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I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist — Chapter 97

Yuigahama: Xiaoqi, I saw Koyuki smiling today! It’s so charming! If I were a boy I would be fascinated!

Me: Isn’t it normal to laugh? Even Yukinoshita is still a human being and will still have human emotions, but she may not show them in front of others… But you already have the idea of ​​​​opening Lily’s business?

Yuigahama: Really, a small company is making such a joke again! I told you it was a boy! Speaking of Xiaoqi’s attitude, haven’t you ever felt the charm of Xiaoxue?

Me: Judging from the appearance, Yukinoshita is indeed cute, but it’s hard to say about charm. It’s more of a subjective feeling.

Yuigahama: Doesn’t it make Xiao Qi feel cute?

Me: You can say that…

Me: By the way, what’s going on with your statement?

Yuigahama: Recently, Koyuki and I have been reading more light novels, hehe, but there are still very few works that Koyuki likes.

Me: It’s normal from her point of view.

The daily routine of the week came to Saturday in a blink of an eye.

Hikigaya Hachiman opened the door after hearing the doorbell.

A beautiful day starts with meeting Kanayuta.

“Good morning, senior.”

The silver-haired girl in a blue and white plaid dress raised her hands and waved, with a charming innocent smile on her cute face, and her crisp voice was filled with joy.

If the appearance of Miss Fairy is enough to liven up the atmosphere to a wonderful level, then Mr. Crab’s smile can make you forget all these troubles.

“Nayuta, good morning.”

He smiled back.

“Senior, a good day starts with morning exercise. Now let’s do some intense exercise!”

But Nayuta took one step at a time, grabbed his arm, and used her generous capital to buy his sincerity.

Hikigaya Hachiman was slightly ashamed.

The atmosphere that seemed beautiful just now was shattered in an instant, leaving nothing behind.

The girl is still using clumsy but effective techniques, gradually eating away at him, perhaps causing him to fall completely into the abyss before the day of her dreams arrives.

He couldn’t help but think so.

“Ahem, what are you doing there so early in the morning! Don’t you think it’s offensive? Mr. Crab, you are too enthusiastic, no, you have crossed the line!”

Suddenly, a voice came from next door.

The two of them turned their heads to follow the source of the sound and found that the goblin lady in pajamas was standing on the balcony of the second floor, condescending.

“Shut up, you miscellaneous fish fairy.”

Ke’er Nayuta raised her beautiful face and said with ridicule.


Miss Goblin was anxious.

“Those with high grades must obey what those with low grades say and cannot make any rebuttal, don’t you think so? Miscellaneous fish fairy.”

But Nayuta immediately brought out the Fairy Law, which had an excellent effect on the proposer.

“Yeah yeah…!”

The goblin lady was so angry that she could not speak and gritted her teeth.

“This law has been broken by me!”

After a few seconds, her expression changed suddenly, and she continued speaking seriously.

“Ha ha……”

Hikigaya Hachiman and Nayuta both laughed.

What a mess!

Why don’t you bow your head!

Yamada Fairy pursed her lips and said nothing more.

She is not a fool. According to the current ranking in the social circle, there are already three people who are better than her. This situation is obviously very detrimental to her.

So, she had no choice but to destroy this old covenant.

A few minutes later.

Yamada Fairy came to visit in various Lolita costumes, but found that the door was not left open.

“Mr. Crab, you closed the door! Hurry up and open the door for me!”

“It’s annoying. You’re disturbing the world between me and my senior. You monster is so ungrateful and has no emotional intelligence.”

Kanayuta opened the door and pouted.

“Running away is a shameful act!”

Yamada Fairy sneered, not giving in at all.

But Nayuta raised his brows, smiled teasingly, and turned around to enter.

Who wouldn’t want to write about running away if given the chance?

The most precious things cannot be shared with others.

Twenty minutes later.

The doorbell rang again.

“Come on, don’t play games with me!”

“This is called caution! I don’t want to lose to you.”

Hikigaya Hachiman saw the goblin and Nayuta fighting fiercely, so he stood up and opened the door.

Sentomura Sei arrived wearing a familiar pink kimono.

“Am I the first to arrive today?”

Her eyes were hopeful.

He glanced behind him and saw the noisy sounds of Yugi and the two people coming from the hall.

The girl sighed, secretly feeling regretful.

There is no chance to operate!

“Hey, Onii-chan, and Miss Murasaki, good morning.”

At this moment, Komachi also stepped into the courtyard, with his hands behind his back, he looked at the two people with interesting expressions on their faces.

“Hello Komachi.”

Senjumura Seiya and Karasu’s attitude towards Komachi is completely different from that of several other girls.


Hikigaya Hachiman said casually.

“Onii-chan, you’re so perfunctory! Aren’t you excited that you haven’t seen Komachi for at least two weeks? Please show your attitude as an older brother!”

Komachi immediately stared over.

“It’s really like a long time since we last met, Komachi, I miss you so much! You finally came to see me! If this continues, I won’t be able to hold on any longer… Come on, let me replenish Komachi’s energy.”

Hikigaya Hachiman laughed playfully, then spoke in a pretentious tone, and stretched out his hands to hug his sister.

“Tsk, it’s too corny! Komachi is disgusted!”

Komachi looked disgusted, but did not avoid his actions.

“What? I thought the score was high. Could it be that you are arrogant, Komachi?”

He hugged her lightly and quickly let go, then rubbed his sister’s head with one hand and thought with the other hand.


Komachi raised her little tiger teeth and chuckled with an unknown meaning.

“By the way, is everyone here?”

She suddenly turned her head and looked into the living room, her tone somewhat meaningful.

142 Give Hikigaya a surprise

Hikigaya Hachiman felt something was wrong.

Today’s game time was still as happy as before, but he felt like he had become an outsider.

But it was just a feeling. On the outside, there was no difference from usual, except that the girls interacted more with Komachi.

Could it be that they wanted to break through from Komachi?

In the end, he could only come to this conclusion.

The game time was over, and it was time to say goodbye.

Komachi, Mura Masahi and Nayuta said goodbye to him one by one, which was not surprising to him.

What surprised him was Miss Fairy. Usually she would stay at his house for a long time, but today she found a reason to leave early.

“Hachiman, I’m going back first. I’m going to buy some ingredients to prepare. All the ingredients at home are used up.”

Yamada Fairy waved and turned around.

At the original place, Hikigaya Hachiman fell into deep thought.

There must be something wrong!

He noticed this keenly, but he didn’t follow up to explore it.

Sometimes, knowing how to play dumb is a very good way to deal with it.

Ten minutes later, in a cafe not far from home, all the girls gathered together.

In addition to Kani Nayuta, Senju Mura Masahi, Yamada Fairy, and Komachi, there was one more person, that is Goko Ruri.

“I contacted you today because I want to ask you to do me a favor. It’s about Onii-chan.” Komachi put her hands together and asked with a smile. Of course, everyone agreed happily. “Because of my biased adults, Onii-chan has never had a happy birthday, so Komachi’s request this time is… I hope everyone can help me and let Onii-chan have a memorable birthday celebration!” She said immediately. “It is my honor to celebrate the birthday of my senior. I hope I can be packaged as a birthday gift for my senior!” Kannayuta smiled and closed her eyes, praying with her hands. “That’s not necessary.” Komachi complained on the side. “Leave it to me! I will give him a dream worth remembering!” Yamada Fairy patted his chest and said proudly. “I will also contribute and do my best.” Senjumura Zheng’s eyes sparkled. “I haven’t had a proper birthday yet, but I have to consider others first.”

Wukeng Liuli put one hand on her waist and raised her right hand slightly. She laughed at herself at first, then smiled and said, “If it’s just that guy, I’ll repay him.”

After that.



I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist

I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist

Status: Completed Author:


What would you do if you had the chance to do it again?
After experiencing a failed life, he was reincarnated into a new world and became Hikigaya Hachiman. He chose the path that he thought was the easiest.
"You might as well become a light novelist."
However, the nature of being a mediocre person is not so easy to change.
Life is full of different paths, sometimes you are happy and sometimes you are sad.


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