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I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist — Chapter 88

The corners of his mouth were slightly raised, revealing an evil smile.

In order not to be embarrassed, he chose the theme song of his favorite animation work in the world and started humming it.

Because of the proficiency, it also sounds a bit catchy.

The song ends.

“Senior sings so beautifully, I’m almost wet.”

Keer Nayuta clasped her hands together and leaned on her face, looking like a slut.

“Ahem, sister Ke’er, pay attention, Komachi is here too.”

Komachi reminded a little shyly.

As the girl grew up unconsciously, she gradually became able to hear such explicit words.

“Ah, I’m sorry, Komachi, I’ll pay attention. It’s better to leave the love words to senior alone.”

But Nayuta reacted and said with a squinted smile.


“Isn’t there no response from Cunzheng?”

Yamada Fairy was confused. He turned around and saw Murasaki’s blushing face. He shook his head and sighed, “It seems like this guy can’t be counted on at all.”

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“It’s my turn, it’s my turn! Indulge in my beautiful skills!”

She stood up suddenly, drawing everyone’s attention.

The KTV singing session gradually became more and more lively.

The songs everyone chose have their own characteristics, such as the romantic elegance of the fairy lady, the Japanese style of Sei Senjumura, the passionate love song of Nayuta Kana, and Komachi’s cute voice show…

Everyone enjoyed themselves and immersed themselves in it, leaving a memory worth cherishing.

This year’s summer vacation has a perfect ending.

After the hustle and bustle, it turned into ordinary daily life.

Today is a bright day, the weather is not too hot and the temperature is just right.

Hikigaya Hachiman came to the classroom carrying a backpack. With a quick glance, the students who had just returned from the vacation were obviously still missing the joy of the summer vacation and sharing it with others.

Of course, he didn’t have that choice, so he could only remain silent and look out the window at the distant sky.

Not long after.

As the footsteps approached from far away, the sound of someone sitting next to me could be heard.

Hikigaya Hachiman did not turn around, thinking that Yukinoshita-san, who was sitting next to him, still had a cold face, like an iceberg emitting cold air at any time.

Neither party said a word, making the atmosphere a bit dull, but there was really nothing to say. After all, they were not even friends, they were just classmates who had spoken a few times and had contact with each other.

Some of the rumors circulating in the class had no truth to them and did not affect the opinions of either party.

“Okay, summer vacation is over and school has started now. You should take it easy. As the best class in the grade, you must continue to maintain this excellence…”

With the arrival of the head teacher, the usual school routine began.

Two weeks after school started, it was time for the second volume of Steins;Gate to be released.

“It seems like today is a good day. It’s time to go to Hachiman’s house.”

Senjumura Zheng walked out of his samurai mansion and looked up at the clear sky with a faint smile on his face.

Just when she arrived at the tram stop in the countryside and was about to go to the city, she suddenly heard a shout from behind, making her stop.

“Wait for me, little flower!”

This is her nickname.


Qianju Cunzheng turned around silently.

The girl in front of her had her long black hair tied into a high ponytail. She was an elegant and ultra-orthodox Japanese-style beauty, just like an innocent young lady in a purdah. However, she only looked similar in appearance, but in fact she was like an uncle on the inside.

This is her childhood friend Usami Suzune.

“I finally got you in trouble this time!”

Usami Suzune raised her finger and pointed at her.


Qianju Cunzheng’s expression was still confused.

“You should feel guilty at this time! I have already heard about it from my uncle. Xiaohua, you have to go to the city to meet your little boyfriend almost every week, right? It is obviously such an important thing, but you have never told me. I But you will be angry.”

She put her hands on her hips and said pretending.

“Little boyfriend?”

When Qianju Cunzheng heard this name, he immediately lost his composure.

“No, it’s not. I haven’t reached that point yet. I’m still working hard.”

Qianju Cunzheng couldn’t help but feel shy.

“What? You are so attentive. Even a fool can see your intentions. Will anyone refuse Xiaohua? You are the god of our art department!”

Usami Suzune defended her.

Qian Shou Cun Zheng’s eyes wavered and he didn’t know how to answer for a moment.

Not far away, a tram came.

“Let’s talk about anything until I get back. The tram is here.”

Qian Shou Cun Zheng boarded the tram and turned around to leave a message.

“I also need to go!”

Usami Suzune followed him reluctantly.

As a child growing up, she felt that she needed to check in or provide help.

Just like that, the two of them took the tram and came to the city.

But to the girl’s expectation, Senjumura Zheng first took her to a bookstore and bought a novel.

“Steins Gate?”

She noticed Xiaohua’s cheerful smile when she bought the book and was surprised.

“Xiaohua, do you like this work?”

“Certainly, it’s one of the most interesting novels in the world…well,”

Qianju Murazheng replied.

“They are all the most interesting, why do you want to return one of them?”

Usami Suzune was a little confused.

“Because I discovered that the novels written by Hachiman are the most interesting novels in the world.”

Senjumura Zheng once again showed a longing expression.


Holding her forehead, Usami Suzune sorted out the information she had obtained.

“In other words, the person you like, Xiaohua, is the author of this light novel!? How old is he?”

Her expression was startled and uncertain.

“About a year older than me?”

Qianjumura Zheng’s tone was uncertain, and his slightly tilted head gave him a cute and cute look.

“That’s good, that’s good.”

Usami Suzune patted her chest and breathed a sigh of relief.

‘You’re about the same age, but I don’t know what your personality is like, but someone who can write a novel that interests Xiaohua shouldn’t be a terrible person, right? ’

The girl is making calculations in her mind.

‘It’s a pity. Although I knew that Xiaohua was writing light novels before, I was not very interested in light novels and didn’t understand them. If I had known earlier, I should have had a common topic with Xiaohua. I must make up for this when I go back. knowledge. ’

She felt regretful.

On the way, she began to gather information about the other person, and learned the person’s real name and part of the information. The only thing left was to confirm in person.


Qian Shou Village Zheng stopped.

“Is this here?”

Usami Suzune looked at the villa in front of her.

“Damn it, are the Asians and Mr. Crab here already?”

Qianshou Cunzheng pushed open the iron fence and entered the courtyard. When she reached the door, she found that the door was not locked. The two pairs of familiar shoes on the ground allowed her to deduce all this.

“Xiaohua actually showed such an expression.”

Usami Suzune was simply stunned.

The girl who has always been like a fairy in her eyes can be jealous and unwilling.

All this made her more interested in the teacher Yue Se. Who could make Xiao Hua fall for her?

Usami Suzune took a step back and entered the hall, only to find that Xiaohua was already arguing with two unknown girls.

“No, it’s so unfair! You guys came too early before me!”

“Speaking of this, I’m even more upset! This pornographic monster actually lives next door. It’s too bad.”

“This is called first come, first served. It’s useless for you to be aggrieved.”

Hikigaya Hachiman was used to their atmosphere, so his distracted attention allowed him to notice the newcomers.

“Are you a friend of Cun Zheng?”

He came to this strange girl.

“Yes, I am Usami Suzune-chan, Hana-chan, and you are Hikigaya, the author of “Steins;Gate” who is Hana-chan’s favorite, right?”

Usami Suzune judged it without thinking.

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Girl, are you so direct?

Hikigaya Hachiman’s expression changed slightly and he said: “I am indeed Hikigaya, and I am currently considered a friend of Murasaki.”

“Is that all?”

Usami Suzune’s eyes suddenly turned malicious.

“I’ll take the liberty to ask, Hikigaya, what do you think of Hana-chan?”

She took a step closer.

“A girl who looks mature but is actually kind of cute in nature? She is sometimes stubborn and hard to deal with, but once you get to know her, you can understand how special she is.”

He gave his own assessment.

“It seems that you know Xiaohua better than I thought. Then… why don’t you agree to be with Xiaohua? Xiaohua has a good family, will never betray, and looks very cute. I can’t imagine you at all. There are reasons to refuse.”

Usami Suzune counted on her fingers.

“Miss Usami, don’t make your feelings so simple.”

His eyes suddenly became sharper.


I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist

I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist

Status: Completed Author:


What would you do if you had the chance to do it again?
After experiencing a failed life, he was reincarnated into a new world and became Hikigaya Hachiman. He chose the path that he thought was the easiest.
"You might as well become a light novelist."
However, the nature of being a mediocre person is not so easy to change.
Life is full of different paths, sometimes you are happy and sometimes you are sad.


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