.

That was Yingli, who had met him and Liuli several times before.

“I’ve made a reservation for one o’clock in the afternoon.”

“Yes, please give me your name.”

“Saori Bagina.”

Under the leadership of Makishima Saori, all the girls took their seats one after another.

“Now I would like to announce that the offline gathering of otaku girls has officially begun. Although it will not be long, I invite everyone to communicate more and increase friendship. Although it is the first time we meet, we are connected by the bond of otaku culture. Since we have similar interests, let’s get together Let’s get together and share the spark of love!”

After she finished speaking, she sat down and let everyone do whatever they wanted.

Some things are easier said than done.

For some group friends, they just lack like-minded people, so communication is not a problem, but for some people, communication itself is a problem.

For example, Wu Geng Liuli doesn’t know what to do after sitting in her seat.

She thought that after she had a friend, this aspect would not be an obstacle, but the reality made her unable to speak.

I couldn’t take the initiative, and I didn’t know why no one took the initiative to talk to me. I didn’t know what to do for a while, so I could only take out my phone and stay aside.


Just when Liuli was playing with her phone at the fifth watch, a message suddenly came.

Sender: Hikigaya.

She silently changed ‘Hikigaya’ to ‘Hachiman’ before reading the message.

Hachiman: Why are you just sitting there, aren’t you trying to make friends? If you do nothing like this, then this trip will be meaningless.

Wu Geng Liuli turned her head and looked aside.

Hikigaya Hachiman made eye contact with her and nodded encouragingly.

“indeed so.”

She thought in her mind and suddenly gained courage.

Just communicating is still too profound for a beginner like her. Although she mustered up the courage to talk to the person next to her, an argument broke out in just a few words, causing the other person to change seats with an ugly face.

A bad start!

“Tsk, tsk, tsk.”

Hikigaya Hachiman took a sip of coffee and then shook his head silently.

Could it be that we are still trying to force others into a difficult situation?

He thought Liuli had grown up, but after all, the situation is easy to change, and the nature is hard to change!

Wait until the tea party is over.

Wu Geng Liuli stood up immediately and sat down opposite him.

“I’m sorry that all your efforts were wasted.”

The girl’s expression was a little embarrassed.

“It’s okay, everyone has something they’re not good at.”

He was just comforting, not harsh in this regard.

“No, it’s just that I can’t speak.”

Wu Geng Liuli shook his head.

But unfortunately, even if you realize your mistakes, sometimes it is difficult to change them.

“You said that, so how should I comfort you?”

Hikigaya Hachiman looked helpless.

“Then let’s have afternoon tea first. Maybe things will turn around, but there’s no guarantee.”

He meant something.

Wu Geng Liuli looked confused, not knowing what he was talking about.

A few minutes later.

Saori Makishima walked back in from the door, followed by two other girls who had been ignored at the party.

“Great, Black Cat-san, you are still here, and is this…boyfriend?”

She came to the two of them and changed her gaze.

“No! We haven’t signed a love contract yet…”

Wu Geng Liuli immediately responded with a blushing face.

“We are friends and I am here to accompany her.”

Hikigaya Hachiman said calmly.

“Then what is your name?”

“Call me Hikigaya.”

“So, Kuroneko-san, and this Hikigaya-san, are you going to attend the second gathering?”

Makishima Saori smiled and extended her hand to invite.

“Is there a second party?”

Wu Geng Liuli looked surprised.

“Exactly, I would like to personally invite a few people I haven’t talked to just now. There are not many people, but I feel that you should have something in common.”

she continued.


Wu Geng Liuli had some doubts about her determination.

“Because you guys had a very lively chat in the group before.”

Saori Makishima stepped aside, pointed at the two girls next to her, and introduced them.

“This is Mrs. Xiaotongtong.”

“This one is Chao Chao Chao.”

“…and Kuroneko, you guys probably want to say something, right?”

At this moment, the eyes of the three girls gathered together, and their eyes seemed to be burning with fire.

Hikigaya Hachiman seemed to see a fox-like smile on Makishima Saori’s lips.

Because they had not adapted to the environment just now, no one thought of the previous conflict. Now that the old things were brought up again, everyone became angry and motivated.

As soon as he found a place to sit down, before Saori Makishima could guide him, someone couldn’t hold himself back.

“Hey, it’s you two guys. You were directing and acting in the group before, right? You said you were friends with Teacher Yueze. It’s really funny.”

Kosaka Kirino’s tone was contemptuous.

“I didn’t cooperate with her, I just told the truth.”

Wu Geng Liuli said calmly.

“Idiots always have presumptuous ideas about things they don’t understand, so I don’t blame you.”

She followed up with a very good life attack and responded strongly to the other party’s attitude.


Kosaka Kirino looked anxious and patted the table.

Before she could reply, Ying Lili, who was in disguise, raised the brim of her hat and gave chase.

“That’s right. A frog in the well like you naturally doesn’t understand. Why should I lie to you? It won’t do me any good.”


Kosaka Kirino’s tone was panicked, and cold sweat dripped from his forehead.

The two-on-one situation was very unfavorable to her.

“In this case, if you want me to believe it, then you have to prove it on the spot!”

She gritted her teeth.

“Why do I need to prove it to you? Who can blame me if I don’t believe it?”

Yinglili sneered.

“I’m more interested in you, Black Cat, than you, this guy. Isn’t this the first time we’ve met?”

She turned her head, her eyes sharp.

It’s not the fault of Yi Yi Ba leading the rescue of Lingjiu

“Yes, we have met at Comic Con before.”

Wu Geng Liuli nodded to confirm.

“It’s really you…”

Eiriri looked thoughtful, and her eyes fell on Hikigaya Hachiman.

112Those who have not read the works of Teacher Yue Se…


Hikigaya Hachiman was vaguely aware of it.

“What on earth did you talk about in the chat group?”

He couldn’t help it anymore and whispered in Liuli’s ear.

Feeling the slight breath, Wu Genglai’s earlobes felt slightly hot.

“Actually, this is what happened…”

She briefly summarized the incident.

“Why does the atmosphere feel a little strange?”

Kosaka Kirino was confused and her eyes shifted to someone.

“Oh? The Hikigaya clan suddenly became the center of the storm, and things are getting more interesting now.”

Makishima Saori raised her glasses, and her eyes lit up.

“I see, that’s what happened.”

After hearing this, Hikigaya Hachiman probably had an idea.

“Hey, you two, stop whispering there!”


I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist

I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist

Status: Completed Author:


What would you do if you had the chance to do it again?
After experiencing a failed life, he was reincarnated into a new world and became Hikigaya Hachiman. He chose the path that he thought was the easiest.
"You might as well become a light novelist."
However, the nature of being a mediocre person is not so easy to change.
Life is full of different paths, sometimes you are happy and sometimes you are sad.


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