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I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist — Chapter 98

Komachi picked up the phone and glanced at the message with a troubled expression.

She has been answering certain questions frequently these days, such as what kind of fruits Onii-chan likes, what kind of cooking she likes, what kind of activities she likes…

Almost everyone has to ask it again!

She felt like her head was getting big.

It’s just a birthday celebration, there’s no need to know this!

“Oh, Onii-chan, for the sacrifices Komachi has made, you must make it up to me in the future!”

Komachi sighed and continued to answer everyone’s questions.

Considering that everyone was a candidate for the bride in her mind, she didn’t hesitate.

As time goes by, the day of my brother’s birthday gets closer and closer.

“What exactly are they planning to do?”

Although Hikigaya Hachiman has discovered some abnormalities in everyone recently, he has not guessed the direction.

Because things like birthdays have long been forgotten by him.

If you can’t figure it out, then don’t think about it.

“Let’s just write my novel.”

He was very persistent at times, but he was also relaxed in some aspects. He did not worry too much and concentrated on writing the third volume of Stone Gate.

It didn’t take long before the first half of the third volume was almost completed.

One afternoon I came home from school.

Not far from home, Hikigaya Hachiman heard the sound of a piano playing.

Needless to say, the only person in this area who has this kind of elegance is the goblin lady.

This time, he opened the door of his house, put down his schoolbag, then turned around and went out to the villa next door.

“Ding dong.”

After the song was finished, he rang the doorbell.

“who is it!”

“I am Hikigaya Hachiman.”

Why don’t you lead Yiba and lead Jiuling⑨

“Oh, I’ll open the door right away, just a moment.”

The two talked through the intercom of China Unicom.

Soon, the door opened, and Fairy Yamada appeared in front of her wearing a familiar Lolita costume, her expression looking a little hurried.

“The song you played just now was…”

Hikigaya Hachiman asked.

He was curious because it was one of his favorite songs in the world.

“Yeah, I’m bored, so I’m practicing some playing. I quite like this piece… There are many other pieces besides that. Do you want to hear it, Hachiman? If you beg me, I can play it for you. “

Fairy Yamada looked expectant.

“Yes, please, goblin.”

He smiled slightly and responded to the girl’s expectations.

“Then come with me!”

Saying that, Fairy Yamada excitedly pulled him inside.

In the piano room.

The Yamada Fairy slowly sat on the chair, moved her hands and feet in an aristocratic manner, and slowly placed her hands on the keys.

“Speaking of which, goblin, won’t you be used to this?”

Hikigaya Hachiman suddenly thought.

“Hey, what did you say?”

Yamada Fairy turned his head, looking confused.

“I thought that Miss Goblin should be completely naked when she plays the piano, right?”

he replied.

“You’re spying on me!”

The Yamada demon pointed at him in a panic.

“I guessed it, because that’s what the fairies in your fairy tales do… It seems I guessed it right.”

He said without changing his expression.

“is that so?”

Yamada Yao’s spirit relaxed, her pointed ears moved, then she raised her head and said with a blushing face, “Then let me show you my sacred naked posture!”

With that said, the girl was about to undress.

“Forget it, there’s nothing interesting to see.”

Hikigaya Hachiman waved his hand.

“What do you mean! You are obviously looking down on me!”

Yamada Fairy put his hands on his hips and became even more angry.

“Although they are a little smaller than Mr. Crab, they are still okay… they are pretty and cute.”

She lowered her head slightly and her tone weakened.

When it comes to this, she really doesn’t have enough confidence, because the shapes of several others have been seen on the Fairy Island, and only the black cat can compare with her.

“Can I understand that this is seduction?”

Hikigaya Hachiman couldn’t hold himself any longer.

From the creation of novels, can we really get a glimpse of part of the author’s nature?

If his prediction is correct, the goblin may become the most powerful assistant in his future plans.

“Sex, sex, sex, sex!?”

The goblin lady was a little stunned.

“I didn’t! This is to awaken your respect for the naked sect!”

She gritted her teeth and said.

“Listen to me nicely.”

Next, the girl chose to play music for him in her most accustomed posture, but with her back to him, giving her a vague temptation.

143 Which is better, a biological sister or a romantic sister?

At the beginning, Miss Goblin was not able to play smoothly because she was shy, but as the playing progressed, her mind gradually became immersed in it, and the notes beat with her brisk fingers.

The light shines in through the window on the other side, dividing the room into two colors. The beautiful woman is like an elf in a dream, holy and moving.

This is a beautiful sight. If Sagiri saw it, she would definitely be ecstatic and draw it into a painting.

Hikigaya Hachiman couldn’t help but be amazed when he witnessed all this.

Leprechaun’s playing is excellent, and although his academic achievements are low, he is excellently cultivated in many aspects.

But more than his musical attainments, what attracts more attention is his long golden hair and smooth and beautiful back…

It’s really touching and makes people want to touch it and try it out.

He couldn’t help but have such charming thoughts in his heart.

“Hachiman, how do you feel? My playing.”

After finishing the song, Fairy Yamada gently placed his fingers on the keys, turned his head slightly and asked.

“Bah bang bang.”

He clapped his hands and said, “It’s great. Goblin, your playing is probably the best among the people I know.”

Although no one he knew had such talent.

“Hum hum.”

Yamada Fairy smiled sweetly.

Because she felt the ‘affirmation’ in the words.

“Then, Hachiman, whatever else you like, just do whatever you want.”

She continued confidently.

“Let me think about it, um… Do you know the theme song of the most popular mecha series ten years ago?”

He thought for a moment.

“Hehe, don’t worry, watch my performance!”

She insisted.

The goblin lady played for him heartily, and several of his favorite songs were beautifully played by the goblin.

‘Have you watched so many episodes of Goblin? And they all played songs. ’

Hikigaya Hachiman suddenly laughed out of doubt.

This must have been revealed by the cute Komachi, right?

Was this just to give me such a surprise?

He felt this feeling.

The song count was over in a blink of an eye.

Miss Goblin’s secrets are gradually being emptied out.

The girl didn’t have that much time to practice, so flaws began to appear.

“Okay, goblin, let’s stop here.”

He spoke.


The Yamada Fairy nodded in frustration.

“Fairy, you have worked very hard. Thank you for working so hard to play for me.”

Seeing this, he comforted the other person.

Yamada Fairy became excited in an instant, turned around subconsciously, stood up and made directional movements: “I will practice the remaining songs! It will make you even more fascinated by me, Hachiman!”

“Uh, um…”

Hikigaya Hachiman’s eyes were slightly averted, looking a little uncomfortable.

The Yamada Fairy instantly realized the current situation. His expression was like a steam engine for a moment, and his face immediately turned red. He subconsciously covered the important parts with his hands and turned away.

Even though she had thought about one day offering herself as a sacrifice, the girl was obviously not mentally prepared yet.

“Then I’ll go back first, goblin.”

Hikigaya Hachiman waved his hand casually and turned to leave.

It’s wonderful to admire shy fairies, but you have to be careful about the degree.



I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist

I, Hikigaya, am just a light novelist

Status: Completed Author:


What would you do if you had the chance to do it again?
After experiencing a failed life, he was reincarnated into a new world and became Hikigaya Hachiman. He chose the path that he thought was the easiest.
"You might as well become a light novelist."
However, the nature of being a mediocre person is not so easy to change.
Life is full of different paths, sometimes you are happy and sometimes you are sad.


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