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I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group — Page 103

The owner of the restricted area “Scarlet Yuan, Chi Yuan, Dragon Fighting Tiangong is a very powerful ancient Tiangong. Although this is only a basic chapter, you must also practice carefully.”

The master of the restricted area “can be assisted in cultivation with dragon blood, and the fragments of the avenue can be cultivated after the realm is advanced.”

Immortal Chiyuan “Xie Xian for the suggestion”

Immortal Chiyuan “After this time, my strength is estimated to be improved by several steps”

Chi Yuan couldn’t help but sigh

If she had this kind of power before, how could there be any tragedy

Regardless of

Whether it’s the final Herrscher or the collapse, all of them can be punched through with a fist.

The owner of the restricted area “If they can digest it, their strength can be improved by a large level.”

Ye Qing chuckled, even the Great Emperor of the Void, if he comprehends the Void Immortal Sutra and refines the source of the immortal way, his strength can be improved by a further level.

At that time, the strength of the Void Emperor may not be weaker than that of Ye Hei who just became the Emperor.

After all, the Void Emperor’s own combat power is also at the top of many great emperors, and it will not be much weaker than the ancient emperors such as Battle Saint Emperor and Qing Emperor.

Herrscher of the Sky “It’s so hot”

Herrscher of the Sky “What are you doing with the red envelopes”

Xilin is a little curious. She has just been online, and she still doesn’t know the situation in the group, and Xilin has no specific concept of red envelopes.

After all, she’s just a little girl, and she’s a Westerner, so she doesn’t understand red envelopes

Immortal Chiyuan “Sir Xilin Immortal King just sent a red envelope, you can get it”

Absolutely right Yukinoshita um, we all got something good, you can try it”

Herrscher of the Sky “I’ll get it from the Immortal King”

The Herrscher of the Sky has received your red envelope

Sky Herrscher “Oh! Received something good!”

Monster Idlers “What a Good Thing”

The Herrscher of the Sky “An ancient scripture of the same kind, a god-level Noble Phantasm, and fragments of the laws of space, uh, and a drop of immortal blood”

Immortal Chiyuan, “You are an inter-type Herrscher. These things fit you very well. I think you can also improve a lot of strength through this.”

Eternal Princess “How does the concubine feel that the things we have received are all in line with our own strength, is this a coincidence?”

The original White Night King “is quite a coincidence”

Immortal Chiyuan “Chiyuan is also a little weird in her heart, which is quite a coincidence, plus the red envelope is from Ye Qingfa, she has a rough guess in her heart.

It’s not Mary Su, “Could it be arranged by the Immortal King?”

The owner of the restricted area “Well, there is indeed a setting”

Ye Qing did not deny

God-killing Demon King “There is an Immortal King”

Immortal Chiyuan: “Xilin, have you been busy lately? Why haven’t I seen you?”

The Herrscher of the Sky “Hmm, Sister Chiyuan, I am no longer a single-core Herrscher, but an unprecedented five-core Herrscher, Xilin Sublimation!!”

Absolutely correct, Yukinoshita Five Core Herrscher Sirin, you have gone to the moon”

Yukino Yukino was a little surprised. She had also read Bengsan’s comics and knew that if Xilin wanted to become a five-core Herrscher, she had to go to the moon and get four 44-Herrscher cores from Hokukai’s Will

Immortal Chiyuan “You have seen the broken will”

Herrscher of the Sky “Well, I have already met Honkai Will, and got four Herrscher cores from him, and I have also played against the anti-entropy Walter”

The monster idler “This time against Walter, Shirin-chan will never lose as badly as before, right?”

The Herrscher of the Sky “Hey, the number one Herrscher in the district, I can beat him even if I don’t watch the plot, let alone I have watched the plot. How can I lose when I know his strength?”

The Herrscher of the Sky “I beat him hard, and I beat the Man of Destiny. Now I’m on the moon, and I’ve just integrated the rest of the Herrscher cores.”

In the world of Beng San, on the moon, in the ruins of Yi, Xi Lin stood proudly, her posture was even more gorgeous than before, her purple clothes fluttered, and her face had a proud expression, like a queen.

“I am now invincible”

Standing barefoot on a rock, Xi Lin proudly looked in the direction of the earth, with the trial-level Honkai beast Bei Beilong beside her, as if serving a noble queen.

At this moment, Xilin’s heart is incomparably swelled

The state of the five-core Herrscher, her power is constantly improving, she has exceeded the limit of the Herrscher, and is constantly growing, almost reaching a limit, and is about to break through to the next level

Once she breaks through, she is the powerhouse of the six-star 6 limit

At this level, it has the strength to clean the surface of the planet

In the chat group, they are second only to Bai Yasha, Void Emperor and the others, even if they are Chi Yuan, they are inferior.

At the same time, in the chat group, the sign next to Xilin’s nickname has also quietly changed, with two more small stars, symbolizing the advanced strength of Six Stars 6, and only one breakthrough away from the limit of Six Stars 6.

In this step, she only needs the strength of five cores, she can break through

Tony doesn’t want to be the richest man, Xilin has reached the 6-star 6 level, and the next step is the [-]-star [-] limit.”

The sharp-eyed Tony Stark saw the change of Sirin’s star sign at a glance

The Demon King of Slaying God “I will be surpassed by a little guy before the old man arrives”

Monster idler “Well, I’m a little depressed too”

The strongest god of death “”

The three elderly groups are a little depressed

The three of them are either more than a thousand years old, or hundreds of years old, and each of them can be the ancestors of Xilin, but their strength is easily surpassed.

Even in their state of mind, it is inevitable that they are a little depressed

Chiyuan doesn’t care about this. Thousands of years have already made her look down on these fame and fortune.

0 At this moment, only congratulations to Xilin

Herrscher of the Sky “Wow, now I am invincible”

The original White Night King, “Dee Xiaoxilin, you are a little swollen, you are only six-star and six-level advanced, you are still far from invincible!”

The original White Night King “Don’t let us open the duel arena and fight with you”

The Herrscher of the Sky “The Herrscher of the Sky” I only said in my world

Seeing Shiroyasha say this, the swollen Xilin instantly shriveled, obediently admitting it

Although she is swollen, she is not so irrational that she thinks she can beat Shiroyasha

Immortal Chiyuan “Ahem, Lin, now the broken will is connected with your soul”

Herrscher of the Sky “Well, when I can sense the existence of Kokai Will, I can also talk to him at any time”

Absolutely right, is there any danger under the snow? That’s Koukai will, be careful to be bewitched by him”

Herrscher of the Sky “No, he didn’t interfere with my spirit, and he didn’t let me destroy human civilization”

Tony doesn’t want to be the richest man, it’s a change of heart.”

Tony Stark is a little confused

Didn’t Honkai Will always want to destroy civilization? Why didn’t you urge Sirin to do it this time?

Absolutely correct, Yukinoshita probably shouldn’t be in a hurry, after all, Xilin has just become a five-core Herrscher, and she still needs to adapt to her strength, and Honkai Will should trust Xilin, otherwise she won’t give her all four cores.”

Tony doesn’t want to be the richest man, it’s true, Honkai Will attaches great importance to Xilin, and directly gave all the core to Xilin”

Yokai Idlers “It’s a pity that Sirin failed the trust of Honkai Will”

Herrscher of the Sky “It’s absolutely correct, Yukinoshita, although it’s not good to say that, but I still want to say it, I can do it too.”

Thinking of the various operations of Shirin in the original work, Yukinoshita Yukino couldn’t help but want to cover her face, it was too much to eat.

If you change it to anyone else, with five Herrscher cores, it is estimated that you can easily destroy civilization.

Like Xilin, the waves fly

Inflated several times in a row, and each time I was hammered, and I didn’t learn my lesson, and finally hit

Xilin, as long as she is cautious, it will not be like this.

The Herrscher of the Sky “The Herrscher of the Sky” How can it be called a wave! I call it respect for the enemy!”

Tony doesn’t want to be the richest man with respect to be laughed at by the hammer

Immortal Chiyuan “Cough Mr. Stark, don’t persecute any more Xilin, after all, Xilin is still young, and she is not comparable to those adults, it is natural to have some swelling”

Herrscher of the Sky “Sister Chiyuan, you are still good to me!”

Immortal Chiyuan, “But this time, you have to be careful, and be careful with the will of Honkai. As the god of Honkai, that…will is definitely not simple, and it cannot be underestimated.”

Chi Yuan’s expression is a little serious

After all, it is the destruction of the will, and the existence of civilization can be destroyed.

Although I don’t know how high the upper limit is, at least not the current Sirin can fight

Chi Yuan didn’t want Xi Lin to face the broken will, “Seven-Three-Three”

It’s still as swell as the original, it’s really courting death

Herrscher of the Sky “Well, I will pay attention”

It’s not Mary Su “Bad will is not simple, although the performance of the Bengsan worldview is a bit stretched, but in Beng2, the collapse is a cosmic phenomenon, and its scale is probably close to the cosmic level”

Tony doesn’t want to be the richest man in the universe!”

God-killing Demon King “Yu-level is really worthless, and there is such an existence in any world”

“Yeah, not long after joining the chat group, we have encountered many cosmic level, in our world, there may not even be a planet level powerhouse”

Yakumo Zi couldn’t help but sigh

Eternal Princess “No, Yong Lin once said that there are still some terrible powerhouses in the world, maybe those powerhouses are planetary powerhouses”


I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group

I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group



After crossing into the master of the white-clothed restricted area, he was still in the state of a skull, with only a trace of obsession left.
Just when Ye Qing thought that he had to wait until the tenth to leave, a chat from the heavens suddenly appeared and pulled him in.
Facing a familiar two-dimensional 'big guy', Ye Qing, who goes by the pseudonym of the owner of the restricted area, chuckled softly and said very 'low-key'.
"I'm just an ordinary Immortal King, and my strength is just a little bit stronger than yours. I'll probably blow up a few universes at will!"
"Oh, the place where I live is pretty bad, it's still a thatched hut, but the lake in front of my house is quite big. It's a cosmic lake that I formed after refining several big universes!"
"I'm just an ordinary owner of the restricted area!"
I don't want to be the richest man: "Nothing special.jpg"
The oldest and strongest godslayer: "A little bit stronger.jpg"
Not a monster idler: "My lake is still...


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