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I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist — Chapter 91

“Dudulu~ Isn’t there anyone who likes Mayuri? And so does Phyllis!”

“Why did the working soldier behave like that when he saw his assistant? Have I seen him before?”

“Idiot, haven’t you seen it yet? The working soldier is the time traveler, the one who gave the ibn5100 to Jiezhen. There is a high probability that Jiuzhen and the others will develop a time machine later, allowing the working soldier to return to the present or even further away. s future!”

“After reading the second volume, I already have a bad feeling in my heart. After all, SERN will dominate the world in the future, and it is very powerful now. If the hacking of the barrel is discovered…”

“The assistants in uniforms on the cover and illustrations are so stylish! I can understand the fierce thoughts! This is the charm of uniforms!”

“Everyone seems to be very relaxed, but I feel that this story is actually very heavy. Maybe this is what Teacher Tsukoshi did intentionally. Okabe Rintaro’s middle school status seems to have different reasons.”

“Isn’t this the character of Moe Kiryu? There seems to be a hint from Jiuzhen before. Could it be true?”

“Urgent, urgent, urgent, quick, quick, quick! Old thief, please give me some strength! The more you write, the more money you will make!”

Why do 133 people want to be in the second grade? My thoughts after reading Stone Gate

The very next day, a post on a certain forum suddenly became popular. The title was – “Why do people fall in the second grade?” Impressions after reading Shitoumen.

The host said:

“Just now, I finished reading the second volume of Steins;Gate by Tsukoshiro-sensei. Regarding the protagonist Rintaro Okabe, who calls himself Phoenix-in Ozuma, he always looks like a middle-class indistinct, and is a little bit… There seems to be a slight mismatch in the heavy story atmosphere. This should be regarded as a contrast, so that most readers can try not to feel so depressed when reading it, but if they can chew slowly to understand, then they will I experienced another feeling, so I thought of this question. I am sure that there is another reason for Okabe Rintaro’s second grade! 』

“I think people are more or less in the second grade, because reality always makes people frustrated, so they seek comfort from fantasy, and they enter a state called the second grade. For example, I know my neighbor’s As a child, her father died in a car accident and she was depressed all day long. It was not until she came into contact with anime that she became a middle school student and felt that her life was full of vitality again. 』

These two paragraphs made fans attracted by the original title Stone Gate get into thinking and leave messages below.

“I didn’t think about this at all. When I think about it after seeing this post, I feel really different! I’m still superficial.”

“I agree with what the poster said, but I think that the second grade is not just this kind of thing. It is probably just a simple excess of self-awareness, which is different from the feeling of Ji Zhen.”

“When I was in junior high school, I also passed the second grade for a while, which made me feel extremely ashamed when I think about it for a long time. It was only now that I saw myself through. It was great that I could make the second grade at that time. Now I’ve lost myself.”

“Hey, what you said moved me inexplicably. Of course, I am not a second-rate person.”

“Second grade two? Hahahahaha, so you stupid mortals are unwilling to admit our existence after all?”

“It’s so weird upstairs, but someone finally came to liven up the atmosphere.”

“Best post, it’s rare to see such an in-depth discussion post. By the way, I also miss myself very much.”

Three different Bayesi also attended the ceremony

“Chuunibyou is not mourning. The world in their eyes is actually sparkling, so that they can look forward to the future.”

Not long after, forum members discovered that this post had been pinned to the top, and the discussion became more and more heated.

Although it did not cause a large-scale discussion, after all, this forum is quite famous among otaku culture exchangers, so it spread to many people until it attracted the attention of Hikigaya Hachiman.

He held his chin with one hand, his eyes lost in thought.

Seeing this post, he was actually very touched.

After all, I was in a state of emo for a long time in my previous life, and the chuunibyou disease was at its strongest at that time, and even now I occasionally suffer from recurring symptoms.

This is not a bad thing, at least in his current view, that’s why the fairies who occasionally get sick make him feel so kind and cute.

After feeling emotional, he also left a message below this post.

“My middle school self is the most ideal self, and so am I. 』

After this incident, the tide of discussion on the Internet quickly subsided.

Some readers have more concerns than this.

Sawamura: Mr. Tsukushiro, is there any news about the animation of Summer Returns? I can not wait any more!

Teacher Eri Kashiwagi, who had already revealed his identity to each other before, became concerned about his debut.

Indeed, it has been a while since the news of animation was announced, and I can no longer hold myself back.

The opportunity to directly ask about the original work was right in front of her, and there was certainly no need for Yinglili to endure it.

Me: The script meeting ended some time ago, and production has been started for a while, and the progress is very fast. Although I didn’t ask, I guess the animation PV will be released soon.

Sawamura: Really? That’s great! It seems that the broadcast time will not be long.

Sawamura: The animation production company is Kyoto Animation, and the quality should be guaranteed. I hope that the teacher’s first animation can end perfectly!

Me: After communication, I confirmed their attitude and believed in their professional ability, so I hope so.

Sure enough, just two days later, Kyoto Animation released the latest animation news for Summer Reappearance. The latest animation PV will be released a week later, and everyone is looking forward to it.

In school, Hikigaya Hachiman still went to and from school like a transparent person.

The high school life that I once expected to make up for my regrets didn’t seem to come, and my eyes were filled with courses in sight.

But you can’t force this. Even if you just read it, it will make up for the little regret in your heart.

Perhaps Nayuta will change after he is admitted to Sobu High School?


On the way home, the corners of his mouth suddenly raised.

Perhaps, this is also an expectation.

After school.

The Yukinoshita classmate sitting next to him is not as cool as his homecoming club, but works hard for the service club he created based on his own ideals.

Although this is the case, even with her, the famous flower of the high mountains, in charge, the service department still lacks the ability to attract people.

Rather, this is one of the reasons.

Yukinoshita-san is still a person that people keep away from, because of her excellence and beauty, many people will care about her, but since her experience in elementary school, she lacks the ability to accept all this.

But now, this iceberg is gradually melting, not because of any boy, but because of a girl who looks silly and a little fancy.

With a ‘crash’, the girl with the dough head opened the door.

“Dudulu, Xiaoxue, good afternoon!”

Yuigahama Yui waved hello with a brisk smile on her face.

“Dulu? What kind of weird habit is this? By the way, didn’t you often say weird hello before?”

Yukinoshita Yukino raised her head slightly, with a confused expression.

“Xiaoxue, don’t you think this catchphrase is cute?”

Yuigahama Yui looked happy and asked instead without answering.

“I don’t feel any charm in it at all. Also, answer my question first.”

Yukinoshita Yukino’s expression was calm.

“This is Mayuri’s catchphrase, the female character in Steins;Gate.”

Yuigahama Yui’s smile did not diminish, she came to sit on a chair on the side, and followed Yukinoshita’s example and took out the books in her schoolbag.

“It turns out to be that light novel.”

Yukinoshita Yukino understood at first, and then her eyes changed, with a hint of sharpness.

“By the way, Yuigahama, do you really like it that much?”

134 Yukinoshita-san enters the field of light novels

Yuigahama Yui’s body trembled, and she smiled slightly awkwardly and said, “What are you talking about, Koyuki.”

“Don’t pretend to be stupid. I’m talking about this novel called Steins;Gate. Frankly speaking, I don’t think you are a person who enjoys reading books.”

Yukinoshita Yukino has a clear vision.

“What, Xiaoxue, don’t think of me as an ignorant fool! I have read a lot of books!”

Yuigahama Yui curled her lips and emphasized in her voice.


Yukinoshita Yukino’s eyes tilted and her tone was contemptuous.

“I think it would be best for you to be more honest.”

The girl seemed to have something on her mind.

Yuigahama Yui’s attitude quickly softened. After all, she has always been good at catering to others and sincerely admired Yukinoshita.

“Do you like it? I’m not sure. It’s just that I felt a little bored when I was in the club. I saw Xiaoxue reading a book all the time. At this time, all I thought about was reading this book.”

Yuigahama Yui touched her face with her fingers and said honestly.

If she really liked it that much, she would have bought it immediately like other fans, but she didn’t, which means something.

Although Yukinoshita Yukino didn’t know this clearly, she could still see it.

“You guys are reading this light novel just to chat with Hikigaya, right?”

“Ah, uh… it’s not a problem in this area. I actually think that although it is a bit difficult to read, it is really impressive! Maybe I am too stupid. If it is Xiaoxue, I can see more It’s fun.”

Yuigahama Yui looked panicked and hurriedly waved her hand and explained.

Seeing her state, Yukinoshita Yukino sighed and did not continue to question her in this regard. Instead, she thought about it and replied, “I will think about it after I finish reading this novel.”


Yuigahama Yui’s eyes flashed with surprise, she never expected that she could successfully promote the book.

In this case, not only can the small business have a common topic, but even Xiaoxue can share it… This is double happiness!


Yukinoshita Yukino confirmed again.

She would agree. It was one thing for Yuigahama to chirp beside her to arouse her curiosity, but it was another thing for her to be recommended by the author of “Silver Season”.

Teacher Ke’er’s “Silver Season” amazed her so much that she couldn’t forget it, and even had some deep resonance with it.

For this reason, she followed the other person’s author account online in order to know the release time of the new volume. At the same time, she also learned about Teacher Ke’er’s past that had been made public, and suddenly understood why the other person could write such a work. It turned out that Not just talent, but experience, a familiar experience.

It’s just that the final result is slightly different.

The corner of Yukinoshita Yukino’s mouth curled up with a hint of ridicule, but she quickly restrained it.

During this incident, the other protagonist, Teacher Yue Shi, also came into her sight, and she knew that his work was praised highly, so she became curious enough to take a closer look.

“Then, I’ll lend you the book then, Xiaoxue.”

Yuigahama Yui said.

“No, I will buy it myself.”

Yukinoshita Yukino shook her head and rejected the proposal.

“so be it.”

Yuigahama Yui also understood the other person’s character through these few months of getting along, so she didn’t force it.

After the club activity time was over, Yukinoshita Yukino used her mobile phone to find a light novel store nearest to the school and purchased two volumes of “Steins;Gate”.

It’s not that she’s so arrogant that she can’t accept Yuigahama’s kindness, but in her opinion, to read a work, you should pay its due value.

After returning home, she continued to read the novel in her hand. After reading it, it was almost time to go to bed, so she had to go to bed first and wait until the next day to start reading the work.

After lunch, when Yukinoshita Yukino opened the first page to read, she was stunned.

The real reason is that the style of this work is very different from the works she has read before. For example, a seemingly profound speech by Okabe Rintaro at the beginning made her feel a little confused.

“Is this the difference that Hikigaya mentioned before? Indeed, it is also a light novel, but “Silver Season” is completely different from its style.”

The girl frowned for a moment.

Do you want to continue reading?

She felt a little uncomfortable and fell into thinking.

“Hey, are you looking at the Stone Gate?”

Suddenly, a strange voice came from my ears.

Yukinoshita Yukino raised her head and noticed the surprise on the young man’s face.


I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist

I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist

Status: Completed Author:


What would you do if you had the chance to do it again?
After experiencing a failed life, he was reincarnated into a new world and became Hikigaya Hachiman. He chose the path that he thought was the easiest.
"You might as well become a light novelist."
However, the nature of being a mediocre person is not so easy to change.
Life is full of different paths, sometimes you are happy and sometimes you are sad.


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