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I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group — Page 100

Tony Stark is a little embarrassed

No matter how powerful the original blue dye is

Whether it’s strength, scheming, or even tactics, they can easily play the entire Soul Realm with applause, and the virtual circle that makes Jinglingting a headache is just his chess piece, the kind that is discarded when it is used up…

Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai, the strongest god of death, was also toyed with in front of him, and even if he lost an arm, it only made Aizen a little embarrassed.

If it weren’t for the explosion of the protagonist’s aura, in the god of death, he would be almost invincible.

But such a powerful villain was directly suppressed by Yamamoto in the first step of his betrayal and before he began to implement his ambition. Such a dramatic contrast made Tony Stark feel unreal.

However, it also made Tony a little relieved.

A powerful villain like Aizen was suppressed by Yamamoto as simple as this. Then his future opponent, the super-strength Thanos who made him feel so stressed, is no longer so desperate.

With this contrast, Tony Stark’s pressure has been quietly relaxed.

No matter how strong it is, no matter how desperate the future can be, with the chat group, all crises can be overcome

God-killing Demon King “It’s not surprising, no matter what

Whether it is strength or intelligence, Aizen has been directly crushed by Old Man Shan, and it is only natural that he will be suppressed.”

The monster idler “It’s good that he can play it so easily in the original book. The whole soul world is also because of his Zanpakutō’s ability. Once Zanpakutō’s ability is lost, he is just a powerful death god, and he can’t stop the current Yamamoto. old man”

The monster idler “Also, Aizen was caught off guard by Mr. Yamamoto. Even if Aizen was completely overwhelmed by strength and intelligence, it was impossible to escape.”

The original White Night King “Even if we are in a situation like Aizen, it is impossible to escape, or in other words, this is a mortal situation”

It’s absolutely true, although Yukinoshita doesn’t like him, but seeing his failure, I feel pity for him, this is a villain with ability, ambition and perseverance”

Absolutely right, Yukinoshita is a pity, he has gone the wrong way.”

Yukino Yukino sighed, although she didn’t like being a human being, she had to admit that Aizen was the soul of the death god, no matter what.

Whether it is good or bad, no one can compare

Too bad he went the wrong way

No, it can’t be said to be wrong, it can only be said that he has embarked on a road that runs counter to the right path, and is destined to be enemies all over the world.

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu “I haven’t seen what kind of person Death Dao Lan Ran is, but I sympathize with him. Master Yamamoto’s sword seems to be very painful, and it is very painful to think about it.”

Compared with other people, Kasumigaoka Shiyu was much simpler, she just felt that the sword was very painful, and when she saw Aizen’s appearance that was almost burned to charcoal, the girl’s emotional psychology was naturally full of sympathy.

The oldest queen “Don’t sympathize, with Aizen’s pride, you won’t accept the pity of others, and he is destined to fail, this is just a step ahead”

Eternal Princess “The concubine also thinks so, this is a very proud man, very similar to Yonglin, very confident in his own wisdom, but will never accept the sympathy of others”

Eternal Princess “Even if they lose, they will accept it”

As for the final performance of Aizen in the original work, Kaguya believes that it is the disappointment and anger towards Urahara Kisuke, the anger of being subservient to the Spirit King despite his wisdom not inferior to him

Immortal Chiyuan “I don’t know what to do with him”

The witch of the four souls “Didn’t Xian-sama say that Aizen can be used once? Maybe Mr. Yamamoto will use Aizen again”

Wouldn’t it be dangerous if Tony didn’t want to be the richest man?”

Everyone also remembered what Ye Qing said before, and they were a little surprised, but Tony Stark still mentioned something.

After all, Aizen is too dangerous. If you give him another chance, it is impossible for him to escape.

The strongest god of death “The old man will keep an eye on him, even if he has other means, even if he continues to evolve with the help of Bengyu, the old man has the confidence to suppress him”

Compared with the worried Tony, Yamamoto is much calmer

Backed by the chat group, Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai has absolute confidence to suppress Aizen without giving him a chance

As for the strength of Aizen’s progress, could it be that he can’t improve the speed of his progress, even far more than Aizen’s

The strongest god of death: “The old man has imprisoned him in the Palace of Repentance, but his injuries are very serious. If he recovers, it will probably take a lot of time.”

Tony doesn’t want to be the richest man, saying that if Aizen is released and reactivated, even if Mr. Yamamoto is the captain, he will face enormous pressure.”

Tony can’t help frowning when he thinks of the scene in the original book where Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai was even kicked out by the forty-sixth room in the center.

Although Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai’s strength is the highest in the soul world, his power is not comparable to the central forty-six room after all, which is the power organization directly belonging to the spirit king.

Eternal Princess “Concubine can imagine the pressure of Mr. Yamamoto”

The Demon King of Slaying God “It’s just a bunch of waste from the forty-sixth room nobles. If you dare to point fingers, you can just kill it.”

For this point, the Marquis of Vauban, who is the devil, does not understand. In his world, there is no such a funny phenomenon. The devil is the supreme existence of course, and all magic forces must subdue to the devil and let the devil drive

Even if it is a big country, it is still a subject in front of the devil

This arrogant power was created by the Marquis of Vauban, who established the supreme status of the Demon King

Therefore, for Yamamoto’s phenomenon, the Marquis of Vauban is very disdainful

If it was him, he would destroy the central forty-sixth room immediately.

A group of rubbish, but also with the strongest death god above the stronger “The flow of the old man is like fire, it is the best decompressor”

The owner of the exclusion zone ‘could take this opportunity to clean up some worms’

At this time, Ye Qing also suggested a sentence

Ye Qing’s words made Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai look stunned.

In the chat group, he is most in awe of Ye Qing. Others, even the Void Emperor, Yamamoto is only respectful, but he is not very afraid.

Because group members cannot hurt each other, no matter how strong the Void Emperor is, it is impossible to hurt him

But Ye Qing is different. It is not only a question of strength, but also an inexplicable awe, which makes Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai dare not go against Ye Qing’s words. This is also the reason why Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai will let Aizen go.

Otherwise, no matter how conceited Yamamoto is, he will not be able to let go of such a dangerous enemy as Aizen, and he will suppress it no matter how bad it is.

The strongest god of death “I’m white!”

Tony doesn’t want to be the richest man. It seems that Mr. Yamamoto is determined to fight against the central room [-] this time, but this may disturb the zero team and the king of spirit “[-]”

The Demon King of Slaying God “It’s just a few nobles. If you dare to disobey, then kill them all. As for the zero team, with the strength of the old man today, you should not be afraid. After all, he is the strongest death god.”

Absolutely correct, although Yukinoshita said so, but the zero team is so mysterious, it was only mentioned a few times in the original book, and even the specific personnel did not appear, but it seems that only the captain-level strong can join, and the strength should be very strong.”

Monster Idlers “Can’t be stronger than Yamamoto-san!”

The eternal princess “It’s uncertain, the Zero Division is a royal spy, specializing in guarding the existence of the Spirit King, and its strength is likely to surpass that of the Thirteenth Division”

Since Lin Xi only uploaded the Aizen chapter and the Millennium Blood War chapter has not been uploaded yet, everyone still doesn’t know the specific situation of the zero team, nor the existence of Youbahahe.

Just know that it is a mysterious team that only captain-level powerhouses can join. In other words, the weakest team zero team is also captain-level.

And everyone knows that, as the guardian of the Spirit King, the strength of Team Zero should not be underestimated.

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu “Master Shan should know it”

Not Mary Sue “Let me answer a question”

At this time, Lin Xi, who had been silent for a few days, also quietly went online.

The monster idler “It’s Xiaojiang, it’s been a long time! It’s not Mary Su, hug and kiss”

It’s not Mary Sue, “It’s disgusting, can you, an old woman, stop being so cute!”

It’s not Mary Sue “And I haven’t been online for a few days, how come it’s been a long time”

Monster idler “Hey, Xiao Xijiang forgot about our world, can time flow faster? We haven’t seen you for several months, so I can’t allow us to express our closeness”

The monster idler “嘤嘤, Xiaoxi sauce is so ruthless, crying

In the end, Yakumo Zi also posted a crying emoji

Not Mary Sue “”

It’s not Mary Sue.”

Lin Xi said that he didn’t want to talk to you, and threw a Lu Xun emoji

Well, this is the function that comes with the chat group, there are all kinds of emoticons, and even a color map gallery

Monster idler “Tony doesn’t want to be the richest man tsk tsk tsk, although he didn’t speak, Zhang emoji fully expresses Lin Xi’s attitude”

Seeing Yakumo Zi slumped, Tony couldn’t help but gloat over his misfortune

Immortal Chiyuan “Sister Lin Xi, long time no see”

Chiyuan’s time flow is also much faster, although it is not as exaggerated as Yakumo Zi, but nearly a month has passed.

It’s not Mary Su, “Chiyuan doesn’t have to be so polite”

Compared to the unscrupulous Yayunzi, Lin Xi is much more polite to Chiyuan.

It’s not Mary Su, “The Lord of the Restricted Area, I have seen the Immortal King”

At the same time, Lin Xi also specially gave Ye Qing a special greeting and gave daily greetings. This is a treatment that only Ye Qing has.

The Lord of the Restricted Area “Hmmm

Ye Qing is not surprised by this. This is also the respect of the group members to him, and he does not need to change it forcibly.

It’s not Mary Su. “Returning to the previous topic, let’s talk about the zero team. Although the zero team is very mysterious, it appeared in the Millennium Blood War chapter. The strength is not weak, even very strong.”

It’s not Mary Su. “Except for Yamamoto, the overall strength of the Zero Division is superior to that of the Thirteenth Division. Even if it is a strong man like Mr. Yamamoto, there is one in the Zero Division that is comparable to or even stronger.”

The Demon King of Slaying God “The Zero Team is so strong that there is still an existence stronger than the old man of the mountain”

Absolutely correct, isn’t Mr. Yukishita Yamamoto the strongest Shinigami? How could anyone be stronger than him?”

The rest of the people were a little surprised. 0 is not Mary Su, “This old man is indeed the strongest god of death in the soul world, but the people in the zero team are no longer a simple god of death, they are the existence of remodeling the body through the power of the spirit king, and its power. beyond the limits of death”

The strongest god of death: “Well, the strength of the main soldier, Ichibei, is really terrible. He is a person from the same period as the old man, and he is also the key person who named everything in the Soul Society. He has mastered the real names of all Zanpakutō. “

The strongest god of death: “In terms of strength, the soldier’s main body, Yibingwei, is inferior to the old man, but his ability is very powerful. If the comprehensive bonus is combined, it is stronger than the previous old man.”

The head of the army, Ibei, also known as the monk Zhenzhi, is the leader of the zero team, and is also the strongest barrier to protect the King of Spirits.

The original White Night King “It’s just before, now you should be stronger than him”

The strongest god of death: “No, now the strength of this old man has been strengthened, and it has gone a step further. It has completely surpassed the army’s main body, the soldier’s guard. Even if the entire zero team joins forces, it will not be the opponent of this old man.”

Even Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai has the confidence to suppress the entire zero team in the state of beginning to solve.


I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group

I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group



After crossing into the master of the white-clothed restricted area, he was still in the state of a skull, with only a trace of obsession left.
Just when Ye Qing thought that he had to wait until the tenth to leave, a chat from the heavens suddenly appeared and pulled him in.
Facing a familiar two-dimensional 'big guy', Ye Qing, who goes by the pseudonym of the owner of the restricted area, chuckled softly and said very 'low-key'.
"I'm just an ordinary Immortal King, and my strength is just a little bit stronger than yours. I'll probably blow up a few universes at will!"
"Oh, the place where I live is pretty bad, it's still a thatched hut, but the lake in front of my house is quite big. It's a cosmic lake that I formed after refining several big universes!"
"I'm just an ordinary owner of the restricted area!"
I don't want to be the richest man: "Nothing special.jpg"
The oldest and strongest godslayer: "A little bit stronger.jpg"
Not a monster idler: "My lake is still...


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