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I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist — Chapter 84

But he also knew in his heart that this was not a matter of cooking skills at all, but an emotional matter.

“You two, please be normal!”

Fairy Yamada couldn’t help but complain, and then she tried a bite of the food, and then said with a surprised expression, “Although their performance is a bit exaggerated, your cooking skills are indeed much better!”

“Well, it’s not bad. It makes me feel like my magic power has been replenished. It’s not bad.”

Wu Geng Liuli commented simply.

In short, his progress in cooking has indeed been recognized.

“As long as you are satisfied.”

A faint smile appeared on Hikigaya Hachiman’s face.

A bright moon hangs in the sky, spreading light to the world.

The time has come to night.

“Dong dong dong.”

After Hikigaya Hachiman rested for a while, he was about to continue writing when he suddenly heard a knock on the door.

When I opened the door, I saw it was Miss Fairy.

“Hachiman, come with me for a walk.”

The elf lady tugged on his sleeve.

It seemed that he was not given a chance to refuse at this moment.

The two walked through the paved path in the forest and walked deeper into the forest, with the lights at their feet illuminating the path forward.

In my ears, I heard the constant chirping of insects, which seemed to add to the restless atmosphere in this quiet place.

The two sides were silent all the way, following a certain tacit understanding, all the way to the end of the road.

This is a pool of water that is surrounded all the way, visible to the naked eye, and surrounded by countless light spots, making people feel like they are in a fantasy world.

Hikigaya Hachiman knew clearly that these were flying fireflies.

But this was also the first time he had seen such a wonderful sight with his own eyes, it was simply dazzling.

“Hey, Hachiman, do you know?”

After arriving at the location, the Yamada Fairy told the story of his parents and the story of his proposal here.

Telling such a secret story showed that the girl’s emotions had completely unfolded in front of him.

“So, goblin, what do you want to say? Surely you didn’t bring me here just to share this story at night, right?”

Hikigaya Hachiman’s expression became subtle after hearing the end.

“Then I’ll tell you the truth. Listen, I’m only going to say it once… Hachiman, I have chosen you as my candidate groom!”

When he said this, the usually very bold Yamada Fairy also nervously twisted the corners of her skirt, her face turning red with embarrassment.


Hikigaya Hachiman wanted to pretend to be surprised, but suddenly fell silent.

This time it’s still a little more real.

“Well, I understand.”

He smiled.

“But don’t get me wrong. I’m not saying how much I like you. I’m just saying that if I’m with you in the future, life will become more interesting and I will definitely be happy!”

Yamada Fairy said loudly as if he was trying his best.

Hikigaya Hachiman remained silent, as if thinking about something.

“You should say something!”

Miss Goblin pinched the hem of her clothes and said.

“Fairy, are you sure you want to hear my answer?”

Suddenly, his expression became serious.

“As expected… let’s forget it!”

Yamada Fairy hesitated for a moment, then waved his hand.

“I already know your answer, no need to say more.”

The goblin lady who prides herself on being smart as ice and snow is naturally not foolhardy, but she still couldn’t help but confess her love today.

It’s all because of emotions. Once they accumulate to a certain level, they will overflow and have to be released.

She didn’t expect to get the answer she wanted from Hachiman.

Hikigaya Hachiman was stunned on the spot for a moment, and the thoughts running in his mind stopped instantly.

He was temporarily relieved.

It seems that Miss Goblin understands herself better than she thought.

Maybe this is the feedback you get from the so-called divine eye skill?

“However, I also want you to remember my real name. My name is Emily. Remember to call me by this name when you propose in the future.”

Fairy Yamada was not very discouraged. He shook his fingers and still expressed himself confidently.

“Ha ha.”

His original solemn mood completely collapsed at this moment, and he even laughed out loud.

Similarly, he also felt that as long as Miss Goblin was there, the atmosphere would be better.

“What? Why did you suddenly start laughing? What’s so funny?”

Yamada Fairy sounded dissatisfied and pouted.

“Nothing, just thinking of happy things.”

Hikigaya Hachiman said something casually and suddenly looked up at the sky.

“Fairy, don’t you think the moonlight is beautiful tonight?”

He changed the subject stiffly.

Yamada Fairy followed his gaze and chased away.

In the sky, many stars shine, echoing the high crescent moon, like a waterfall of stars and rivers.

This dazzling scene is unforgettable once it catches your eye.

“Yes, the moonlight is so beautiful tonight.”

This situation made her unable to help but say.

Hikigaya Hachiman turned his head and glanced, as if wondering about something.

The moment the girl said these words, she realized something, and her face, which had just returned to normal, instantly turned red.

“I didn’t mean that, don’t get me wrong!”

“No, I just want to say that Moonlight Is So Beautiful is my pen name.”

His expression was innocent.

The Yamada Fairy carefully observed his face that looked glorious and divine under the moonlight, and suddenly lowered his head.

“But, you, you can understand it that way…I have said that anyway.”

The girl’s soft voice was engraved so clearly in his ears, and the beating of her heart became louder.

It is undeniable……

That night, his heart was disturbed by this fairy-like girl.

124You should be confident when creating!

“Why are you so quiet today?”

During the morning dinner party, Nayuta Kana noticed that the elf lady was acting strangely, and couldn’t help but ask doubtfully.


The Yamada fairy shook his head and just woke up as if from a dream.

“Well, maybe it’s because I had some insomnia last night and was in a bad state… By the way, am I usually very noisy!”

she questioned.

“Is not it?”

But Nayuta asked back.

Everyone’s expressions were exactly the same.

“This is prejudice!”

Yamada Fairy said loudly.


Hikigaya Hachiman suddenly shouted.


Yamada Fairy couldn’t help but tremble, which immediately attracted the attention of others.

“Why are you so sensitive? Could it be that… something secretly happened to your senior?”

But Nayuta’s face was full of suspicion and his eyes were sizing up.

“Last night, I thought I heard someone going out.”

As Qian Shou Cun Zheng spoke, his fists gradually clenched and his eyebrows became ferocious.

“You are a demi-human, you actually do evil things behind our backs!”

She reasoned as it should.

At five o’clock, Liuli calmly drank a taste of miso soup and watched their performance.


Hikigaya Hachiman sighed, pulled out his seat, walked around and served himself a bowl of rice from the rice cooker.

“Yaren, do you have any explanation for this?”

“You porn monster, tell me, how did you seduce senior last night!”

When he came back, Miss Goblin was still being tortured by the two men.

“Yeah, so what if I did it!”

The goblin lady seemed to be in a hurry, so she simply broke the jar and threw it. Suddenly she slapped the table forcefully and stood up, putting her hands on her hips and saying.

“I already think Hachiman is a candidate for my groom. He will like me from now on, absolutely! You will all be eliminated!”

This is undoubtedly a signal for a complete declaration of war.

How can the two people who consider themselves the world’s number one fans and the world’s number one favorite seniors tolerate this?

“It’s too early to start having delusions in broad daylight. The only person who can become senior’s wife is me. I’m just a Yamada. I can’t even hope to win senior’s favor.”

Kaer Nayuta narrowed her eyes slightly and spoke in a sarcastic tone, showing her aggressive side.

“But demi-humans are too arrogant. The responsibility of a wife is not something that just anyone can take on, unless it is a responsible person like me.”

Pressing his chest, Qianju Cunzheng began to boast about himself as he spoke.

“Hmph, I knew it. I could tell from the first time we met that you are just like Yamada.”

But Nayuta instantly shifted his target and his gaze became sharper.

“In the final analysis, Mr. Crab, you and Hachiman have no close relationship at all, so not only do you act as if you are wronged, but everyone’s situation is fair.”

Qianju Cunzheng stopped pretending and expressed his feelings directly.

Inexplicably, it turned into a three-party melee.


I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist

I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist

Status: Completed Author:


What would you do if you had the chance to do it again?
After experiencing a failed life, he was reincarnated into a new world and became Hikigaya Hachiman. He chose the path that he thought was the easiest.
"You might as well become a light novelist."
However, the nature of being a mediocre person is not so easy to change.
Life is full of different paths, sometimes you are happy and sometimes you are sad.


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