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I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist — Chapter 81

Wu Geng Liuli walked over slowly, hugging her chest and speaking in her usual tone.

“Hmph, you guy got there first, how shameless!”

Yamada Fairy said angrily.

Sentomura Sei didn’t speak, his expression was a little shy, it seemed because of the swimsuit he was wearing.

Although Fairy Yamada prepared one-piece swimsuits for them, the two girls with conservative ideas still couldn’t accept the exposure of their thighs.

“Hey, you guys are here.”

But Nayuta looked disappointed.

“Taking this opportunity, we will start collecting materials for writing. First of all, the first step is to wear sunscreen!”

Yamada Fairy was the first to suggest.

“Let me go first!”

But Nayuta reluctantly wanted to fight for this opportunity.

Qian Shou Cun Zheng and Wu Geng Liuli looked at each other from the side, and then everything they said was correct.

“In that case, let’s decide using rock, paper, scissors!”

“Okay, come on then.”

Soon, the two started a duel, and the result was the victory of Miss Goblin.

“How can it be repaired?”

But Nayuta punched the beach with a stunned expression.

“Hey, don’t you want to ask my opinion?”

Hikigaya Hachiman then asked.

“Why, aren’t you willing? The chance to put your hands on a beautiful girl…”

Yamada Fairy looked surprised.


He hesitated to speak.

Well, there is really no way to refuse this.

“Don’t get me wrong, I won’t let anyone else do this except you, and this is just for information!”

The Yamada Fairy then slowly lay down on the beach mat and removed the fabric from her chest, showing him her beautiful and smooth back.

“I see.”

Hikigaya Hachiman nodded and re-entered the state of Shisui Shisui’s heart. His expression remained as usual, and he reached out to apply sunscreen, ready to apply it.

“Hurry, hurry up, spread that obscene mucus with aphrodisiac effect on my beautiful and tender body…”

Yamada Fairy urged, stepping into the role and speaking dangerous lines.

“No, no matter what I do to the worst scum like you, I will never give in.”

“This is a plot that only happens in books, right? Miss Goblin, are you going to enter the inner world?”

He muttered with narrowed eyes.

“Okay, it’s my turn.”

After a few minutes, Kanayuta began to urge.

“That’s right there, um, senior, go a little further down and we’ll be there soon.”

“It’s okay, just knead it, senior, it will be more comfortable. By the way, Oppai, please also apply it on senior.”

Just as he stretched out his hand to apply sunscreen, the girl’s tone became ambiguous.

“You don’t have to give in too much.”

Hikigaya Hachiman sighed quietly, his expression helpless.

It seems that he has absolutely no way to deal with these two people!

As for the two people watching the show next to them.

“It’s so, so obscene!”

Qianju Cunzheng covered his hot cheeks.

“I can’t stand these two perverts anymore.”

Wu Geng Liuli held her forehead with one hand and said unbearably.

“But I also want to give it a try.”

Qianju Cunzheng hesitated for a while, his eyes gradually became firm, and he ran over.


Wu Geng Liuli’s expression at this moment was indescribable.

In her mind, the noble image of the two teachers had completely collapsed at this moment.

120 This is a game

Following the same procedure, Hikigaya Hachiman applied sunscreen to Senjumura Sei.

Compared to the mischief of those two, she was much quieter. She only occasionally let out a small moan unconsciously, which made people think a little.


Qianju Cunzheng covered his mouth and his face turned red.

The corners of Hikigaya Hachiman’s mouth twitched.

Good guy, it turns out you are the most sensitive.

“Wu Geng, why don’t you come and give it a try?”

Yamada Fairy turned around and asked.

“No, no need.”

Wu Geng Liuli quickly shook her head and refused.

“That’s it, then let’s take the second material, that is – the love between lovers splashing water on each other!”

Yamada Fairy ran over again and cheered.

“This is no longer necessary.”

Hikigaya Hachiman raised his head and refused.


Yamada Yaoshen looked puzzled.

“You ask why, of course it’s because senior is shy! You idiot.”

But Nayuta curled her lips and said.

“It’s okay to do this in novels and comics. If it were reality, it would still be…”

He said noncommittally.

“Forget it, then the third source is… teaching a beautiful girl to swim.”

The Yamada Fairy flipped up her hair and looked over with one eye closed.

“Sorry, I can’t swim.”

Hikigaya Hachiman rejected her for this reason.

“What? My perfect plan…”

The girl squatted down in disappointment, muttering to herself with wavering eyes.

“Let someone who can swim teach you.”

he suggested.

When I asked them, they all turned out to be landlubbers who were afraid of water, so I had to terminate the plan.

In the remaining time, everyone carried out activities that everyone could participate in, such as blindfolded watermelon smashing, beach volleyball, etc., until the sky became gloomy.

“Okay, it’s time to rest.”

Hikigaya Hachiman looked up at the beautiful sunset on the horizon, turned around and said.


In response, they packed their things and prepared to return to the villa.

“Ah, I’m so happy. Let’s go back and take a bath. Hey, hey, my house has an open-air bathhouse!”

Yamada Fairy said intentionally or unintentionally while stretching his body.


But Nayuta’s eyes lit up, she turned around and took his arm and said, “Senior, remember to come and take a peek when the time comes!”

“Ah, Hachiman, even if you want to peek, it’s useless! The partition I use at home is a partition that makes a squealing sound if you can’t climb it well! Just climb up cautiously, but you absolutely don’t want to peek.”

Yamada Fairy raised his finger, refusing verbally, but it was a crazy hint.

“No peeping.”

Hikigaya Hachiman just said coldly.

Just kidding, does a person with noble integrity like me need to do such a shameful thing?

ten minutes later.

He soaked most of his body in the hot water and felt that his body and mind were melting into it.

“By the way, you can’t even see it in such a heavy fog, right?”

Suddenly, he opened his eyes, looked at the room enveloped in water vapor, and thought.

After taking a bath, the Yamada Fairy began to show her strong feminine power and cooked an exquisite meal, which was amazing.

Even Kera Nayuta couldn’t help but praise the goblin lady’s cooking skills.

But just when the atmosphere was harmonious, Miss Goblin suddenly showed off and told others about the cooking skills she had taught him.

浵① And kill Yisi ⑨

The expressions of other people changed.

“Leave it to me to prepare three meals tomorrow!”

Qian Shou Cun Zheng pressed his chest and said sincerely.

“I also want!”

But Nayuta also wants to show the feminine power that she will need as a wife in the future.

“In that case, why not everyone take turns doing it.”

Wu Geng Liuli’s eyes flashed and he suggested.

“Then it’s settled.”


“This lady will not be afraid of you.”

The three girls all looked eager to try.

“Do you think of this as a competition?”

Hikigaya Hachiman frowned, thought for a while and said, “Then add me as well, it’s only fair.”


Several girls looked over with surprised expressions.


I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist

I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist

Status: Completed Author:


What would you do if you had the chance to do it again?
After experiencing a failed life, he was reincarnated into a new world and became Hikigaya Hachiman. He chose the path that he thought was the easiest.
"You might as well become a light novelist."
However, the nature of being a mediocre person is not so easy to change.
Life is full of different paths, sometimes you are happy and sometimes you are sad.


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