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I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist — Chapter 79

“The relationship between senior and sister is really good.”

But Nayuta showed a gentle smile on the side.

After walking through several streets, a few people came to a stall near the fireworks display.

“Onii-chan, I want apple candy!”

Komachi pointed to the small shop next to it, where a candy made from apples was sold, which looked very fresh.


Hikigaya Hachiman readily agreed and took out his wallet.

“Senior, I want one too, can I?”

But Nayuta also followed his gaze and prayed.

“Oh, why are you competing with my sister for favor?”

Yamada Fairy sounded contemptuous.

“I want you to take care of it!”

Kanayuta snorted.

“Okay, I’ll buy you one too, Nayuta.”

He did not choose to favor one over the other.

“Thank you, senior!”

But Nayuta suddenly smiled like a flower.


The Yamada fairy coughed twice, and his eyes seemed to be hinting at something.

“Store manager, buy three in total.”

He understood and looked at the store.

“Hey, you’re still talking about me.”

In his ears, Nayuta’s hiss came from Keer.

“Hum hum……”

Yamada Fairy pretended not to hear and hummed a song.

After that, they played activities such as fishing for goldfish and shooting guns, until the fireworks display officially started.


The alarm clock set on your phone rings.

“Okay, it’s time for us to move our position.”

Hikigaya Hachiman turned off the alarm clock and turned to remind everyone.

A few minutes later, they followed the crowd and came to an open space.

There are paid areas and free areas in the viewing area. Thinking that there might be a lot of people, he booked a spot in advance.

As expected, it came into use.

With the sound of ‘pop’, one after another fireworks bloomed in the sky, colorful and brilliant.

Sparks sparsely jumped around, then disappeared, and then became brilliant again.

Such a dazzling scenery caught everyone’s eyes, and they were fascinated and speechless.

A few minutes later.

“The fireworks are so beautiful. I really want to keep watching them with my seniors.”

But Nayuta’s expression was astonished.


Hikigaya Hachiman tapped his forehead lightly.

“Well, I’m still pretty satisfied with it.”

Yamada Fairy flipped up her hair.

“I hope everyone can watch the fireworks together next year.”

Komachi clasped his hands together, looked at this touching scene, and expressed his blessing.

“Ah, when will senior make me bloom? I should be able to feel the burning heat.”

But Nayuta suddenly hugged her chest and swayed, showing an expression of self-satisfaction.


He was not mentally prepared for the moment and choked.

Although I try to get used to the changes in Nayuta, some things cannot be changed by habit.

“You, what did you say suddenly?”

Yamada Fairy immediately took a step back shyly, pointed at Nayuta and said.

“Did I hear wrongly?”

Komachi covered his hot cheeks.

“That’s what this guy is like.”

Hikigaya Hachiman first explained to the two of them, then turned around and said, “Nayuta, you seem to have become more erotic.”

“Because only if I become erotic can seniors follow suit.”

But Nayuta’s cheeks swelled and she winked.


Hikigaya Hachiman was speechless for a moment.

He understood the meaning of this sentence and couldn’t help but feel that it sounded quite reasonable.

This is clearly tempting him to fall in another direction.

That is the real path of no return.

“You two, are you ignoring us? What topics are you talking about! It’s so sexy! Mr. Crab, you had the nerve to call me pornographic before!”

The Yamada Fairy couldn’t stand it any longer.


But Nayuta opened her eyelids and made a face.

Komachi scratched his hair and looked questioningly.

Can Onii-chan still hold on to such an offensive?

After the fireworks display, another two weeks passed in the blink of an eye.

On this day, due to visits every now and then, after staggering the morning and afternoon several times, Kanayuta and Sei Senjumura finally bumped into each other.

“Is Mr. Qianju turned out to be a fan of senior? Although it is a bit surprising, it is also reasonable.”

After knowing the reason, Nayuta agreed with his expression.

After all, in her heart, her senior is an unparalleled existence, and it is normal for her to be sought after by others.

However, she clearly felt that Senjumura Zheng’s feelings for her senior were not that simple.

“Senior, your love luck is too strong! With such a cute girl, Nayuta will really have a headache.”

But Nayuta pouted at him.

Hikigaya Hachiman pretended to turn a blind eye.

Because it is really difficult to explain this kind of problem, if you just say it is an accident, there is probably a way to convince people.

“I read your work “Silver Season” some time ago. It was very good, second only to Hachiman’s work in my opinion.”

Qianjumura Zheng gave what he thought was a very fair evaluation, and took a step forward, extending his right hand.

“I have also read “Fantasy Demon Sword” by Mr. Qianju. It is also a great work. It is also second only to the predecessor in my mind.”

But Nayuta smiled happily and shook hands with her.

The first meeting between the two parties was very harmonious.

The Yamada fairy next to him was shocked.

In her imagination, the two of them should be facing each other!

In fact, she was right. There was not only a sense of recognition in the eyes of the two, but also hostility. Now it was just a temporary sympathy, because they were very similar in some aspects.

Looking at this scene of gathering at the top, Fairy Yamada, who felt a little bored, rolled his eyes and suddenly had an idea in his mind.

“Hey, here are some of the best writers in the industry today. Do you want to hold a sleepover so that we can have a good exchange?”

She stood up suddenly, clenched her hands on her chest, and said enthusiastically.

118As a writer, it’s normal to have some problems, right?

“Share together?”

Qianshou Village Zheng was startled when he heard this.

“Sounds very good! Senior, let’s participate together!”

But Nayuta’s eyes lit up and she turned towards him.

Since it’s a shared hotel, we can get along day and night, and even have the opportunity to attack at night…

At this moment, other people’s eyes also fell on him.

Some are stressful.

“Well…I’m quite happy with it.”

Under their expectant gazes, Hikigaya Hachiman groaned.

He could also see that everyone was willing. Apart from their own selfishness, it was also a good thing to be able to exchange writing experiences with others.

“Okay, let’s make this deal! This lady proposed this matter, and then I will arrange the place where we stay together.”

Yamada Fairy spread his hands with a smile on his face.

“Ah, by the way, Hachiman, please call that guy up by the way. Think of it as my assistant.”

Miss Goblin suddenly thought of something again and tapped her cheek with her finger.

“That guy?”

Hikigaya Hachiman looked stunned, and after thinking for a moment, he realized who she was talking about.

But Nayuta and Chijumura Sei cast strange glances.

After everyone left, he took out his mobile phone and made a call.

“Invite me to a sleepover event? In addition to the Yamada Fairy, the participants are Senjumura Sei and Kani Nayuta!?”

Wu Geng Liuli was writing. After learning the news, his gloomy face turned into a look of surprise.

There is no doubt that this is a great opportunity.

As a mediocre light novelist, she has understood that relying solely on her own efforts is not enough. If she wants to improve herself, she should learn more from more strong people.

Although she disdains Yamada Fairy, the other writers are all figures she admires.

“I’m going!”

Wu Geng Liuli was stunned for a moment, and then agreed immediately.

Two days later, in the morning, under the arrangement of Miss Goblin, everyone met at the airport.

Everyone arrived one after another, and except for Wu Geng Liuli, they all knew each other, so their eyes fell on Wu Geng Liuli.

Today, Wu Geng Liuli is still wearing the same outfit as the Night Demon Queen, not afraid of the hot weather.


I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist

I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist

Status: Completed Author:


What would you do if you had the chance to do it again?
After experiencing a failed life, he was reincarnated into a new world and became Hikigaya Hachiman. He chose the path that he thought was the easiest.
"You might as well become a light novelist."
However, the nature of being a mediocre person is not so easy to change.
Life is full of different paths, sometimes you are happy and sometimes you are sad.


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