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I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group — Page 101

God-killing Demon King “If that’s the case, then don’t worry about it, just clean up those nobles.”

Absolutely right, Yukinoshita can’t be washed at will, there are innocent people among nobles, so we can’t kill them all.”

The strongest god of death “This old man will consider it carefully”

Strongest 2

0’s Grim Reaper “By the way, what happened to the Millennium Blood War Chapter that Miss Manager said earlier, I am a little concerned about it”

Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai’s eyes flickered

Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai pays some attention to the word “thousand years”

This reminded him of a former great enemy, the King of the Quincy Bachach, a terrifying existence who was once an enemy of the entire Soul Society.

Although Yubahahe had already been killed by him, but seeing the word “thousand years” again, it was inevitable that Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai had some waves in his heart.

It’s not Mary Sue “The Bloody Battle of the Year, or the story of the resurrection and comeback of the king of the Quincy, Youbahach”

It’s not that Mary Su “captured the Soul Realm in just nine days, and he also killed Mr. Yamamoto”

This sentence surprised everyone else

Tony doesn’t want to be the richest man, even the old man Yamamoto was killed, that… Is Yohabach so powerful?”

Tony Stark is weird

The strength of Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai is obvious to all. The strength in the state of shackles is so strong that it can destroy the world. Maybe it is not particularly strong in the chat group, but in the world of death, there are absolutely no one who can match the same.

Fifteen million degrees of flame can burn almost everything

It is difficult for him to imagine that there is a strong man who can kill Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai in the world of death.

Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai was no longer calm, and his expression was heavy.

After a thousand years, hearing the name Youhabach once again made him feel up and down. Now that he knows that he will die in the hands of Youhabach in the future, how can Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai be calm? a blow

Absolutely correct Yukishita Yukhabach, is this person stronger than Aizen?”

It’s not Mary Su”, he is the end of the world of death, the son of the Spirit King, and the old enemy of Yamamoto. After being defeated by Yamamoto’s 03 son a thousand years ago, he fell into a state of suspended animation. , sneaked into the shadow space of the soul world, and built the spiritual world, and Youhabach fell asleep in that space, waiting to be resurrected.”

It’s not Mary Su, “If there is an accident, within a few years, Yohabach will regain his strength, invade the Soul Realm, and kill Mr. Yamamoto.”

The strongest god of death “Youbach is in the shadow of Jingling Garden!”

Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai opened his eyes slightly, showing a look of shock

The biggest enemy of the Soul Realm, his old enemy, has been hiding in the Jingling Court for thousands of years. It is absolutely correct. Under the snow, there is a saying in the ancient Eastern state called “Darkness under the lamp”, which refers to the current situation.”

Yukinoshita Yukino couldn’t help but sigh, this is too bold, to build a nest in the base camp of the god of death, but it has been concealed for thousands of years

“Shantou, the old man thinks that you are slack, thinking that there are no enemies, so you relax your vigilance, no matter what.

Either Aizen or Yohabach”

Marquis Vauban did not continue to say the following words, he believed that Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai could understand what he meant.

The Strongest Grim Reaper “Old Know”

Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai didn’t say anything, but he made up his mind to reintegrate the thirteenth division and train them to return to the level of the original thirteenth division.

The current thirteenth division is indeed far inferior to the level of a thousand years ago. It is because of the loss of the enemy that it has become slack.

Yokai Idler “How strong is the reborn Yohabach far stronger than Yamamoto-san?”

Ya Yunzi also asked a question

It’s not Mary Su’s strong, he easily defeated Ichibei, the head of the army, but he did not engage in a head-on battle with Mr. Yamamoto, but let his subordinates pretend to be himself to fight with Mr. Yamamoto, and let him take the opportunity to capture Mr. Yamamoto’s swastika. untie,”

It wasn’t Mary Su who “went to 卍卍卍卍, and the old man Yamamoto was killed by a single blow when he had no resistance to resist”

It’s not Mary Su’s pure strength, Youhabach may not be able to win the old man Yamamoto, but his ability is very strange and powerful, called omnipotence and omnipotence. With this ability, he can easily defeat the main soldier. guard”

The original White Night King “all-knowing and omnipotent, as well as this kind of three-digit ability that can rival the box garden”

Bai Yasha is a little confused

The three-digit number of the small garden is known as omnipotent and omnipotent, but because of the paradox of the omnipotence of the small garden, they are limited in their spiritual status. If they are in the outer universe, the three-digit powerhouse is omnipotent.

Of course, the omnipotence and omnipotence of the world of Hakoniwa is too much, and it is just a claim.

To give the simplest example, the demon kings who were finally tested by mankind swept through millions of gods and even slaughtered many powerful gods.

Even if it is a single-digit decadent wind, it is only a corner of the almighty, far from being an almighty.

It is conceivable how much the three-digit omnipotent and omnipotent moisture of Hakoten is

However, no matter how much moisture is, the top among the three figures also has the performance of Emperor Shitian smashing the Milky Way with the Brahma Gun.

That is, the upper limit of three digits is at least galactic scale

The omnipotence and omnipotence of Yuhabach reminds Shiroyasha of the three-digit number of Hakoniwa

There is a strong man of this level in the world of death, Tony does not want to be the richest man, it is equivalent to the three-digit number of Hakoniwa”

Tony was taken aback

He has also seen Hakoten, and naturally knows the power of three-digit numbers. To put it bluntly, crushing a planet is as easy as bursting a balloon.

Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai is a little confused

Youhabach has become so strong, how come there is no such strength a thousand years ago, the Void Emperor, “Can the three really be all-knowing and omnipotent?”

The Void Emperor, who has not spoken, couldn’t help but ask. He has been peeking at the screen. Although he didn’t interrupt, he knew what everyone was discussing.

At this moment, I saw that Shiroyasha mentioned three digits, and looking at the meaning of Shiroyasha, the three digits seemed to be omniscient and omnipotent, so I couldn’t help but ask a question.

Omniscient and omnipotent, there really is such a great existence, even if it is an immortal king, it cannot be omniscient and omnipotent.

The original White Night King “”

Seeing the Void Emperor asking this, Bai Yasha’s expression froze, and the folding fan in his hand stopped, and he couldn’t help feeling a little embarrassed.

If the three-digit number in the all-knowing and almighty area can be omniscient and omnipotent, then where can she put the so-called omnipotence and omnipotence in this two-digit number, it is just a gibberish

Eternal Princess “The omnipotence and omnipotence of three counts is just a claim. In fact, it is not true. In terms of strength, it will probably be blown up by the quasi emperor.”

At this time, use the 530 power of forever and a moment to make up for Hakoniwa and Kaguya, who covers the sky.

Void Emperor “So this, that’s pretty weak”

In his opinion, the level of Emperor Zhun is no different from that of an ant, and he can kill a piece of it with just a single finger.

The original White Night King “”

“God-killing Demon King”

Tony doesn’t want to be the richest man, cough, the three figures are weak, that is also compared to the Void Emperor, it is still very powerful for our low-strength group members”

Tony couldn’t help laughing and laughing. If all three figures are considered weak, then what are they? Although in the eyes of the Void Emperor, they are indeed very weak.

“It’s not Mary Sue, just like the three-digit number of Hakoten, it’s just a claim, not the real omnipotence and omnipotence. The omnipotence and omnipotence of Youhabach is just an ability, it does not mean that it is really omnipotent and omnipotent, it is just an ability”

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu “This is quite common, and there are often similar descriptions in light novels. So-and-so is an all-knowing and almighty person or something, just like not asking for money.”

It’s not Mary Su, “This is just an ability, not a true omnipotence. In terms of strength, it’s hard to say how strong it is, but it should not be the opponent of the current Mr. Yamamoto”

The strongest god of death “In this case, this old man will destroy Yuhabach before he recovers”

Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai is murderous, he is not… good, if there is a chance, he will not let go

Tony doesn’t want to be the richest man, tsk tsk, after Aizen, there is another new one who is going to be unlucky”

Tony can already foresee the tragic end of Yohabach. Maybe these are very powerful in the original book, but in front of the hanging Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai, there is almost no resistance.

That’s the benefit of knowing the plot

The Strongest Grim Reaper “Miss Steward, can Yohabach’s ability capture the swastika?”

“It’s not Mary Su” is not his ability, but a badge developed by the Quincy masters, which can capture the swastika of the god of death. Squad defeated”

It’s not Mary Sue, “I’d better upload the Thousand Years Bloody War Chapter directly”

Ding, it wasn’t Mary Su who uploaded “The Thousand Years Bloody War of Death”

Soon, everyone received the document one after another.

Tony doesn’t want to be the richest man ahem, Miss Lin Xi, where’s my share?”

Not Mary Sue “”

Lin Xi slowly put out a question mark

God-killing Demon King “I’m asking this kid for information about Thanos.”

Monster Idler: ” Thanos, we almost forgot about him, this is Stark’s strongest enemy, and it made him tremble for a while before.”

It’s not Mary Sue “How does Batoni know about him”

Lin Xi was a little confused, she never said this in the group

The Miko of the Four Souls “It was said by Lord Wang”

The owner of the restricted area “I mentioned it to him once”

Absolutely correct Yukinoshita, well, that was before the first group quest, Mr. Stark was almost scared to death at the time, and he was with you all the time, but as soon as you appeared, there was a group quest, and then there was no more mentioned”

Yukinoshita Xue Nai explained, and Lin Xi suddenly realized that if it was Lord Immortal King, she would not be surprised.

It’s not Mary Sue “I’ve been negligent in coming here”

It’s not Mary Sue, “Well, let me upload the few I know together”

Ding, it wasn’t Mary Su who uploaded the Iron Man series

This series, including 2 [-], [-], Captain America, and even the Avengers four, etc., were all uploaded in one go

Tony doesn’t want to be the richest man, this number is a bit too much!”

Having said that, Tony hits it all and everyone else is no exception

Monster idler “Tsk tsk, it seems that Stark will be in trouble in the future!”

The Demon King of Slaying God “The Avengers Alliance, it seems interesting”

It’s not Mary Sue. “It’s the organization that Stark will join. It gathers all the superheroes, including the son of the god king, and the supreme mage. They are all one of the main forces against Thanos.”

It’s not Mary Sue “you’ll understand when you read it”


I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group

I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group



After crossing into the master of the white-clothed restricted area, he was still in the state of a skull, with only a trace of obsession left.
Just when Ye Qing thought that he had to wait until the tenth to leave, a chat from the heavens suddenly appeared and pulled him in.
Facing a familiar two-dimensional 'big guy', Ye Qing, who goes by the pseudonym of the owner of the restricted area, chuckled softly and said very 'low-key'.
"I'm just an ordinary Immortal King, and my strength is just a little bit stronger than yours. I'll probably blow up a few universes at will!"
"Oh, the place where I live is pretty bad, it's still a thatched hut, but the lake in front of my house is quite big. It's a cosmic lake that I formed after refining several big universes!"
"I'm just an ordinary owner of the restricted area!"
I don't want to be the richest man: "Nothing special.jpg"
The oldest and strongest godslayer: "A little bit stronger.jpg"
Not a monster idler: "My lake is still...


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