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I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group — Page 105

Fairy Qingyue nodded slowly, and then showed a hesitant look, “In this way, I can’t be by your side.”

Speaking of which, Fairy Qingyue is a little lost.

“The same, when you recover, you can always be by my side if you want.”

Ye Qing comforted, and then he looked at Yuechan, who was a little nervous, and smiled.

“You should understand what we mean.”

Yuechan nodded dumbly. Although she is young, she is very smart. She can understand the words of the two, and she also knows that she has a close relationship with the Qingyue Fairy.

“Qingyue will merge with you, don’t worry, it will not be harmful to you, but beneficial, you will get great benefits, and I will accept you as a disciple”

Ye Qing’s gentle way

“would you like”

“I do”

Hearing this, Yuechan nodded with a happy expression on her face.

In other words, no one will refuse such a good thing. Joining the door of an immortal king is a good thing that countless people will never encounter in their lives.

“Qingyue, let’s go!”

Seeing Yuechan nodded, Ye Qing said

Fairy Qingyue nodded, the fairy body dissipated, turned into Qingyueyan again, and then flew to Yuechan, in her slightly disturbed eyes, merged with it

The cyan flame rose up, wrapped Yuechan, and burned roaringly, but the strange thing was that this terrible flame that could burn the strongest god, even the supreme, did not hurt Yuechan in the slightest.

Under the burning of the flame, Yuechan’s figure became more and more crystal clear, her fairy appearance was ethereal, as if she was going to turn into a real fairy, and her breath was steadily improving step by step.

After a long time, Yuechan reappeared, Qingyueyan had already converged into her body, the mark on the center of her eyebrows became more and more holy, her height had grown a bit, her long hair was fluttering, and although her figure was 120, she had an amazing look. charm

“Yuechan has seen Master”

Yuechan bowed to Ye Qing, her tone was respectful, and there was a kind of closeness, not as unfamiliar as before.

“Well, next, I will teach you for half a year”

Ye Qing nodded

The next day, the news that Ye Qing had accepted the Holy Maiden of the Heaven-Mending Sect as a disciple quietly spread throughout the entire [-] Dao Realm, causing an earth-shattering earthquake. I don’t know how many forces were extremely envious and jealous of the opportunity of the Heaven-Mending Sect.

Especially Jietianjiao, even more frightened

For fear that the Heaven Repairing Sect would take advantage of the situation and destroy the Cut Heaven Sect

However, when Ye Qing took away the witch of the Jietian Sect, the strong men of the Jietian Sect breathed a sigh of relief, and were excited at the same time

Although Yuechan from the Heaven-Mending Sect became the apprentice of Lord Immortal King, their descendants are not bad either. They have a close relationship with Lord Immortal King and are not weak.

Ye Qing didn’t care about all this.

He just taught the two of them for half a year as promised, laid a good foundation for the two of them, and guided them to take the path of life as a seed


This road is much stronger than the ancient method.

After doing all this, Ye Qing looked in the direction of the foreign land, and there was a strange flash in his eyes.

He has a bold idea in mind

‘Would you like to chop up the Red King?’ Ye Qing secretly thought, he had thought about this before, but he never thought about it, he was a little hesitant

According to the original plot, the current Red King should be in the Nirvana period. Although I don’t know whether to start rebuilding, the state is definitely not very good. It is obviously a good opportunity.

In the original plot, the time when No. 1 went to an exotic land was about a thousand years away from now, and in the original plot, the body of the Red King Nirvana was in the supreme realm.

With the talent of the Chi King, he can achieve the Supreme Realm within five hundred years, and for more than a thousand years, the Chi King is only the Supreme Realm, and has not yet achieved the Immortal Rank, which means that the current Chi King, Probably in nirvana, not yet transformed into a state of divine body

This state is the most critical, most difficult, and most dangerous time

If there is external interference, it will be enough to drive the Red King into a place of doom.

If Ye Qing passes by at this time, give the Red King a shot, and maybe he will be able to kill the Red King.

This is a great opportunity, a great time to get rid of an exotic giant

It should be noted that the Red King is not an ordinary giant. In the ancient era, he killed an immortal king giant, and swallowed its Taoist fruit. He wanted to transform and break five, Wang Chengdi.

From this point, it can be seen that the ferocity of the Red King is much stronger than that of ordinary giants. It can be called a supreme giant. Even in the fairyland or the sea of ​​​​world, it is a famous and terrifying existence.

If you cut off the red king, you can definitely cut off the arm of the foreign land, and make the most powerful person in the foreign land hurt.

But even so, Ye Qing was still a little hesitant.

After all, the red king is related to the cause and effect of No. 1 on the tenth. If the red king is cut off in advance, will it affect the No. 1 on the tenth? Or, the red king is really so easy to kill. It was because of the backlash of the great cause and effect that the heavenly secret blinded the red king’s induction, so the tenth number 1 was able to succeed.

But he is different. He has no great cause and effect with the Red King, and there is no heavenly mystery. If he starts with the Red King, it is inevitable that the Red King will not sense it and avoid it in advance.

It’s very likely

How immortal is the immortal king, transcending the long river of time, overlooking the great world, the supreme existence known as immortality, how can it be so easy to kill, let alone the existence of the red king

probability of success and failure

Half and half

“do it”

Ye Qing said to himself, if he succeeds, then the best situation is naturally, even if he fails, he will be able to retreat completely.

He now has a giant-level combat power, even if he is at the peak of the red king, he can retreat completely. In the face of the red king in the state of nirvana, even if he can’t kill it, it is no problem to return the whole body.

What’s more, there is a magic medicine that he needs in Chiwang’s magic medicine garden.

“Master, what are you talking about?”

At this moment, a cold and moving voice came, Ye Qing looked around, and saw a pretty woman like a fairy in Guanghan looking at him with admiration in her eyes.

It’s Yuechan

In just half a year, Yuechan’s cultivation has undergone tremendous changes, and her body has also grown. Compared to the little girl she was in half a year ago, she has now become a royal sister.

And the temperament is more and more biased towards immortals, like a bright moon, the temperament is extremely cold and unreachable

“Hmph, I still need to think about it, the Immortal King must be talking.”

On the other side, there is also a female voice, which is different from Yuechan’s coldness. This voice is full of charm, like a seductive and degenerate witch.

It is a witch in a black dress, whose appearance is not inferior to that of Yuechan.

Half a year ago, the witch was also picked up by Ye Qing and followed him to practice together. Although Ye Qing did not accept her as a disciple, she did not fall behind.

The relationship between the three has also become very close

It can be seen from the admiration in the eyes of the two of them looking at Ye Qing

However, it may be a matter of compatibility. Yuechan and the witch have not been very good at dealing with each other. They often quarrel on weekdays, and even compete with each other to improve their cultivation.

Ye Qing is also happy to see this situation happen. After all, there is competition and motivation.

Moreover, Ye Qing can also see that the two are just quarreling daily. In fact, the relationship between the two is good, and they are not incompatible on the surface.

Probably, this is a happy foe, Ye Qing thought amusingly.

“Witch, stop talking nonsense!”

Yuechan frowned slightly, a little unhappy.

“Oh, is it my good sister that you are talking about your pain point!”

The witch laughed and said, not caring at all.

Yuechan raised her eyebrows and was about to get angry

“Ok, don’t be noisy”

At this moment, Ye Qing spoke with a calm tone, but the two bickering stopped and looked at Ye Qing, like a good baby.

“I’m leaving. Next, it’s time for you to leave the school.”

Ye Qing said lightly

As soon as these words came out, they both changed color at the same time.

“Master, can you leave?”

“Lord Immortal King, can you not leave?”

The two said at the same time, they were not afraid of losing Ye Qing’s guidance, they just didn’t want Ye Qing to leave, because they had already placed deep feelings on Ye Qing.

“The young eagle still has its wings, not to mention you and you have grown up, it’s time to experience and show your style.”

Ye Qingyu earnestly said

In the past six months, under the training of Ye Qing, the two have embarked on the road of covering the sky. Although they have not been completely successful, they have also made great progress. Not only their strength, but also their potential and talent have also been greatly improved.

It is no exaggeration to say that the two women are by no means weaker than Tianjiao such as the Ten Crown Prince.

Of course, this is not only Ye Qing’s arrogance, but also the two women’s own factors.

One is the fusion of Qingyueyan, which reflects each other with the Qingyue Fairy, and is getting stronger every moment.

“I hope that in the time after I leave, I can hear your names resounding in the Three Thousand Dao Realm, and even the entire Nine Heaven Realm.”

Ye Qing encouraged

“Master, I will definitely do it!”

“Lord Immortal King, I will not live up to your expectations”

The two said at the same time, with a firm tone

“very good!”

Ye Qing showed a smile, with amazing charm, and saw the two girls froze for a while.

At this moment, Ye Qing did not cover herself with the fairy light, but revealed her true body, its amazing charm, even the true fairy could not resist, let alone the two little girls, who directly stared at them.

“Go, go.”

Ye Qing said, and immediately returned to their respective high schools with the two girls.

After doing all this, Ye Qing left the Three Thousand Dao Domain and came to Yu Yutian


I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group

I, Immortal King, Join the Chat Group



After crossing into the master of the white-clothed restricted area, he was still in the state of a skull, with only a trace of obsession left.
Just when Ye Qing thought that he had to wait until the tenth to leave, a chat from the heavens suddenly appeared and pulled him in.
Facing a familiar two-dimensional 'big guy', Ye Qing, who goes by the pseudonym of the owner of the restricted area, chuckled softly and said very 'low-key'.
"I'm just an ordinary Immortal King, and my strength is just a little bit stronger than yours. I'll probably blow up a few universes at will!"
"Oh, the place where I live is pretty bad, it's still a thatched hut, but the lake in front of my house is quite big. It's a cosmic lake that I formed after refining several big universes!"
"I'm just an ordinary owner of the restricted area!"
I don't want to be the richest man: "Nothing special.jpg"
The oldest and strongest godslayer: "A little bit stronger.jpg"
Not a monster idler: "My lake is still...


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